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As a nearly 30 year old man who hasn’t played a Pokémon game since highschool I thoroughly enjoyed the whole game + dlc. I even kept playing and shiny hunted for awhile until my kid broke one of the switch controllers


I'm 33 and I enjoyed most games, but Shield kinda killed it for me. I was so hesitant to get Violet and I kinda regret it. I'm hoping to actually, over time, get some kind of competitive team together just for fun.


See, I loved Shield. Wish I could have bought sword at the same time and got the deal. I don't want to replay everything for Zacian though.


Can't you just toss your sword team over to shield from home and beat the necessaries quick like to get to the legends?


Gym badges bro. I'd love to g max and have a great time, but I'm not paying $60 for zacian.


The normal tactic is to create a second profile on your switch and steam through for a second copy of the legendary to then trade. Yeah you've got to play the full game but at least you don't have to pay extra


I don't have sword. I put 666 hours into shield. I'm not paying $60 to buy sword for Zacian. I have Zamazenta.


No, what I meant is you replay the story of shield to obtain a second zamazenta (on a second profile on your switch if you don't want to lose your original save). You then find someone who doesn't have shield and offer to trade your second zamazenta for a zacian. I'd offer myself but I'm only half way through play through 1 on sword.


If you want a Zacian I'm happy to trade you one. Feel free to dm me 🙂


That's uh... super cool of you. I'm busy today, but I'll look at it tomorrow.


Sure thing!


I feel you! Sw/Sh was so bad and I was hesitant to even get S/V but I’m so glad I did bc it’s everything I’ve ever hoped Pokemon could be since I got Blue I’m glad I had beaten the game before starting the DLC, and it really makes it so much better


Sword and shield was amazing? I prefer dynamax to the silly hat mechanic in this gen, I also much prefer the art style, battle animations and post game of sword and shield it also had better dlcs, better performance, better regional pokemon and I prefer the original flow of games with routes and story rather than an open world where nothing you do feels like it matters and there's no challenge. My only negatives for sword and shield was that team skull is cringey and they fumbled the water starter (inteleon is lame af) both of which are forgivable and I can overlook.


So you make a whole post about how the game is shaping up to be one of your new favorites, and has the most ability to put together a competitive team of any game ever, and you regret the purchase? I’m confused.


I think they regret being hesitant, probably because they feel like they wasted time in getting it.


Yes, that's exactly it. I worded it a bit weird there, hah. I regret waiting on it. My partner got Scarlet when it came out and was having a blast with it, but I was too judgemental about it based on what others were saying, so I held off until just recently. I wish I had gotten it earlier because I missed out on a bunch of cool events, lost my chance at that free Hisuian Zoroark without needing to go and get Legends Arceus (which I still will get at some point), and now I'm wayyyyy behind on having a good team (and my partner can kick my butt super easy after having the game for two years, lol).


Eh; in the end, it's Pokémon. It's always going to be at the very least a _little_ fun. If you enjoy the series, you'll enjoy the game. It's always best to try it out for yourself, and you can always return it if you don't enjoy it! ... I think! 😹


I bought it digitally so if I absolutely hated it, I would have been out of luck, haha. A lot of people told me to just download it since it has a *few* less issues running directly off of the system memory (most likely load times or whatever).


Doesn't the digital purchase have a return window, though? Like, 3 days or a week?




I honestly got a late start on this gen because I HATED swsh so much. I'm glad a buddy coaxed me into it because I also LOVE this one. I think I'll even pick up where I left off in swsh to get the legendaries to continue my living Dex that drops off after sumo.


Don't worry a lot of 40 year olds that grew up with pokemon in the 80s/90s play pokemon more than children do.


Yeah, there’s no question that SV is a great game. The writing and mechanics are solid and just wandering around the world is fun thanks to how fluid riding around is. Never need to stop to change abilities, just go! It’s just a shame the optimization and aesthetics (of the world) are so rough. The DLC areas do look a lot nicer than a lot of Paldea at least.


I do love just exploring and finding new things and Pokémon, it's very fun. Wandered off the path once or twice and came across a couple Pokémon I thought I could handle and got my butt whooped, which was fun. The base game does look quite rough, and even more so because I'm playing Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance alongside Violet (gotta have my E-rated monster collection and my M-rated monster collection after all) and while that game has some frame drops, it runs extraordinarily well for how fantastic that game looks. But I'm happy to hear the DLC areas look nicer.


The frame rate is just plain embarrassing for a first party console selling title. For that reason alone I've held off finishing playing until now, hoping they'd fix it. Sad to see it's about the same as launch.


I don’t think it’s a “great” game. So yes, there is a question…


The DLC areas outside a few spaces r just bland and uninteresting. The terriaum although at first it looks nice but the more you’re in it the more you realize it’s nothing special just wild Pokemon to catch. And not much else


Isn't that what all areas are?


playing the dlc alongside your main adventure is really fun, the dlc blocks areas off with high ledges and rivers anyways so its basically just a wider pool of pokemon to pick from


Ah, okay, I may indeed do that, then.


best respond imo. Also there is SO MUCH to do in every region and part of the current game, OP can wait after the Paldean content and start right into the DLC stuff


Yeah, I prefer playing the DLC early, too. I feel like it’s more fun to explore the new areas when you have limited mobility, and then you come back as you unlock knew ride abilities. Kitikami’s not *that* big, so when you’ve already completed the titan’s path, it doesn’t take that long to explore.


No go to Kitakami early. Imo and experience, the story and progression felt more fluid and made more sense that way. Without spoiling there's a time skip of sorts between the end of kitakami dlc and when u see certain characters again post game in bb academy. Plus you can get Ogerpon level 20 early and have her travel with you from the beginning if you'd like☺️


Ohhh, I love Ogerpon, so that might actually be a solid idea!!


Definitely worth it for the bonding experience if that's the case. Take it from me, going all the way back to the 3ds games to start an adventure with a team I can carry through the regions up to Paldea 😌


I absolutely love Violet, I bought the DLC after beating the elite 4, and LOVED basically making a new team for each region. I now have a 4th team of a mix from all areas for just smashing the 5-7 star tera raids


If you wanna complete the dex for kitakami then I would do it now then after you beat the game just so everything is at a more reasonable level to evolve but you will not be able to complete the story until you finish the main game


That's a fair point. I've never been crazy about completing my dex but I might try and go for it with Violet.


It's fairly easy! Violet was the first game I ever completed the dex in.


Scarlet for me, but mainly because it’s my Partner’s Game, and I got to play Violet cause his Friend has it. I’ll be getting my own copies of both eventually XD




For me, all the glitches is part of the charm of the game. I mean, I remember all the stupid glitches I'd do in red/blue/yellow to the point of making the game crash just because I could. Lol I think just seeing how far along the tech and graphics have come a long is a huge part of why I love these games. And seeing pokemon that I caught 10+ years ago in their new 3d models is so dope!


the SV models look so much better than they did in their 3D debut. the 6th to 7th gen models were a slap to the face


A resonable person in the community


I just like playing games, haha. The Switch is my favorite console ever, so I willingly deal with lesser frame rates/graphical fidelity because it's my go-to system. Coulda gotten SMTV Vengeance on Steam and had it running at godly levels, but I chose to get it on Switch. Plus I prefer physical copies of games. So Pokémon (or any game for that matter) being kinda janky at times isn't anything I'm gonna whine about unless the game is literally unplayable. And I mean let's be real, when I'm battling a trainer in the field and some Tauros just barrels through, stops, turns around, and then just blips into the shadow realm... I love that.


The only pokemon game I've played since Yellow on the original Gameboy is Pokemon Go. Until I purchased a switch and Violet about 1.5 years ago. I think it's a great game. 


I'm trying my best not to buy a used lite and SV.. I already have my head deep down in PoGo


You know you can transfer pogo mons to SV.... All those crappy cp shinies can live again!


No. You're kidding. I legit just transferred like 100 mons last night to make space


Yep! It works with Home so you can move them there even if you don't have another game to send them to yet.


Can you not sell me the idea of buying this ahaha dang it! That's cool


Same, I started Violet 2 weeks ago and have been suprised by how much i've enjoyed the game so far. I know the performance is not the best but it hasn't really bothered me too much.


Yeah, they did a lot right with it. It's just a shame they weren't able to get the visuals/performance to be on point. Here's hoping gen 10 will have a team that learned the lessons from Scarlet and Violet and take full advantage of the next Switch's power. A fully-realized open world Pokémon game with the optimized performance and visuals of a (mostly) modern system would be fantastic. I'd love to explore a jungle with like, the sun rays and stuff coming through using whatever kind of ray-tracing the Switch 2 is supposedly going to have.


I think I’d be okay with the games current state if the tera raids actually functioned correctly


If u can actually get into one cuz 80% of the time it’s always a communication error message.


I haven't done any tera raids yet. What's going on with them?


Just a lot of lag and connection issues. Especially when it’s a harder enemy. They did raid boss style starter bosses and are still doing them occasionally. When you’ve got a very limited time to fight, it’s pretty infuriating when you attack and it takes a solid 30-45 seconds for you to actually attack and then another 10-15 waiting to have your menu back


i was lucky once because during an online walking wake raid, my teammates realized what miraidon build i had. one used defense cheer and i tanked a supereffective to 13 hp, then another used attack cheer, and the last one used helping hand and i was able to take down its entire shield and K.O. it. I'll be forever grateful for these three, because my connection crashed right on the nickname screen. thanks to them buffing me up, we were all able to defeat/catch it before my connection ruined everything


I keep hearing this but I've yet to experience any lag on battles? Maybe because I play offline?


The lag comes from communicating between the players and the server, so playing offline would avoid that issue


Yes it’s an online issue. But some of the harder raids like the 6-7 star raids are near impossible without going online. Also a good chunk of Pokémon are also just not in your game unless you do online raids or trade


for instance, they have caused my switch to have overall horrible connection. my switch lite once had a hard crash caused by the connection issues. some forums suggested restarting or even completely powering off the console to clear anything that could cause memory leaks it has indeed relieved how often the connection issues happen, but if you fail to join raids successively with the same error code, i recommend closing the game and restarting the console. whatever caused that hard crash has somewhat damaged my connection hardware, im afraid


Despite the optimization/graphical issues, SV were a good game. Were they great? Imo, no. But they were solid. SV was the only Pokemon game that had me tear up due to one storyline (won't say which one)


If it's the same storyline that made me tear up, then yeah... Haven't had that happen in a Pokémon game before.


Same. If that's the storyline we are talking about, I've heard it teared up alot of people because it was so relatable


i got the dlc whilst i was still playing the main game and i went straight to kitakami to get myself a furret (my fave pokemon) and then carried on playing the main game to completion then went back to complete the dlc cos there's so much to do in the main game already its so overwhelming doing both at the same time so I did one then the other and kept it as linear as this game can be 🤣


I love SV for its wide range of ways to improve your Pokemon, and ease and variety for collecting, but I wish the game had like a hard mode or something. Just in collecting the available Pokemon I found myself pretty grossly over leveled and it’s frustrating when I can just have my starter Pokemon roflstomp all the bosses in the game and sheer numbers, ignoring all strategy. If you haven’t tried Legends Arceus yet, I highly recommend it too. Particularly alongside SV, as Arceus brings a really engaging game to the table, but lacks some of the customization and depth for combat that you get from SV, but adds so much to the raw world exploration and catching pokemon. And then you get to carry all the Pokemon from PLA into SV!


I've actually avoided using my starter too much at this point. The star of my team is currently my Dunsparce of all things. It's one of my favorite Pokémon so finding one early AND having it be able to evolve into something as silly as Dudunsparce makes me very happy. I'm considering getting PLA at some point soon just because I really like some of the Hisuian varieties. An end goal is to have a really awesome Hisuian Zoroark for my endgame team.


It's my current favorite Pokémon game, for sure. I'm on my...4th playthrough? There's just so many good mons that I wanna use. Haven't even touched the dlc yet. Hell, I haven't even done the big tournament Nemona puts on after the main storyline wraps up lol


If you're a dex completionist I would say that you should play the dlc after the main game since then every evolution is just a level up away, but if you want it more vanilla style you could just visit kitakami once and then come back if you wanna evolve them at the correct levels but that has a side effect of making dlc part 1 too easy though Ultimately it is up you and just have fun imo


Violet has realistically been my favorite by far. Its the first dex I've completed. The DLCs are really fun and the perfect time commitment for a standalone DLC area, plus they add a ton of dex entries. 6 and 7 star raids are just challenging enough to keep me interested and the rotating offerings of 7 star pokemon is something I look forward to. It feels like the pokemon company specifically thought of the folks 30+. No one challenge is too difficult to take up more than 30-45 minutes, whether that's a new raid, finding a rare dex entry, whatever. The only gripe I have is how complex the typing, Tera typing, and huge move/dex pool has made pvp and that's primarily nostalgia of gen 1. Typing was easy to understand, move pool was small, and you could be competitive at a high level with less time invested and a working brain. I can play at 1500+ gen 1 random on showdown, but I am absolute trash after Gen 3. Edit: I went into DLC after I completed the dex and have many level 100s. It was an enjoyable story but you will absolutely smoke it, zero difficulty if you have 70+ team.


Right. It’s really not as bad as the vocal minority say it is. Generation 8, was easily the worst in the series but you wouldn’t know that unless you played both.


Why is gen 8 the worst in your opinion? I have not played gen 6 or 7, but I have played all others except sv (got but want to finish swsh before diving in)


I'm not the one you responded to, but I do agree with them on gen 8 feeling the worst. For me, it was mainly them attempting an open world but then only having one set area that was truly open. I remember everyone being pumped about open world Pokémon and then we were still greeted with the standard routes and basically what felt like a glorified Safari Zone. But besides that, the story of the game couldn't keep me around after I cleared the main content. I know nothing of the post-game or DLCs because I just lost interest and sold the game after not touching it for close to a year. I got burned out on it way too quickly as compared to something like back when FireRed and LeafGreen came out and the post-game content felt super rewarding and extremely fun. And I guess I felt like I was way too strong at every point in the game. Scarlet and Violet still allow over leveling, but there wasn't a single moment in Shield where I was like "oh snap, I shouldn't be here yet." Meanwhile in Violet I got worried for a moment once Iono terastallized her Mismagius (or put it out in the first place) and my Clodsire was suddenly having a rough time and I had to use Poison Jab and pray that it didn't hex me to death. The Pokémon added in gen 8 are fine though, I have nothing against the vast majority of them.


Interesting, I've actually truly enjoyed my time playing it, love the pokemon and story of sword but agree with the overlevel feel, even if it doesnt , although I have recently come back to the world of pokemon after taking 2 gens off due to gen 5 (specifically black) which I didn't even get past gym 3 due to sheer boredom when playing it at release, so saw no reason to get any after it, but brilliant diamond made me want to try pokemon again. I just felt like the new pokemon and story up to that point were boring and unimaginative in comparison to the previous gens to the point of putting me off pokemon altogether. It's actually brilliant diamond that got me back into it as Gen 4 was my favourite gen. The remake did not feel anywhere near as good as the original, but it did make me want to get the switch pokemon games.


These games with constant 60 FPS and better resolution would have been the best Pokemon games. I have hopes for the next Pokemon games tbh.


On god I’m 31 been playing since e I was six with Pokémon Blue and this is my favorite one ever!!! The DLC is so good I love picnicking and the breeding method isn’t bad either but honestly play it how you want in whatever order. Any Pokémon you catch will listen to you regardless of level and badges


I caught a Toxel and it totally wanted NOTHING to do with me until after I got the first badge. So I'm pretty sure that's still a thing. Since I caught it at level 20, the first badge allowed it to listen to me and finally show me some RESPECT.


Hmmm I’m on my 4th play through of violet and I’m steam rolling with a couple mons I moved to scarlet via home for EV training and leveling and put them back and they listen just fine ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Pokemon will obey you if you caught them under the highest level your badges permit even if they’re later leveled above your badge level cap.


Thank you!!!


It's a solid game for the series, but it is still nowhere near the level of quality this series should be at this point in its lifespan. All the other old Nintendo IPs have reached incredible heights that pokemon hasn't come close to matching.


I think Game Freak is just not the optimization powerhouse that Nintendo is. And if I recall, Scarlet and Violet had a smaller development team (and a more rushed development cycle) than usual. If it were Nintendo themselves making it, then it would have been delayed. They have never been shy about delaying a game to make sure the quality is through the roof. But when you have a smaller dev team to work on it along with The Pokémon Company breathing down your necks so they can pump out merchandise, Game Freak didn't really have a choice. I admire that they tried to fix what they could, but if it's unoptimized at a basic coding level, it would take an entire rework to get to the point that other Nintendo IPs are at. This is why I'm hoping they're given more time for gen 10. And based on the fact they'll *probably* wait to release it on the Switch's successor, they'll have the time they need to take the criticism from Scarlet and Violet and use that to improve the overall experience.


Yes it has some problems (frame rate, level scaling) but it has more good than bad and is a good direction they should keep heading with gen 10


yes!! usually with pokemon i complete the main game, mess around a bit more, then move on. with violet I'm so motivated to do things like complete the pokedex, shiny hunt, ev train etc. I'm having a blast :)


I have played every mainline Pokemon game multiple times and SV is definitely in my top 3 favorites. If it wasn’t for the ugliness and terrible performance it might be number 1


I enjoyed the game but the performance quality was honestly awful.


It definitely has its flaws but the flaws make it better. It’s easily in my top 5, and maybe even top 3 favorite Pokémon games


Dude same. This one has me more invested than any other one. I dunno if it's the music, the characters, the out in the world combat. The bugginess is whatever, fantastic game nonetheless.


I loved the game and barely noticed any of the bugs people complained about. The step up from sword shield in pretty much all aspects was phenomenal. I don’t play any other games so maybe that’s why I was supremely satisfied with Violet (I had nothing to compare it to), but yeah it feels as though people go needlessly hard on it.


I would wait on kitakami/ blueberry until the postgame. I’ve tried it both ways and Kitakami ruins the level-scaling so that the next few gyms will become stupid easy.


Nemona is one of the best rivals we've had in a while. She's fun, maybe the best fights you get, and she actually loves fighting you and acts like a proper rival.


I had the game beat by the time dlc came out, and honestly I wish I could experience it at a more normal level. It didn't make sense for this little town to be only full of level 60 + pokemon, at least to me anyways. Kitami definitely feels like a better mid game experience. Plus, do you want clothes that AREN"T the lame uniforms? You get more clothing options if you play. :D


That does make sense. I'm currently using one of the uniforms that was unlocked by getting the DLC pack but it's still just a fancier uniform, haha.


Yeah, I'm currently wearing the outfit you get for 100% kitami basically, haha. Also you can get a good influx of cash, and that would've been nicer if I hadn't beaten the main story.


You just got it? Keep in mind this game was released nearly 2 years ago. It had like a million patches since then. And it is still buggy.


That's not really an issue to me. I've enjoyed my time with it and I think it's a step in the right direction despite its flaws.


I loved this game. I think the gen is the incredible. 500 hours in and I still love to play.


I've played it both post-game and after finishing the grass/bug gyms. I liked being able to have a few of my favorite previous gen mons on my team for the base game, so I'd recommend it if you have a favorite or two out in Kitakami.


It was their best game and anyone who argues clearly don’t like fun


I wish I could have gone to Kitakami at the start of my Violet adventure. I'd advise doing that asap honestly.


I loved scarlet/violet.  Arceus got me back into the franchise after a long hiatus and I was skeptical if I would like scarlet/violet based on reviews but I truly loved it.  Glad you’re enjoying it as well!


Hey op i would suggest beating the main game before getting any of the dlcs so yeah mostly because the dlcs have a ton of strong pokemon


Ive been playing since gen 1, played every Gen as they come out and this has been my favorite since gen 5 hands down. Is the game janky as hell? Hell ya! Are there way too many cut scenes and having to deal with them is like pulling teeth? Yes yes yes! But it is by far some of the funnest gameplay Pokemon has had in a long time. I was sceptical about having a Pokemon as a vehicle, but boy did it work. Just flying and climbing around is fun as hell.


For Teal Mask, it really doesn’t matter when you do it. There’s not much to do after level 55 in the main game, so the post-E4 Teal Mask might be another opportunity to use your main team if you like that kind of thing. That said, the trainer battles aren’t exactly difficult even at the higher levels. On the other hand, Ogerpon is level 20 or so before you beat the game, so you could use her in your run. But she’s also so good that it might trivialize your main story run very quickly. Another thing to consider is if you have a favorite pokemon that’s DLC-only, it might be nice to grab it for your main campaign.


Honest question, do you feel they have become to easy? My son blasted through sword without dying once. I remember playing gen 1 and constantly having to redo battles because I would just not have the right team with no way to make it to a center to trade out for a better team, now you can trade out in between battles/towns poke centers are almost no longer a thing. The shared experience points isn't the worst idea but it seems super easy nowadays.


I do feel that they've definitely become a lot easier. I can't say I've actually lost a battle since maybe either Pearl or White. I think gen 5 was the last time there were any truly challenging battles. It's almost like the jump to full 3D suddenly meant that the games had to get easier. Which doesn't make much sense because RPGs aren't affected the same way something like Mario or Zelda were when they made the jump to 3D. And it's not like the core age demographic has changed over the years, so there's no *reason* to make the games a cakewalk. I do like the ability to access my boxes anywhere, because sometimes I'll send a Pokémon to a box when I don't mean to and I can quickly get it back into my party. I will say that there are FAR too many Pokémon Centers in Scarlet and Violet. Like, if I am at a Pokémon Center and I can see another one about 200 feet down a hill, something is wrong. I feel like I'm NEVER at risk and I can fly to a Pokémon Center and be back where I was within 30 seconds.


Oh pearl had me rage quit for a while! Shinning pearl is where I picked back up in the series after gen 2. Never lost a battle, never had to really grind, I was really confused as to why I no longer needed a hm slave or why bedouf always showed up every time I did even when he wasn't in my party. Cought the legendary without issue. Beat my rival, the final 4 and then that last trainer after.... Lost every single time! Wtf there was no winning! She one shot everything I had, every time! I really didn't want to go grind for 20 levels so at that point I was good.


OG gen 4 Cynthia was a MONSTER. And her theme made the battle a thousand times more intense. Definitely took me back to the gen 1 and 2 days of fighting Blue after the Elite 4 or Red at Mount Silver. And don't even get me *started* on Whitney's Miltank... Oh also something that has made Violet a lot easier is that trainers won't battle you until you walk up to *them*. I miss the days of trying to get through an area, being low on potions, and having that one trainer get the "!" above their head and stroll over to me to basically say, "Hey kid, you wanna get knocked back into last Tuesday?"


Ah yes the path of "please don't see me!"


Go to Kitakami ASAP, it scales depending on your progress, so there’s no difficulty spike to overcome, and Ogerpon is too charming not to have along the whole way, plus she also scales to your progress, so she doesn’t unbalance your team, I personally like to start Teal Mask as soon as the Treasure Hunt starts. The second DLC mentions a time jump that doesn’t really make sense if you do them both post-game. DEFINITELY save Indigo Disk until post-game, though, it does not scale to your progress, it pulls absolutely zero punches, and unless you’re up to its level, it will ream you until you die.


Ngl cool game but it just felt way less challenging than some of the og games. Glad you’re enjoying it. Def a solid game, just blew through it Willy nilly and cu of that it was less rewarding. Beating the elite 4 first try was disappointing. Y’know?


I wasn't too keen on the 'school life's it presented. I know it's mainly for kids. I felt also it was really easy. The challenger trainers were spread out more, you really had to look for some of them. And yet pokémon centers were aplenty.


Kitakami floats around the 20-30 level range pre-main story finale, so if you want it to provide some level of challenge plan accordingly. And agreed OP. Some of my favorite games in the series, definitely the most replayable with all the teambuilding options.


I 100% agree. When they revealed this game I really did not look forward to playing it. The characters strayed too much from the usual typical Pokémon aesthetic, Pokémon having realistic textures and the world looking too realistic also put me off. I really liked what they did with Pokémon let's go but they went a different direction. The textures looking cheap and the world being buggy was also a put off. But after taking a break I decided to pick up Scarlet and actually thouroughly enjoyed it. The bosses were awesome! Traveling felt smooth and fun, the Pokémon collecting aspect was fun and they got rid of a lot of unessisary hurdles to make the perfect EV/IV/nature Pokémon. It's just good fun and when you don't take it too seriously the story is kind of good too. It's by far not the best or my favorite Pokémon game but it's been the most fun one since Black/White 2!


I always wait until I finish the base game before I start the Teal Mask expansion. Briar doesn’t mind waiting, and you’ll find it much easier to play with a higher level team. It can be started at any time, and admittedly I have played it once when I was halfway through the base game, but I found I was spending so much time there catching Pokemon and my team levelling up much more quickly, that the base game when I returned to it, wasn’t as much fun as I was overlevelled. Plus being a lower level to begin with in the DLC does make the battles much more challenging. Ever since, I’ve stuck with completing the base game first on my replays of the game.


bro i saw "violated" 💀


I'm 38. Played every game since I was 10. Love every game. Constantly have 1 or 2 nuzlockes going. Scarlet and Arceus have the best replayability for me at the moment. I love Scarlet. Enjoy!


I played Violet when it was released... My first playthrough, I actually had quite a bit of fun - and I didn't even encounter that many visual bugs, or bugs in general. I didn't really see as many flaws with the game as other people. I started a second one, like, one or two weeks ago. I cannot tell what the hell changed because not only am I noticing so many more glitches, the game now feels like an absolute fucking slogfest: it plays like a grocery list with the objectives not scaling based on Level (fuck, at the very least I can get behind Titans not scaling - imo they should have a starting Level and scale from there - but they couldn't even bother to make the Gyms scale?), the Pokémon roster is ok, but not spectacular (I tried using Ceruledge. As a charcadet, it made me suffer...then it evolved, and it was all-round worse than my fucking Deerling...), the overworld disappears and comes back every five minutes, and when a cutscene happens (the caves are big fucking labyrinths with literally nothing to do) and the lack of voice acting makes half the game cringe af (many will remember Ryme's rap battle. I had to look away and take my headphones off lmao). Maybe coming off of Monster Hunter Rise raised my standards enough to turn my opinion 180 degrees...


I mentioned this a few times in my responses, but I got Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance on release day (since the original is probably one of my favorite games ever) and I'm playing it alongside Pokémon Violet. It's pretty much bug-free, it has constant voice acting, it requires so much more strategy/planning, and it runs well for looking as good as it does on the Switch (Unreal 4 and careful optimization combined are pure magic). And it's hard as hell (specifically the new Vengeance story path). When I get stuck in that game, I'll flip over to Violet and I almost enjoy how easy it is compared to Vengeance. It might lack the voice acting and it might run like poop and it might get buggy as heck from time to time (still haven't run into anything too crazy), but it's basically a vacation from the brutalness and I can appreciate it for what it is.


Fair. Good day to you :) and have fun with the games, tho I'm sure you already are.


I got Pokémon Violet a couple weeks ago and was enjoying going through the game at my own pace... Until the Mightiest Swampert event forced me to beat the entire game in a single weekend. I'll say, despite all of the flack Scar/Vio gets for being buggy and rushed, it's still really good. Team Star has a story line that is surprisingly deep and meaningful, which is something I thought both S/M and Sw/Sh were missing. There were still some really awkward moments, and a couple Gym Leaders have nearly no personality, but over all, I think Scar/Vio are still top five Pokémon games for me. As far a Kitikami goes, it's still practically post-game, a lot of it's content is meant to be jumped into after the main game, but I found it fine to start at anytime. Blueberry Academy, on the other hand, should be held off on until you clear everything else. I don't know why it lets you go there immediately after you enter Kitikami.


What constantly annoys me is just how many negative videos about the game keep popping up when the issues they describe are like cosmetic and performance based and not actually mechanical or technical, and I think the design of the game is amazing


I buy Scarlet month ago and still tries to finish indigo DLC. Good game but it is better when you have friends or Play multi (blueberry points without friends are very hard to collect and some pokes evolves only when trade) But still I enjoy this game and even think to buy older versions


I’m in a similar boat, I totally hopped on the hate train when it came out and swore I’d never play it. Now it’s my favorite Pokemon game in recent memory. It just gets so much right for me, everything is so much quicker and smoother, no random encounters, optional trainers, I feel like I have a lot of agency in what I’m doing at any given time. That being said, yeah, the performance is absolutely inexcusable and the gyms really should have level scaling so you can TRULY take them on in whatever order you want. Regardless, this is the first game I really want to fill out the Pokedex for and I’m having a blast


honestly? I really enjoyed it as well the characters are pretty fun and personally, I find Gen 9 to be the hardest in a while. I do have issues with the presentation, as I feel like it lacks flair, personality, it's pretty bland, but gamewise, I really enjoyed it. Nemona's my favorite rival now


I'm with you. Many glitches and it takes time for them to fix select ones. They finally fixed the picnic table being below the ground level glitch. It works best in hand held mode though I know many people do not play like that. I do not play every pokemon game. I did not care much for galar but I am enjoying violet/scarlet story line and map. There are many ways to get a complete dex. If you need a union circle to evolve the dolphin pokemon just go to the reddit thread for union circles. Get one to lvl 38 join one for bb farming then evolve before you go and have some fun. You do not need to pay nintendo for online subscription. i was duped like many. No you do not need it. Limited free wifi is enough for most people. Just connect to your local wifi and the consul will do the rest. You can access home and trading options. I've been playing violet for over a year and I almost never 100% complete the game. I generally buy one version then stop when I've completed 95% of the dex then stop. Not wanting to waist the money on the 5-7 other game limited edition pokemon. I've completed all three dexes and am working out on maxing all the pokmeon to lvl 100 while working on my shiny dex.


I already have the Online + Expansion subscription but even if I didn't it's good to know that things are still possible. I have no idea what a union circle is but I'm sure I'll become aware at some point, hahaha. I wouldn't mind completing the dex in Violet though. The last time I completed a dex was WAAYYYYY back in gen 4 with Pearl.


Shiny hunting in this game is just loads of fun


I played from the Blue version in elementary school, and as you say, SV feels much freer than the others, that we can see the Mons running without having to engage in combat and that we don't have to deal with the annoying loading screen before each battle; Yes it is a breath of fresh air. By the way, in case you haven't tried it, you SHOULD play Pokemon Legends Arceus, that is a different and very entertaining experience.


If anything I'd say unlocking all of Miraidon's powers/doing the titan storyline is what's more necessary for Kitakami, so that you can explore it properly. But otherwise since there's level scaling you'd be fine. That said though the second half of the dlc you can't do until you beat the entire game, so if you'd rather wait to do both dlcs in one shot there is that option.


Definitely go to teal mask early. Enjoy :D


Frame rate and silliness? Like what? I havent encountered a single problem...


I'm in the same boat. There are some things that I don't care for still. Like team star. I miss when the teams were actual enemies instead of ya know, just a bunch of delinquents. Which isn't to say that can't be good. Team skull is probably my favorite team behind rocket. They were hilarious. But they were hilarious, not necessarily the overwhelming hurdle that a kid would be worried about facing really. That went to the institution people from sun and moon. But team star is just eh. The characters themselves were cool tho. But yeah, despite that, this one is still one of my top favorites.


The only problem is it's not nearly as hard as RBY etc. The whole story is a breeze. For Kitakami I've decided to "start afresh" by catching 6 new Pokémon available near the starting village.


For me Pokemon violet was dissapointing: empty and boring cities that you cant enter inside the houses, npcs boring, Team star the worst team in a pokemon game, graphics… But i love the dlcs a lot!!


My main complaint is that too many trainers have just one Pokémon. Two if I'm lucky. If they have three they might as well be crowned champion because they know they can have at least half a party.


I honestly think the bugs brought me back to Gen 1 That is the ones that aren't critical bugs which delete save files.


The criticism is simply it's a main series entry in the biggest IP in the world. It shouldn't need fans to have to try to defend it. It's quality should be unquestionable. I'm curently replaying Uncharted 4. You can have arguments about things the game did well or poorly but no one can question it is a high quality product.


Dunno how much worth this comment has as someone who hasn't played the game, but I think that's the perfect way to put it, honestly. We can argue about whether the glitches ruin the game or not, but the point is that those problems shouldn't *be* there in the first place. Not from the biggest grossing game franchise in the world, not after about 3 DECADES of games. And they certainly shouldn't STILL be there after 2 years' worth of updates.