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YES. i was in the same boat. Exact same situation except some random hacker my account and changed the email and password. Provided them with every proof of purchase. They say they cant even TRANSFER a license from an account to another. So say you used a mail service that died, you're fucked. 2 weeks with rockstar support. Nobody is reading up mail chains. I just removed GTAV from my steam library.


I actually got my account back very fast. I got an email notification saying that my email account was changed to some chinese email. I instantly messaged rockstar support and got my account back in the same day if i remember correctly.


its insane how easy it is for rockstar accounts to get hacked. the only account of mine thats ever been hacked was my rockstar account


Same. I still had the email. I was on deployment when it happened. Was able to just request a password reset to the old email and logged in easy as pie. Deleted the other email immediately. What I am super disappointed in is that someone stole my account, and didn’t do anything worthwhile. No extra cash or new businesses in almost a years time. He didn’t even just waste the cash on the account. Or use the connected PayPal to buy anything. Mf bought 1 car, and repainted a different one. Wasted a stolen account imo


Companies that can’t even recover an account are always the shittiest. Period.


Same problem. The email that the rockstar account is on and linked to my steam is lost.


I had this with Ubisoft.


When you install RDR2, not sure if it's the case with GTA V, but you have to put it on an SSD, otherwise it won't work. Edit: In case it wasn't clear, I meant the pirated version.


That's not how storage works mate. And when GTAV came out, SSD were still super-niche things.


GTA 5 came out over 10 years ago if I remember correctly. Ya SSD was niche. And only few used it.


Oh you're right, I must have hallucinated that my external HDD install didn't work and my SSD install did and that other people commented on FitGirl with the same issue / fix. Thanks for the downvotes, though!


Sorry. That's kinda what happens when you're wrong on reddit. That's the whole point of downvotes really.


Happens also when you're right, but people don't want to listen to you


Right, even though what I said was factually correct and I was providing advice to someone in a similar position. Go try and install it on an HDD and let me know what happens. What a bunch of terminally online weirdos you all are, lol.


dude was complaining about account being hacked and u responded how to fix torrent pirated from fitgirl either you smoked crack or u smoked crack


Yeah, so he can play the game again. Because clearly Rockstar doesn't care about their consumers.


Why so?


No idea. It was a comment on FitGirl. Switched the install from my external HDD to SSD and it worked


Welcome to the seven seas, pirate


I've been pirating since the Kazaa days, I just didn't want to have to lose all my progress from my Steam account. Starting over, but at least I can play again.


Where were you in the story?


Beat it, was going for 100%. I was over it, but my kid still really wanted to play and didn't want to let him down.


If your kid is not interested in story, you could download a 100% save or a only story completed save. If you want to experience the story then go ahead


"If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing." I like this! And hacking, repairing or modifying isn't against UAP.


Piracy was never stealing anyway. It's copyright infringement.


It's even more specific than that. I don't remember all the specifics but it boils down to you cant use someone else's copyright for your own commercial gain. In other words, downloading content is totally legal, in that regard.


You wouldn't infringe on the copyright of a car would you?


If I could magically copy a car without any extra cost associated with doing so, I totally would


I have a 3D printer. I can totally download a car.




right, thats the joke. Ya'll took a sarcastic comment intending to show the silliness of the industry's argument and managed to misinterpret it. Whatever, I'll survive.


This whole thread has been a learning lesson in the intelligence of the average redditor.


I have steam library with thousands of games. I buy games. With few exceptions: * Rockstar games - since GTA4 which i bought and now i cant play, had similar issues like you. Never again * Ubisoft games - obviously. Also I had problems in past with games activations i bought. I think im locked from playing AC unity which i bought. So never again. This ubisoft launcher is also shit * EA games - i just hate additional launchers. But with EA i have very neutral standing, have few EA games. Never had problems with origin so thats small but very insignificant plus * Some recent playstation ports on pc - well... everybody knows why Im not piracy advocate. Im no trying to send message. I have money to buy games. I just wants to play them without additional bullshit. I want play games without any redundant internet connectivity, stupid accounts, crappy launchers and in best possible quality. Which, im sad to say, pirated versions usually do better. Like i said, i literally dont give if i pay for it or not. Im just choosing best experience possible


Shout out to Larian for selling me a game and \*GASP\* letting me play the game with no bullshit in the way


As time goes on my steam top played games list is getting filled more and more by independent studios.


I only have 3 games installed on origin right now and the second has just been cracked! Battlefront 2017, battlefront 2015 and squadrons. Just leaves the 3rd. The EA app is garbage. I did have fallen order installed but I hated it, found it boring and tedious.




Yeah, I don't miss playing GTA V online for that reason. I do miss running across people that dropped money bags while running around until it started to get toxic


Of course the assholes stripped story mode of lot of cool stuff like apartments, side businesses etc.


They forced me too. They threatened me saying they'd send Gay Tony to my door. I dont want that heat.


How bad can Gay Tony be?


he puts the bowl last when making cereal


Absolutely. I got RDR2 when it came out and the game simply wouldn’t launch… when every other application would do so. 23 emails back and forth from rockstar and they gave up, no refund nothing. I literally went to GCP, downloaded a No cd fix, double click and game launched straightaway. So sincerely Rockstar, Duck you


Rockstar fucked me over too. I bought GTA: liberty city stories on Android in 2016, but never got around to playing it. It's still listed on my account on Google play, but it won't let me play now because their server doesn't recognize me. Support was no help, and they simply closed my case and marked it as resolved. So now if I want to play it, I'll have to emulate the PSP game regardless. I shouldn't have bought it to begin with.


This happened to me as well, lost the email and password to their stupid AF social club thing which was linked to Steam, and despite providing purchase multiple times they wouldn't fix it. So I have a useless client linked to my steam account and can't play MY games that I PURCHASED. Never buying another one of their games again.


If buying is not owning piracy is not stealing. Before i stopped playing gta i had a mod client i would use to win at the casino every time. They wanted to make it so people with a life couldnt do anything in an online lobby so i evened the ayong field by having an ungodly amount of money at all times


Had exactly the same experience recently. F R*


Use a password manager like Bitwarden.


The amount of shit this rockstar launcher is installing and constantly updating is staggering, wish I never bought RDR2 and just played it pirated as usual. Lesson learned


Slightly better than what happened to me on my main account, never cheat, log in one day, permanently banned no warning no explanation no response from help tickets. They just blatantly stole the game back from me. The other account I shared with a friend that we both hacked on all the time, had hundreds of millions in cheated stuff? Still fine to this day. And yes, this account was completely isolated from the main one in machine and connection.


Wow, they should at least let you play single player


Eh it probably can still play single player on that account, but it was 1500+ hour legit GTAO account I had been playing since the game released on PC. Wasn't even told why.


Maybe try faking a screenshot next time. Although if you don’t remember the date you created it that would be hard. But at least they only want a screenshot, not forwarding the message so they can check headers and shit. So maybe


That's the irony in that screenshots can be faked. They wanted me to include the time and date in the taskbar, which can also be faked. Regardless, screenshots are pointless when the Steam ID and CD Key are more than sufficient to demonstrate I used to be linked to my old account.


I had a situation like that, I think. Someone changed my account's email and password, and I didn't know about this because Rockstar's stupid launcher kept automatically logging me in for almost a year before asking me to verify an email. Their mail support didn't respond. PROTIP: their sales department has a phone number. I actually called it and told a guy over the phone that I'm sorry for bothering the wrong department, but it's urgent. He was actually super helpful, walked me through all the steps (providing my Steam ID, screenshot of Steam client with RDR2 in it etc.) and in less than 10 minutes after finishing the call I got an email with a link to reset my password.


That's funny because I provided exactly those things 4 separate times and got a closed ticket each time.


In my case I was on phone with a sales guy who review'd those real time, so your experience could be different.


I specifically requested someone on the phone twice and they never obliged, even after the 4th ticket.


You can call the sales like I did


For me, the FG copy of GTA V just ran faster


>If buying isn't owning, then pirating isn't stealing Such a great line. I am definitely going to use that some time in the future. Danke comrade o7


Same thing happened with my epic games account. Despite providing all the proofs they requested on 5+ tickets for 2 months continuously, they refused to verify me as the owner of my account. I lost my years worth of library and Epic didn't do jack except rub in my face saying "We take our esteemed user's privacy very seriously" while closing the ticket each time. I can't express how infuriating this was. Made a vow never to purchase from Epic since that day


Rockstar support is fucking atrocious, I bought the GTA special edition with some free properties and shit for online, then realised it was for the previous gen version of GTA, I tried transferring the character over to next gen, no luck, then went over to Rockstar support and had probably the worst support experience of my life, also closed ticket twice.


No you dont.. I played gta v and some of RDR2 and never once did the game require me to sign into anything. Is this a new thing? Cause granted I haven't played gta 5 since last year and rdr2 since like 3 months ago. Edit: also I should ask, is this for multi-player? If so then that's probably why I never saw it.


That sucks... Personally I bought RDR2 but switched to the cracked version as soon as it got released for a better performance. I was running it with a XFX RX 570 8gb back in the day. Oh boy it felt like a brand new game, even though I had already completed it 3 times on the official version.


Rockstar social club is agonizing to work with, cracked copies are so much easier to get than buying the actual fuckin thing




I care, some of us care, people should care. I do appreciate these stories. Still. make sure you seed.


Same, I always like hearing the last straw stories people have that brings them over to the side of piracy


*I Care Because You Do*


I seed like a motherfucker! Especially on rare shows or movies with few or no other seeders. All on public trackers, too. Never could get any invites. Karma isn't real, but we should act like it is. I only got those rare 80s TV shows because someone else was kind to strangers, and it would be wrong and selfish for me to not pass that on to the next guy who's looking for his favourite old rare classics. Some day I'm gonna leave an old junky computer with a big hard drive on it and just leave it on all day seeding.


You can rent a seed box in the sky to do exactly that.


Not the same.


Yes it is?


I'd have to pay rent on it. Probably have a reoccurring bill that automatically deducts money that I might forget about. I won't see it and get any satisfaction out of it the same way I would with a machine in my room. I wouldn't see it at all if I didn't log into the website that tracks its progress. I like real things that I can see and feel. Like your mom! Haha! Jokes! 😄


better have a good wifi then


Always, at least until a 2 or 3 ratio. Longer for games I like


Social club is dumb but I was able to change my social club email by asking rockstar support.




Unless is a online game, I would never install a game that forces me to install one of their stupid launchers. I've enough with DRM and lack of optimisation. Steam was created for a purpose, and having 6 different launchers in top of a Steam account is annoying. Specially since you are forced to remember a bunch of passwords and be more susceptible to loose access if I've problems with an email. That's why I prefer GoG, they actually force the developer to either don't include their shitty launchers or make them work without internet.


Avoid any game with a company launcher. I refuse to pay for any ubi soft or rockstar games. I did succumb to EA tho.


I didn't pirate rdr2 because my friend who did, lost his save file because he couldn't find it in his storage before his laptop needed to be fixed. So i just bought it instead cause i want to have at least all my games progress saved on my computer or the cloud.


A fan of Louis Rossmann? Hell yea 💯


My account hasnt been banned and rockstar launcher just flat out stopped working for me so I could no longer officially play my copy of GTA V


The same happened to me after I lost my password


Anyone know of any ‘movie bundles’ one could torrent? I tried searching for example ‘stoner movie bundle’ and wasn’t able to find anything


How high are you? Try just "Collection" or the like.


Tried didn’t work


“Academy award”, “bafta” etc


I went through the same thing, fuck these guys. Reminds me of how useless Apple support is if you're just trying to use a service like Apple TV while not owning any apple products.


The bastards!


I played GTAV for a total of 30 minutes in like 2018/2019, where I made a Rockstar account. When I bought RDR2 about a year ago, I downloaded and logged in, and when I went to link my Steam account, it wouldn’t let me, as the account had some random email instead of mine. Found out that they’ve had problems of people changing emails on accounts without it needing verification first, so I was unable to link the random email to my own Steam account. With access to my Steam, access to the original email, dates, etc. they still have closed my ticket three times, and I haven’t been able to get them to fix this shit so I could actually play it. It’s absolutely ridiculous, and I will never buy another Rockstar title again.


This is how we learn. It's not always easy. Welcome aboard, matey.


Had the same issue mate. Constant frustration but ended up getting it sorted. I found it comes down to who you get taking care of the ticket I found.


Maybe if I keep trying over and over again, I'll eventually get someone who's not mentally incompetent, but at a certain point I end up spending more of my time than the cost of the game itself. 4 separate times and several hours was my limit.


Had a similiar situation. So, How do you pirate GTAV?


Happened to me with my Diablo 3 account. They changed the email and blizzard did *nothing*.


I was in the same boat, after some try and re try the support finally helped me and I could change my email linked to my account, but it took weeks


I came in this thread with VASTLY different expectations: I thought u were partying with a rockstar, the party got wild and they forced u to pirate their own music


Omfg, this story gives me flashbacks to me trying to play Mirror’s Edge 2. I loved the fuck out of that game, but got locked out bc I forgot which of my seventeen emails I’ve created over the last twenty some years I used, despite the fact I bought the game through STEAM. Every developer having their own launcher is the bane of my existence.


Yea Fuck Rockstar games. Who they think they are huh? We players made them what they are today


Okay...But who cares ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Should have never bought it in the first place. All these sometimes pirates confuse me


You can't play online with the pirated versions of either.


Sure. Who cares?


This is why you always backup your emails on a regular basis, I was in the same boat but since I had all my original emails saved I had no problem getting the account restored, it may seem unfair but I'd rather they do this than let accounts be easily stolen, which was the case before.


Can you share what you use for the backups? Thanks!


Most major providers allow you to use POP3 or IMAP to access your emails, IMAP lets you view your emails in place without removing them from the server (basically read only), POP3 downloads them removing them from the server (some providers have additional settings), many email clients allow you to also locally save a copy of the emails with IMAP. In addition if you request your data this usually will include all your emails, Google for example provides a .mbox file which you can import into most email clients.


This is a whole post just to justify your piracy. We don't care. Hit the download button and carry on Edit: and the guy even used the karma farming catchphrase of "buying isn't owning"lol. Downvoted by noble pirates lmao


The whole thing flew over your mind didn't it?


I don't care what was even supposed to fly over my mind


Oh my bad, i forgot how ignorant redditors are


You satisfied? Good. We can end this now.


ok, you go back to your waifus


Also, I love that you think I give half a shit about pretend internet points.


You replied, that just confirms it


It doesn't, but feel free to continue to get high on your own fumes.


It’s actually a post complaining that rockstar support wouldn’t give them access to an account they can’t prove belongs to them. It’s pathetic


Pro Tip - Don't be a shithead and lose access to your email


No one "forced" you to do shit. You did it because you wanted to, and that's fine, but don't try and blame the content creators for your actions.


Sir this is a Wendy's


Got any other suggestions on how to play the games I already own, genius?


Lot of words just to play a game and have fun


Yeah man I hate when game developers track me down, climb into my window and point a gun at my head while ordering me to torrent things too.


Hey bootlicker, any alternative suggestions on how to play the games I already paid for when an incompetent corporation withdraws my ability to play them and doesn't provide any reasonable method of recovery? Sounds like you're pretty smart.


lol you took that way to seriously, sorry you don't sarcasm


I'm sure you were "forced" to pirate. Was someone holding your family hostage and going to kill them if you did not download this game? Or was someone holding a gun to your head and threatening you with harm if you did not download the game? No? Then no one forced you to do shit you chose to do it. Try taking responsibility for your actions.


I probably bought your account 😂😂😂😂😂😂


In other words you wanted the game for free like everyone else on this sub


Are you thick? I already paid for the game


You're a modern day Robin Hood