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![gif](giphy|IzjSj1Th15XOjhm8Yu) “For those who don’t know Attenborough” I just wanna talk to them


You never know… so I thought it might save questions. 😁😉


***Here, we see the wild Vileplume about to finish off its prey. We can see it standing on the helpless Exeggcute as they are about to be doused with toxic spores.***


Despite its cute and seemingly joyous expression, Vilplume are some of the most dangerous killers. Luring in the Exeggcute with a scent that’d make even the most delicate Roserade jealous, it will melt the unfortunate seed Pokémon with its acidic fumes before consuming it.


This glitch seems to happen a lot, I often have Chikorita surrounded by a bunch of eggs.




“Day 47: The group still suspects nothing.”


That do be _Sir_ David Attenborough.


“The deerling lurks cautiously, waiting patiently for them to go to sleep.”


Here we have a wild Vileplume in it’s natural habitat .


*In this remarkable act of nature. The Vileplume has laid its eggs at her feet and has entered a dormant state. Waiting patiently until her brood hatches. Her brood however will start feasting on the first thing nearby, which is the mother itself. There is however another strange symbiosis involved in this life style. The dormant Vileplume will start releasing pheromones that will attract Deerling which will nibble at the dormant Vileplume. This seems like a foolish act as to take away food from her young. But her young are ferocious. If a Deerling ventures too close. SNAP! The young Oddish have constricted their leaves around the Deerling neck and will start to absorb it's nutrients. The Deerling can struggle and run as much as it can, but nether the less it's faith is sealed.*