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Honest review time. VERY honest.


Agreed. That was none of her business. If she couldn’t do it she can just say those seams will not allow for that kind of alteration. Please please leave a google review. Protect other plus gals from this woman.


It was EXTREMELY uncalled for and unprofessional as all hell. You are correct in thinking all she needed to say was "unfortunately, I can't let that sort of dress out even half an inch". And her telling you about her own medical stuff as if it gives her any sort of authority?? That's such bullshit and I'm sorry she did all that. Also, as a fellow PCOS girlie, I feel you 🥲


Thank you. I’m sorry you have to deal with the nonsense that is PCOS but I feel seen. So thank you.


I’m sorry that happened. I would write a review on Google. So ppl know what they’re dealing with


You should see if you can leave a Google review. Nobody else should have to experience that trauma.


agreed!!!! Put it all over the internet


I'm so angry on your behalf! There was absolutely ZERO need for her to project HER insecurities onto you. I work in a plus size clothing store (when I'm not working with dogs and their humans), I also do dress making and cosplay as a hobby, there is no reason to insult someone like that. No matter what they complain about, your job is to make them feel confident. If the dress didn't have much in the way of seam allowance, why didn't she suggest gussets or adding in a complimentary fabric godet as a detail? You are right. Losing weight is much more than "diet and exercise". If it were that simple, there wouldn't be any plus size people (because why would we choose to put ourselves through the way society treats us?). I am so sorry you had to deal with that.


That’s so cool you do dress making and cosplay! But yeah I don’t know much about tailoring or sewing or making clothes but I was hoping that maybe if I bought similar colored fabric or something, that could’ve been an option but I guess not.


Honestly, that should work. If you get a good alterations place, it'll be barely visible.


Ugh I’m so sorry this happened to you :(. I had a very similar experience that left me crying. I went to a tailor that my aunt knew. I was paying HER to make me a dress. During the fitting she told me, unprompted, out of nowhere, “next time you come here, you NEED to lose weight. You have to, there’s no way around it.” I completely froze. I had no idea what to say because it came out of nowhere! She goes on to say “you have such a pretty shape, you’d be so pretty if you lost weight.” My aunt of course went on to agree with her vehemently and told her she was going to get me on some tea that will help me lose weight. I just stood there, completely humiliated. The dress she made was awful, so big on me like she added two inches to all my measurements. I wish I learned how to stand up for myself before this incident, but being fat all my life I was taught that if people bring it up it’s your fault for having this wrong body. People are cruel and just rude and plain stupid. I’m sorry this happened, where whatever makes you feel comfortable and honestly she can fuck ALL the way off.


I’m sorry you had a similar experience but it makes me feel less alone. Thank you for sharing with me.


You’re definitely not alone ❤️. Just know that what she did was wrong and unprofessional and you deserve better


Yooo drop her @ I got sum to say to her and her lol business.. fuckin bitch


There is a way of having a 'teaching moment' for another's benefit. My young neighbour is about 19 and put on a lot of weight in her late teens. Over the last year it has fallen off her. A few weeks ago, I finally asked her where she was going in her gym clothes. Turns out, she has been seeing a PT since last year, has such a good relationship with food now, it's all about feeling 'strong' and being full of energy for her, learning how to cook, her new shape is a bonus. I told her how proud I was of her, and how easy it can be to get into a rut and how important it is to develop good habits that build up her health, and that I wish I had done similar at her age. She was beaming. That is how we look after one another; we commiserate with those struggling and encourage those who are practicing good habits out of self-love, whether we gain or lose weight is beside the point. That woman dislikes herself, and anybody who is on the same road as her. Her bitterness at you is a reflection of how she views herself, and other fat women. It is desperately sad that she lives with such self-loathing. I encourage you to brood on that, instead of in any way transplanting her words onto you as truth. You did very well to advocate for yourself re your PCOS but were human in being caught off-guard by her rudeness and so gave information she was not entitled to. That's natural. I hope if anything like that ever happens again, you ask the person griping if you've phoned an endocrinologist instead of a cloth-cutter in error. Do not tell anybody your weight, it's nobody's business but your own. Someone asked me that once, I responded asking when was the last time she hoiked her legs up for a smear test since we're getting personal. She went puce. If someone catches you off-guard again like that, take a breath, and ask them sharply to repeat their words. That will give you a few seconds to gather your thoughts and the quiet sharpness in your tone will sizzle The Matrix and make them click that you're a person, not a punching bag for their crappy life. I think that sometimes since our weakness/vice/sin/addiction/difficulty whatever you want to call it, is so obviously written all over our body for all to see, that folk feel entitled to comment on it, and we feel obliged to apologise for it. The world loves a scapegoat, they can point at us, knowing full well their deepest, darkest hidden vices are not on display and so feel superior. And fat women who go along with it are pathetic traitors. If their difficulties were written on their bodies a lot of them would look like Orcs and goblins, and imagine how they would look in a dress. 👀


You are so eloquent. And thank you for being so kind to me and your neighbor.


That was insane, I'm diabetic and also have PCOS. Why give weight loss advice when it's not even asked for. That's extremely rude. Plus, why do people always feel the need to tell you what diet and exercise work for them when everyone has different bodies and health.


Same diagnoses here, and I agree! Every body is different. What works for me might be catastrophic for someone else! I also can’t imagine word dumping like that to a CUSTOMER. I notice this impulse in certain generations (maybe boomers and some gen x) to just overload the conversation with body hate and uncalled for “advice”. It’s sad to think how badly they must’ve been treated in regard to their appearance to act like that, but I’ve learned to shut it down as soon as I hear it start. I’m glad you shut down that tailor, OP!


Bloody hell! WTF is wrong with some people?! It comes to a point where you're so over this shit, that you do find the strength to hit back with a doozy that knocks them for a six. Create a comeback comment you feel confident with and use it as often as you need to. It does wonders for your state of mind. You don't deserve to be ridiculed.


I wish quick witted like some of the people on here!


Jesus christ… wtaf?! I have PCOS too and I have definitely run into people who gave me the same “advice” and it’s so triggering and upsetting. I completely understand your struggle with being told that. You don’t need to lose weight, your body is just doing what your body naturally does. It’s not wrong, it’s just different. It sucks this society we live in hasn’t caught up to that yet. Take care ♥️


It is so triggering and upsetting. It’s like if only they knew the struggles we go through having PCOS. Like we can just look at a cheeseburger and then we somehow gain weight.


You have that physics-defying version of PCOS where the laws of the universe don't apply to you, that must be hard. You could try making small incremental changes that are maintainable. No one should be shamed for their body; but it's never too late to improve yourself.


Yep! Not to mention our body makes us crave allll the sugar and carbs because of insulin resistance. There are so many odds stacked against us when it comes to us being in control of the size of our bodies.


All people see is “oh they’re fat”. It makes me want to cry sometimes


I have shed many a tear over it so I completely understand. I’m still working on it (only 33), but slowly but surely I’m changing my mindset about my body being an issue when really the issue lies with our stupid societal beauty standards.


Wow. This was uncalled for. She literally could have just explained that the adjustments couldn’t be made. I’m so sorry she gave you all this unsolicited advice. She sounds like a bitter mean old lady.


You're nicer than I would have been. I wouldn't have even everyone get questions. I'd of told her it's none of her fucking business and Hung up. I would also be leaving a very honest review so that everyone else can see it too.


I am so incredibly sorry this happened to you (or anyone!). It is incredible how ignorant some people are. Unfortunately, many do not have empathy, must have never been taught to be polite and HOW TO MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS! My heart is hurting for you. I love the comment from another person who said to say you thought you had called a tailor not an endocrinologist. I’m never quick to come up with comments like this. When being so caught off guard, it can be difficult to respond quickly. Kudos to you for knowing your value and discontinuing the conversation immediately. BTW did you find another dress? If so, we would love to see it!


I have another dress from Abercrombie I could wear but my options are slim since the wedding is in 2 weeks. I really had my heart set on the one from Lulu’s. [This](https://www.lulus.com/products/sophisticated-guest-green-satin-embroidered-floral-midi-dress/2340291.html?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=order_shipped_multi_daisy&utm_source=sendgrid_tr) was the one I was hoping to wear but I guess it was a long shot.


Please be sure to leave reviews anywhere you can for this twat, because I promise you that you aren’t the first or last person she’s doing this to. I always look for reviews when I need a tailor, a doctor, whatever. Putting this out there might save another person from having to go through this heartbreak. I’ve said this a zillion times on this sub but I’m saying it again. Being fat is this death by a thousand little cuts. You can believe in yourself and love yourself and this shit still slowly chips away at your very core. After years of this it is hard, if not impossible to feel worthy of simply existing. Fat people are not allowed to just live their fucking lives. Society deems it helpful to remind us what disgusting pieces of shit we are every chance they get. I’m sorry this happened to you and I’m sorry for everyone that deals with this. The fact that people still feel this is acceptable behavior will never cease to amaze me.


Yep. You just said exactly how I feel. Sometimes I feel like I’m not even allowed to take up space or exist.


That was so inappropriate. I am so sorry you were treated this way! I don’t know how comfortable you are with it, but I definitely would be writing a review or something to detour other plus size folks away from them. This is disheartening too, especially hearing it come from a tailor! Someone who would know all bodies are very different.


Right?! I thought a tailor was supposed to have people feel good in their clothes no matter their body type. Instead I got fat shamed.


I had a similar experience at Brooks Bros one time as I’m physically also big, trying to get a blazer tailored. I have a couple blazers from them, one which is at the top size of what they make and then one that is a couple sizes down from that. I got a bunch of static about altering the large one from the lady at the store although she stopped short of telling me to go on a diet. So I needed a couple shirts at that trip as well and she measured my neck size and then started complaining about my neck to arm length ratio. It’s a crap experience. It should be fun shopping for clothes but I hate it unless I am at absolute fighting weight.


Yes! It should be fun to shop but it’s more anxiety inducing and frustrating than anything especially being plus sized. I’m sorry you had a similar experience but thank you for sharing.


Ooof. This woman is projecting ALL kinds of insecurities on you. That’s not okay at all. I’m so sorry this happened to you. Unsolicited advice is my trigger. I recently had my landlord comment on my brutal hormonal acne and tell me that if I went on a diet I would see improvements in my skin and lose weight which I could “benefit from”. She said this coincidentally after the first week ever that I went to work wearing no foundation as I was trying to become more comfortable with my natural skin. It was so triggering and hurtful. I was in tears telling my fiancé about it after because it cut so damn deep. Words have power and this woman needs to be held accountable for them. She had no fucking business saying what she did to you. Like everyone else has said: write a review, contact the manager of the place, do whatever you have to in order to make sure your voice is heard. In the end, nothing may come of it but at least you can make it known that this business is not a safe space for all bodies and your courage may help another person not experience similar pain and hurt ❤️


I’m sorry you had a recent experience with unsolicited advice too. People have no idea how much words can affect someone. Thank you for your kind words


Whoa unprofessional much?! Time for an anonymous Google review


Only thing that helped me lose weight with my PCOS is to literally cut all carbs from my diet...


That’s so hurtful and I’m so sorry she said that. You’re right. It was completely unnecessary. She’s a tailor. Not your nutritionist or doctor or anyone else. Hell it wouldn’t even be right for them to say it. She could have “gotten right to the point” by saying she couldn’t let the seams out. That’s really what the point was anyway


Seriously. I didn’t include it in the original post but she even bragged how she just gets to the point and how she’s not afraid to tell it how it is. Like what? She could’ve just texted me that the seams won’t be able to be let out. But she went out of her way to call me to fat shame me.


Ok she is not a doctor nor is she a nutritionist so she can take all of her “advice” and shove it. Some materials just fit funky, don’t be discouraged. I’d say just maybe find a replacement dress that you like and don’t pay any mind to that tailor. I hope you have a good time at the wedding. ❤️


Thank you🤍


That is so unnecessary and hurtful, how does she think she’s qualified to be giving advice to a stranger who didn’t ask? And like you said you’ve never met her. I would leave a negative Google review as she was so unprofessional


Ugh OP, I’m so sorry, what an asshole. Those comments are so goddamn inappropriate and rude, and so out of touch. No one should be commenting on ANYONE’S body like that, and if the clothes don’t fit, the clothes are wrong and not the human. I also get infuriated when people make comments like that, not only because no matter what size or how someone is living their life, they do not deserve those comments. But also, she has no fucking idea what you eat or if and how you exercise! I’m personally a 14/16 right now as well, and an apple shape, and I was an 18/20. She has no idea what your journey is, and honestly it doesn’t matter. Every person deserves respect and comment courtesy. I definitely think leaving a Google review letting people know you were body shamed so they can avoid is warranted here 🫶🏻 I hope you find a dress that you feel like a bombshell in!!


I’m right there with you. Previous a 18/20 but got down to a 14/16 and it’s been hard. Thank you for your kind words.


Oh my goodness. This is terrible. She was hired for tailoring, not her crappy advice. Ignore her. I'm sorry this happened to you. ❤️


Ugh wtf I'm so sorry. Her commentary on your body is 100% uncalled for and unprofessional. Satin material would be hard to let out because it would likely retain needle marks from where it was previously sewn, but she should have left it at that. I have PCOS as well.


I figured but thought it would be worth a shot since I loved the dress so much. But thank you.


Ew no. What a super weird and over-sharey thing to say to a potential customer! Like even if she couldn't have helped with this dress, maybe you'd have wanted to bring her other business but instead she's going to ask for a whole medical history? Like wtf.


Yeah it was so weird the way she started the conversation on the phone. She could have just texted me that the seams won’t be able to let out or whatever. But she wanted my whole past medical history before she got to the point. Which is ironic because she bragged how she gets to the point and tells it how it is. Like wtf?


First of all, while I understand why you’re hurt and upset, don’t let someone who has zero impact on your life get you down. That woman was completely out of pocket. So unprofessional. I’d be leaving a blunt and honest review on google/yelp. The judgement and unsolicited advice was beyond inappropriate. She should be ashamed.


Her lane must suck for her to swerve so far out of it. Someone needs a reminder that they aren't a doctor.


Yes the tailor was wrong, but just for future reference - satin is not plus size friendly


I figured. I have a satindress from Aritizia that’s a size 16 and it actually fits me well so I figured I’d just take a shot on this Lulus one. I was wrong.


Leave a review!!!


That’s so mean. What’s wrong with some people.