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Might as well open up a local card shop.


for real, I’m thinking of doing conventions booths when I sell mine 


You know, I HAVE thought about that, maybe one day when I want to liquidate.


Nah might as well open up a global online store


My exact thought




I don't have this much product at all, but it always makes me nervous thinking about natural disasters like fires going through a house with this much. Is it at least insured?


It's very difficult to get collectables insured. Most insurers won't touch them with a ten foot pole and the ones that will charge you an arm and a leg every year. I cannot even begin to imagine how much it would cost to insure 200k of product per year. It would have to be into the 5 figures. 


I just requested a policy quote from ‘American Collectors Insurance’. There was another Reddit thread where someone recommended it as a viable option. Might be worth looking into?


I use CIS insurance


I pay a bit around 1 percent of value for insurance. About 2kish per year.


What carrier and what’s the policy? A rider or standalone?


I have a hard time believing it. I've worked in insurance for a long time and it's generally 2-3%.


My insurer (USAA) only covers up to 1,500$ for collectibles is what they call it.


This isn't true, not since collectibles were officially recognized as assets by BIG corp a couple years ago. It's as easy as car insurance to acquire. The only hard part is cataloging product and finding a financial expert that will put their stamp of approval on value (which is nowhere near as hard as it was bsck in 2020). I pay only slightly more than my car to insure my near 7 figure collection.


I keep things like this in a climate controlled storage unit. I then insure that storage unit through the storage company against natural disasters up to X amount.


See I would totally be down with this for a viable option for long term but for me unfortunately I like to oggle at my stuff sometimes lmao and either I would be at my storage unit like ALL the time or it just wouldn't work for me lmao. 🤣


I may be wrong, but cant this be covered through typical homeowner insurance to cover the cost of your personal items? Im pretty sure you can set a value that youd like covered and its somewhat reasonable. Mine is one of the lowest available and covers like up to 5000 or somthing.




I do have it insured, there is a company that I found thru beckett actually. They do like logs, but a video and photos explains what you have is sufficient.


That's great OP! 🙌


It’s an issue. I split my sealed stuff up and store some items in other family members houses and a safe deposit box. That way if something happens I only lose a quarter of the value. Still would hurt but not the end of the world. Collectibles insurance doesn’t really work.


The sheer self control not to open anything this gentleman has is astounding.


Here's a tip from a long time collector/seller (30+ years now)... and this tip is gonna make the anti-Poke investor crowd who call people "flippers" really mad lol.... The absolute best way to actually make good money/profit from collectables is to get into a niche that you DON'T care about or wasn't a part of your childhood. Get into it and learn it well. Knowing the value of something you have no nostalgia for allows you to buy and sell without any emotional baggage. You won't care to open those boxes because you simply dgaf about whats inside beyond money. Collecting things that were your childhood and you are super nostalgic about leads most people to higher priced buying and not wanting to sell even if they make a decent profit and just overbuying everything because of nostalgia and not profit. I buy those items for long term hold and don't look at them as profit generating. I got into Poke/Magic collectables because they are after my time by like 5 years. I don't care about them at all... they are simply money generators for me. Now things like late 80s/early 90s collectables, NES/SNES/Genesis games, Garbage Pail Kids, those are MY childhood. I have to be really careful when buying them if I'm not simply looking to add them to my collection as nostalgia gets in the way and causes me to pay more. Like everything in life, it's all about the money and winning the money game is all that matters....at least to me!


My impulse control is so bad I can't even keep one pack unopened 🤷🤣


I can’t even keep looking at the pictures


I tried starting a sealed collection, and it lasted 2 months before I cracked it open 🤣


Yea… ill just stick to stocks


Yeah I'm not anywhere near PokeInvesting level financially. I cannot comprehend having this much. When I get to where I want to be I will probably Just collect a booster box and rip a booster box. I would be a nervous wreck thinking about all this stuff in my house.


I played the game. This poor fella hasn’t realized how hard it will be to liquidate this stuff. I even had the more premium things such as booster boxes, PC ETBs, and graded slabs to sell. I can’t imagine trying to hawk all these random tins and other junk when the time comes.


Couldn’t have said it better and I had to learn this the hard way also


I mean, selling the stuff may not be difficult. Recouping what it’s “worth” is much more difficult


This little fella is very well off due to my day job and other business. This could all go away and I'll be just fine :)


1. List on eBay 2. Wait for auction to end 3. Ship item If any of this is "difficult" y'all have led incredibly simple lives. And I don't wanna hear shit about "fees," you pay fees for the convenience of unloading all of your shit easily. When the time comes to sell that 13% should be meaningless if you've actually been successful at "investing." Not to mention it's easy to sell the bigger items locally. I can sell any booster box for 95% TCGP in a day on FBM if I want


And then the tax man comes knocking.


Yes, just like any other capital gain. Though you can actually hide Pokemon gains way easier than hiding most other capital gains




This is a much better way. Stocks are way more liquid. Selling collectable cards is harder. Then you have to remember the selling fees, unless you are selling in person and only accepting cash. Also modern seems super speculative. A lot of people collecting sealed is doing it for the financial gain vs actually collecting. There is nothing inherently wrong with that but one of the things that makes a collectable appreciate overtime is scarcity. All of these post in this sub are full of people storing the same stuff. I am not saying none of this will go up at all. It likely will however its just very risky when you are betting the price movement on something overtime from speculative demand. We don't know if future generations would be interested in these modern sets. One can say "but the people collecting today will have more earning power and will want to buy it again." Sure there will be a pool of people, but also likely the people that got into it in the recent years are storing way more sealed than the generation that grew up with WotC or B&W Era. Last to mention, solid companies with good fundamentals will go up overtime due to their value actually increasing, you can measure that quantitatively eg revenue each quarter, free cash flow, how much cash they have vs debt, P/E ratio etc. Collectable price are due to demand, scarcity and popularity. Which is harder to quantify. I do collect Pokemon and MTG but I am mostly invested in stocks. That 180k that OP is showing doesn't really reflect 180K, as of today. If he somehow had to liquidate it all it would be a lot less than 180k.


I flipped about a month ago. Everyday on this sub we see modern sealed product like OPs. These people aren’t just grabbing a few booster boxes either, they are hoarding so much product that it has to be stored in multiple rooms. I wish there was a way to short sell some of these modern sets.


I thought I was reading my own reply for a moment! I have a sold 401k (I mean VERY solid) but I also collect comics toys and Pokémon. I’ve been through the bursts in bubbles and it’s not pretty. I do monthly shows for comics and the last year has been rough! Started doing Card shows recently and the market is solid (for now). TCG market - not sports. I advocate for not keeping all of your eggs in one basket. Inventory takes up space which you need to pay for (whether rent or mortgage or just lost living space - there is a cost). Also disasters do happen. Theft, natural etc. I agree a lot of these guys have the same sealed product. When it comes time to sell there may very well be a glut. It’s all supply and demand.


I would not ever focus all of my future on sealed Pokémon for investments. I have a little stash on display in my closet and a few 151 booster bundles and various tins. I was pretty far into “Pokémon investing” when I realize what yall are talking about, but the main thing I like is the way it made me feel when I see my display. Every PSA slab has a story. My kids can walk in there with me and we can reminisce. It gives good feels. For that, the investment is worth it. But my future is in VOO stock mostly. Stopped investing and ripped my packs to pull some heavy hitters which outweighed the money I paid for the packs (got some for a good deal on marketplace). Moral of the story: Only invest in sealed if it’s dirt cheap or newly released. It’s fun to rip cheap Pokémon packs. Don’t bet your future on sealed Pokémon unless you have a good liquidation plan and enjoy looking at the sealed product. Not financial advice!


Yup selling this in bulk like this would get half of what OP is saying it’s worth and at this point it would take more than 4 more years to resell this all individually. OP isn’t investing they are hoarding expensive items.


Amazing! I have some questions: How much did you spent? How much is realized profits?


Spent $179,000.


holy shit


Not even close, thankfully.


Looks awesome but having over 180k in cards is way over my head haha. What’s your plan for the next 4 years? Do you want to partially/fully sold it or gather more?


Not sure where my next 4 years will take me. I've taken a back seat thru scv because it simply just doesn't tickle my fancy. I started doing card shows and I buy/sell/trade there. Possibly continuing to diversify my collection and if I'm ever in a pinch... I can just sell a few things.


Awesome collection brother 🙌


Thank you!


Our fellow Pokémon enthusiast here said “ill take one of everything”


In the beginning it was like that for sure lol


Crazy how one fire can lose you 4 years


That happened to me. Lost 21 years of collecting. Completed every WotC set unlimited. I collected up to gen 4 and the 20th anniversary. Had every American card released other than pre-release Raichu. Including sealed Staff cards, promos, pre-releases etc. Almost all Pokémon games. Complete Burger King set. All complete McDonald’s sets, Complete Topps cards, sealed Pokémon Rumble box, sealed Australian Red Cheeks E3 Pikachu and much much more. You name it I had it. Had insurance as I bought base set all the way up to neo booster boxes (when they were much more affordable) and sometimes I completed the set before opening every pack. Insurance did not pay much for them. Decided to start collecting again around the 25th anniversary. Decided to take a hiatus now since everything is expensive AF. 5 years after the fire and I still have to obtain 1/4 of what I had while realizing I will never be able to reclaim everything I had.


Dude, I missed the news that prerelease Raichu was legit! Just read an article about it. Crazy! I resumed collecting pretty fervently in 2008, and remember that it was widely regarded as a myth at that time.


Man, that sucks bro.


Insurance baby.


Imagine how many moonbreon PSA 10s are in there


Who knows! I do have 2 psa 10s tho.


That's a beautiful collection man.


Thank you!


At what point do you sell? Surely having your house filled with that stuff is an inconvenience.


I have a hard time comprehending when people go this deep. My hope is they have a rather large retirement account already. Otherwise, it seems like a huge headache to have something that takes up a ton of space, can be damaged, is heavy, can be stolen relatively easily, requires you to liquidate for funds which wouldn’t necessarily be easy, and carries significant risk. While the S&P can have a 20% drop in a year, I can confidently say that it will likely, at least, x8 my money in the next 30 yrs. I can’t say with certainty Pokémon will even be relevant in that time frame.


I feel like selling off the collection when I retire will be great. Something to keep me busy like a job but way more enjoyable. Making room for everything is a problem tho, I'm at 4x plastic tubs and a stack in my corner and I had to stop buying


I have a similar plan for retirement. I grew up going to flee markets/swap meets and my sister and I still meet up from time to time to go “treasure hunting”. I plan to either set up at card/collectible shows, swap meets, maybe even have a small hole in the wall shop.


Dude when I see people like this, I like to assume their investment account is 10x the size but unfortunately most of the time I'm mistaken. One thing if your house is filled with ES bb's purchases at retail, it's another thing filled filled with all these ancillary products which you may not make your initial investment back after taxes, fees, shipping, discounts etc and take up so much space they actually encroach on your life.


Funny thing.  After fees if you'd bought Evolving Skies you would have 6x+ your money in 2.5 years.  But you can wait the extra 28yrs for that last 2x if it means so much. History has shown 0 pokemon boxes go below msrp when done printing.  Considering most people can get boxes for 55% msrp or less it is a safe bet it will go up.   When and how to get out has always been the question as for example evolving skies ramped up like I said but it's been steady or up and down a few % since April.  So that could be used elsewhere but that comes down to you knowing and accepting profits just like you would if stocks did the same flatline.


Bro if the stock market drops 20% Pokemon is getting hit way harder. Look at 08 and what happened to collectibles. There’s very very few people that can afford this way overpriced stuff anymore. There’s so many people “investing” in something they don’t understand. It has no profits, almost no liquidity, hard to insure, hard to store, expensive to insure if you can, I can list 100 reasons why it’s better to sit in an stock index and let it ride. If you like collecting do it for fun. Not to think your gna hit the lotto one day because that’s not gna happen. Market is way way too over saturated with these “investors’. Just my two cents. Love Pokémon though. Wish you all the best.


OP must not be married lol.


I am, with 4 kids


lol I was going to say this screams stable dad who has no time and it’s a hobby.


Awesome. Now time to open up a card shop. Sweet collection.


Looks great man , love it , huge passion obviously and it is beautiful, absolutely do not listen to theses people in here , be proud of that , not everyone is literally trying to make money off Pokemon, this is an investment sub , if those photos show how “you are investing “ in pokemon , who the hell has the right to say a thing how you “invest “ your money ….. or how you enjoy your investments , people are horrible and more then half the comments are generated by jealousy and envy…..have a great day you “hope you have insurance “ and stop wasting your money “buy booster box’s” guys … you are wonderful human beings … lol wow 🤩


Awesome collection! I always hear about sun damage. One of the pictures with the sealed displays I see a window, another shows some good shadows from the bottom of the display stands. Do they get good protection from the sun? Just curious


That looks sick nice setup


Thank you!


Hey men, do you focus on something or you just purchase everything you can get your hands on?


God tier!


The sheer volume has me nervous for you but it's impressive nonetheless. Have you considered downsizing the volume into higher end cards?


So what would you like to invest in? him- Yes.


I won't lie, as a nerd I respect this so much. My dream is to be able to do something like this for just one thing I love.


I appreciate that. I always say find something you love, do it with passion and the rest will follow.


And I'm sitting on like 15k in product and thought I was a whale


I probably start to offload at this point….


Really cool collection and nicely displayed. I really don’t get all the negative reactions when we see some larger collections/investments in here. That’s what is we all here for, right?


The children, will someone please think about the children!!


Thank you! I dont take it to heart really, its what I love doing and it harms no one. It could be worse, I could be addicted to drugs which nets me 0 dollars!


Just gotta accept them, if we were all the same this world would be boring. The nasty nasty ones I just ignore. Not worth my time or energy.


I am curious the invested amount in all product. The collectr app screenshots just show current value. OP could have bought at peak and way over priced for some items. UNtil we know this, it's a very nice collection.


What are you using to log ?




Collecting or gonna sell someday?


Plz tell me the boxes are filled with alt art swsh booster boxes


My dude watching the Mavs take my upvote


My man said blood like he broke skin collecting Pokémon products 😂😂


Ordinary people will look at this and think you're running a store.


Too many random items. Sealed collectors #1 issue is collecting all different t types of sealed products. And also note, what your CollectR app shows your dollar amount, it doesn't mean that's how much you can sell it for. You can cut that in half almost.


I’m jealous!


Pretty amazing to put all that together. Got a nice display !!


Thank you!


So this is what one of every product looks like! Very cool display


Curious as to your cost for all of it, and what the actual gain would be selling at market price now, as that is the number that really matters 🤔 Anyway insane collection, really kind of mind-boggling lol, I will never have that much


Dope collection! What’s the app you used to track everything?


Damn dude congrats and never tell people where you life online 😂


You had to rub in that Dallas win..




You basically have enough stock to open a shop


The motherload of solo collectors


Jesus man, that’s a lot of collecting for just 4 years! It’s nice though!


I went full degenerate lol


It’s okay. I, too, am a degenerate.


Looks incredible!


Finals were so boring dude started showing his collection


It seems to me that you have a few Pokémon products. Jokes aside, you’re an absolute mad lad.




That’s a solid start. 👍🏼


I love poses like this. Has the effect of making me spend less money, collect like a normal person, and leave the degen behavior to the degens lol.


I find it funny that you seem to live in a large house and have ZERO furniture outside a random chair and a TV in what seems to be at least 4 rooms.


Great collection. But please, explain the blood, and tears.


Huge goals my friend... this is where I hope to be once we can get moved and start fresh in a bigger place. Looks amazing! 🤘🤘


I wish you nothing but the best! Always be on the lookout for deals, that's how I did it.


Thanks! I'll def do my best! You keep it up too!


Thank you for the kind words :)


OMG!!!! My absolute dream <3 kudos my friend and congrats on this beautiful collection!!!!


You should build a house with those bricks


Damn all I hear is collection boxes have no value but this looks bad ass !!! I never seen so many lol I love them and would do this myself but I open cards 🤷‍♂️ that's why I buy 😆


holy fuck, that´s amazing congrats


You wanna be the very best..


Emphasis on tears


Kudos to the guy that reported me to reddit saying I have a problem, got a kick out of that! To shake it off I went to my LCS and bought more, lmao.


It comes with the territory especially since you have a pretty good collection/Investment. Posted my collection and got the same reaction and even got reported that I had a mental problem feel sorry for the poor schmuck that took time out of their day to do all of that.


I think a lot of peeps here are jealous that you committed to something they tried, and failed lol


i have about the same amount in collectr with similar return (60%). most of my collection is just cards/slabs though not really an investor i like the chases of finding cards to grade and finding them at a low pricepoint, that's my strength. i wish i kept more sealed but i've sold most of them to continue adding to my slab collection lol.


This is very cool... But it makes me nervous.


Don’t let any children near it


Dude, Man, Whoa!


IMAGINE THE BULK!! That is a MEGA impressive collection.


I don’t think I could sleep at night having all that there being potentially stolen, set on fire or some hurricane flood situation and the market forces. It would be less stressful to just climb the corporate ladder, make six figures, buy a 1st edition shadowless grade 10 psa Zard, lock it in a vault and be done w it lmao. Could be jumping the gun here maybe OP already made six figures and this is their hobby. In which case, congrats have fun 🙌🥳💪🎉🎉🎉🍾


Best I can do $34.99 or $40 store credit.


Dude you better have the best insurance possible! It looks cool though!


Dude this would be insane even to just have as decoration


Dude, you're living the dream!


I should start investing instead of buying singles to play…


At that price I'd make sure you have a rider on your home/renters insurance to cover cards. If there was a fire or flood or anything that damaged the whole collection insurance probably won't pay out on it unless you have a specic clause in your policy saying they will. Sweet collection though, as far as liquidation goes, I disagree with the other comments saying it will be hard to sell. At that value you can find a shop that'd buy all of that for a likely reasonable value. Auction house is another option. I'm selling some of the stuff I've profited well off of to reinvest and paid for a table at a card show to sell a large amount of products in hopefully a single weekend. Just make sure you insure your collection, and figure out which selling method would be the best option in case you need to do it somewhat quickly.


OP is assuming a massive risk holding all of this at their house if they don't have a rider. Im guessing they don't have one because you need a detailed list of each item insured for collectibles. It's also not necessarily easy to update, so continuing to purchase items just complicates everything more. I doubt a shop would purchase all of this at once for more than ~60% the market rate. They are definitely better putting in the effort and selling off one item listings as buy it now on eBay, or post lists to the trades sub for 90% market rate.


I’m surprised your most expensive item is a ES ETB honestly


I can't see if the rack floor is drilled but usually always should put mats on racks to avoid imprints even with the drilled holes if that's the case here, if it's totally flat that's fine and great work! Glad you're enjoying the hobby, seeing it's given life more meaning that's what it's all about!


nice collection but mavs in 7


This is hoarding. Get help.


This doesn’t look nice. It would be better if it looked nice


That is a stellar view. I have almost zero on display because of cats who will play with or destroy anything. Plus dander and hair. Obviously nowhere near this amount but maybe an eighth. Awesome, thank you for sharing!


Wow that is insaine… i wish oh man i wish.. id have a 24hour opening party haha


That would be a very quick way to lose money! Haha


But the real question, how pissed is your wife?


Ask his wife’s boyfriend


One spark is all it takes…..best try and insure it


Already insured. I'm very careful around my collection :)


Nice collection, i would say its worth more as that Collectr app undervalues alot of cards and sets, they dont reflect actual current sales


Time to start selling.


Some things that have seasoned well I sell.


Did you insure this? (Not kidding, it should be insured)


What you planning on investing in next and what have you bought most recently?


What app are you using?


What app is this?




Blood, sweat and tears for the Mavs to win game 4 🤣🤣


Celts in 5 lol, they gave the Mavs that game so the Cs could come back and win the chip in Boston. That's my theory anyway


What app is this


I'm not sure if you have done it already, but I would buy insurance for your collection. You should also store some of your most valuable collection in a secured place, in case of theft or damages to your property via water/fire


Realistically , it’s only worth about 75% of what Collectr is telling you. That being said, super cool collection


What’s the app you logged your collection in? I’d love to do that with mine.


Collectr Some of the prices on there are accurate and some aren’t, just a heads up.


Tell me you don’t have kids without telling me you don’t have kids. Nice collection!


….and 💰


Wait, there’s no way you only used 3 PSA 10 slabs and turned it into all of this. How much would you guess you spent in the last 4 years? I understand using profits form one thing and Turin ton to something else and continuing that cycle. But 3 slabs into this needs a lot more context


Now let me bring over my nieces and nephews


Deal, just bring lots of cash


Thanks for sharing! Maybe a dumb question… but how do you keep all the dust & everything off your collection?


It'll take another 4 years to sell it all lol


What app is this that it shows you the market value of your collection?




What app is that you use to track your investments?


Is that an app that you’re using to record your collection?


Us in the precious metals community look at this and think…. 🔥👀


Hella nice collection. What app are you using to keep track of everything?


How many slabs you got lol?




Fine line between putting your eggs all in one basket and needing help.


How. Do. You. Not. Open. Everything.


I know I have to be misreading that graph at the end- you don’t have $50,000 of product and the most expensive thing is 1 $700 booster box? If so… my god what have you done.


What app is that?


It's super impressive, but my wife would literally end me. Your investment pages are titled "upstairs sealed room" and "downstairs sealed room" etc. How many rooms in your house are just cards??


If you’re single and you know it clap your hands. If you’re single and you know it clap your hands. If your wife would cut your balls and nail them to the wall if you’re single and you know it clap your hands! *clap clap*


OP, how much do you estimate you spent total on all of this?