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**I see that you posted a Question that is related to "Who to EX and/or candy".** *** For questions on "Which Sync Pair should I candy and/or EX?", you may refer to [Pokémon Masters: Tier List & Resources](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JCa0gwUy0iYdOSKR_UuileID_J6xQytZl4c2teTwxhU/edit#gid=423313670). Please be reminded that this resource should only be used for your own reference. Each player may have different priorities depending on the kind of Sync Pairs obtained throughout gameplay. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PokemonMasters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think it’s worth it, she has a solid grid that improves her kit by a good amount. But look at the kit and grid yourself if you want or need the stuff in the grid, especially based on your current support roster. As a general support her grid does not add anything super unique if you have a lot of other good supports, her main claim to fame is her ground team synergy with the Ground Zone stuff on top of what her kit + grid provides.


Planning on getting her to at least at 3/5 eventually since she kind of wants that node where she also buffs the defense stat together with the special defense. However, my blue support candies go first to Bellelba so Rika has to wait the line a bit.


I'm just maxing her out cuz I love her


I think the problem is that she deserves to invest because she has a good sync grid, but you can't get to all the interesting cells: Vigilance, Noxious Hit, First Aid, Ground Extension, X Sp. Def All: Shielded 2...


https://preview.redd.it/uffoi4839jxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f9e1e465f590f8c3282167994288faa39d348cd I’m pretty content with this. Vigilance is a lucky cookie, not worth grabbing. Ground Zone Immunity is also a bit silly because you’re taking 1-2 hits before getting it online with her TM, you can easily get snagged with a trap or a flinch beforehand. I wish there was a Hostile Environment tile so that Noxious Hit was more guaranteed. Poison Sting isn’t AOE, DeNA! I guess we’ll see what her build will be for an eventual HSE.


She’s worth even at 1/5, Triage Tank 9, free stat drops when attacked, free ground zone and poison, and a great EX Role And even then, you’ll be able to build her up over time


Id leave her at 1/5 tbh, but investing a ex role field cake is basically a must, it's just too good on supports.


She NEEDS cake and ex. She has a super good 3/5 grid.


Her grid becomes even more insane if you're willing to up her energy by 6 points at 3/5. Able to grab both Endurance, Viglance, Team status immunity with Ground Zone AND Ground Zone Extension!


She got a good grid sure but shes fine at 1. Her best nodes are at 4 and 5, I personally think its way too much investement considering she does her job just fine at 1


She's cool


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Both. Good at 1/5, great at 3/5!!


At this point assume any pokefair needs to be 3/5 to be good. She basically needs it to be good.


I think 3/5 may be worth it. But at 1/5 she is just amazing. Tanks and heals a lot as well as being a great utility unit. Also I think her EX Role is worth it too


I upgrade pairs as needed unless they are a favorite. As of now, she does fine at 1/5. Using her for 3k CSMM and battle rally went well and didn’t have any hiccups.