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Overly feminized the nose. Very much has that done in Turkey look. It’s better, but it’s not perfect.


I'm 100% happy with it, never cared about it looking more feminine/masculine 😁


yeah dont listen to people who say men shouldnt have a feminized nose,men can also have feminized nose naturally,besides if the outcome is better than before and the person is happy theres nothing to discuss and no need to cloud the persons mind


Exactly how I feel about it, don't mind the comment at all but genuinely thankful for your's 🙂


Everyone seems to forget that these pics are immediately post-op. This isn’t the final result. My nose looked upturned and feminine for the first few months after surgery, but as it healed the tip dropped and it became more refined. Also, everyone has different goals. You see natural noses like this on men all the time and don’t think twice about it. Noses come in many different variations and this is one of them.


Rude af and a bad take. You sound like a plastic surgeon in the 80s or an ignorant small town doctor 😂 I don’t think a straight nasal bridge would have looked good on him. His original nose had curves, and the new profile does as well, but in a way that accentuates his features. It suits his face. Research is finding that a lot of the assumption that “very dimorphic features (ie very manly men and very feminine women) is always more attractive” is just not true. The exceptions to dimorphic extreme standards is especially true in men. We associate overly masculine features with overly high testosterone and aggression. Not attractive. Many of the men considered the most beautiful in the world have masculine features -and- androgynous traits as well. Beauty is more complicated than cookie cutter standards.


Actually super informative, thank you so much haha 😄


Of course! Wishing you a speedy recovery. QOVES Studios on YouTube is a great resource for beauty standard related things btw. I think that’s where I first heard this. Congrats on the results, it looks great and looks like it will heal up even better.


Doctor did a great job! Your nose looks wonderful. Can I ask the cost?


4500 USD 🙂


It looks really nice and balanced with your forehead. I love it!


It's crazy how much it changes your entire profile, always felt that it was unbalanced before and now it just seems "normal" 😄


Woah really?? I payed 8k for mine here in Austin That’s wild


I think plastic surgery in the US is generally just more expensive than pretty much any other place in the world. Can't comment on the expertise bc I don't know shit but Turkey is also notoriously affordable 😄


Affordable for foreigners yeah.


> really?? I *paid* 8k for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


To be honest, if that is only the cost of surgery then it is quite expensive. I am from Turkey and it is around 1200-2500 USD usually. And that is the price for expensive clinics. I have friends who have undergone nose surgery and never heard about a price that high before. I know that the clinic has more expenses when it comes to foreign patients such as translation services, extra care, etc. But this is a little too much. Maybe foreigners should get help from someone local before asking for prices in clinics.


Yeah I figured it'd be much less for locals but I don't mind, it's still much less than I would have paid in Germany and tbh I don't think I would have been as happy with the result. I was quoted less for other surgeons as well, I think many of the more internationally popular ones constantly raise prices because they just can


How can one secure help from locals?


Did you ask for it to look like this or did you want it completely straight?


Hi, guessing you mean the kind of slope tip ? That's pretty much the standard male nose for this surgeon and the reason I went to him, so yes completely happy with it 🙂


Could he make it perfectly straight with no slope if you asked him?


Not sure but don't see why not


It looks gorgeous I loooove your nose I am originally Iranian & we love that type of nose we sanctify in Iran to have that nose hahah


Thanks ! I've heard a lot about Rhinoplasty in Iran, was considering going there too 😄 I think young middle eastern people tend to prefer the more western aesthetic for noses even if the natural ones have 'more character'


OMG someone disagreed with me because I told you your nose is amazing what jealous people are !!! You are gorgeous don’t listen to homophobia & big noses people :) wish you a speedy recovery 😚


Damn he’s done a beautiful job, congratulations!


Thank you ! 🙂


He did a great job! I’m happy for you. I’m confused at the people hating. You have a lovely face and I think now those other features will really stand out!


That is so kind of you, really appreciate it 😊


WANT!! You look great. Guys, it doesn’t stay that upturned forever. If that’s what he wanted anyways then good for him.


It looks great:)


Thank you :)


Looks great! I’m currently 4 days post op and am also still SUPER swollen and bruised


I had 0 bruising but my eyes were almost completely swollen shut on day 2 😂 it all migrated down my face and is now around my jaw so I went from Alien to hamster 😅 Can you breathe through your nose yet ?


I’m on my way to hamster lol! My doc said I was one of the most bruised he’s seen. I knew I bruised easily but it’s more than I expected. I can’t get any air through my nose at all yet!! Sometimes I think I feel some and I’ll give sniffing a try and realize it’s still totally blocked. What about you? I heard day 4-6 is when some amount of air starts coming through but I think I’m going to be behind schedule with that


I had those tampons removed two days after surgery when they cleaned my nose and I remember on my way back to the hotel I could breathe a little but haven't been able to ever since lol. The splint is coming off on tuesday so I'm hoping that's when I'll be able to breathe again. What's your aftercare looking like ?


I hope you can! I didn’t have anything in my nose after surgery - I was getting a little air in the day of the operation but once the swelling started i couldn’t breathe anymore. For aftercare I’m taking extra strength Tylenol, doing my antibiotic soaks (I shove wet gauze in my nose) and sticking to an anti inflammatory diet. I’m putting arnica on my face and taking the tablets but idk if it’s helping anything. I’ve also been trying to walk a lot now that I’m up for it. My cast comes off Thursday! Fingers crossed it looks good. I think it will from the side but will be potato-like from the front for a while because of the swelling


Oh the gauze sounds much better I have to clear my nostrils with a sodium chloride solution every 3 hours and it gets tiring, I'm constantly switching bandages since the solution makes my nose runny 😂 I read that a lot of people kind of re-swell after cast removal, hoping we won't be looking like aliens again in a week 😭😂


Ugh yeah I heard that too. Fingers crossed it’s not too bad!




Actually wild to me but goes to show just how different preferences are 😄 Thanks regardless 😁


That is so beautiful ! I have the same morrocan nose and I want the same surgery. Also the fact that the nose is slightly feminine is what makes it so beautiful


Thank you ! I'm half Lebanese, I guess a lot of us share the same insecurities 😅


Would you mind giving me your instagram in dm so I can follow the evolution of your nose?


This feels like an ad


Jfc I did not choose that flair 😂 Also 100% not an ad, I would not recommend any surgeon to anyone, that's too big of a decision to base this on reddit posts. Just wanted people on this sub who are considering this surgeon to have a real life result and maybe someone to ask questions if they have any.


🤣🤣my bad homie. I was like, what is happening here?!? My apologies 😝


No worries I get it 😂


That is a great nose!! Congratulations! It really compliments your face!!


I think it looks perfect


Hello op. Did he also change your nose tip shape? Can you post here again after 6 months to see what it looks like then?


Did he explain any of the terminology? My current nose is less dramatic than your former nose, however I really want the same result. I guess lower cartilage reduction? I’m American, but refuse to ever pay the ridiculous plastic surgery prices in the US. Heading to Tijuana soon.