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You can turn on money in sandbox. The question is how much you care about the market and community challenges. Personally I see little reason to leave sandbox.


Oh, you can? I didn’t know that! The market was both fun and a curse depending on the animal lol but IIRC we can’t release animals in sandbox?


You can release animals in sandbox!


You can change everything in sandbox, money and CC. guest number, needs, money, education, freeing etc. and for staff also, you can also decide wether or not to have research and power, and of course animal welfare, escaping, aging, fights, illness, barrier status, food spoiling, needs etc etc. Sandbox is completely customizable the only thing is no community challenges, no shared trade center, and it’s harder to find rare colored animals, but none of that is too bad in my opinion


Sandbox all day long. I don’t have the time to jump through hoops in this kind of game. I just imagine I’m a multi-billionaire who’s decided he wants to build a zoo.


I would love to play in franchise and participate in the challenges if the market was usable. Maybe it’s because I’m on console but it’s sooo bad. I sometimes have to sit there for 5-8 minutes for it to load. I tried but it was too much. I do love how the research transfers between your zoos in franchise. I play challenge mode the most, sandbox is too much for me lol. I like having some restrictions on what I can do and build and then being able to upgrade as I go, whether that’s money or new items I research. Sandbox to me is too easy and I want a bit of a challenge


I’m sorry that you’re limited in that way!


I started playing franchise a bit and actually really enjoyed participating in the community challenge for the first time, but the market alone is annoying but when you add random 5-10 minutes of loading for things like trades or even putting animals into your own zoo it makes it pretty frustrating. I just started a new "challenge" zoo and it's sooo much better. I need a little challenge so sandbox is a no go for me.


Yes! Even releasing animals into the wild for me takes like 5 minutes which I don’t understand, because you’re basically just “deleting” the animal. Maybe it will get better in the future but who knows lol. I did notice that if I play on off peak times (like in the morning) it’s okay. But anytime from like 3pm to 10pm was just horrific.


Omg thought it was just me ! Franchise is slow too! Think it’s too much for the system to have that many animals on the market


Really? Im on console and have had no issues with loading at all. Marketplace purchases are available instantly to go to quarantine or straight to habitat. Some lag when zoomed into the high traffic areas but other than that no issues. Sorry you have to deal with that.


I (console player) like franchise a lot, but the market in franchise can be frustrating at times. I started out with a sandbox zoo just to get the hang of things, but quickly become a little bored with having everything unlocked from the start. I personally prefer franchise now and get a lot of satisfaction from building a zoo up, or breeding animals from one zoo to take over to another to tie everything all together


Thank you!


you might wanna start with sandbox. from what i’ve heard franchise can be a little more difficult and requires more planning / effort


Thank you!


Depends what youre more into. If you enjoy gameplay challenges when it comes to finances, research, guest and animal happiness then play franchise. If you don't care much about all thst but just want to create the zoo of your dreams in detail, with everything available to you from the start. Then go for sandbox. Alternatively: if you're stuck with a builders block and have no inspiration of what to build in either franchise or sandbox. Then try acing the scenerios. It sets clear objectives that keep you on track. They can be alot of fun too.


I've found franchise with 3x longer lifespans and plenty of exhibit animals makes the game calm enough for me to play, especially since sandbox gets a bit boring for me after a while. The stressful part is planning and then building my habitats!


I like to play in franchise, mostly just because I like being able to complete community challenges in whatever zoo I'm actively building but also because I enjoy the sense of accomplishment when I finally have enough money to start my renovations and build up my habitats/guest areas a bit more I never start my zoo with a theme in my building, I just build it up until guests stop complaining about the size and I let the money pour in- then I use that money to build an entrance/staff area I like and place my habitats again until I have money to make them look nicer.. just slowly deconstructing and reconstructing the zoo until all that's left is to expand it outwards Idk- sandbox being an option is cool but I never really feel accomplished in any game when I play in sandbox mode


Franchise. I want to actually play the game, not just build stuff with no challenge or management at all.


I switched over from franchise to sandbox because I didn't want to deal with the animal exchange anymore. I can also still play on days when my wifi is being dumb. And this is kinda cheats, but I like turning animal stress off and expand my animals lifespan. You can fine tune everything.


I enjoy Franchise for the interesting challenges related to it, but I play Sandbox far more for the creative ventures you can have there.


I always play franchise, I have a sandbox zoo but it’s mostly for testing out blueprints or in case franchise mode stops working. I like having all my linked franchise zoos and managing animals across them and I also enjoy the market and community challenge elements, most of the time!


Franchise is more engaging. Sandbox is just build whatever you want, franchise actually has challenges and you have to ramp up and scale


I do franchise on easy mode. It's the right balance of challenge and freedom for me and it usually doesn't take long before I'm in the millions and can go ham on the building.


Franchise! I've only been in sandbox once and that was to show my little sister some animals!


Franchise for the win. Its hard at first, but once you get a solid fleet of working zoos you can take Animals from one zoo and start selling them in your new zoo to have basically free money. It's fun buying other people Animals even if some are overpriced.


I always play in franchise even for my most detailed planned zoos. You can rack up serious cash quickly 3 habitats and maybe a few exhibits play on fast forward mode and the money just rolls in you don't need any food or drinks cuz the zoo is small enough and don't buy any unnecessary staff like security an such. Basically 1 vet, 1 maintenance, 1 animal care taker. Yea you don't have everything unlocked but imo I basically sped thru anything I put in my park after all the stupid diseases. Honestly kinda wish you had to unlock each thing on each new zoo cuz I have so much now I have nothing but to build left


I play franchise purely because I like designing and managing multiple affiliated zoos. I hate the money aspect, but being able to transfer animals between zoos is really satisfying and feels more realistic to me. I wish the game focused on animal and population management a lot more than it does, so this is the closest I can get to that. I also like that the research is shared across the franchise. It makes things a lot easier for building and feels true to how a group of zoos would share knowledge. If we had those features in challenge or sandbox, I would probably play either of them more often. I don’t love the overpriced animals or limited availability on the franchise market, and while the rarer color variations are cool, I find them to be really overrepresented. But I really want to be able to move my animals around between zoos and be able to say “oh this animal came from X zoo and is so-and-so’s child” much like how captive populations work in real life, so franchise wins for me because of that.


I play on console and feel like sandbox is too easy and not enough of a challenge. I prefer franchise for the marketplace, can get some good animals for decent prices if lucky. The community challenges make you have something else to do as well. But to each their own