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Meanwhile me in soloQ wondering how teams are so coordinated and delete us in the blink of an eye


You can only be queued with trio and duo q in soloq


That was so well coordinated holy shit, I love seeing CC chains obliterate enemy teams. Nice one! <3




"Aaayyyy we got a team fight! I got unite, boys!" - Enemy Gardevoir probably


Meanwhile my teammates always save their ulta for who knows what at req team fight


Saving it for the next game.


Comfey ulting just to feel included


This could've happen to you guys too, too close without knowing where the enemy were. Nice engageđź‘Śđź‘Ś


Going thru the effort of organizing a 5 stack to have NONE of the players bringing Xpshare gives me heartburn.


Just love being a solo player dealing with people in groups its fun **very fun** (I hate it)


Except as a solo q player you wouldn’t face this


3 is a group, which you do face in solo queue


0 option for country play just then, is the reason this games not more popular.


Enemy team could have let regi walk to take up good team fight position Enemy team could not have walked 3 strong into a narrow gap when a blastoise and a garde are on the enemy team Enemy scizor was in top lane at 2:06, could have approached Ray pit from opposition flank and caught the dodrio and garde from behind or just provided vision to the rest of the team moving in Bear in mind, both these teams are 5 stacking, so there’s some level of comms (even if it’s just paying attention to pings)


Still Doesn't Explain why 1 Aoe CC Locks down an entire team Until the next CC and by the end of the chain there was no counter play to 1 Mistake. I'm sure you think its fine, @ masters 1500+ its not, 1 camping blastoise throws an entire objective, a Camping blastoise and Gard is literally a free team-wipe. CC needs a really hardcore nerf.


Opponent Team: Blastoise and Gardevoir. I guess the counter play isn't Scizor making frontline while the team going everything together with no vision on Rayquaza. Sometimes, the counterplay is making better decisions prior the fights actually happen.


I didn't ask what wasn't the counter play. I pointed out there was no Option, Saying A melee Shouldn't have played Like a Melee just straight up proves my point.


Like others commented, I disagree. This games not popular bc it’s pretty trash tbh. Anyways, there’s loads of counterplay that could’ve been made. Positioning and team awareness being one of them. Easy example, why would they all approach in huddle when they know gardevoir has her ult and blastoise has his? They didn’t play cautious at all and actually look more like bots than real players, so there was counterplay to be made but this team didn’t do it


If you think the game is trash why are you giving me an Opinion about the Health of the game?


I didn’t, I was explaining the potential counter play options. I think the games bad for a different reason