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I know plant-based cooking has fewer options for creamy fats, and this fermented tofu has become a staple of my cooking. It's sold in fist-sized jars of cubed tofu in the spice aisle of Chinese grocery stores. ~ $3/jar, 200 Cal. The texture is *very* soft — like maybe Brie cheese — and it provides a creamy, pungent, tangy addition to whatever you're cooking. Actually, an older Chinese lady in line behind me happily described it as "Chinese cheese". My default home-cooked meal now is stir fried veggies with some of this fermented tofu mixed in. Give it a try.


Pungent is the key word. This is more akin to bleu cheese than a mild cheddar or brie. I’m Chinese and grew up with it and it  can be overpowering unless in certain contexts. 


Yeah. I can eat it straight — or even better, with some sriracha. But I'd advise folks to treat it like a condiment, not a base of your meal like regular firm tofu.


Ur real for that I’m giving u an honorary Chinese badge lmfao.


Yeah, I love that stuff, there's a similar one with a green and yellow label that's good and strong but lower in sodium. Anyway, stuff is amazing, like OP said, I find smellier more pungent fermented "stinky" tofus the best sub for the kinds of cheese I used to enjoy, like a runny Limburger


As someone who enjoys bleu cheese by the mouthful this is the first time I've heard fermented tofu referred to in an appetizing way. I want to try it now.


Mix with a little vegan mayo for a blue cheese dressing


Do you slice it, or crumble it?


It's very soft. Stirred into things, it doesn't really maintain its own shape.


iirc one of the hosts of Chinese Food Demystified describes fermented tofus as “rice killers” - delicious add-ons to help eaters finish their rice.


The problem is the salt. The chinese eat 1/2 to 1 piece per large bowl of rice. If you take 1 piece and spread it on toast, it's way too salty.


Oh my god as a die hard kimchi lover this sounds AMAZING.


I love a tiny bit of fermented tofu stirred into sauteed greens with garlic and chilies.


We used to use this in a restaurant for an apple salad - blend it with some pine nuts and season to taste with salt. Then smear it on the bottom of the plate. Toss apple slices in lemon juice, olive oil, white balsamic vinegar, and a pinch of salt. mix with a whole mess of herbs and pile on top of the shmoo. Give it at try blended with nuts as a cheesy dip!


Omg I loved eating plain white porridge with this when I was young. It’s also popular with water spinach - see [recipe.](https://www.theseasonedwok.com/ong-choy-with-fermented-bean-curd/)


Thanks for the rec, will definitely try it.


There are alot of different brands. They're all spiced slightly differently. Some have really weird tastes. They're all usually fine in a stir fry, but if you intend to use it in a sandwich or something, be aware, strong weird flavors.


There is a recipe for stinky style fermented tofu in the Miso, Tempeh, Natto and Other Tasty Ferments by Shockey & Shockey. My friend has made this and I have tried it - it is absolutely delicious on a cracker like cheese and used as a cheese like topping on dishes.


Ugh, I wish I didn’t have an intolerance to soy because I love tofu. But maybe I could still try.


I know people who are sensitive to gluten and lactose can eat fermented versions (i.e. sourdough and yogurt or kefir respectively). Or you could try making your own soy-free tofu (https://www.marystestkitchen.com/high-protein-soy-free-tofu-2/) and then make your own fermented tofu using the suggestion posted by u/Lawdkoosh in another comment.


Oh yeah it’s fine, it’s not a terrible sensitivity or anything but I wish I didn’t have it. Lol


Had this for the first time today, it's so delicious! I could only find it with chili and chili oil, I'd like to try it plain sometime too. But wow, it was such a delicious, spicy, funky, savory, umami-rich, fermented addition to my noodles.


Has anyone bought it online? Interested in trying it out, but don't have any Chinese/Asian grocery stores nearby.


This sounds so good I’ll try it!


great idea! i might try making some


Yeah I want to try this now


I'm absolutely trying this, ty!


Oh I tried once and it was amazing!


Oh I didn’t know you could buy this! I had stinky tofu in China, which I think is a fermented tofu, and loved it (much to the horror of my travel partners). I’ll have to check my local Asian market.


How does this compare to tofu + miso? I love that combination for taste, price and convenience. Miso is one type of fermented soy.


Actually, you can make something similar wrapping a extra firm tofu in miso, an letting ferment for a couple of months.


Interesting. Would it be in the refrigerator?


Yes, but mostly because of the constant controlled temp. A electric wine storage would be fine too. Or a place in your house where day an night temps don't vary that much, like a basement.


How did you get in my head? I literally just said to my partner the other day that it seemed like fermented tofu could be the missing key in vegan cheese recipes. I was gonna experiment with making a 'blue cheese like' dressing. 


Is it still safe to consume when it gets a little grey?


I hope you find your answer


I have a jar of this in my pantry, but I've been a bit afraid to try it. What's a good way to try for the first time? Also, I hate natto. Does it taste like natto?


No, natto is subtle in comparison, but it leans more to the blue cheese side


I line bleu cheese! This is helpful. Thank you!


I did it! I tried the stinky cheese. It’s delicious! I don’t understand why all the vegan influencers aren’t using this for “cheezy” things.


Can you order this brand online? Can’t find it


I’ve heard of it and really want to try it! I couldn’t find it at h mart. If anyone knows where to find it in Chicago, please lmk!


The OG. One of my first favorite foods.


I just went and picked some up along with several Chinese veggies I've never cooked with before. Looking forward to experimenting.


I’ve had a jar of this in my fridge forever! Need to dig in.


I like the fermented tofu, but would not buy any food from China, ever. The food safety standards that do exist are not enforced, and toxic, fake food is rampant.


Well me and 2 billion other people eat it every day, lol. Also it's fermented, so pretty hard for it to go bad. 


It is not about going bad. It is about using harmful ingredients to boost profits. Look up the baby formula and fake meat issues with Chinese produced foods as a starter.


Noooo don't tell people! I'm gatekeeping this one, especially after silly people using it for challenges


Thanks! I just ordered some. I will try making some on my own if I like it. :) I appreciate a suggestion for new foods!


I've heard you can make yourselves some kind of fermented tofu if you use a little rejuvelac in the soy milk liquid (when it under skin temoerature) before pressing. Or letting ferment in shio koji...


How do I eat this? I tried a spoon and it was LITERALLY like creamy diarrhea in taste and texture


I don’t have access to things like this.