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If it’s in the same LAN, you don’t need internet and can play non-online games. If your portal and PS5 are on different subnets, that’s a different story.




Tell that to the moron who kept arguing with me a while back that it was needed. 🤦


There's a lot of people here with zero technical knowledge about networking that insist on parroting out whatever fanboi drivel they've heard elsewhere as if they were experts. The "your internet is mid" crowd.


The only reason I assumed this didn't work is since remote play clients connect to psn server first to "locate" and "wake up" the PS5. Did you try this with the PS5 in rest mode? But yes once connection is established internet is no longer required.


I believe it was on, my ISP went down, I got disconnected, and immediately reconnected while everything was still on and ISP was still down. I didn't think to set to rest mode and retry. Perhaps another test is in order.


Yah nothing really surprising here to me.


Do you think the portal checks the LAN first for a PS5 then pings out if not located?


That's exactly what it does. It hides the sequence but if you use remote play app on phone it says what is is doing through these steps. Starts with "searching for connection nearby". It work up my ps5 immediately so perhaps it doesn't need the psn server to send that afterall. (Just tested with my phone)


I'm out of town currently but I'm going to redo this with the PS5 in rest mode. We'll see if it wakes it up still.


Why Proof!? That’s the most logical thing about the logical thing. Why does anyone even doubt that!? Why should you also need Internet if the two devices are on the same LAN.


People with zero knowledge have been arguing this for a decade now


PROOF that you don’t need jello in your soccer ball to kick it down a hill Like, yeah no fucking shit




You can replicate this test yourself with the appropriate equipment.


Perhaps I’m doing something wrong. My PS5 is hard-wired into the same router my Portal is connecting to. But if I don’t have an active WAN connection (modem turned off, for example) the Portal will refuse to connect properly, telling me the network connection is down. Is there a setting to change? I was playing once when the internet went down - the game ran fine but I had the “No Internet Connection” popup on the screen all the time, which was annoying. So I don’t doubt it’s possible, but I can’t get mine set up properly without a network connection.


I feel like we proved thus years ago with the Vita, and then android remote play, etc etc don't get me wrong, I love that portal users are finally buying into remote play, but most of the new discoveries are like a decade old now


Of course it works. The internet is only required to connect when you are outside of your home network. People aren't the smartest when it comes to networks.


This was already common knowledge.


Today, you learned how networks operate 😉, j/k did someone disagree with you about this topic? It's great we don't have to sign in after turning portal on, just gotta connect to the router


But if your PS5 didn't have Internet then how did you connect to it? I'm very confused. Did you have your modem in bridge mode?


My router is separate from my modem. I had the router still online and devices connected. Just no Internet. It connected through the local area network. Basically all the data was transferred by the router itself back and forth. No Internet needed. Both devices on the same network.




Can you run through the steps you took one by one? I'm interested in replicating what your setup is.


Sure. Have a modem for Internet. Could be a combo if you want but I have a modem with all WiFi router capabilities disabled. That modem is hard wired into a separate router which handles all the WiFi and hard wired devices including my PS5. Connect Portal. Verify Internet works on PS5. Disconnect portal. Turn off modem only. Verify portal still connected to standalone WiFi router. Reconnect to PS5. See PS5 has no Internet but is still connected to the router (with no actual Internet). Play game. You'll see you can still play any game that doesn't require Internet. Key is both the portal and PS5 are connected to the same router. When you would actually need this? Probably never unless your ISP was down. But my point originally is you will have significantly less input lag and issues when both devices are on the same network because all the data (minus PS5 to multiplayer servers) is handled in your LAN vs the WAN.


Do you think this will work with those combo modem/routers from the ISP, when the ISP is down,but modem/router remains powered?


I would assume so. You can try by unplugging your coax line into the modem, if you have cable Internet.


On YouTube: search difference between a modem and a router. After watching a video on this matter, OP’s post will become crystal clear