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Don't play master league. It has a high entry barrier, you'll just end up wasting resources that you don't have the knowledge to spend wisely. Spend time learning PvP in the Great league (or whatever sub-1500 cup is open). When you get decent at that level, than you can start thinking about Master league. Oh, and Low Kick is a *terrible* move. If you can't get Counter, then don't use Annihilape.


Ice weakness isn't your biggest problem. The issue is that the Florges and Lando are nowhere near level 50. Even in the low ranks like 20 and lower Ace such as 2100 or 2200, you will be battling against full level 50 teams. And those teams will probably have 3 level 50 legendaries. So even if you are outplaying your opponent, you will lose a lot of matches because your team is underleveled.


Sorry to break it to you, but you are not ready for masters league. I have pokemon much stronger than yours and I am no where near ready for masters league. There are a few different ways to get masters league team, one of them is to raid consistently over years. The other is to buy remote raid passes and grind xl candy. I thought about doing that for landorus. If I did 5 landorus raids a day i could have gotten close to \~250 XL candy at which point i could have justified rare XL candy. That doesn't sound fun though, that is just me buying a pvp team. I will take the years long approach.


First of all, go check out https://pvpoke.com/rankings/all/10000/overall/ Many of the Pokemon you're considering are just not very strong in "Open" Master League, like Salamence. And some like Togekiss and Rhyperior are borderline with glaring weaknesses. The meta is a lot smaller and the top tier Pokemon are mostly powerful legendary Pokemon. All of your "benchwarmers" to sub in are flying, ground, or dragon, so naturally you'll have issues with ice. Water or Steel would help out there, or even something like Mewtwo as a neutral matchup, but one issue is that you may just need better Pokemon, namely legendary Pokemon if you're trying to play ML right now. It's early in the season, people are just reaching legend, and some people are trying now to get to one higher rank. You're likely just underpowered compared to people running 3x level 50 legendary Pokemon in ML at the moment. Florges and Annihilape are okay, but just weak to stuff they don't directly counter.