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Hills area is the best location for big base imo. Great weather not too hot or too cold, mobs not bad, scenery is pretty to the eye, also at the center of the map so farming resource not too bad. I think you are already at the best location.


I built directly W of this past that big rock. By the time I built farms I realized I could not grow everything I wanted (too hot). By this time it was too late to move. I would go E if I had it to do again.


That too hot at noon can be mitigated by 1 cooling station.


OMG I have to check that out.


Is there another way to get ice without going to the ice biome? Tried once and died there cause of the cold and higher level mobs .


Nope. Once you get some t5 bronze gear you can do it, it'll be a bit tough though and you need to look up where to go externally. One run is good for a very long time. Go up to the portal then NNW is a lake


The plunder base south of frog pyramid.


Getting ice bit of risk


Its not too bad, from wetland you could ride a panther straight to the portal winter to activate it, no fear of jumping off cliffs, provided that you dont have snow leopard yet then the panther will be slowed down a bit but not too slow that the mobs could catch you, after activating the portal, you could teleport there and go north to farm some ice in the lake.


Tried that all ready lost my jaguar for a ice tiger


Is it the cooling table? I built that and found ice but the cops still say too hot. Did not seem to change state on any crop. Table states it is active and farms well within radius.


Increase its power to G2 or even G3


I don't understand the multiple bases thing. Hill is the best spot imo. Have the majority of your resources etc in one spot, then just build little huts with portals in them, and then portal to "place x" to get materials and come back home. *This comment brought to you by the "private server with full teleport permissions" gang*


Place here you can farm iron and obsidian, just need 4 Cooling table to temperature control https://preview.redd.it/ag1tbo65po9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=56927953fa4ec9d87d57a80a24a2b1acd86c3d13


Is it flat space?


https://preview.redd.it/u74p4zkwto9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=541349cd5134ccac397684e494de7b28d5ec130e No it not, but you can use pillar




Are you able to have crops in this location? Or are you just growing inside? How much ice does 4 tables burn through?


This base just for craft and mining, I have one base near Hill portal to farming and use big portal


Ice doesn't burn fast at all. One good trip to snow mountain will last you for weeks. Crops are doable cause the cooling table lowers temps for them.


https://preview.redd.it/x786ud3whw9d1.png?width=715&format=png&auto=webp&s=b476c5bd1ccbafd25c28ff69f5397ba001b63932 Hi, this is my favorite spot in the game. It’s flat and free from snowstorms or hurricanes. When setting up your farm, you only need one heater for a very large rooftop field. The nature here is green and has a sense of springtime. Being from a Nordic country, I enjoy the types of grass, trees, and rocks in the area. Additionally, being close to a teleporter, coal mine, elite bear, and a quick run to the stronghold to the west is a bonus. However, it all depends on preference. Some players prefer to spend entire wipes living in the jungle, whether on PvE or PvP. It ultimately comes down to server settings, PvX settings, and personal preference. I hope you enjoy my favorite spot. **P.S.** Another bonus is that it’s super close to llama taming, clay, and only a couple of wolves as hostiles in the area. Tribesmen with iron gear and weapons can easily deal with them while they chop away at rocks and trees to fill your loot chests!