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I’m building a zoo in coastal Oregon and I chose tropical rainforest. The map is the one in Asia or Australia, the one with the mountains that look less rainforesty, but I think the more vibrant green terrain and the detailed dirt textures match the Pacific Northwest significantly better than taiga/temperate, but work really well with a taiga/temperate foliage pallet


I'd go with temperate or even grassland. They make wine there, so it is definitely on the warmer side of things though obviously not quite tropical or desert. The forest on the coast of Oregon and Washington state is considered temperate rainforest, not taiga, and it has those trees- they shouldn't be exclusive to taiga. If I remember correctly, the Willamette valley is pretty open, so I think you could justify grassland if you wanted, but temperate would also make sense. Taiga is specifically a type of forest, so I don't think it would fit as well.


definitely temperate, imo (- from a washingtonian)


If you do temperate in North America you still get some mild winter snow weather


I'm in that area, I'd 100% call it temperate. Taiga biome is going to randomly start snowing all the time, and we only really get a snowpocalypse every year or so if at all.


Haha yeah like that ice storm in January. That was a fucking crazy week


God yeah. Snowed in and out of power for days; I don't even know what we would have done if we didn't already have the fireplace on. We just ran it the whole time and it was still freezing.