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You have to wait for its development to hit 100%. edit-Also need saddle but I assume that is what you crafted.


This. They can look fully grown, but you can't do anything until they are at 100 percent.


Did you put a saddle on it?


Saddle is made in the armor station, unlocked in the leather armor section of the technology tree (for alpaca), and placed in the associated slot to the left of their inventory when opened


Nvm solved. You have to click on the saddle specifically. ONnly the first time after that it alway gives the option to ride. This games interaction system is joke.


Strong disagree. Obviously you have to click the saddle to ride. You don't walk up to a horses head in real life to jump on the saddle on it's back.


I meant it doesn't display the option to ride until you click on the saddle. There are no tutorials that say to click only on the saddle. After that it gives you the option anytime. That is just dumb.


I'm not sure how this is a problem.. Actually most of the time I have to hold E and go to inventory because ride is the default option if I am too close (and dont want to get on to open the backpack via B). So my assumption has always been that the default is just ride if you are close enough, else its view-items if you are standing fairly far from the mount.. But anyway, don't get angry at the game for your own difficulties.. it is very logical the way it is working.


Long press E for all options from all angles


Nope, you just have to be close enough to the saddle. But the inverse sucks, wanting to check its bags but you're so close you hop into the saddle when you hit E.


Its ok, everyone is new to video games at some point!


No, it doesn't. If you have distance from your mount it does not give you the option to ride. You still have to be targeting the saddle, and be in close enough proximity. Maybe this game just isn't for you bud.


I understand what you mean. You keep getting downvoted because you think you’re giving correct info but you’re not. The interaction area for the saddle(ride) option is much smaller compared to a game like Ark. It’s fairly specific and proximity based as well. The direction you’re facing is also important. On top of that, a larger sized mount can impact how easy it is to see/press “ride mount”. Overall this process could be cleaned up by the devs as I too am used to games like Ark where it feels like a simple button press anywhere near the mount and I’m on. I think the issue here may have something to do with the fact they have a tiered menu (view items, etc) on interact, not sure though.


Sounds more like you were just being dumb, but oh well. At least you figured it out ;)