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I think the best way to go is whatever island has the pokemon you need to prepare for next event. Some people already have good water types or a high area bonus. Some might want a change of scenery before the event 'forces' you there, so to speak. In my case, I'm heading back to lapis. I want more dratini candy, need a good Ralts and Stufful, and Psyduck spawns there too. For the water event I'll head cyan, but I already have a 40% area bonus there so I'm not really planning on spending more weeks than necessary there. Tl;dr pick whatever island has mons you need that you think will be helpful.


Im at Lapis, I want Ralts candy, I wanna get my Gard to lvl50


Yay team lapis. I finally got a ralts incense this week, hope I can get a good one.




Yes, however there will also likely be a water week before the Suicune event which will have the most benefit at Cyan Beach


And the event itself will probably have Water buffs like this event's Fire buffs.


But just like entei and raikou, they’ll do an event at cyan before the suicune release


my island bonus on there is low, so i'm going to cyan and trying hunt for a good totodile. this event was so hard on me since I didn't have any good fire berry mons.


So you can collect water type incense.


Already have it at 60% so I'll be sticking to leveling up TH.


We probably are still a few months away from Suicune. I'm counting on it being in August rather than July because July is the 1 year anniversary of the game so I'm expecting a celebration event + content update and then give Suicune it's own month. My area bonus is almost maxed at Cyan, so I don't need to level it much. Plus I have water types that I'm happy with, probably just need a better Totodile. I'm going to Snowdrop this week, Lapis next week, then Cyan the week after for Good Sleep Day


This. The first year aniversary is throwing shade at the prediction of suicune as next event.


I’m going to Cyan tomorrow for the following reasons: 1. I liek Heracross 2. Still can’t find Heracross 3. See points 1. and 2.


Love Heracross too, I hope the game gives us a lum berry island soon.




I'm thinking cyan or tundra. If we are getting the birds after the beasts, I'm seriously lacking area bonus for an ice event at the tundra. On the other hand I also need that decent totodile...


Ill be going to tundra too, but im doing it because Im 5 away from unlocking lapis and I still havent been to tubdra yet. Going there should help me get the last 5 sleep styles quickly.


I doubt we get birds since they don’t like the flying animations in this game.


Now that is a long term strategy! Also it gives me an extra reason to go to tundra tomorrow.


Cyan also has rats and Spheal, which can help for Tundra later


The event will be on green grass again, as they’ve said all events will be. So I think Cyan is the best choice *if* you’ve maxed your island bonus on GG. Otherwise maxing GG is better I think, as boring as it is.


Suicune Event, sure. But water week will more than likely have a Cyan Beach addition just as Fire did with Taupe.


For sure! But the Suicune event will have better return on rewards vs water week, so imho having a maxed out GG is more beneficial, at least for newer players who may not have maxed GG yet and aren’t aware that Suicune event will be GG locked too!


Honestly, I'm just going to Cyan for a change of scenery. I want to do lapis since I've had it unlocked for quite awhile, but I don't feel ready yet.


Do it, go Lapis! Just play ingredients + pot size if you dont have the right berries :) It's gonna be super slow there either way with how hard ranking there is until you get the island bonus up


I am heading to Lapis. I’ll be stuck on Cyan beach soon enough with the water week. 🫠 (I got all my decent water type Pokémon on GG, sorry Cyan!)


Now that I’ve finally hit max level I’m gonna go to cyan as well to get that last 5% And then back to taupe hell, but I think I only have one more week left there also! Then in can finally visit snowdrop for the first time


Good plan, but I’m heading to lapis to get some long term progress before focusing on the next event.


I'm going to Snowdrop Tundra for the same reason.


I unlocked lapis the day before the Entei event so I'm excited to visit lapis for the first time!


Same, but going to a new island right after having an event bonus is such a crash, man. Prepare yourself.


just and update to say DANG you were right hahaha. I'm on Basic 5 and it's Tuesday! This is rough! lol


I was thinking of you earlier today and wondering how your week was going. Hang in there, and build up that area bonus!


D: any tips?


You just have to power through to build up your area bonus. It’s just shocking to go from high drowsiness to very low.


Meganium, Victreebel, Espeon, Gardevoir, and a flex spot is my default lineup there that does well there.


Im going to Snowdrop for 1 thing and 1 thing only, Delibird. Im planning to roll deserts for the water event and need something better than Altaria to get eggs. Hopefully, I get a Delibird with eggs at lvl 30 and go back to Cyan next time.


My plan exactly! My goals are to find a BFS Totodile, evolve my Psyduck and get both my Shiny Slowking and Shiny Blastoise to level 50 :).


i agree, if u don't have maxed your bonus area on Cyan+need more/raise water mons, go there ! otherwise go to lapis ig. i'm still raising my blastoise+todo (both with bfs+helping bonus) so good plan for me to go Cyan beach


the joke is : i already got cyan max out :))


I was thinking of going to Cyan, but, over the course of these events I've unlocked the tundra and lapis lakeside and haven't been able to go to either yet. I already have Cyan at 40% and a BFS Feraligatr and ing finding m & s Blastoise. So, I think I'm going to go to the tundra for the first time. I'm excited to try a new map for the first time in over two months lol


I want to run Snowdrop for a week for a change of scenery and to find new sleep styles, but I’ll hit up Cyan again for at least a couple weeks. We went 5 or 6 weeks between Raikou and Entei, so I have a couple weeks probably to fart around. Plus I already was on a Cyan grind for a couple weeks. I had bad spawns the whole time and I don’t want to go back tbh but the grind might pay off this time. Suicune is my favorite of the three so a good team would be worth the pain. My Taupe team pulled heavily this event and I hit master 10 for the first time!


Is there a good chance to get eevee on cyan beach?


I dont think so...i had better luck on snowdrop


Im at 50% at Cyan, so personally going to continue to raise my bonus at lapis to try to get a good ralts!!


I'm heading to cyan beach because I need more water type candies to level up the mons I have as well as try to find some better water types. I've also largely neglected cyan beach so I do need the bonus increase also.


Agreed if only for totodile. I will say dont lock yourself into training water types only, a lot of them ingredient wise are incredibly samey aka they are all cocoa locked and some are just dupes (Vaporeon and blastoise) Really hoping the new water type we get is akin to ninetails where it can offer non duper ingredients in the type, a good berry mon and even some team utility. Felt it went very under the radar in the fire type event


Yeah, this is pretty much my exact plan for tomorrow too. Head to Cyan and start grinding water stuff. I've spent very little time there thus far and I need to catch up on water types for Suicune.


After Raikou I went to Cyan to prep for Suicune...and then we found out Entei was next so I immediately switched to Taupe for prep. During this I unlocked Lapis about a month ago but have been prepping for the events and have not had a chance to go yet. I just really want to go to Lapis!!! So that's where I'm going. I have a BFS Feralligator but he doesn't unlock it until level 50. So he is going to be on my team for the foreseeable future until I get that unlocked


I’m planning on adding around 3 Totodile-line to farm candies and get more exp on my Wiggly +- another water


I have been to Tundra one time, only got to ultra 2 for that week. I haven’t been to Lapis yet. I am rank 55..with Grasaland at 60%, Cyan at 60%, and Taupe at 45%..I’m thinking about trying Tundra again but I’m very discouraged..


It’s a good island but I’m already at 60% bonus and have 2x Feraligatr with BFS moreover finally got Chikorita with BFS so I will go for Lapis this time)


Cyan best yea


I feel like its situational based on your account. I'm waiting to go to Cyan because my area bonus is nearly maxed, plus I'm not concerned about water mons yet. I have a great Vaporeon, don't care about Slowbro and Slowking, have a solid Blastoise, only big need is Totodile but that can wait. We're going to have a Water Week that of course you have to play at Cyan so I'm not expecting Suicune until August because July is the 1 year anniversary of the game, so I'm expecting an anniversary event + content update in July instead. I went through my account today to see what I like really need. My most needs were ironically at Taupe Hollow, which has my 2nd highest area bonus (behind Greengrass). But I'm sick of Taupe. So I'm going to Snowdrop instead since that is my lowest area bonus and I need plenty of stuff there. I don't need much at Cyan, in fact the only thing I need there that doesn't spawn anywhere else is Totodile, which I can worry about during Water Week. I'm going to go to Taupe next week, then Cyan the following because I like playing Good Sleep Days there, especially with it being late in the week this time. Lapis is not in the cards for me because I don't need anything there other than to level my area bonus and get candy for Ralts and Dratini


My Gator is already solid, so I'm going Lapis since you can get Squirtle there too. Plus I'd still like a good Dratini / Ralts / Mankey, so :)


My cyan beach bonus is already at 50%, that's why.


I already have like, a Cyan Beach team of 4 lv. 30+ Blastoise & 1 lv. 50 Wigglytuff to keep them energized, so I'm really only going there to even out my ingredients tbh. My Charizards & Typhlosion have been overdoing it on the sausage & ginger for the past 2 weeks.


That's my plan too. I am fairly new so I don't have many good water Pokémon, nor have the island scored high. So I'll start going to Cyan to catch at least a good Squirtle, Totodile, Slowpoke and Psyduck as I read golduck will be really good with Suicune.


If Suicune has the same ability as Raikou and Entei but for water, Golduck is one of the worst water pokemon to take advantage of Suicune. Reason being it’s a skill mon. And skills can only trigger once at a time. So with a max skill while you can get 12x the ingredients from an ingredients mon, or 12x the berries from a berries mon, you’ll get at max one skill activation from a skill mon (and mediocre everything else).




Why don't you think is a good idea to go there next week?


I'm maxed out in gg cyan and taupe. It's snow tundra then lapis. And when there is a water event. I will be forced into going to cyan. I will wait until then. I have a great gator turtle and duck. I can wait until it's suicune prep month.


Most people are maxed out or close to maxing out the island bonus.