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![gif](giphy|a2YSruRtReIAo|downsized) Ruskie po odpaleniu atomówek XD


Zabawne, że tak gadają o opalaniu atomówek jakby to miało nie spotkać się odpowiedzią świata. Ot tak sobie walniemy 40 atomówek w Polskę, świat powie "łoooo co tak błysnęło??" i wszyscy wrócą do codziennego życia.


Ruskie w wielu częściach swojego kraju żyją w ziemiankach, to kto wie? Nie wiadomo jak głęboko się wkopali.


I love the logic of “if we nuke Poland, we’ll automatically get rid of Polish language as such, as a neat little benefit. Those kind of absurd statements just always take away the solemnity from the situation to me. Like if your citizens say this kind of things on live tv, how can I take your threats to get them to operate Iskander seriously?


I guess we are not the target audience. People of Russia are, and they will enjoy it. It tickles their ego...


Stop looking and ruskie podludzkie kurwy pierdolące od rzeczy and relax, with all their missile strikes and unlimited manpower they couldn't win over a country with virtually no soldiers and no weapons and it went like that for months before we gave UA weapons and money to fight. To lose like this we'd have to be ruled by stupid assholes or straight ruskie agenty.


He completely ommited the fact that there is a lot of Polonia, ironically thanks to the Russians' past actions.


sprostowanie - w Polsce mamy 1013 miast, nie 20, ale czego oczekiwać od onuc


no ale on powiedział wielkich miast, poznań wrocław kraków warszawa szczecin itp


powiedział (po rosyjsku - to słowo) na tyle niewyraźnie że nie zrozumiałem - nie ma go na liście synonimów do WIELKIE MIASTO (большой город)


So, does this guy just not believe in emmigrants?


His Kazak-Mongol ancestors would be ashamed


A lot of make-believe fantasies. Who even thinks of this stuff? Do they not have something to live for other than wishing to annihilate 38 million people… more like 1 billion (the entire west). So weird. Touch some grass, play in the snow, go naked to a sauna… enjoy your life lol.


>Who even thinks of this stuff? People who don't have anything else in life that they truely care about other than memory of their (soviet) empire. It tickles their ego when they can discuss deciding fate of milions amd milions people...they feel so big, powerful amd important.


Me when hearing ANOTHER russian threat ![gif](giphy|51Uiuy5QBZNkoF3b2Z|downsized)


U kapitana Sołowiowa zawsze szkalujo


Niech ruskie smieci ogarna ze dostaną wpierdol. Dajcie mi karabin i wolną ręka i sam zakurwie putina tego pierdolonego syfiastego kraju. Chuj im w dupe, rak swiata, jebany.




Mam nadzieję, że tym razem Francuzi i Brytole nam pomogą