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If the gym is busy, don't occupy more than one machine at once, even if it's only for 30 seconds. This isn't rocket science.


If the gym is empty, this doesn’t bother me when people do it. There’s plenty of machines around to continue my workout with. So, since you’re doing it in the middle of the day, I doubt you are inconveniencing anyone around you. However, this annoys me to no end when it’s peak time in the evening. I don’t think it’s rude, and I would say there’s no rule against it, but it’s inconsiderate to others. You’re reserving a machine that you’re not using, even if it’s only for 30 seconds while you clean the other machine. I personally completely clean the machine I’m using before moving myself and my belongings to a new machine. Does it suck when someone swoops in during those 30 seconds to occupy the machine I was about to move to? Sure. But they were ready to use it and I wasn’t.


This is the way I do it too. If 30 seconds is no big deal to begin with, then waiting 30 seconds to move my stuff can't hurt me.


This. This is gym etiquette.


This is the way


If it's not busy and you're not intercepting someone about to use the machine, it's fine. If it's busy, I would avoid it.


Not rude if empty, but understand you might "lose" one of your machines if you are not on it. But don't hold machines with phones, towels, or water bottles. That is rude. I regularly go to the gym this time of day. I don't superset or circuit because I hate it. But there are other gym-goers that do. We're all familiar with each other's routines and know how to stay out of each other's way.


Slightly rude


Save yourself some delay and get your towels and spray them quite wet before using a machine. That way, when you finish your set you have your disinfectant-soaked towels ready to wipe down your machine. Then throw them out and grab your next handful of wet towels before moving to the next machine.


That's exactly how I do it. If it's rude, then we both are rude.


Depending on who you ask, I'm rude whether that particular behavior is rude or not


I guarantee you can find a bunch of people who think I am rude.


I do the same. It literally takes 30 sec to wipe down the machine you just were using. Not sure how that can be considered rude, but people are weird so....


I don't see it as rude; I do something very similar, especially if it's busy.


I do this sometimes, did it today in fact, but my gym is not particularly busy (at least when I’m there.) If it looked like someone wanted to use the machine I had my bottle on while I was wiping down the one I just used, I’d move my bottle and tell them to go ahead, but it hasn’t been an issue yet.