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Go to the gear icon and check "flatten terrain." Alternatively, uncheck "flatten terrain" if it is already checked. That usually fixes it.


This is the correct answer. The pathing system is limited so you have to work with it. There are a bunch of options attached - play with them and see what they do before you get needlessly frustrated. Once you figure out what the paths can and can't do they're really not that difficult to use.


Sometimes I just shift + z and make a cute little blot of a path and the game will work a little to accommodate the two. Pathing is a really frustrating language, but once you learn it, it’s so beautiful


I played for like a year and a half before ever touching the align to grid and therefore the SQUARE PATH OPTION!!! The zoo I’m creating now is a million times better now lol. So you’re definitely right, just take the time to check out all the options!!


There's a lot of things I love about this game. The pathing isn't one of them. Every time I haven't played in a while, I need to watch a pathing tutorial on Youtube again.


Ive been flattening over and over, hence the frustration. The pic isnt great but im trying to show that there’s literally no indication whatsoever of there being any kind of bump that should be in the way


Is there a barrier near the path? If it's trying to modify any adjacent terrain to make space for the path, and that terrain is part of the barrier's uneditable footprint, placement will fail even if things are smooth.


It looks like there is a slight curve on the pathing line in the area the shadow crosses over and around that area. This has happened to me, luckily when I was just doing the first path from the entrance of a zoo. Never could flatten it enough for the path to lay so I deleted and made a new zoo as I hadn't done anything yet. I hope you manage to find a solution.


I did, It required the typical “delete all paths, barriers, and objects then basically troubleshoot whats causing the issue so you can work around it” This game is incredibly frustrating sometimes, luckily its the best of the genre


I'm glad that worked! In my case I hadn't done anything, just loaded a new zoo and ran straight into this issue within 20m of the entrance. No amount of flattening would work so at least I didn't have any work lost.


It wasnt my first time having to workaround the shitty mechanics, like how hard shelter/climbable areas are calculated. So I figured it was yet again some way the game thought I was wrong arbitrarily which Id have to sort out


Every time I play this game within an hour I turn it off because I get so angry at the pathing system. It can be completely flat and if you delete a bit you don't mean to then try to replace it then it won't work.


Yea I love that! Happens quite often.


Is your terrain being flattened at 100%? Sometimes placing one half of the desired path and then connecting from the other direction can help.


Which tool are you using to flatten with? I usually use "flatten to foundation." also want to make sure you toggle "flatten terrain" in the gear menu on the right from whatever setting it's on like people suggested, that setting can be buggy/uncooperative.  If you're too close to a barrier or water or if there's an object on the ground you're messing with, the terrain won't be able to move because of the scenery (the game's idea of "too close" or "obstructing" is a little extreme at times). You should maybe try using a tool to make hills or pits where you're trying to place the path to see if you're actually able to adjust that terrain at all, since you can just hit undo or re-flatten.


Yea I had to painstakingly extend everything, get it perfect again, delete all the pathing and barriers, just to get one fkn path down. Game is testing my patience, specifically with arbitrary obstruction blocking


I’ve seen people in this subreddit talk about the freebuild mod, I believe it’s supposed to help with these situations.


Welcome to Planet Zoo lol




This view is so liminal and vivid and intense with the stark sun and shadows. Like a vision of heaven or something 


Path system sucks. Take a deep breath and imagine how cool your zoo will look. You can do it.


My zoos get chaotic because I get over the damn paths and then they end up going wherever they will place LOL


Flatten terrain? Smooth tool? Etc.?


yeah Idk why yall all assume I dont know what terrain tools are when the picture is of a smooth bank. Yes I flattened and smoothed religously, widened out space, removed barrier in case, it was simply the awful pathing system this game has, where for some reason at this spot the path would not accept anything but absolutely perfect along wirh multiple delete redraws


I hate it when that happens. I wasn’t trying to be rude, though. I forget about the tools sometimes.


No its fine it wasnt directed at you, I just got asked a few too many times if I flattened after angrily flattening for 30 minutes🤣


The pathing, terra forming and water tools are a nightmare.


Download the mod freebuild. It saves sanity


is there a stretch tool mod? I played prehistoric kingdom before this and let me say, only thing I missed severely when I switched games


lol this always made me so mad


Freebuild helps a lot.


Press F12 for screenshot.


People post photos instead of screenshots because they are using the Reddit mobile app and aren't logged in on desktop.


And logging in takes like 2 seconds. Bad excuse.


lmao was angrily tryin to post in frustration and I dont use reddit outside of the app fr