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Looks like trumpet vine. I've got no advice but do know it's super ~~invasive~~ aggressive, good luck! Edit: correcting terms, didn't realize it was native to the area!


It is native to OP's region, so it cannot be invasive. It is, however, very aggressive


It’s trumpet vine. From my experience, the best way to beat it is to embrace it. Let one of the vines grow and nurture it and you’ll have a lot fewer shoots coming up. Try to suppress it entirely it and you’ll see infinite shoots for a long long time.


Thats relieving as that is the approach I am trying. I noticed one a year ago and whacked it down without realizing it, this spring I see 3-4 shoots and decided to let it go up a tree because I want to see it flower. I figure if I love it and nurture it then it will be sure to die and meet a terrible fate.


The blooms are gorgeous and attract hummingbirds. You’ve got a good plan but you may want to train it up something else so it doesn’t smother the tree. It gets pretty big - I had a trumpet vine at my old house that had a stem that was about 3 inches wide.


the tree is a maple that is getting close to my house. I already. planted a service berry 3-4 feet away from it to let it grow up some before i cut the maple down. Trumpet vine can have its way with it all it wants until then.


Exactly. Become super attached to it and watch it commit suicide.




God help you if you let the bugger go to seed, though.


There’s a theory that vines like that grow from the center of the earth, which is why we can’t kill them. Kill one shoot, and another pops up. Good luck.


Hummingbirds love it. It will go up a tree and bloom big orange trumpets.


Trumpet vine,pain in the arse for sure


Trumpet Vine.


If you can't live with it, spend the next few months chopping every sprout you see, as deep as you can. Then in the fall, let a few shoots get a little bigger and paint on herbicide (trydopir or glyphosate). Repeat next year. And the next. By then, maybe you'll have killed most of the root system.


Hummingbirds love trumpet vine blooms. But yes if you try to control it will just pop up elsewhere and the battle is on. Best to let the one grow but I question allowing it to invade a tree as most vines will end up choking and killing said tree. Just look at wild wisteria and where they grew up into the trees. You will find most of those trees are now dead.


I cut one out of my fence for over 10 years before it finally stopped growing! Those can tear a porch off a house!


I got a trumpet vine from my daughter and planted it in the rear of my back yard. 3 years later, it sprouted all over my front yard. Super aggressive!


So after reading all these comments I guess the answer is that I need to learn to love the trumpet vine taking over my yard.


Looks like trumpet vine.It's probably easier to get rid of cancer. makes Lovely orange flowers that attract hummingbirds might as well get used to it.


its native, dont kill it, just embrace it, maybe try and encourage it to grow in a specific direction or something, regardless its important for the ecosystem to function.


Trumpet vine. Hummingbirds love it! Give it something to grow on, like a post. If you are going to cutdown the Maple, you will lose a lot of the vine. Good Luck!


Omg it's the devils vine, actual name escapes me right now. Aside from tearing up the entire area and digging out the roots( which are probably 3-8" down) it's there for life. I have it in my yard. I've heard cutting off the shoots close to the ground and spraying round up on it will do the trick, but it didn't work for.me


24 d round up mixed add surfactant or crop oil. Will not kill it but will hurt it bad. Repeat after it grows some new growth


Toxic sap and flowers!


You have meet the enemy and it’s a trumpet vine! Mwhahahaha!!!