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It baffles me how Oda tells the Strawhat crew to take a 2Y break to get strong and survive in the new world. Turns out the New world isn’t that scary at all. Plot armor is more than enough.


Any logia could zip through and just killl 60% of the crew without them being able to do a thing about it. Their entire crew was torn apart by haki users, mostly a logia, and after a 2 year timeskip it never occurred to them that they probably need this ability. The Strawhats will continue to pull moves out of nowhere whenever Oda decides. Realistically, Oda will just flashback their power ups in. Like when Chopper randomly has a medicine that makes him last in his monster form longer or Robin knowing Fishman Karate,even though she got manhandled by Trebol in Dressrosa and never used it there. It’s totally possible Franky got some of Queen’s cyborg tech, Brook learned Ryuo, or Usopp training his observation Haki. But until Oda decides it exist, then it doesn’t exist. I hate how most power ups are asspulls that happen without any build up before the fight actually happens, it makes the wins feel undeserved. Robin and Franky's fight did not feel satisfying to watch, because them suddenly being strong enough to take on 500 million bounty haki users makes no sense to me, like thats the bounty luffy got after beating doflamingo, can either of these 2 straw hats beat doffy ? I dont think so. Black Maria used haki on Sanji but forgot to use it against Robin. Sasaki didnt use haki against Franky, even though other characters in the same tier like Ulti and Who's Who have it. Feels like Oda wants the straw hats to win, and has to nerf the villains to make it happen. Nami and Usopp tanked haki hits to the skull from a hybrid ancient zoan,and later walked it off. Make it make sense.


The Strawhats are disciples of the Sun God Nika(Luffy). They are granted blessings and miracles to make up for their lack of haki. GODA is truly a genius foreshadowing Nika by having his crew survive impossible situations by having the story bend and stretch(so genius) around them. Yes you heard it here first. The strawhats bumfuckery is direct foreshadowing for the Sun God Nika. GODA! I KNEEL!


ye and all of this shit was so easily avoidable if all of them just learned at least some form of haki or something.


Honestly I'm so over this Haki shit. Literally no matter what Oda does with it will be shit. At best, when Haki was just getting introduced, it already made no sense (Sengoku punched Luffy point blank and bounced right off, Moria getting his ass whooped by haki less SH when he had been in the new world I believe and lost to Kaido) But at this point there's just too many forms of haki and rhey made the combat system extremely blend. I don't care about Nami having conqueror haki or whatever haki. Just make the story move forward so we can get some actual answers ffs.


Moria losing to the Strawhats was due to his own buffoonery and mistakes not due to the abilities of the crew. Since Thriller Bark Moria could not get out of his own way.


I get that but still. Moria thought that he would be able to defeat Kaido with his new weapon. If he had never faced Kaido in the first place and didn't know what to expect then I would understand. But the fact that he went to the new World and got his ass kicked by Kaido himself means that he should know what it takes to go over there. For that reason, getting his ass whooped by pre ts straw hats is ridiculous imo. It's like if I faced prime Mike Tyson, proceed to get my ass kicked, then I learn how to fight and I discover a new technique that I believe will 100% make me win the next encounter. And then I get beat up by a 12yo kid who took 3 classes of kickboxing. Wouldn't you tell yourself "what exactly did he think he would accomplish with his new 'secret technique' against Mike Tyson?"


You are really dancing around the point though. The Strawhats beat Moria because of Moria. It doesn’t matter that he went to Kaido and got his ass kicked. That’s a testament to what I’m saying Moria again getting in his own way thinking he can casually take down a pirate with Yonko strength. Based on Moria’s ego and underestimating the situations he’s in it all makes sense. What happened at Thriller Bark is like Mike Tyson has his next fight against Kevin McBride. McBride younger and less established who took the fight serious and gave their all. Mike Tyson underestimating McBride not training getting high and drunk during camp and ends up losing the fight because of it.


>The Strawhats beat Moria because of Moria. It doesn’t matter that he went to Kaido and got his ass kicked. To me that's the entire point though. He should know what it takes, his delusion and ignorance are beyond logical explanation as far as I'm concerned. >Mike Tyson has his next fight against Kevin McBride. McBride younger and less established who took the fight serious and gave their all. Mike Tyson underestimating McBride not training getting high and drunk during camp and ends up losing the fight because of it. Well Kevin McBride started his career in the 90s and took down Mike Tyson in 2005. He had a bit more than 10 years of experience, so I wouldn't say it's comparable to the SH -who didn't even have haki- being able to defeat Moria, when Moria thought he was big enough to go back to the new world. And Tyson didn't lose by KO, as far as I remember, when Moria literally got his ass kicked. He thought his new weapon was good enough for the new world when he got fucked by a bunch of goons with no haki.


Buddy Haki wasn’t even introduced yet. Time and power scaling happens way quicker in this series. Moria didn’t just get his ass kicked like that from the Strawhats like they just showed up and took names and kicked ass. My analogy made perfect sense. Mike Tyson on paper should’ve easily beat McBride. Mike Tyson decided cocaine hookers and not taking the fight seriously underestimating McBride was the play. He lost because of it.


>Buddy Haki wasn’t even introduced yet. That's the thing. It's an issue of story telling and writing. The way Oda introduced haki later on makes everything weird asf. >My analogy made perfect sense. If Kevin McBride had literally less than 3 years of experience and defeated Mike Tyson by KO then it would be perfect. But as far as I know that's not what happened. Yeah I can understand that Luffy got to Yonko level in less rhan 5 years and defeated Kaido. Not saying that the writing of the fight was good or anything but yes, progression happens that fast. Problem is, Luffy and his crew were not on a level where they should be able to face someone who thinks he has a chance against Kaido. Moria's delusion is not enough to justify this. Like I said, it's like losing to Tyson once, then wanted a rematch but getting your ass beat by a rookie. No matter how you put it that's too much delusion.


He is over 1000 chapters in and is exhausted from it. He is probably writing another manga in his head already and only the steady cash keeps him going. Haki Powersystem he cooked up is also pretty irredeemable. Nothing that happend pre timeskip makes any sense with all that new Haki shit.


The problem with haki is you need to keep track with how strong it is. It's easier for characters like luffy or zoro who heavily rely on it. But then you look at characters like the tobi or kid and law and the best thing you can say about their haki is they have it. At this point I'd rather them develop their own strengths than get haki just to haki it. Cough ussop.


You usually have to do a lot of training to get haki, I hope they get it but maybe during future training. Wano was a good moment though


They had an entire 2 year training time after losing to a logia and they never thought to get the power that lets you fight against them like at all for the entire 2 years?


Haki is so hard to get that usually only marine VA have it. Sanji and Zoro needed 2 years training with some of the strongest people in the verse to get BASIC armament and observation. Of course others like Chopper and Brook wheren't going to learn it on their own. That's why it would have been good if they got it at Wano, but at the ts? No way


They should have gotten at least some of the basics done around the early ts but most of the straw hats still don't even have basic haki


fodder marines under Fujitora had it, these were not vice admirals, they were basic soldiers. Only 2 vice admirals came to dressrosa.


That was anime only, great Toei idea


Not really a bad idea given how fodder gifters in Wano had haki.  5000 of them exist in Kaido's army.🤡