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What's so bad about it? (honest question, haven't been there)


You don’t select your moves, your Pokemon randomly selects an attack from its move set, and their natures vaguely affects what types of moves they prioritize. It’s RNG caked on top of RNG. Your only agency in actual battle is switching.


JFC that sound horrendous


Currently going for the gold symbol on cartridge only. Yes, it's hard and it's frustrating. But it must be doable without cheating. I like the challenge, especially since I have to think out of the box, as my usual team consisting of natures such as adamant and modest don't really work that well there.


An Slaking with a Sassy nature and just Return as its move carried me through a lot of the fights lmao


Won't it be confused if it sonehow rolled anything other than attack?


It sometimes doesn’t do anything, but most of the time it just attacks and KOs most things. You have to use the other Pokemon on the team to cover for Ghost types etc though


Hmm, I'll try that. I think I'd check if Slacking got support moves. Maybe I'd do Return and 1 each for the other categories.


Oh, I also just used Return as he’s holding Choice Band, which boosts 50% of physical move damages, but you can’t use any other move after selecting one… Since Slaking has only one move it fits perfectly.


Cleared it on retail hardware. Not really an excuse.


Same 😂 just pick move sets that don’t suck


Its not that bad once you use Pokemon with natures that are more likely to attack (sassy, brave, timid, etc) Only needing to beat round 6 to get gold means most of the pokemon you face there won't be too threatening. I won't deny there are BS moments though.


I’m just skipping that one lol


Frustrating place, but it is possible, albeit difficult, with no cheats. Tanky Pokemon, raised specifically for this place, are your friends.


I wish they at least had some once per battle power of friendship mechanics, like reroll on an overwhelmed Pokemon, soothe hurt Pokemon so they don't do 180° personality change, so on.  Doubles could use a spotlight mechanic to focus on one target once per battle.


I feel like randomness kills the fun in a lot of the Battle Frontier challenges and I don't blame anyone who uses save states to keep their streak from breaking.