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You can. Plunderers in Volcano and Snow drop worn steel. Dungeons are another source of decent farmable gear.


Excellent! I'll head to the Volcano - thank you.


Plunderer base in rainforest drop WORN BRONZE GEAR, WORN cannot be repaired but your crafted can. Similarly, Plunderer in other regions drop WORN iron and steel gears.


yeah but seeing as repairing gear just a decimates its duribility and renoves mods might as well just not repair anything


That will work. I have my settings turned down so that I don't have to worry about wearing out gear. Worn is just as good as any other for me. I'll try another plunderer base that I stumbled across. Thanks.


Yeah, the exception is their weapons. They drop half or less durability of their tiered weapons that you could just take and repair. I once crafted so many weapons to train my craft Smith to reach 90 pro for the legend iron weapon, only to find those legend drop regularly by these plunderer bases


If you have a toon that has the passive about finding better loot, the armor that drops from mobs tends to be higher quality (like red/yellow compared to blue/green) and the durability is much higher


I saw one of my barb got that passive but never tried it out, I thought barb drops are predefined, I thought it only affects chest drops


Kind of what I was starting to suspect. Thanks.


Worn armor cannot be used for the special armors like Sabertooth and those are way better than random pieces you get from plunderers. I think of these armors as free durability for leveling chars or just messing around on lower lvl areas. With durability loss disabled, I'd just throw em in the uncraft bench and rely on Sabertooth or whatever gives the resistance I need at the time.


Okay thanks for the tip. I haven't got to any special gear yet so I'll have to wait and see how that works out. Good to know though.


You dont need the special gear until very late game I think. I have vanilla combat settings (no boosts) and am up to mammoth without ever doing boss attachments. I suspect it would have made life substantially easier, but ah well


The volcano plunderer fort is difficult when you are under geared and under leveled. You can slowly farm the plunderers that aren’t too deep and replace your armor with the nearly broken scraps you get from them. As you get better at fighting them, the elites drop a lot of nearly undamaged steel gear and the weapons are repairable.


Thanks. I'll make extra sure to do a game save backup before I go in.


Same happens with Linen gear.. you can loot better versions, but they cannot be repaired (and get taken if you get killed, because they are tribe specific gears). I dont know if the tribe gear you can actually craft comes with those same bonuses tho!


Well, TBH I back up my save game regularly. So I don't have to deal with permanently losing things. Just my choice.


I used valheims save backup feature pretty extensively at one point, I can get that :D Tho I guess you could just turn off durability loss in the game settings if it was just about gear loss hehe


Yes I don't enjoy the durability part of it so I just turned that off. I manually back up my game save. I'm not aware of any other way to do it in this game.