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You made a comment in the pgsharp sub, that's probably the reason


So silly that you’ll get banned for commenting one time on a post you probably saw in your feed.


I understand they want to discourage cheating but I can’t bring myself to care what people post in other subs


The moderator just replied. Said I had one comment in r/PGSharp. They unbanned me and said I should mute the comment. But I searched the sub for my comment (author: Rickermortis) and found no such comment. Honestly, I didn’t even know that sub existed until today. I think someone made a mistake.


I saw the comment from you from 7 days ago on that post. You asked someone why they would let their kid use their account. Kid used a master ball on a shuckle. https://www.reddit.com/r/PGSharp/s/9PotEpZVAs


Okay, I do remember that. Thanks for pointing that out. I didn’t even realize that I was in a cheating sub. Weird that it didn’t show up in the search.


Reddit likes to suggest random subs. I've seen that one show up on my feed a lot despite never visiting it, or having any desire to cheat on pogo. I enjoy my account too much to risk it lol


Same. I have no interest in spoofing or any other cheating. I’ll bet a lot of people unintentionally make that mistake.


Na not everyone I don’t normally reply to people when the sub advertises it’s a spoofing sub


You see the post boosted by REDDIT genius. It doesn't wave a massive flag over it saying "hey we are a cheating sub".


I mean that post has nothing to do with spoofing though


Yes this is why the mod rules are such crap. How the f%#k do you know the suggestions are cheating subs if you are new? Their rules are so dumb.


Honestly? If they care so much about what ppl do in other subs, they should mention the offending subs ***by name*** in the r/pokemongo rules. As it stands, I just read the official rules and my eyes glazed over immediately and I left not knowing which subs to avoid. "..Nothing that promotes cheating/spoofing" Well, if I see a post in my feed about a kid using a MasterBall on a Shuckle, how am I supposed to know it's from a cheating sub unless they openly say, "These are the cheating subs" or "Any subs that promote hacking tools, such as ____ & _____" These mods know how people use social media! It's see picture, click picture, & keep scrolling. Often we don't look at what sub it's from, especially if they're new. Jus one more example of modern rule writing that's kept *intentionally* vague and confusing so that the people who enforce those rules have maximum leeway.


Oh! Nope! I DID, however, comment on a post that was asking about hundo and shiny odds a couple weeks ago. WOW….I didn’t even know what sub that was in when I did that. I just saw the posted question in my feed and tried to help by answering it.


Punished for helping...classic.


I saw that EXACT same post, remember reading OP’s reply (or one just like it), and still don’t know what PGSharp is, aside from what I have gathered from context here. I may have even replied in that thread too, I don’t remember. That is crazy.


You can turn this feature off btw


Sometimes it brings me good subs lol


Why does a default feature of reddit get you banned from a reddit sub? Sounds like the mods are being jerks. I'm not banned btw... learnt from the litany of posts here to mute those subs and I did turn off the feature but they are workarounds to a stupid system.


As someone who despise cheaters, I do think banning people in subreddits simply for interracting with other subreddits to be a shit move. It just screams power-hungry


Especially if a basic function of reddit is to recommend interesting threads from random subreddits


It shouldnt. iirc its technically against the rules but whos gonna enforce it.


Dont worry about it. They have some of the dumbest mods in all of reddit. Truly terrible people.


You can find all your post & comments in your profile.


Yeah, I somehow missed it when I looked there the first time.


You're lucky they unbanned you . I told someone to use PokeGenie for a Celesteela raid and was banned. I sent the the context but they didn't care. I don't even follow those subreddits..


That sub bans you just for mentioning you have an alt in passing becaude ItS aGaInSt tOs. Shits a dumb rule to begin with.


I got banned for agreeing with someone who suggested using a tapping macro to do mass evolutions during double XP spotlight hour. When I asked for clarification and a discussion about what is considered cheating in PoGo, I was muted from messaging the mods for 28 days and subsequently temp banned from all of Reddit for "harassment". Those mods are literally insane.


I watched them call someone fatty and tell them to exercise, the mods are rude and pathetic lol


Lol yeah i msgd them talking shit anout 2 of my bans before one for mentioning i kick myself out of gyms with my alt to ensure i get my coins and another again for mentioning something about my alt in passing on a comment thread other ppl were talking about it on. I figured screw ive been seeing a bunch of ppl mentioning their alt in the last week on that sub not getting banned. N i got banned again within less than an hour of posting on the comment thread lol. I just unsubscribed permenantly from that shit show. Silphroad was always a much better subreddit imo anyways even though its nowhere near as active these days especially after they shutdown the silphroad website.


Honestly? If they care so much about what people do in other subs, the Mods should mention the offending subs ***by name*** in the Official r/PokemonGo rules. Like, I just read the official rules and my eyes glazed over immediately and I left not knowing which subs to avoid. "..Nothing that promotes cheating/spoofing" Well, if I see a post in my feed about a kid using a MasterBall on a Shuckle, how am I supposed to know it's from a cheating sub unless they openly say, "These are the cheating subs" or "Any subs that promote hacking tools, such as ____ & _____" These mods know how people use social media! It's see picture, click picture, & keep scrolling. Often we don't look at what sub it's from, especially if they're new. Jus one more example of modern rule writing that's kept *intentionally* vague and confusing so that the people who enforce those rules have maximum leeway.


I got a short ban for just mentioning Ninantic’s design is pushing people to create alts as a 2nd person gives significant PVE benefits.


Welcome to the club.


How do you know which subs to stay away from? (The ones that are cheating subs)


I assume they have people or bots checking peoples account for them, which honestly I don't like


I too was banned because if that. Pretty dumb tbh






WELCOME TO THE CLUB!!!! sure are getting ALOT of new members lately!!!


Just ignore that sub it's dog shit. They have more people perma banned than are actually active on it


Join us here: r/pokemong0


r/PokemonG0 is better than the main


a steaming pile of dogshit is better than the main tbf




Honestly being banned from that sub is a rite of passage. Also stop looking through everyone's post history. Would love to see what else the mods post in.


Is there a way to hide your history? Sounds like that would be a nice thing to have


How can u turn off.. I don't want others to see where I'm posting.


They banned me (from commenting, but not from reading), too, for a similarly innocuous post. The mods were terribly rude when I asked them why, and they refused to unban me. When I looked back at what sort of drivel people post on that subreddit, I decided to just unfollow. There are so many better Pokemon Go subreddits.


The same thing happened to me. I got banned for asking a question about why people black out the trainers eyes in their screen shots. Then when I got no help from mods. I searched reddit to see if anyone had something similar happen. I commented on a post I found AFTER I was banned. Little did I know the post was in the "cheater " sub. Pgsharp or whatever. But I made that comment after the ban. But then a mod finally came back and said I had made a comment in the sub hence the ban. So the mod didn't know why I got banned because I was banned before that comment and they just brushed it off as I was cheating. I had no idea what pgsharp was I was just looking for help on my situation. The mod said they would remove the ban and to give it 2 hours. I gave it a day and I was still banned. So I logged into my old reddit account and tried to post on Pokemongo. Lesson learned don't do that. I had no idea I was doing anything wrong when my reddit account was suddenly banned from Reddit completely for 6 days because "I was trying to get around a ban"....A BAN A MOD SAID WOULD BE LIFTED IN 2 HOURS and still wasn't after 24. Anyway left the subreddit because my God what a headache all to figure out what the hell is up with the trend with the eyes.


No I’m curious, did you ever figure it out?