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Are there paths from where the mechanics are to where the broken utilities or vending machines are? Have you tried selecting the broken things and hitting the "call mechanic" button? With the benches and trash bins, they're considered vandalized, there's a menu where you can replace all the vandalized stuff at once yourself, or you can select them individually and there's a "replace" button. I don't think mechanics do anything with vandalized stuff. What you need for those is more security guards to prevent people from vandalizing stuff in the first place.


Paths seem fine. They can get to the areas, but once they get there, they just idle and complain about being bored/not having work to do


Check your work zone set up, there might be an issue with them not being assigned to the same work zone as the things you want them to be fixed. If that is not the case, I recommend reporting it to frontier, console edition is still rather new and there might be surprise bugs in it.


Does the path definitely connect to the item? If the mechanic can get to the area next to the item but isn't fixing it (as you've mentioned below) then it's usually work zones (which you've checked) or some reason they can't physically get to the item. Otherwise definitely a bug that needs reporting. It might be worth posting pictures in case anyone can spot something that might be causing the issue. For vending machines it's worth changing the frequency of the maintenance checks as that can help stop them breaking down all the time, I usually set mine to 9 months rather than a year but you could make it more frequent if they are still being a problem. If the mechanics are just ignoring them when they break but guests are using them ok then you definitely have a bug. As someone else has mentioned, the benches/trash bins being broken are a completely separate thing as they will be the result of vandals in your zoo. If this happens regularly then you either need more security guards or more cameras (or both). I usually have one or two security guards until my zoo gets so big that items are constantly vandalised and then I'll put up cameras so that the majority of the zoo is covered. I prefer security guards because I like finding the pickpockets myself and then getting security to run after them! :D