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That’s amazing given where we were a couple of days ago! Don’t think I’ve seen us make that sort of jump since I started playing community challenges - we’ll done to those who were breeding in the 100s! We might all be flooding the market with tortoises etc now as all these babies mature. I will laugh if I get reptiles as reward animals!


Grats, on console we will not reach the goal ☹️ And hats off for your personal portion 👍


Oh, I'm sorry. It's a shame they aren't combined.


So true! I’m in Gold 2 right now on console, with a bit over 30.  I have a full time job so can only spend so much time doing the challenge. Have to get off now with 2 hours to go so I can cook dinner, make lunch, for tomorrow, shower lol.  Maybe we can pull it off! 


It doesn’t show up on mine it just says there is no challenge?


There isn't one anymore.


No even when it was running. It told me there wasn’t one at the moment


It's only in franchise, other game modes don't have it.


Yea this was in franchise but I’ve only just started franchise as I did a lot of practice in sandbox first. so maybe it didn’t connect properly or I was looking in the wrong place :)


Wait console and PC don't contribute to the same challenge?


Apparently not.


This is my first community challenge since I started the game what did we win?


Depends on the level of personal contribution. If you got all the personal rewards you'll likely get 3 animals and some credits 😁


What animals?


It's seemingly random, but they are always gold rated and often albinos. Pretty much always from base animals (no dlc)


Are they going to be immortal or something cause otherwise it is pretty worthless.


No, but I enjoy getting them, and it's always nice to get healthy Albinos, which are my absolute favorites. I'm sorry you feel that way but your opinion is totally valid and I'm not gonna give you crap for feeling that way. I personally think it's worth it, which is why I bust out for some challenges. In the past I've gotten albino tigers, orangutans, etc, all which always cost 10k credits (if you can find them) AND it's really hard to find healthy mates that aren't inbreeding, so it's totally worth it to me. Plus if you breed enough during the challenge you can typically sell your extras (I'm up to my eyeballs in reptiles lol) for a decent amount of credits during and after. I'll be selling out of my breeding zoo for weeks after this challenge, and even selling at base amount and releasing anything not gold has landed me nearly 100K and I've still got about 2k animals who need to grow up. I've got more healthy albino alligators than I'll ever need, so I'll be able to put the max amount in my albino zoo to breed the healthiest babies, keep a breeding pair in storage and sell the rest, so now other people will get nice gold star breeders for their zoos that aren't 10K. I typically sell my gold star albinos for anywhere from 500-3000 because I don't like gatekeeping. Getting gold star albino expensive animals directly from frontier really helps keep my stock healthy and helps me share the love. *Steps off soapbox slightly ashamedly* Sorry, just justifying my fervor 🤣


A gold rated albino is going to give you tons of conservation points of you breed more of them


Dude I got to 80 and thought I did good lol….. is it normal for ppl to have that high of a number or do u just got a mega zoo?


I did a mega zoo. I had 5 pins of Caiman, 6 pins of alligators, 6 pins of Aldabra, 6 pins of Galapagos, and 4 pins of gharial, all with the max allowable girls to one boy. I started before it started and put any pregnant animals in my storage to pull out after it started. I mass bred like it was my JOB lol.


I got 1040 silver rated reptiles in a single evening of grinding with a small focused zoo. Basically I made 3 pens, two breeder pens with Gharials (1 male 6 females), and a maturing pen. I periodically moved all the babies into the maturing pen with no adults, it attracted protesters of course because there were like 200 babies crammed in there, but the maturing pen was out of sight of guests. Zoo rating weren't great, but since the guests couldn't see the deplorable conditions or the protestors they didn't seem to mind. (In principle it'd also be possible to make a maturing habitat which is pretty much the entire map, the babies would all hang around the feeding area anyway). Then periodically I'd "select all" in the maturing pen and release to wild, de-selecting any selling for 170+ CC, which is what you get for a near-perfect Gharial, those I'd send to the trade center to sell or be next generation breeders. I earned like 70k CC from releasing Gharials to the wild. This could all be done at 3x speed with minimal need to pause. I also had a few other habitats to earn money to pay the food bill for bazillions of Gharials (something like 80k a year), I used slow to mature species (got rid of the Nile Monitors) to spend more time at 3x speed before having to pause to manage habitats. So animals like Saltwater Crocodiles and Tortoises were ideal (while fitting the Reptiles theme). Babies bring in donations really well, so babies which stay babies a long time are great.


AHHH amazing! Go team!


when is the next one?


https://www.planetzoogame.com/community?version=pc They always put the next one up when the previous one ends. I'm gonna sit this one out because I want to focus on the zoo I'm creating (for the very first time I'm putting a lot of effort into making pretty functional enclosures instead of just basic crap 🤣)


If the next challenge means releasing animals from Grasslands, does this mean the Grasslands DLC animals? Or animals that live in the biome "Savannah"?


Grasslands animals and grasslands DLC animals would both count. There is no biome called savannah in planet zoo, in this game it's called grasslands. Frontier never puts on challenges where only dlc animals can be used. There's always at least one base game species that qualifies.


I opened the website of Planet Zoo and there are categories "desert, rainforest... And Savannah". So I thought this is the English name.


4 Star... What grasland animal gets 4 stars quick? Do you know?


I bred a full 8 of em for this very purpose :p


My gharials were working overtime with this one geez


Gators for all!


Is there a way to know what the next challenge is before it drops? I got to Gold 3 on console breeding only 1 gold pair of crocs. Love your breeding zoo idea, definitely going to use it in the future