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No thanks if I wanted to die I'd just shoot myself


Hard pass!


Don’t post pressed pills that resemble a real script






That's wack dude


Fuck me you would die if you licked that bag


100% fake




i wish they wouls just leave the m and put a F 30 lmao


what Is that a whole 20 bucks worth of fake blues lol jk


Disgusting fakes




Yo you ship?




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M30’s extinct in CHI? Can’t remember the last time I saw them…




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Why does everyone act high and mighty when someone posts a picture of something that could potentially contain fentany? About 4 years back I did heroin daily that had fentanyl in it, not all fentanyl is super super potent. I knew a girl who was doing 20 or more 30s a day. If it was super potent she would be dead I don't do fentanyl or heroin anymore. The only thing I have done recently is benzos but Jesus Christ everyone here does drugs and is a drug addict in on form or another Heroin has killed people, I know plenty people who died from regular oxys when they first came out I have been around sound doing this since 1999 But it's so annoying to see everyone on their high horse about fentanyl pills It reminds me of when everyone was doing oxys and said "how disgusting, I'll never do heroin. I'll stick to my pills" more than half those people are dead because they did start doing heroin and overdosed on HEROIN not fentanyl We are all drug addicts here, one is not better or worse than another when it comes to these opiates. I have had many forms of fentanyl that was supposedly heroin, blue, pink, white and grey I have seen so many posts like this where people act like this and degrade other uses for what drugs they choose to use Sorry not every one has access to pharma brand I don't even do this shit anymore but it's annoying seeing someone post a pic in a group called drugs are beautiful and everyone being a prick saying it's fentanyl and just go shoot yourself smh What has happened to addicts now, it didn't use to be like this back in the day If you don't like someone else's photos simply keep scrolling There are no rules you can't post these pills or ones like this


I completely agree with you. 99% of people buying fentanyl out there KNOW they're buying fent. The 1% that don't either are either clinically retarded or have been living under a rock the past 8 years. Everyone wants to cry about "that friend who died from fentanyl recently, who didn't know it was fentanyl." Did they tell you "Hey buddy, I'm going to do some 100% fent free dope that's going to give an immediate rush and makes me sometimes black out, just to be wanting more later." I'm sorry....they either A) Knew it was probably fent, B) Didn't give a fuck or test the dope or even bother to ask about the strength, C) Were on Amish Rumspringa and do not understand our english ways nor own a radio or TV or read newspapers, or D) They 'tarded


Look at these replies lmao. Tons of people buy pressies fully knowing what they are and don’t die. If you know what you’re doing, it’s not instant death. Fent is a shitty drug to be addicted to but it’s not an automatic death sentence.






*fentanyl connect