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I just kinda want deployed to have an auto loot function. Maybe even put settings on it like you can with the monkey.


More variety of animals. Mounts can at least attack with less damage than wild ones. I want to RIDE A BEAR INTO BATTLE. More cosmetic buildings like plant pots to grow single plant in house. See the pen holding animals in barracks? I want that. Add more job control like "Craft until base have 300 iron ingots" Throne for main character


I suggested extinct animals like Dodo and Tasmanian Devil. And I agree with more control over tribesmen, I hate having to fine tune it.


Tasmanian Tiger. We still have the devils for now.


In the dev Q&A they pretty much ruled combat mounts out for the foreseeable future. Stating it would require a combat overhaul and balancing overhaul, it is not on the road map at this point.


As it should be, not every game has to be ark haha. Everyone should be thankful we get a mount


As long as there is another way to get fishes. I hate fishing in games, especially when fishes are required for some endgame op food and there is no other way to get them. So yeah, not for me. Some bonefire covers would be good. I get what you're talking about with those rock spots. I usually do something like a gazebo or a lighthouse if the spot is big enough.


That is what I would like for fishing though, nothing tied to it other than another to get the fish you can already get, just something relaxing for those that enjoy it for the sake of it.


I miss carpets so much.. jaguar carpet from hide etc. It would be so coze at base


just more decorative options in general would be awesome


That would be great.


Ah, corrected. Should also suggest that even though you don't have materials for the first item on the list, you should be able to do the other jobs on the planned queue list that already have the materials for and not get stuck on the one on top of the list


Yes absolutely. Even better would be if the recipe called for something that you needed but didn't have any made, but you had materials to make it and someone assigned to that table, that they would make those materials.


You know what would be awesome for mounts? A fast dismount, like jump off mid sprint and launch into an attack or weapon draw so I don't get caught for the 4 seconds demounting and enemy or jaguar f-ing me up


Yeah the dismount time when you're under attack is definitely an issue!


I might try Aska next but I don't want to do both Soulmask and Aska same time. I like to keep three games running but usually end up with only two. I try to have those games be nothing like each other. Three so I don't rage if I finally sit to game and it's maintenance time. As far as fishing how you feel about fishing nets being cast by your character but not fishing poles? I just don't imagine tribal people fishing with modern fishing poles is all.


Fishing would be amazing. Maybe even allow us to farm other species of fish besides piranha? It’s a little thing but your bonfire cover idea reminded me—I would love some way of putting chimneys on my kilns and other workstations that burn fuel. Some kind of smoke VFX would also be great—really show that the base is working from afar. Pax Dei has this and it’s cool coming home to see your kilns puffing away.


I saw some eels the other day, makes me wonder if you can also catch those.


My gf and I caught catfish in the fish traps one day but haven’t seen any since… only Piranha 😕


I really fucking hate fishing in games. ______________ I'd like to see them implement a setting to show markers in the world, on a Per marker basis. Meaning you can edit them to be persistent visible outside of the map, or not. Or a group up function with a clanmate, that lets their nameplates be persistently visible even outside the ~30/50m range. My wife keeps losing track of me when exploring.


fishing is ight. I like it more in a game like Archeage where the fish are tangible objects that you have to carry to turn in... it allows for fun pvp to try to take them. In a game like this I am not sure I would want to just sit there while the game basically auto fishes. But it should be something that can be done I guess if there are people that want it.. Not sure why it would hurt. I am excited to see what they do with the water. What kind of dangers and fish and underwater scenes they come up with. I can only assume they arent even close to being finished with the water to only have piranha in it so far. As for the bonfire cover.. either do that or make it where bonfires dont go out due to rain. Not sure why you should have to cover a bonfire. I wish they would extend the coverage range when a bonfire is upgraded.


Like others have said before I want mounts to be able to fucking do something. What's the point of them having an attack Stat if they run or ignore when they get hit it's dumb. Having more mounts in general would also nice, course not saying every animal that seems rideable should be but still at least give us more than what we got. The lion would be so cool to ride or shit give us tameable versions of the bosses. Obviously not as strong/ game breaking but riding around on a griffin or big ass saber would be sick af




I appreciate the feedback. Any reason you think these would be useless? I don't expect everyone to agree but I think discussion is important.