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Is there a community challenge every week or most weeks?


Is there a list of dlc release dates for the console? Or does anyone know when the next one comes out?


There aren't any official dates, most people think it will be roughly every 2 months as they are releasing 2 packs at a time and plan to have them all out by next Spring. As one just came out the next one might be August, may also depend on when any new DLC for PC gets announced. So the answer at the moment is no and no, sorry.


when is the next sale, im planning on getting the game but i am broke...


If you're on Steam the big summer sale starts next week - 27th June. But you can also get the PC game from sites like CD Keys and Instant Gaming for a similar discount the rest of the year.


I'm on console and I love the game but I'm wondering if it's worth getting the season pass. Will there every be a point where the season pass is on sale or should I just get it as soon as possible if I even get it at all?


That's up to you and how much you enjoy planet zoo vs how much money you have. I'd say look for a sale and get it when you find one.


Which DLC pack gives you the most plants? I’d really love to have more plants to decorate habitats with


You can take a look at the [pack content](https://planetzoo.fandom.com/wiki/Category:DLC) links for the DLCs and see the items added for each one. I'd guess Conservation Pack, but you can compare.


Not sure if anyone has counted how many plants come with each DLC! Is there a particular biome you like playing in as I'd then look for packs that have plants in that biome as you're more likely to use those. Which DLC do you already have or are you just on BG?


Looks like the fan wiki might answer this one [https://planetzoo.fandom.com/wiki/African\_Daisy](https://planetzoo.fandom.com/wiki/African_Daisy) - if you scroll down you can see what foliage is linked to each pack. Looks like the Conservation pack gives you the most new foliage which makes sense given the theme of the pack (it's also one of my favourites for build pieces and blueprint buildings).


How do I unlock a island map to build on


Just choose the Oceania version of the temperate map.


Is the graphics and details on Console the same as PC?


Looks great on console.


PC can be better if you have a good PC.


Ah so it kind of depends on which PC I suppose?


When you sell an animal on the franchise market does it show your zoo name or your overall franchise name? It's hard to tell because the trading centre shows the specific zoo name for your own animals.


It’s your overall franchise name I believe.


I would love to start playing this game, it looks so cool. But I don’t have the spare cash right now. Does it ever go on sale or are there coupon codes?


I found a post saying there might be a summer sale starting the 27th. That will help! If anyone has other ideas to share than that, I’m still open.


The Steam Summer Sale will start June 27th. The game and its expansions have always gone on sale during the Steam Summer Sale and I don’t see why this year would be any different.


Thank you for confirming this! I think I can wait until then. <3


There are also sites such as CD keys and instant gaming that have it discounted all year round but some people are cautious of those sites in which case you’ll hopefully still get a decent discount anyway with the sale.


Why are some people cautious about doing it that way?


They aren’t an official seller as Frontier doesn’t allow their games to be sold by anyone but steam so I believe they bulk buy keys and then resell them? However I’ve bought almost all my DLC on CD keys and never had a problem, I do use PayPal as an extra precaution as i do with a lot of online stuff. At least one major PZ content creator partners with e Gaming and promotes them on her videos and she in turn is promoted on the official Planet Zoo website. 🤷‍♀️Someone the other day said the money doesn’t go to the developers but I believe the games are legally purchased in the first place and Frontier is hardly a struggling indie. If it was a new game or new indie developer I’d buy within steam as I think it boosts how they are promoted in steam. But again that isn’t a problem for a game like PZ!


Hmm, interesting. I will definitely consider that, especially if I want all the expansion packs. Thank you!


How's the Frontier staff doing? Everyone good?


They don't check reddit so we have no way of knowing. They respond on the official forums sometimes.


Not anymore sadly, all of the planet zoo forum community moderators were let go during the frontier restructuring earlier this year.