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There is a poison cave with centipedes and froggos that leads to a slayer dungeon. Its directly north of the hills teleporter. I just drink juice and whatever any poison stuff i got and farm it. Its not a huge amount but thats what is getting us started into iron.


There are bear caves nearby much easier without the poison. Also volcano area no poison or radiation, just a bit hard in bronze (though thats how i got basically all my iron first playthrough, so its very doable). Finally, sw edge of the desert has a little village with iron that's light on radiation


My single adventure into the volcano in bronze ended very badly with a buncha bats and heatstroke death. Granted my friends and I are playing blind and not looking at maps. Desert ended poorly also, we went there first as soon as we unlocked iron. We got wrecked by combination of radiation, extreme cold at night and heat during the day and the damn wasteland wolves gave us endless diseases. There was a lot of naked main char gear runs just to get our shit and gtfo.


Those are frustrating moments haha


there's a spot northwest of the holy ruins on the edge of the wastelands with a decent amount of iron and very few enemies to deal with, just one elite wastelands wolf that wont chase you far out of his lair and one trio of non-elites that you can easily avoid while you grab the iron. in this pic it's where the bonfire icon is https://preview.redd.it/v77t9n1cyz9d1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=1820dc0c862b1d5a87aa2beedb9d8954dc8cea55


There's also 2 good iron spots in the wetlands in the far west above the volcano zone and south of the holy ruins. 1 is protected by an elite bear and the other has poison fog and normal scorps and snakes. Probably a good 25-30 nodes in both spots combined? never actually managed to mine all of it before respawns kicked in between trips.


Could you give us a picture of the map locations? I haven't encountered these spots yet.


[https://gamingwithdaopa.ellatha.com/soulmask/map/](https://gamingwithdaopa.ellatha.com/soulmask/map/) Interactive map, just disable everything but ore spots to spot them easy.


But there are ore spots outside of pits that might be of interest, which is what I thought was discussed here.


The whole valley in that area leading up to the jungle cave ruins has iron deposits all around the walls. Its covered in poison fog and has anaconda's, scorpions and poison frogs all over so it's a bad idea to try to get tribesmen to farm it.


I put a little automating mining yard just southeast of that and set the range to 30 m. I left the tribesman there with food and he farmed thousands of iron for me.  There's no radiation too


What gear you're using? I didn't have much trouble with that area with a full bronze gear.


Full bronze red gear. Got ROLLED by 3 wolves and a Hawk. Ya fuck those Hawks also


Yea those hawks are toxic. I have to tank it to be able to put a few hits on, spear with ultimate throw as skill to pull it down just before it hits you. Scanning also helps so you can distance yourself from a pack of wasteland wolves.


Oh yeagh the hawks; I hate 'em. Wish I could spit on them thangs!


I got iron fairly easily lmao. Took a while, but I got lucky and found the iron pit west of the ape pyramid. The pit and the dungeon are easily farmable with good bronze gear. I did it by myself. Just juice up on antidote and juice, and you're good to go.


can run to the plateau zone portal from wetlands portal on a jaguar or something pretty safely (then tame an ostrich to avoid the rads). there's lots of unguarded iron in the canyons northwest of the portal (as well as several pits). you can trap plunderers (or the claw barbs at the barracks) with buildings to avoid fighting them. there's also a ton of iron in the poison dungeon area west of the wetlands portal. can kite all the mobs to nearby rocks/anything with a z-axis and hammer/spear them (or use the ramp into the dungeon)--the poison is rough but there's lots of dead spots where you can heal (can figure this out pretty easily with your naked MC and a few bandages).


It's not too hard to obtain iron that requires the dev to fix lol. And Idk about poison stuff at wasteland, maybe i haven't yet encountered one, but i do realise there is a radiation debuff, just bring honey or whatever food that reduces radiation and you are able to stay a bit longer in the wasteland. If you really hate every creature there, just farm at night then since enemies less aggro at night, put chill and rad mod in your gear, drink hot cocoa and eat chilies, go farm like there is no tomorrow. And the location in the comment section is a good place to start the iron stage. I started mine too, getting iron from that area. Bring mount lol, no one is able to run carrying 4-5 stacks of iron, unless you prefer to take your time, slowly walk to your base.


I agree. It is quite a large step. Especially if you don't know about the 12-15 nodes mentioned already in this thread. It would also be helpful if there were some way in game to gauge the danger a creature poses to you. Level means nothing if you are not in the right gear. And nothing about looking at a creature tells you what kind of gear you need. For example, fighting a red level 30 master warrior is nothing compared to fighting your average level 30 bear. Do they need to be the same? No. But someone that can take out the warrior in 2 hits should not be taken out in two hits by the average bear.


Yea it doesn't feel like level matters. I was able to level a tribesman from 23 to 55 down at the volcano biome plunderer ancient ruins with a bunch of worn steel gear. Gear is more important I think.


fuck it I am done until they fix the game


I farmed iron at level 42 all by myself at the above mentioned location.