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I usually take a break for a day or a few hours if I keep getting paired with bad teams. The key is to remind yourself that it’s just a game and it’s not that serious. Matchmaking is a joke, so it’s often you’ll get paired with noobs and low skill players. That being said, I’m very sure you’re not a 100% perfect player and make occasional mistakes. And that’s ok! It’s all part of the game


Sure thing, I do make several mistakes but the ones I see are maddening. Ultra-Masters players that still don't know how to use the fkn map, man 🥲


You don’t…you just…suffer


I usually only play while I’m doing a run on my treadmill. So even if I have a string of horrible games, I’ve at least got in some exercise anyways. 😂


If the misplays of your teammates inspire murderous desires, you’re probably not well-suited for competitive multiplayer games in general.


You couldn't be more correct, yet I love competitive play 🤣


throwing my phone across the room helps a little




When I play, I feel really anxious, especially when Pokémon selection screen before the match. My heart beats faster, and I can really feel it. To calm down, I remind myself to relax when the game gets intense. Sometimes, I even notice I've moved to the edge of my seat, so I'll scoot back and try to sit more comfortably. It might seem silly, but it helps me stay focused and calm during the game! It does wonders for me as a Support main lol


That's a good strategy indeed; the mind always reflect what the body enacts, Smart folk you are. I'm a Support player too and I've been trying Comfey lately. They fk with me so bad sometimes I wonder if I'm in the enemy team, lol


Will my teammates pick 4 attackers Will my teammates fight together Will my teammates wear strange items


I just stop taking it serious when I lose


Take a break, maybe play a less stressful video game.


Main Slowbro. Turn brain off. Enjoy the vibes 😎


Seek professional help


Stop playing for 3 days or abuse the 2 week off for the 2-week Returning Player. Though the 2-Week Returning Player does have a month long cooldown.


I usually play 1-2 games every now and then. Im not that good, so I dont mind if others are bad as well :) Thus I never get angry when I play the game.


My therapist tells me I shouldn't play this...but what does she know


Were you really told that? My wife says that every day.


I consider a test of my emotional control. Working under unfavorable conditions But yeah the game isn't balanced and moderation is to rare so it becomes a toxic cesspool. Dota and league are better There's other pokemon mobile games if you are stuck


Good luck, hope things are better


Thats what the voice chat is for! /s


Thank god there's no mic on Switch... I don't like to offend people, though, I'd likely suffer in silence 🥲


First off, gotta remember it's just a game. It's meant to be fun and getting stressed over it won't do you any favours. Second, the moment you feel you are not having fun, you need to step back and take a break. Maybe watch a match in Spectator or go take a bathroom break or grab a snack. Just go and do something else for 5-10 mins and give yourself a cooldown. Third, don't take it so seriously. As is, this game is a joke. So sit back and have fun with it. Roll with the punches, clip funny things for your own enjoyment or to post to share. Take some time to learn mon you have but don't use much that you think would be cool to learn like a Zoroark, Goodra, Falinks, Gyarados, Mr.Mime, or Sableye. Maybe run something cooky like Submission Machamp with an X Speed or something with the goal to chase down and suplex people. Finally, you gotta find fun where you can. You won't win every match, you will get a lot of people who aren't good at the game on your team, and you will get trolls who intentionally throw. You just gotta roll with it, find your own fun, and have fun doing it.


i play other stuff that’s not unite , game’s fun sometimes but i still need a break every now and then


I don't


I’m still on my break because of this! It’s been a month and a half so far…


By setting the game down for two seconds and breathing before I snap my phone in half.


>Every effing thing players do incorrectly make feel like getting them all killed in real life. I sure hope you play absolutely 1000% perfect with comments like that.... News flash! You don't, everyone makes mistakes..get over yourself


I curse myself too so it’s all good 🤣