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Sadly, I’m going to have to unpin this post, at least temporarily. I’ll probably find a way to add it to the sub’s wiki


I think I’m going to pin this post. Edit: post pinned. I thought the zombie pinned post is still active If someone finds any more proof, please link it in an answer to this comment.


Sure thing. I'll do that. Thanks for pinning!


Hey mod so I wanted to ask since before few years I made an account using my Gmail on tlauncher. So I'm not sure what to do now since the site doesn't offer account deletion, and only way to change Gmail is to contact their admin on email. I'm not sure what to do so I wanted to hear your opinion


I’m not experienced in Tlauncher. Ask the OP


Well he said he isn't sure neither but anyways thanks for the reply


what I'd recommend is changing your passwords, delete anything related to Tlauncher, I'd even delete the email if you only use it for Tlauncher


Well I changed my email password but the problem is I'm using that email for other stuff and I cannot delete it. And there's nothing I can delete on tlauncher. Can you test their way of changing email by making 2 new addresses and attempting to ask their admin to move it to another?


sorry I'm not into Minecraft launchers i just found out about What TL is a few days ago, try to change the email on any important service you have, steam, epic, social media accounts etc, and then delete it


I mean I have that launcher for like a year or more and I haven't noticed anything strange and there weren't any phishing emails and I haven't received any login attempts.


what op?


OP, as in Original Poster, as in the bloke who made this post…


If you are looking to delete your account on Tlauncher unfortunately there is no direct way to do that like clicking a button. BUT if you Uninstall Tlauncher from your PC all of your information will be deleted from there servers after 1 year. The only other way you might be able to delete your account is by contacting there support if you want to do it right now. Edit: Forgot to mention If you read the Privacy policy under "Data Retention Policy, Managing Your Information" "We will retain User Provided data for as long as you use the Application and for a reasonable time thereafter. We will retain Automatically Collected information for up to 1 year and thereafter may store it in aggregate." Hope this helps, be safe and be careful ! Have a nice day !


added UPD today. It has 3 virustotal checks which detects viruses


P.S. If you seen TheMisterEpic's video, it is almost truth. BUT! He says it is a malware and disabled your AntiVirus and windows updates, which is not at total. It is a Spyware and doesnt do any of those (At least I couldn't find code that doing it)




cracked multimc is also pretty good


Im actually quite surprised at the amount of people using UltimMC or Cracked MultiMC I remember when it wasn't as popular a year or two ago before it got renamed and it was just kinda lowkey




either works but i prefer UltimMC also make sure to delete that comment because no links are allowed


Question, My friend used tl and I sent him datapacks i made Are they infected in any way? Never used non official launchers myself except pojav on My phone


They shouldn't be infected in any way




Your welcome. Post had some mistakes but I'm fixing it to make it have only confirmed info


I'm sorry, but it's actually you're welcome🤓




So do you have any alternatives to Tlauncher, cause I’m using it


TL (TL Legacy / Tlauncher Legacy) - Original Tlauncher, not the stolen one




NotIsaacClarke being based as always


Based dingbat?


Certified dingbat


Based mod


Do you perhaps know when tlauncher started doing this? I knew them from way back, when it was the “official” launcher for the technic pack. This could be a reason why I lost an account back then lol.


Not really. It was my mistake about not prooved information. Right now stealing accounts has no proofs, but it still may be like that. All this info about TLauncher being bad started appearing in 2018, about same time when post about original TLauncher author (TL Legacy author, made TLauncher but it got stolen) were created


Is uninstalling all i have to do? Or any extra steps


I have the same question. Please reply to me if you find the answer.


>."minecraft" and ".tlauncher" folders hi! you can locate the ."minecraft" and ".tlauncher" folders and delete them op commented below


They started doing this in 2016. The owners of tlauncher.org registered the trademark "TLauncher", forcing the legit TLauncher to change their name to TL Legacy. As long as you used the official one *not* from tlauncher.org, your account wasn't stolen by it.


Yeah I’m not exactly sure on the details, mojangs account security wasn’t the best either. Was out of the minecraft loop for a while when it happened.


when i discovered this i uninstalled, how can i know if all the crap that tlauncher has was completely removed from my pc and assure that there’s no traces of the program?


."minecraft" and ".tlauncher" folders


Does TL tamper with Registry, if so, will your statement fully remove TLauncher from the pc without trace Heard someone mention something about that and had to use some uninstaller software to fully remove TLauncher without any traces


" The launcher does not add any entries to the system registry or other places, ..." Says their their own uninstallation guide ( https://tlauncher.org/en/uninstall-tl.html ), however I'd rather not trust them. If you do find anything shady downloaded/installed elsewhere then let us know too


18 days late, I wouldn't trust that statement one bit


I'm a bit late to the thread, but should I consult any anti-virus software (and if so, which do you recommend?)? I've long uninstalled it but never fully went scavenging. Since then I bought real minecraft and suprisingly (and worringly), the old worlds I had on TLauncher were still there. I haven't done anything since...


Is there an effective way to find all of them? I rearched through the "windows key" and looked through program files and did not find anything. Maybe I got lucky, cuz I reinstalled it (clean instalation) and my wifi was off, so it did not download anything back?


Yes, there is, Revo Unistaller. If TLauncher is still installed on your computer, unistall it with the Revo Unistaller, it will find all of the files that this thing put on your computer


Best way to do is clean install your windows. I used tlauncher on linux anyway.


Where can I get further source code for this spyware? ​ Looking at images 3-7, they can't be even bothered in at least changing function/method names lol. Although looking at sendMachineInfo(), I think this is the only block of code that I think isn't that malicious. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it just gets your Tlauncher version, OS, Resolution, Java version, UUID, GPU, RAM, and CPU; pretty standard to get this info nowadays as it helps in debugging and such. ​ Functions: onDownloaderComplete(), sendStat(), GameRunningLister() are the most sussy baka functions tho. I admit these functions look harmless in a glance, but don't be fooled! As each function/method calls those objects that might have something malicious in its lines of codes, and some hidden functionalities (which I know it is), please refrain using TLauncher. Use a cracked MultiMC Minecraft launcher (just search it through GitHub) or use SKLauncher.


They don't really bother nor bad, but sending information about things you do without saying this to user and permission to disable it... Not cool


About source code. You can get it though downloading Launcher for Linux and decompiling jar though any Java Decompiler program (I prefer to use Enigma)


Hey quick question which one is better between MultiMC and SKlauncher?


Personally I don't like using SKlauncher as I think it's not modding friendly, like I have to manually configure it. In MultiMC I can just drag and drop the mod then installs it automatically, very useful when installing modpacks


I downloaded TLauncher once even though I have legit minecraft, when uninstalling it deleted **all** my minecraft data. So many screenshots and memories gone. I will forever hate them for that, and I would like to see the project burn to the ground.




It deleted the files entirely.


Holy fuck and on my development PC. It’s a VCC application right? I’ll dump it into DotPeek and see if it’s a NET app or C++. Honestly all they have to do is obfuscate the exe with a x86 file stub with strict obfuscation (including binding external dependencies) and that makes it impossible to look at it. Windows Defender loves when I do that. Thanks for this report. Are you viewing binary or hex data?


It is c++ app


Any updates ? I'd like to decompile the launcher myself and see what i can find


Its a Visual Studio C++ application with a winforms GUI, which leads me to believe its C# or [VB.NET](https://VB.NET) due to the control styles and form arrangement. Certain no other GUI libraries in use here. So its using native Windows controls. The Designer provides this, or you hand code it in. Most just drag the objects around and compile the app, linking each control to a event trigger. So at this point, I would either just develop our own client (not difficult) and release the source code, or mess with HexEdit and see what comes up in the results. Anyone here a Windows programmer with skills in C++/C# ? I dont do Python, look at how god awful uTorrent is lol thats a python win32 executable wrapper around python code (thats uTorrent). If so, message me and we can exchange project files and do this.


Abandoned. Too much going on (other projects). Open source solutions are easily available. No point reinventing a good codebase on GitHub.


If TLauncher is still installed on your computer, uninstall it with the Revo Uninstaller or Total Uninstall 6, it will find all of the files that this thing put on your computer


I just wanted to ask if they can do anything with my email address since I used it to create an account. And if there's any way of deleting my tlauncher account without having to contact them.


They shouldn't be able to do anything with it (Can't tell really truth, since I haven't finished looking at installers and src). And also I hear there is no way to delete tlauncher account


Yes indeed you cannot delete the account. And I have heard in order to change email address you have to send them an email using the email you linked to the tlauncher. It's sounds sketchy so I skipped that. But I did changed my username and password on tlauncher. And could you tell me if you found anything that they can use to steal my Gmail?


I haven't found anything that they may use to steal any accounts. I'm a bit stupid and said wrong info about stealing accounts. They may steal your MC accounts somehow, but it's not confirmed anyhow right now


Well shit, time to reinstall windows


Thank god I uninstalled it


I switched to SKLauncher too =D


**Los Que Quieran En Español Lo Tradici Y Aca Esta** ( https://www.reddit.com/user/GodMaster\_\_\_/comments/zkkky4/análisis\_a\_tlauncher\_pruebas/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 ) **Es Lo Mismo Pero Solo Traducido**


to everyone who signed in with their microsoft account using tlauncher, please go to your settings and remove tlauncher from the app permissions.


I though the idea of getting TLauncher was to be able to play while sailing the high seas. What person in their right mind would use a real ms account with a launcher made specifically for pirating the game?


When a pirated games subreddit starts to discourage using a pirated mc launcher, it really starts to mean that the launcher is very sus. It's a pity that this "company" won't be prosecuted in any way and will keep doing all this malice. After all, tlauncher is extremely popular in CIS countries, especially among kids, who are very unlikely to find or actually understand this post or any english-speaking blogger who explains why tlaunch is a malware (I remember several Russian bloggers making videos on this topic, but they are unpopular)


Those russian bloggers are getting strikes too to their videos so yeah


TL Legacy still has a website. [tlaun.ch](https://tlaun.ch) I really recommend using it. It has a better GUI and is better at everything. It is not only free but also open source which means it is completely safe.


Can anybody help me with testing if if changing tlauncher emails is safe cause you need to email their admin in order to do that but if someone could try it using their alt email accounts and tell me the results.


Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames-mega-thread), as it might just answer your question! Also check out our [videogame piracy guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/i3r14g/a_beginners_guide_to_video_game_piracy/) and the list of Common Q&A [part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/fvix6e/common_questions_and_answers_thread/) and [part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/igxebs/frequently_asked_questions_part_2/). Or just read the whole [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What about sklauncher?


Sklauncher is considered trusted in this community.


I have a question. What alternatives are there except Sklauncher. And will my sensitivity stay the same? Or how do I transfer my controls settings.


Can't say anything about it. Haven't used it. Used only UltimMC




I don't get it, wasn't it also the case 2 years ago ? \+ doing God's work


4 years in 2018


This is like reading a whole other language that I’ve never seen before 😆


Does anyone here know how I can uninstall TLauncher safely? I heard their uninstall function in the launcher is sus too, said to leave files that are sus... I deleted the .tlauncher and .minecraft files already and I'm worried that there might be some leftover files I might've not deleted.


You gotta wipe your pc if you want it fully gone . Save your important data using external storage ( external hard drive or something )




Nah, you just have to delete .tlauncher and .minecraft, before you do make sure to put all screenshots, worlds and all important stuff on another folder


no shot, there has to be another option


what a shock, literally.


okay thanks, but how im i going to play minecraft now? ​ (edit) uninstalled tlauncher, but is it fully uninstalled?, please let me know


Safest option rn is sklauncher.


So, what should I do to be safe now?


I have no idea what this stuff means. But just how detrimental is this information? Will my passwords be stolen? Is there an urgent need to uninstall tlauncher or wipe my pc entirely? Or is it just suspicious?


it isn't just sus, we basically saw it vented. if a pirated games sub is telling you to not use a cracked, you know it's really F'd up. I'd suggest you delete your .minecraft and .tlauncher folders, but before make sure to create a backup of local worlds and screenshots. So far nobody seems to have found a problem with TL Legacy (wich is open source), so it's the launcher I'd use if I were you




It been like 4 years since first news about Tlauncher being fake one, and no one even heard them or just doesn't believe


i cant delete it, uninstall button isnt uninstalling and it wont let me delete .minecraft or .tlauncher. it says that both are running and need to be closed, but they arent running at all. what do i do? ​ ​ Update: restarted my pc, uninstalled from settings, ***checked %appdata% and it was still there. Deleted it manually from there. Highly likely there is more elsewhere***


Maybe yes, maybe no. Antivirus doesn't say much. However the fact that it was running... Barely means anything. You may had it opened, or any other programm could. I had similar problem with garrys mod that solved after a restart(all programms close after restarting pc) I didn't have problems deleting those folders.


I remember i downloaded Tlauncher on my PC once to change my username when playing with my friends and after i deleted it i couldnt sign into my actual mc account which i paid for on the mc launcher and mc website had to format my entire pc just to fix it


So its a Spyware... but from what you showed it was more technical stuff like servers and pc specs, you also wrote that it wasnt even everything it does. What does that mean? Does it steal passwords and monitors your activity, even when closed?


Maybe it does more stuff. I haven't really checked all code and its installer. Only launcher itself been checked by just fast looking at code


I'd really like you to check more. At least so we could know if removing .minecraft and .tlauncher is enough. Also, where do those temp files stored and how to delete them?


You dont. This is why they temp. They are on your pc only while you have Tlauncher installer running


I used Tlauncher all the time and its never done anything like that. ***(at least to my knowledge)*** But now that i have the game itself. i can play that. **the only tip i could say is that dont use it with a Microsoft account.** a standard Tlauncher account is prob better to use if your gonna use it.


\+ if it was true wouldnt Mojang/Law Inforcement/FBI do something about it not saying it isnt but just throwing it out there


If they wanted to do something they already would did, but they don't care. FBI wouldn't do anything since like Russia yeah


Maximum what they could is just let Mojang (Microsoft) sue TLauncher


you misspelled Tlauncher


Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames-mega-thread), as it might just answer your question! Also check out our [videogame piracy guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/i3r14g/a_beginners_guide_to_video_game_piracy/) and the list of Common Q&A [part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/fvix6e/common_questions_and_answers_thread/) and [part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/igxebs/frequently_asked_questions_part_2/). Or just read the whole [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


this is so random but, which text editor/ide did you use on the screenshot


I used Enigma. It is app to make mappings for obfuscated Java apps. I also use it as decompiler




Is removing the .minecraft and .tlauncher folders enough? I saw a post with a Hybrid Analisis test of a tlauncher installer and it mentioned it downloaded a lot of files




Rule 6 warning Evidence of tlauncher being spyware emerged two years ago


actually it been like 4 years ago when original post about TLauncher and TL Legacy was made




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How to completely desinstall this thing from a PC? I want to be safe.


First uninstall it from the control panel then go to your program files and delete folders .tlauncher and . Minecraft, before you do make sure to put all your important stuff on another folder (screenshots, texture packs and mods)


This doesn't affect me if i install it on Linux without root privileges, right?


is there any safe alternative?


Just to give you more options: TLauncher Legacy (tlaun.ch) [similar features and safer] SKLauncher [popular] MultiMC cracked versions [popular] ATLauncher GDLauncher There are more suggestions at https://alternativeto.net/software/tlauncher/ however PolyMC in the list is surrounded by drama.


fyi: multimc cracked has been renamed to ultimmc and polymc devs have made new launcher called prism launcher


TL (Tlauncher Legacy)


thank you


TL Legacy Sklauncher




Does Old version contain a virus?


If you're referring to TL Legacy, it doesn't.


Does this cause registry problems? Because, my registry editor is messed up. Idk why. I dont see any reasons due to my regedit messed up. I reinstalled windows after my regedit got messed up so bad I couldnt use the windows bar. And I think its happening again.




No. Any Java Decompiler can do that


Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames-mega-thread), as it might just answer your question! Also check out our [videogame piracy guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/i3r14g/a_beginners_guide_to_video_game_piracy/) and the list of Common Q&A [part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/fvix6e/common_questions_and_answers_thread/) and [part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/comments/igxebs/frequently_asked_questions_part_2/). Or just read the whole [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I uninstalled and deleted .minecraft AND .tlauncher from %appdata%, is just it to do or I need do anything more like reboot my pc?


should i use sklauncher instead??




what about the ones from [mc-launcher.com](https://mc-launcher.com) they call it tlaunhcer as well so i would like to know if they have the same issues


wouldnt use that website. You can get all those launchers from their REAL sites


if you want cracked launchers - UltimMC or TL Legacy. About other cant say anything. Never used any other cracked launcher


Lost complete interest as too many tools do the same and open source. No point spinning another solution.


does it only collect data related to MC? or everything on my PC


If I had downloaded it, (I'm speaking for a friend of mine who is not expert in malware) what could I do?


Copy minecraft folder in appdata and remove Tlauncher. Also would be good to remove Java too since they use their Java and who knows if it wasn't modified


How to remove the Java?




Rule 6 warning


Scary D:


May I know the tool you used to decompile?


Enigma. It has java decompilers in it




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How do I remove it completely from my computer?


Somedishwashing soap and bleach. Maybe a nuke and a new computer and you're all set. But if you try something less extreme u/harpw said: >If TLauncher is still installed on your computer, uninstall it with the Revo Uninstaller or Total Uninstall 6, it will find all of the files that this thing put on your computer


Wait, aren't you the guy behind TL Legacy?






Did you even look at this post?




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It is. I don't even kbow how it been so popular all that time. It doesn't even look nice tbh


Millions of lines of code and not gonna bother? does that sound responsible?




It is pretty much rule 5. You can google "TL Legacy" and first website that ends with .ch should be original TLauncher


The curtains has been unfolded, TLauncher... I've been fell victim into this shady Russian operation all along. The consequences catch up, TLauncher.


Is the Linux version also malware? I downloaded it from AUR


An amazing and massive work!


Thanks ig. But u might also go watch TheMisterEpic latest video about Tlauncher


I once ended up having my steam account stolen around the same time i tried out tlauncher, not to mention my steam's email was switched over to a russian email too.. kinda learned my lesson once i got my account back.




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Hey do you know how I can remove everything I got from Tlauncher on my pc because ever since I had gotten Tlauncher I could never play non pirated minecraft servers even on the official paid minecraft java clients and accounts but it lets me play on pirated servers still I have an antivirus and I have deleted Minecraft multiple times off my pc and it still doesn't fix this please help




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We need an uninstallation process as well, I heard Revo uninstaller is good enough for that


I Made some research after this post I can explain what happened here: Firstly Collecting data from your pc is actually legit thing because when you installing the tlauncher you are accepting EULA and in EULA, you are accepting privacy policy which is about collecting data so that thing is bullshit Secondly, the editing server list is not a big deal there is much more launcher doing this too like teamextreme launcher, etc. Another thing, the blocked server list is actually cap. I tried mc.skycave.pro and mc.masedworld.net servers in tlauncher and it connects to the servers also these servers are in inner\_list links Another thing "suSsy files" is the first file is the actual setup file. second calling cmd isn't a thing, I didn't get any cmd process started by the installer. downloader.exe thing isn't also a thing if you don't accept downloading yandex/opera from the installer. AdditionalExecuteTL.exe is also setup file calling dlls is very common thing in programming if you wanna look at methods u can use go to this link (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/sspi/) but its probably used for digest decryption or VerifySignature (or even directly by java itself) about Upd 25.12.2022: all programs can be flagged as viruses if they don't have a signature, even the simplest hello world console app can be flagged as a virus because of this, lol also my research: https://github.com/CrawLeyYou/TLauncher-Fax


I heard about the TLauncher incident I immediately deleted it and youtube is ridiculous to say "If there is nothing in the task manager, we are virus" ridiculous don't say everyone here doesn't think so, but my advice is don't believe it use Tl legacy which is the original version of TLauncher (or get the original game


Does anyone know smth about Titan Louncher? All I hear people talk about isTlouncher being sus but does that apply to the other lounchers as well?


teamextreme and titan launcher are the same launcher i guess




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And Tl legacy? Is it safe?


[Tlauncher has answered](https://tlauncher.org/en/news_26/fakes-viruses-tl_18941.html), can't say if right or wrong.


This whole situation is such a mess, I just want a launcher that has mod managing as easy as Tlauncher does it. And I'm not talking about just being able to have multiple instances and drag and drop mod files, downloading mods manually is pretty time consuming. I rarely play modpacks so most of the time I just make mini modpacks myself with my favorite mods I don't even really play servers since they are competitive pvp most of the time, so I don't really think I need premium yet. if I want to play a custom SMP with friends I use Aternos or LAN + Radmin. (Even though i rarely play multiplayer aswell, these two methods are quite laggy, but server managment is a whole other can of worms) I just want to know if there's a launcher (cracked or premium) that has TL Mod's easy level of modpack making, where I can just download any mod off of curseforge (mayhaps Modrinth too) with a simple click and it gets added to the mod pack, and I can simply click Enter The Game to launch the instance. Curseforge launcher seems to have this but a lot of ppl also dislike this launcher for its greedy practices. Maybe I'm just being lazy here since it may not even be that hard doing this with just the vanilla launcher, or that most if not ALL the other launchers use this same system. but it's so conflicting having this program on my pc which makes stuff really easy for me, but people keep saying it's malicious. Sure right now I don't have much to hide or care about privacy, (Most programs are some kind of spyware anyway) but maybe in the future that will matter. TLDR: I need alternatives to TLauncher that have a good mod manager and downloader like TLMods.


Use prism Launcher then


Does it have mods support, alot of these seem to be just modpacks, like TL Legacy.