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It sure has it limits. But i see that i'm getting better. It takes more time to build. Camera is sometimes a bit weird and some other thing can be annoying. But its a fun game and you can create Almost everything you want. And with some help from youtubers even if they are on pc.


100% what they said. My first attempt at a zoo I wanted to try to get everything in (and I almost did), but had to limit how much detail went into my habitats so I could continue my build. I had to omit a few animals but it at least looks decent for my first go. I’ve learned a lot from my first go and am now working on themed or regional zoos (I play in sandbox). Right now I’m making a north and south America zoo, and am MUCH happier with the level of detail I can accomplish with the smaller zoo. While it is kind of a pain in the neck that there are size limits, I understand why.


It's also incredibly difficult to manage all the baby animals being born and maturing if you try to cram every animal into one giant zoo.


Very true. That’s why I have that setting turned off. As much as I’d love to see baby animals running around, I know it’s constant (happened to my husband’s zoo), and while I can turn off animal deaths in sand box I can’t keep the babies as babies forever.


Have you managed to fill a zoo? I can't earn enough money to feed them all. Just wondering if this is my shortcoming or the 4k population limit


In sandbox mode you can turn on unlimited money so you can just build a zoo, so that’s how I did it.


When I hit the 4k people limit I notice my funds tank if I try to build anymore.


Technically, I think I could have filled the zoo with every animal in sandbox mode where money is not a concern (the exhibits were kept relatively simple with the standard barriers) but it would have been too exhausting for me to keep up with haha.


I play in franchise and ive only just started, I only have 5 species and 3 exhibit animals species and Im already on %13 (mind you its about 30 animals total) but still idk. I am also doing themed zoo's, focusing on Africa right now. While I was hoping to maybe have a big mixed zoo, its far from my main priority. does anyone know what takes up the most percentage? baby animals? decorations? guests?


Juvies, turn breeding off on sandbox, as much as babies are cool, they take up too much space on the complexity limit


The only animals that breed for me quite a lot are the Gemsbok and Aldabra tortoise and I usually get on average 1.5 extra baby a day. Sometimes tho my snails in the exhibits can have live 15 babies in 2 hrs of playing tho... do exhibit babies also take up a lot of percentage?


Do NOT get crocodilians, peafowl or capybaras, hell on earth


do they breed alot? I have nile monitors bought 3, now they've tripled in amount and I have 9...


Aye, and they incest a lot, as soon as the juvies are full grown they fuck their parents


True, and a small detailed zoo can still be big. It gets a bit laggy when you hit around 70% i think. But its fine, we are having fun with it.


Does making the guest limit smaller help? Im already at the stage where Im making far above what Im spending so I don't even need that many guests


I think it will. Never did it myself. But i know running alot of guest can make it laggy.


Yeah, assuming most of the lag comes from everything moving and running in the background, it would be cool if you could pause certain parts of the zoo maybe if you wanted to focus in on certain areas without lag


Thats why we make small/medium sized zoo's. And it only starts being laggy when you pass the 65%/70%. But it would be nice if thats possible.


I hit the 4k visitor limit before the build cap, and I built an entire river crossing my map and a large hill in the centre, surrounded by waterfalls. Do NOT build long and thin. You will not be able to support it. You just won't have the numbers to sustain an entire map filled with zoo, or at least I havent with mine.


How do you recommend to build then?


I’ve been playing on the PS5 and it’s a lot of fun. Definitely difficult at times but like others have said the more you play the better you get at figuring out the controls and such and the best way to build your zoo on console. I found it a bit stressful managing a big zoo. I could not keep up with all the baby animals being born—and I was having a hard time figuring out how to build an underwater viewing for the seals and penguins, but YouTube is helping!


Personally playing planet zoo on PS5 feels like a game bc on PC while its still fun I feel kind of like I'm coding or building something as a job


I just use rocks


It’s a bit of a bummer when your % goes up and then the game slows down. I invested loads of time making a whole map which had underground railway to get to each continent with stations etc and then each section had its own theme of animal and buildings. I finished Europe then realised I was at 70% storage and then got annoyed cos i knew I couldn’t complete the rest of the park


Well I finished the campaign scenario in the USA desert, I think there are only 2 scenarios after that one. Its the one where you have to have 13 habitat species and 5 vivarium species. For the first time I build a zoo from scrath with lots of details/objects. Its the most detailed zoo I build myself and its quite big. And it hasn't lagged once.


I’m currently at 64% and my zoo is already the size of what be what would, in the real world, be considered a big zoo. I’m just about finished - animal and facility wise - and will use the remaining memory to fill in any empty spaces and close off perimeters. I maintain the console’s build limit is a good thing. Just look at all these PC creations uploaded to YouTube, pushed to the game’s limits and delivering about 20 fps because of it, even with guests disabled.


Yeah I think the difference is the PC can just run immensely complex zoo's without breaking down or exploding which doesn't necessarily mean that it will run well. At %64 would you say its laggy?


No signs of lag yet, except when moving large structures. But even then everything starts running smooth again as soon as I plonk it down. All that said the only time I ran a park to 100% was back on Coaster (PS5 upgrade) and it still ran smoothly then. I also limit guests to 1,000, not just because it helps with any possible lag, but because I think it looks far more realistic. Having your zoo crawling with a dense sea of bodies is not realistic.


I agree with guests being at 1000 max, helps much more with literally everything. by the time you're even at 1000 guests you're probably making loads of money anyway. It's good you aren't experiencing lag yet at least not in the main functions of the zoo


You’ll be fine. Just don’t have expectations for hyper detailed zoos, unless you plan to go small and compact, zoo size wise.


Yeah, next time I play im probably gonna tweak all my habitats and areas maybe just to shave off a percent or two


None, I build lots of small zoos anyway.


probably the same with me tbh


Cheers. I have been building themed zoos based on each of the DLC packs.