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As you said, your nose is super swollen and you gotta keep in mind it already had been on cast removal day too. I'm very sure your end result will look even better than those first photos so try to keep calm :) Marathon, not a race 🙂


*deep sigh* thank you, I will try to be patient. I'm just having a freak-out moment bc I really don't want my nose to droop further 😭


Completely normal, I think pretty much everyone goes through that phase at the beginning 😁 Nothing to worry about, give your nose the time it needs to heal, it'll turn our fine 🙂


thank you for your comforting words kind stranger! this was my first ever cosmetic procedure and despite all my mental prepping I still couldn't help but freak out. I just gotta wait and convince myself I'm cute anyway haha


first of all , your stunning girl ! I too had this concern when I first got my rhinoplasty in turkey . I had a bulbous nose and I got it corrected , when I took of my cast my nose was perfect ! My doctor usually opts for the Barbie nose look and that’s exactly what I got. But a month and 1/2 in my tip started to droop and I was confused & infuriated . Of course there is always a risk with any type of surgery , so I knew it was a possibility . I asked my doctor what was going on and he said it was some kind of extra fluid in my nose. You won’t see your full results until about a year and a half in . this is normal, and your only two weeks post op. I’m sure your nose will settle and the inflammation will go down over time. Don’t sweat it !


thank you so much internet friend! did you get any steroid injections to resolve the fluid? I very much appreciate your comforting words. i was feeling super anxious yesterday, but thank you for reminding me I need to give it time.


No worries babes !! I didn’t get any injections afterwards but I would do drainage massages throughout my whole face to help reduce inflammation and drain the fluid in my nose and that helped a lot!! Actually lymphatic drainage massages throughout my whole body I’ve been doing for 4 months now and it has tremendously helped me I can totally recommend it. And yes, definitely give it time. I’ve seen some girls who didn’t see results until 2 years and a few months after . Everyones body is different and everyone heals at their own pace ! it’s normal to have anxiety after surgery as well. I had it really bad especially given I was in a foreign country. I’m so happy with my results now and I’m sure you will be too ! 🥰🥰


thank you, I'll def do those then! did you use a guasha? and yes tbh what I'm worried about is the tip being droopy/downturned cos it won't go back up. so I really hope it's just swelling under my tip. having surgery overseas sounds horrible, but glad you're happy with your results and everything went well for you!!


Thank you! No prob :) Surgery overseas I was super skeptical of and I had a lot of questions but I just went for it . I was actually so surprised because the hospitality and the care of my doctor I truly couldn’t have asked for better. And yes , I used just guasha , Jade roller and my hands. I watch a lady on tiktok / youtube she has some really good videos on it and a bunch of health tips. Her name is Gin amber and her insta I’m pretty sure is @ginamberx ! There’s a bunch of video guides on YouTube about facial massages. And yeah the droopy tip was a huge worry for me but luckily I was able to kind of resolve it and of course time and patience healed it as well. I hope your nose heals soon and I hope the facial massages work for you! Make sure to try to keep your stress levels down as well, I promise you it’s not as bad as you think. Usually it’s all in our heads lol!


love that for you!! you're brave AF. and thank you for that tip I'll watch some videos and incorporate this into my daily routine!! I didn't have much time to mentally prepare for this cos it was mostly about not being able to breathe bc my septum was very deviated (it was three weeks from my initial appointment to surgery day). but oh boy i don't think anything could've prepared me for this. so I greatly appreciate you taking the time to talk to me about it, kind stranger!! I feel much better and will try and chill about it and just let it be. it's an improvement from my previous nose anyway. lol


Awe your so sweet . I completely understand where your coming from . If you ever wanna talk or your stressed about your nose you can message me lol! I know how it is 🥹 there should be some kind of rhinoplasty support group lol. Wishing u the best of luck 💕


omg tysm!! <3 likewise!! and yes, there should be better psychological support on the medical side of it too! this is a brutal process physically and mentally!!


OMG! I feel as if I wrote this post! I am one month post ryhnoplasty and have been crying ever since. My nose job was perfectly and beautifully done on surgery table pics. However, cast removal day, it looked so different from surgery table pics. It was very swollen, but it was lifted, and the bridge was straight (there was supposed to be a slight of a moon shape, but it was, of course, swollen). The thing is, I am one month post op, and my super tip and tip look like this huge inflated balloon!!! My nose looks longer because of how swollen it is, and when I rub my finger on the bridge of my nose, I literally feel a bump, which creates a mild hump from the mid bridge area. And yes, my tip dropped, and there is definitely no sign of a moon shape (not even a slight of it) on this one. What has happened from the perfect nose I had on the operating table to now???? I have no idea, but if anyone gets your anxiety....it sure is me. I hope all of the hump- bump and swelling will diminish to none, and things will turn for the better, and I'll get the nose I sooooooooo wished for. I wish that for us both girl 🙏


gosh girly I feel your pain!! hang in there tho!! as others said, we're both SUPER early in the recovery process. I think your concerns are all swelling and perhaps scar tissue,, cos if it looked nice on the table right after the surgery that's what it's gonna look like when all the swelling goes down. from what I know, the swelling gets much much worse before it subsides, especially if you have thick skin (which I have, so I probably won't see my final result till over a year from now TT). this process is really anxiety inducing FR. and the thing about the nose is that's right in the middle of ur face and it can make or break ur whole facial harmony!! also any minimal change is noticeable especially when ur constantly looking at it post surgery. I thought I was mentally ready but boy I'm struggling. I'm taking arnica and bromelaine supplents that are supposed to help with swelling, which I totally recommend if you aren't taking them yet. I hear you can also ask ur surgeon about a steroid injection! we're in this together girly!! Wishing you the nose of your dreams!! my messages are open if you ever wanna vent/chat!!


Thank you❣️I needed that. I also thought I was ready, but lemme tell ya....this has been a hell of an emotional rolecoster for me. I know it's better than the nose I had pre op, but I did not pay top dollar and went through all of this for it to be just better, or to say it could have been a lot worse. I do know that patience is pivotal - absolutely pivotal. I am crossing my fingers for you and me both 🤞I'll keep u posted via chats.


Yours at least hasn't lost its shape. My nose looks like nothing from the surgery table.


I totally understand the feeling. I hate to say this but you need to prepare for a year of ups and downs. You look great and hopefully in a few weeks a lot of swelling will resolve for you.


gosh yes I have thick skin so mine will likely take even longer than others. but thank you for your words!! even if it doesn't look perfect it's already an improvement from my previous nose, I just gotta be patient and not obsess over it. Just been struggling with how different I look and all~


Hello!! Any update? How are you going with your progress? I’m going through the same


hi! I'm three months and a half post rhino. my nose isn't as lifted as it was when my cast came off, but it definitely isn't as droopy as the second picture. the swelling is very very slowly going away and the more time passes the more refined it looks. my nose isn't as lifted as I thought it would be (I thought what I had post cast removal was what I was gonna end up with) but it is what I had asked my surgeon for, and I am satisfied w the result as it fits my face and it's harmonious w the rest of my features! in retrospect, I would say try and make an effort to not look at urself in the mirror. like, avoid it as much as u can unless ur doing makeup and need to. otherwise you'll obsess over it and I'm telling you it will do you no good to worry. let your nose heal, and keep in mind rhinoplasty can take up to two years to heal!! I'm over three months out and I'm still super swollen. like, avatar swollen. it's a VERY VERY slow process and what you see now isn't what you'll end up with, the swelling is everywhere including the columnella (why It looks droopy). when the swelling goes down at the tip and along the top of your nose it will look so much more refined and the droopy appearance will resolve. I know how hard it is not to freak out and obsess over it but try your best not to look at it or mess w it and be patient :)


THANK YOU! 😊🙏🏻 honestly I didn’t expect an answer or at least that good! Thanks for taking the time to write everything! How long did you tape your nose? My doctor told me one month was ok but everybody tells me to continue doing it a little bit more if I’m swollen


ofc love! I'm supposed to be taping it but I haven't done that at all. I think that's why Im taking longer for the swelling to go down. but definitely keep up w it, don't be like me lmao I would say maybe 4-6 months if you can.