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Aaaaand it's unoptimized.


This line is for people who have optimization in their game only sir.


make space for uncracked games please


Aaaaaand it performs like trash


Takes longer to compile shaders than to get cracked and downloaded lol


I wonder why they didn't get the guys who did the previous Sony PC ports to do this one? They did a great job


I will just download a ps3 emulator, thnx.


The last of us performs terribly on Ps3 emulators it's one of the hardest PS3 games to run, you need a strong CPU to hit a consistent 30 and I doubt many people on a piracy form have that. i've got a pretty good gaming laptop 3070ti + 5800h and 20fps is a stretch. There are obviously many machines out their more capable than mine but once again this is a piracy sub most people here aren't spending >£1000 on a pc This new port might be poorly optimized but I promise you it'll run better than trying to emulate.


Welp, i guess there is no hope for me, i will just watch the TV show then.


TV show is pretty good. Stick with season 1, though. Seems Cuckmann is still planning to do the same bullshit he did in TLoU2 with season 2.


Waaahh Waaahh dey put lesbians in ma vidya games cuck move bro How am i expected to enjoy a game without a strong bearded man like Joel to guide me through. Abby must've been infected with the Woke mind-virus why else would she kill such a paragon of masculinity.


I don't give a shit about woke or not woke or whether anyone is gay. Unlike some people, I actually found the third episode with Bill and Frank was absolutely beautiful and heartbreaking, same with the one with Ellie and Riley. (Though I do admit that I think Abby has an ugly face and cannot understand why anyone simps for her but that's solely a personal preference.) I hate TLoU2 because, number one, not only does it ruin everything that was good about the first game with regards to the character relationships and the slightest glimmer of hope it had out of Druckmann's \*spite\* for another game dev, it's suffering porn that's so pretentiously up its own ass with trying to sledgehammer the message of "revenge bad" it just makes me feel frustrated and irritated. Like killing people and then being condescended to about "you feel bad yet? you feel bad that you're hurting people?" Like this is a video game you gave me literally no alternate options, don't try to shame me for YOUR design choices. Nevermind that the story is disjointed and poorly-presented with all the flashbacks. Maybe if it'd been designed like Dishonored where you could choose to spare or murder people and was less disorganized, it might not be such a shitshow. As it stands, I'm not watching season 2 of the show as a result of it being such a shitshow. If you want a good breakdown on why it sucks, this guy did a great job with it. https://youtu.be/QCYMH-lp4oM


Not about being "woke" aye, the fact you called him "Cuck"mann says otherwise buddy, everyone knows what kind of people use that insult.🐸 You complain about Abby being "ugly", suggesting that not conforming to traditional beauty standards is a problem (b4 you say you don't care, you literally brought it up unprompted so clearly it's an issue). Lemme guess, it's Almost as bad as Aloy having peach fuzz. What kind of Evil dev would design their female characters to look like regular women and not specifically to make yr dick hard. Good job TLOU 1 has sexy characters like Joel and a literal child right? How dare a game give a BS message like killing is bad, everyone knows that anti-violence games suck that's why noone considers Spec Ops the Line a literal masterpiece right? Anyway the reason the didn't give you other options is because if they did they wouldn't be able to tell the story they wanted to tell, plus let's be real you wouldn't have chosen them if they did. The point isn't to personally attack you for enjoying violent games or make you feel bad. It's about making the characters Abby & Ellie feel bad and questioning their actions, cos it's a story not a personal indictment of you. It's not telling you not too enjoy violent video games. It's about condemning IRL violence (Ellie lives in the games world therefore the violence is real for her, not you). Most games present ultra-violence in an unquestioning way (some studios are literally in cahoots with the army therefore real life violence), TLOU allows you to partake in the excitement of violence whilst trying to also instill a positive moral lesson for real life, just like how almost all respected war movies have an anti-war message, I guess Full Metal Jacket is for cucks too. That's what good dramas do, they present to you the dark side of life whilst showing the real consequences, so you enjoy the fantasy without glorifying it, showing why it should be kept in the fantasy world. You might be thinking "but I know violence is bad already" but if presenting the real consequences of theses violent fantasies make you uncomfortable and even angry then maybe it's time to reevaluate your relationship too them. It's a like being angry that Law and Order SVU shows the consequences of sexual assault and presents an anti-r\*pe message after they already showed you all the Gory details, why make us watch an assault scene if they're gonna tell you r\*pe is bad right after? Because if they didn't show the consequences and take a moral stance then it wouldn't be a drama it'd just be R\*\*e porn. Similarly if TLOU didn't present consequences to violence and take a moral stance on it then it wouldn't be an adult drama it'd just be gratuitous murder simulator, there are already so many of them on the market, something you have no issue with but when a game points out that killing for revenge is immoral suddenly you claim it's a bad game because of that. How have we gotten to a place where the game that says violence is bad is the one certain men make a moral objection too.


literally what the fuck are you on about. I feel like I should just ignore you because you clearly took even the most milquetoast criticism about TLoU2 and went and jumped \*ALL\* the way to conclusions, especially when this isn't the subreddit for this kind of discussion, but I'm sick today and have nothing better to do, I guess. 1. "cuck" is used as an insult by lots of people, not just right-wing whackjobs who whine about wokeness or whatever. Hell, it was memed to hell and back after that Oh Joy Sextoy comic on cuckoldry came out some years back. Druckmann = Cuckmann is an easy insult to make *because it rhymes.* It's not some kind of secret dogwhistle like you clearly think it is. 2. First of all you don't know anything about me or my sexuality and I'll thank you to not make disgusting assumptions like the implication I would somehow find a literal child like Ellie in TLoU1 attractive. Second, you're the one who brought up the masculinity vs. femininity thing and also the assumptions that Abby is a lesbian (which I'm pretty sure she...isn't? like does she have a relationship with a single woman in the entire game? I just know about the sex scene with the one guy) which was frequently used to discard criticism. "You don't like her because she's an ugly lesbian and you're a homophobe", "you don't like her because she's not a pretty waifu", etc., etc., like literally retorting to all criticism with "you're just mad because you don't want to fuck her." Like maybe that was \*some\* moron's reasoning, but I don't like her for a lot of reasons, which I've already stated. But if we want to get into the appearance thing specifically, Abby looks like she has "resting bitch face" or is scowling like an angry bulldog in literally every image I've seen of her, which is bad character design on top of everything else. I've literally never seen another emotion on her face but anger, which doesn't imply a lot of range in the character. Also, as unrelated as this is, Aloy's character design is fine. I literally do not care that she's non-traditionally feminine, the "peach fuzz" is only screeched about by morons who have never been close enough to any woman but their mother to know what people look like. My only complaint with HZD's appearances is that everyone looks weirdly shiny like they've got the meat sweats (not just Aloy), but that's probably an error with the lighting engine somehow and has nothing to do with any kind of beauty standards. 3. Literally no one I know says Spec Ops: The Line is a masterpiece, most of the time I see people criticizing it, *much in the same way of TLoU2*, as a "WAR IS BAD, WAR CRIMES HORRIBLE" message when it literally gives you ***no other choice*** but to commit them. There is no alternative, it's just follow the plot and then suddenly, white phosphorous time! And then everyone's like "oh my god what have you done" like ***???? ? ?? ???*** It wasn't good storytelling then, and it isn't now! 4. "plus let's be real you wouldn't have chosen them if they did" Again with the assumptions. Just because the option is there doesn't mean I've ever done a Genocide route in Undertale, but the agency to do so is still better storytelling. But also, here's the thing. The story is about Abby and Ellie but \*you\* are the one controlling them. They're both the main characters and the vessel that you steer to go through the story. In a good game story, you can make alternate choices while still saying "this is the actual way the story goes" - many excellent games (New Vegas, Dishonored, Bioshock, again Undertale, etc.) offer this, even while showing you consequences of a choice you may have made earlier. In Dishonored, if you're murdering indiscriminately, the game's world and plague that it's suffering actually worsens, culminating in a violent confrontation at the end that kills Emily. Obviously, this isn't the canon ending, as she appears in Dishonored 2, but it still shows what kind of impact your actions would have had if Dishonored 2 didn't exist. It ties into the mechanics, because hey, maybe if you don't want that bad ending, you'll find an alternative method to get through an obstacle that isn't just, again, indiscriminate murder. 5. Movies are not comparable, because movies are telling you a story, directly, without using your input, in the way video games do. There is no problem-solving, there is no alternatives that can be really had, it's just presented as-is and thus the characters stay their own separate characters, and thus actions and consequences are only limited by the skill of the writers/actors. TLoU2 arguably would have been better as a film as a result of that, because it's not a matter of \*discomfort\* about actions having consequences, it's a matter of \*irritation\* when the game presents you with only one action, its inevitable consequence, and tells you that you (as the player) are the one to blame for said consequences. Arguably, it already is a gratuitous murder simulator in that regard because the consequences also don't even really work in the context of the game. Let's take Joel's murder, for example. The "revenge bad" narrative works a thousand times better if, for example we have the cycle of Joel murders Abby's father --> Abby murders Joel in revenge --> Ellie murders Abby in revenge --> Ellie comes home, mutilated and scarred to an empty home with no father figure, no girlfriend, no baby. Because then the narrative is "you go through all that trouble, you finally got revenge, but in the end, was it actually worth it? you are alone with the actions you have committed." and that ends up being a far more meaningful impact than "you went through all that trouble, spared the person who ruined your life, came home, and now you have nothing left anyway! too bad sucks to be you". Like do you see how people might have been irritated by this? Anyway, I'm done responding. TLoU2 is still not a good game, and I still don't trust that man to make season 2 even halfway decent, which is why I am not watching it and why I advise others to do the same. Goodbye.


Well I'm 3 months late to this thread but still feel like giving my honest opinion. DISCLAIMER: I didn't play any of the games, I watched let's plays of them since my poor ass can't afford a playstation or a good enough PC to run them ;-; Personally I liked everything about TLOU2 other then 2 things. The ending (which I didn't hate but still believe it could have been much better) and Abby (duh) 1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Ellie killing Abby and coming to an empty home would have been a superior ending. It's a much better way to send the "revenge bad" message. I honestly don't dislike the actual ending too much and it hasn't made me as pissed of as the rest of the community but I agree it could (and should) have been handled better. 2. Abby sucks. They tried to make her likable and failed. Granted it would have been impossible to make someone who killed Joel be looked at with sympathy. I understand her character, but just because I do doesn't mean I like her. 3. I disagree with the "movies and video games can't compare" take especially in the case of TLOU. It isn't the story about a player and the choices they make, it's a story about Joel, Ellie and Abby and their choices. Both parts were like that and therefore are very similar to movies. Also I don't really see how the game blames the player for Ellies actions. Ellie is the one who made the decisions and she is the one who ended up paying for them. When it comes to other aspects of the game I can't say much cause I didn't play it, so all I can comment on is the story. Also pls don't take this as an attack against you or me trying to prove you wrong, I just wanted to share my opinion (granted a little late lol)


Bro get a life, I'm not into politics but there's a reason why fandom hates TLOU2 It's because IT LITERALLY SUCK. Because that's what "wokism" or whatever it is people call it nowadays do to entertainment. People watch fiction movies to escape reality, not everything should be politicized. Grow up


I've got ryzen 5600h + 1650 with 8 gigs is there any hope for me? 🥺


>t PS3 games to run, you need a strong CPU to hit a consistent 30 and I doubt many people on a pira When it comes to the PS3 version unfortunately no. However there is hope for the PC version, here's a video guide on how to get the most bang for your buck in terms of settings on a 1650 laptop [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEzFe5LFuqY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEzFe5LFuqY)He's able to get 40fps at 720p with reasonable visuals though I can't verify this myself. Pro-Tip 1: Use FSR 2, it's not mentioned in the video but it should allow you to go from 720p to 1080p, mess about with the quality settings and find which one works for you. Pro-Tip 2: Turn on Motion Blur, he says not too but ignore that. I know most PC gamers are allergic to MB but it's really not as bad as they say (I always use it). Not only does it give the game a more cinematic feel but crucially it'll massively improve perceived smoothness at low framerates making 40fps look closer to 60fps, there's a reason all console games use it heavily. Pro-Tip 3: Use a framerate cap. This will reduce frame-drops by freeing up resources for more difficult frames. If you don't have a G-Sync screen then make sure to set the cap too a factor of your screens refresh rate I.E. for a 60HZ screen use 30/60fps, for 120hz use 30/40/60fps etc. This way ensures even frame-times. Whilst setting it too say 40fps on a 60hz monitor requires jumps between 33ms and 16ms frame-times to display as 40 doesn't neatly divide into 60, this will create a perceptible Judder making the framerate feel worse than 30fps even though it's technically higher. Pro-Tip 4: Use a controller. TLOU was made for controller, using mouse & keyboard is far harder at low framerates. Meanwhile controllers work well at 30fps making the game feel better too play. If you have a DS5 then use that too take advantage of haptics, just make sure it's plugged in and don't use steams controller settings. I hope this helped, as veteran of the Low Spec Gaming scene I can tell you your 1650 is far from the weakest system that'll be used to play this game. Aslong as you use the optimized settings and maybe consider giving your GPU an overclock you should have a good experience. Remember you don't need 60fps to have fun.


On God thank you soo much sir


Any recommendations?


ps3 is cheap now, game for it is also few bucks :) And you'll have some nice retro machine :D


It performs worse on the ps3 emulator


Totally separate from the crack, but charging 60 bucks for a PC port literally a decade after originally coming out is borderline criminal


they did remake the game in TLOU2 engine going back and redoing the cutscenes using data from when they first acted it out. Its not just an Ai upscale of textures and 60fps unlock. They got DLSS and FSR and a pretty respectable PC menu, only issue with the current game Imo is the poor optimisation. Been struggling to run it on a 5600x and 3070, shade complile done but still stutters at times. its also VRAM heavy which is fine on ps5 which as 10+ GBs but on PC Nvidia kind of knee capped us with lots of 8GB cards


Technically they did rebuild the game from scratch last I heard.


yep and comes in two parts then sold at full price each. like wtf??


i mean The last of us 1 & 2 are seperate games


Omg you can't be that dumb, right ? You realise you saying that is like me saying that Metal Gear Solid 1 charging full price when it came out is bad bc it's a 5 part game like wtf. You realise these are two separate games right ?


tlou is on pc?? or u just fuckin with me?




great! I just checked it and holy fuck how the hell did they achieve mostly negative lol


Combination of poor optimization, shit port (iron galaxy), and demanding specs.


Oh don't forget it costs full price for a game that came out years ago (ik it's a remaster but that is just bs)


It's full price on PS5 with no option for people to upgrade from the PS4 version. Hence I was waiting for it to hit PC where I can play it for free, and it just had to be a bad port smh.


It’s not the remaster. It’s the remake. Part 1.


I mean, remaster is an undersell. It's a full on remake to take advantage of next gen consoles, it was rebuilt from the ground up. It's not like they just upscaled some textures and slapped a $90 price tag on it. I'm not defending the shitty PC port but on PS5 it was definitely worth the upgrade. It updated the gameplay with a lot of quality of life improvements and added a metric tonne of accessibility features too.


> (iron galaxy) Which is fuckin weird because they worked on the Metroid Prime Remaster and that shit was tight. Probably because they were only helping out though... not handling the whole thing.


it's a PS3 game asking for i7 and GTX 970 to play at 720p 30fps.


No it’s a ps5 game asking for a 970. The story is the same but engine etc is entirely new


They're demanding at least a 4080 for max settings


Aaaaaand the port is a dumpsterfire.


It's taking forever to download waiting for little longer


Still waiting for persona 5R smh


There is the Switch port you can emulate. Graphics are fine, especially since you're staring at a text box and 2D character art for 150 hours of your 170 hour playthrough.


Used the dodi repack. Loaded the shaders for around an hour before playing. I set my settings to ultra then turned mb and dof off, and put down everything to high (might be confusing why I did that but there are lots of switches so I maximized the settings first then adjusted anything that can be reduced to high) I'm happy with the performance, 57-60+ fps, rarely stutters, and so far no crashes. The only problem is xbox controller has a joystick issue. I installed reWASD to mimic a ds4; this resolved the issue. Loading time is only slow on first playthroughs. Playing on 1080p native, 12400, 6600, 16gb


Sorry, new to this, what does cracked mean?


Meaning, the software that stopped people from not paying for the game is cracked, so it's now playable for free


ok thanks, appreciate it


Yoho! Yoho! A pirate’s life for me


I believe the term comes from "cracking the code", the code, in this case, is the software protection that prevents you from running the .exe of a copy of the game's original files. So when a game is cracked that protection code has been cracked and anyone can run a copy of that game with the cracked .exe (and sometimes some other files)


It works perfect for me, I'm not sure what are people complaining about. Maybe they're trying to play on ultra with a 1030.


POV: EMPRESS donations scam


This games doesn't use Denuvo for DRM so I'm not sure why this comment is relevant.


Check other posts. One guy was collecting donations for EMPRESS and then just pocket it.


Unless empress sanctioned donations, that guy was scamming people on his own.


Kaj je fora da doniras nekomu za cracked igrico ce jo lahko legalno kupis hahah


Which leanguage is this? O-O Osebno jst ne maram platform kot so steam, epic..... sam spyware na PC-ju pa tud Multiplayer mi ni ravno pri srcu. Po domače povedan spulm vn ethernet kebel pa igram igrco.


Kaj pa skrivaš na pc-ju da te tako moti spyware 🤨🤨🤨


Nič, sam vsaka budala pa tud nerabi mt dostopa do mojga pcja. Komponente sem sam placou in sestavil tko da...


Ok, samo vseen zakaj bi kdo doniral za nekaj kar folk dela zastonj


Zakaj bi nekdo kupoval rabljene gate?


Ker nima keša


Dodi repack has it too. Apparently with crash and shaders fix wooohoooo


Downloading his version, seeing if the shader bullshit is fixed.


Let us know how it goes


It's fine AFAIK, but you do get a "shaders not loaded" error at the beginning that you can ignore it looks like.


did you know the issue? the compile of shader work okay for me, took ages but went quick after 40%. still got stutters after it though


No idea what the issue was, but with Dodi you don't get shader compile at all, just gives an error. But have been playing on Ultra with no problems.


where do you download cracked games? more specifically the “fixed” cracked version of tlou p1 for pc. i’m just getting into pirate games. any guide or tips or sites? thank you.


dodi repacks , igg-games, skidrow & reloaded games have all worked for me in the past


Any update


Loading shader is slow af. But I didnt encounter any crashes so far. Average 40-50 fps. 3060ti, 16gb ram, ryzen5 2400g.


Any way to get by the low number of seeders slowdown?


I used the gdrive link: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/15tnjxX0QSnUbnCySXvKekkLTA-STmF96


>https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/15tnjxX0QSnUbnCySXvKekkLTA-STmF96 Thank you, ran over daily limit so I'm in the same boat there unless I start trying to Google when the reset is. Thanks anyway.


Try selecting multiple files, that worked for me. I've also experienced that but for some reason, selecting multiple files and gdrive zipping them allow me to download them.


Can anyone suggest the best repack?


Apparently all the crashing is due to a memory leak, some russian site probably has a fix


Seed plz


Aaaaaaaand it works like ass


Why didn't they get the guys who did the previous Sony PC ports to do this one? They did a great job.


Can I play it with just 8GB ?