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Authleft is **NOT** beating the wall of text allegations.


It’s to the point where I can tell someone’s political leanings by whether they put a wall of text or not


Lib center here, but guilty of writing manifestos 🤷 must’ve missed my Marx


Wall of text + poor choice of font. They're not sending their best.


How is anyone supposed to read that without searing their eyes. Yellow text on a light blue and red background. Absolute amateur hour


the dropshadow isn't doing it any favours either, tho i guess in this case it makes it slightly more readable. still very ugly tho


True to form.


Turns out the key to a good wall of text meme is having the text be funny all the way through this rant is hilarious.


"allegations" No, its not "allegations", its their digital race


Never fight uphill me boys


Me trying to read this https://i.redd.it/njty24chdfvc1.gif


Also how I feel trying to understand it. Trump.exe stopped working again.


It’s like the Sheriff of Rottingham from Men in Tights.


“He deered to kill a kings dare?”


You should’ve put a black outline around the letters or something this looks awful


Trying to simulate the experience of listening to it






I propose a cut off at retirement age.  Go live your life. Hang out with your grandkids. 


I don't mind Trumptards making fun of Biden for his senile verbal gaffes, because that's a legit thing, he really is a senile old fool, but the minute they start trying to use their guy as a counterexample, I know that the second syllable of the insult I used earlier in this sentence is apt.


In general, I agree. But Trump strikes me less as a senile old man with dementia and more as the kid who didn’t do the reading but has to go up and talk in front of the class.


I'd accept that for one grade school presentation, but it's literally how he speaks about every single subject. Has anyone in this sub heard him talk about anything lately and thought, "wow that was well put, he obviously really knows a lot about this subject"?


The difference over time is palpable. 2004 Trump (57 years old): >My life is seeing everything in terms of "How would I handle that?" Look at the war in Iraq and the mess that we're in. I would never have handled it that way. Does anybody really believe that Iraq is going to be a wonderful democracy where people are going to run down to the voting box and gently put in their ballot and the winner is happily going to step up to lead the county? C'mon. Two minutes after we leave, there's going to be a revolution, and the meanest, toughest, smartest, most vicious guy will take over. And he'll have weapons of mass destruction, which Saddam didn't have. What was the purpose of this whole thing? Hundreds and hundreds of young people killed. And what about the people coming back with no arms and legs? Not to mention the other side. All those Iraqi kids who've been blown to pieces. And it turns out that all of the reasons for the war were blatantly wrong. All this for nothing! 2014 Trump (67 years old): >Our country is in serious trouble. We don't have victories anymore. We used to have victories, but we don't have them. When was the last time anybody saw us beating, let's say, China in a trade deal? They kill us. I beat China all the time. All the time. When did we beat Japan at anything? They send their cars over by the millions, and what do we do? When was the last time you saw a Chevrolet in Tokyo? It doesn't exist, folks. They beat us all the time. When do we beat Mexico at the border? They're laughing at us, at our stupidity. And now they are beating us economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they're killing us economically. The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems. 2024 Trump (77 years old): >We’re going to place strong protections to stop banks and regulators from trying to debank you from your—our political beliefs what they do. They want to debank you. We’re going to debank—think of this. They want to take away your country. Electric cars... They wanna take away your rights. They wanna take away your country. The things they’re doing. All electric cars. Give me a break. If you want an electric car, great. But they don’t go far. They’re very expensive. They gotta be made in China. That’s why I think I’m gonna get the autoworkers to vote for Trump. You know, we’re having great, great talks. But think of what they wanna do. They wanna take away your rights.


>We’re going to place strong protections to stop banks and regulators from trying to debank you from your—our political beliefs what they do. They want to debank you. We’re going to debank—think of this. They want to take away your country. Electric cars... They wanna take away your rights. They wanna take away your country. The things they’re doing. All electric cars. Give me a break. If you want an electric car, great. But they don’t go far. They’re very expensive. They gotta be made in China. That’s why I think I’m gonna get the autoworkers to vote for Trump. You know, we’re having great, great talks. But think of what they wanna do. They wanna take away your rights. Who wants to take away the country? Who wants to take away your rights? He has lost his mind completely, the difference between 2004 and the present is insane.


lol damn that's accurate


Trump's dad actually died of dementia and it can be passed genetically. There's more reason to believe Trump has dementia than Biden.


Yeah the asymmetry is that the Biden supporters realize Biden is old and says garbled shit sometimes, whereas lots of trump supporters still deny it and treat their guy as a bold straight shooting truth teller.


They're in this fucking thread lmao. They just cannot accept any criticism of 'their guy.' He's falling asleep every day of his own criminal trial and it's crickets in conservative subs. This is the first time I've seen the insane Gettysburg blurb in any conservative sub too.


There was one brief attempt by the Dems to promote Biden as a "super-ager" earlier this year but they couldn't sustain it because they knew it was BS. The GOP happily spouts BS all day long so lying about Trump is no big thing.


Nah Trump has his old guy rants too. But there is a mile of difference between the two


I agree there is a mile of difference between the two. Only one of em said windmills cause cancer and that the Continental Army "took over the airports" during the American Revolution lol


A mile of difference between Trump and Biden and a light-year between them and the first reasonable choice for the office they're seeking. Big difference... Just accept it, you support a senile old fool if you support either one.


Trump rambles and says dumb shit, but Biden really is on another level. Trump at least has his own thoughts when he speaks. And I personally enjoy not having such a sterile filter on a president. Transparency is a nice break for me once. Biden can't even read from a script and forgets he's on a stage. It really is next level.


If you were put up on a podium and asked to speak off the cuff about something, you could probably articulate yourself better than he could after the jitters of public speaking wear off. Trump improvises a lot, that's pretty apparently. He's like my old-ass grandfather (similar age to Trump), whose mind isn't what it used to be, when he drinks and tries to address the whole family. A lot of off topic rambling to the point where you wonder if he even remembers what he was trying to say to begin with. If he was a Democrat speaking in the same way you'd think he was an absolute moron. I don't even believe that he's really speaking his own opinions, and I don't know why you do. He's as businessman, reality TV personality, a personality brand, and now a politician. Given everything you know about the person, what he's said and done, the opinions he's expressed over time, why would you not believe that he's pandering to his perceived audience?


>If he was a Democrat speaking in the same way you'd think he was an absolute moron. I do think he's an absolute moron. I agree oth everything you've said. Biden is still borderline brain dead. Even so, I'd vote for Biden, even though he's on his death bed, if I agreed with his party platform, because he's nothing more than a pawn. It's all about party policy. And that's entirely because of Democrats. If the DNC didn't force their party to be lock step, I might consider a Democrat here or there. But I can't, because they're all the same these days. Republicans on the other hand, they can't even agree on a house speaker. They're all over the place. And that's good. That diversity in thought is good.


What are you talking about? Both say complete nonsense. Joe sounds like he's deteriorating film on a talkie movies out of the 20s, and Trump sounds like a 90's comic who's psychedelics are constantly just kicking in. Only real difference is Trump's nonsense is generally funnier- riffing speeches saying American revolutionaries took airports, his uncle 'nuclear rant,' thinking Obama is still president- though that's more forgivable than Joe having memorized every world leader and ambassador but he hasn't updated his list since 1992. Like come on, this is from 8 years ago. >*"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."*


They're both fucking senile dude, Biden probably forgets where he is. But Trump could not stay on topic on anything for fice seconds without him rambling about random nonsense 


Sure, I just think Biden is more far gone. By a pretty big margin. I honestly put 99% weight on policy over person. I'd vote for Biden at this stage of his death if his and his VP's policy wasn't a disaster. And the rest of their party. Against Democrat policy, Republicans could run a racist, rapist, cheating, lying, tax evading, lifelong Democrat from New York and I'd still vote for him. These men will die and disappear. It's just policy that will remain and which matters at the end of the day.


Just a point, [Trump is not a racist](https://www.newstandardpress.com/the-donald-and-the-blacks/), and he's never been convicted of rape. That he has been unfaithful to his wives is true, and regrettable, but he hasn't engaged in tax evasion. That's illegal. He does use every legal avenue for tax minimization, as everyone should. As one American Justice pointed out, "there is no moral obligation to pay any more in tax than you're legally required to." You're right about policy though. The Democrats are utopian authoritarians, while the Republicans are becoming more libertarian for the most part. You could put up a short list of things Republicans disagree with, child-sex changes, open borders, dependence on foreign oil, etc, and they'd be things that Democrats of thirty years ago would also disagree with. The one big difference would be abortion. For all the eccentrities of Trump, Republican policy is fairly mainstream. There'd be no pushback if the media did their job and reported honestly and fairly. But then, given they vote over 90% Democrat, perhaps they are doing their job. [It was nice of Joy Reid to admit that the prosecuters going after Trump are DEI hires, that they're solely politically motivated, and that without Affirmative Action they wouldn't have the skills to have the jobs they're holding.](https://www.westernjournal.com/watch-joy-reid-says-poetic-people-prosecuting-trump-black-deis-bringing-home/)


You cannot be serious lmao. Trump said windmills cause cancer, that the Continental army "took over the airports" during the American Revolution, blamed Nikki Haley for not providing enough security during January 6 (?), has repeatedly forgotten that Obama isn't president during this election cycle, and this shit about Gettysburg. Almost every speech he screws something up.


Not only did Trump continuously say it was Nikki Haley, he specifically went out of his way days after to say he MEANT to say it. How do edgelords in this sub eat that shit sandwich willingly and pretend like they're geniuses for doing it? He does the same for Obama but I'm well-versed in right wing mental illness and they truly do believe Obama is pulling the strings, so while I guarantee he didn't mean to say it the first time, his "save" still makes sense for his brain rotted voters. The Nikki Haley stuff is nonsense. There was no conspiracy about her pulling the strings on Jan 6th before or after.


To be fair, he keeps bringing up Obama because it still gets his base riled up, can’t imagine why


>Trump at least has his own thoughts Oh my sweet summer child, how naive you are. He expresses his handler's thoughts; his own thoughts are at the level of "Gettysburg, wow!"


>Oh my sweet summer child, how naive you are. He expresses his handler's thoughts; his own thoughts are at the level of "Gettysburg, wow!" What are you even trying to say? Was "Gettysburg, wow!" his handler's thoughts or Trump's? I can guarantee his speech coaches or handlers or whatever were cringing.


How many handlers dressed as Easter bunnies have hushed trump?


Trump is too much of a stubborn prick to listen to any handlers. He just has random thoughts and he says them


Nah one of the things that struck me about Trump from 2016 on was that you could watch thoughts go straight from conservative Twitter into his brain and out of his mouth, usually garbled to near incoherence along the way.


People point to Biden saying "Mexico" instead of "Egypt" as an example of some horrible Biden incoherent rambling, but it's very clear what he was saying if you realize he said the wrong country. Whereas trump will say some shit where even if you realize he said the wrong name, it's *still* incoherent. Like blaming Nikki Haley for January 6 - OK, the explanation was that he meant to say Nancy Pelosi, but even so what he was saying still made no sense!


Trump has just a couple strings of words in his head at any given time but figured out that if he talks in circles, he doesn't sound as senile. In terms of impactful thoughts, I don't think Trump is doing any better than Biden these days.


Anyone who's excited about either candidate this time around I'd really question, they're both just such awful candidates


I still believe America is the most powerful nation on earth, for now. Probably will remain so only for another decade or so, but that's not the point. The fact that our only choice for the most powerful political position in the land is either an elderly, mentally addled man with family ties to crime and propped up by media or....another elderly, mentally addled man with family ties to crime and propped up by the other half of media is a fucking disgrace. I can't say what I think people should be doing right now because I'll be hit with a [REDACTED] so hard I'll have flashbacks to my dad beating me but this is disgusting and we should feel collective shame for tolerating it. And for anyone that says "Oh we have to run Man 1, he's the only one that can defeat Man 2 and Man 2 is the greatest threat to our nation", fuck you. You are literally the problem and you can't even see it. Just to make it perfectly clear, and this applies to both parties: When you claim the mere existence of the opposition constitutes an existential threat to the existence of the nation, you lose all credibility when you resolutely keep backing the exact same candidates and refusing to try anything new. The GOP should have been grooming a successor for Trump to steer their party back towards sanity, and the DNC should have been hyping Kennedy/Obama 2.0 back in 2016 the minute Trump got elected. They won't do that because they don't actually care about changing things, they've effectively shackled their voter bases with fear and partisan politics because we've shown them they can literally run regards with mental degeneration and we will trip over ourselves to stand up and shout how OUR old regard is so much better for the country then THEIR buffoon.


Don't worry, I'm sure this is the year the LP finally puts forward a sensible and likable candidate that can handle a little pressure


I know I'm cynical but at this point God himself could come down and run third party and I'm convinced no one would vote for him because the GOP and DNC have spent decades convincing the American public that any attempt to deviate from established candidates is doomed to failure and we've gorged on that disinformation. The closest we got and IMHO the closest we ever will get to a successful 3rd part candidate was Perot, and it will stay that way until there's such a massive upheaval that America would no longer be recognizable as compared to its current form.


Wow I didn't realize he had that much support, 18.9% of popular vote. That's crazy to think nowadays. I think Kennedy is still pulling 10-15% on some polls though


Yep. Had he run under an established party I'm convinced he would have won. Even in 96 he still managed 9% of the vote, which is huge for a 3rd party candidate going up against a popular, sitting president up for re-election. I don't think any other third part candidate got anywhere near even 9% of the vote. Nader was "big" at the time at got 3%. Bernie could have pulled comparable numbers but instead he got shut down by the DNC and their candidate still lost, and "Bernie bros" still get blamed for Hillary being a fucking awful campaign politician.


Had Bernie ran third party he probably could've got +25% and then be destroyed politically for fracturing the Democrat party, except he towed the line and backed the same lizard people he claims to be against that also conspired against him 🫠


George Wallace got 13.5% in 68, altough for some *controversial* opinions


I think people underestimate the amount of people who don’t vote third party, because they don’t support the third party candidates. If people aren’t Libertarians why should they vote for the Libertarian Party?


Serious question: why doesn’t the Libertarian party support ranked choice voting? It seems like that’s the only way they’ll win any candidate seats and that voting process would be better for America. I only see support for it among hyper political neoliberals.


Libertarian here and I support ranked choice voting.


You typing this fucking masterpiece: https://preview.redd.it/0zp6f7sfdfvc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc332f0b742bad18469da50b83d944e551023c97


Another Libcenter WIN


Libcenter always wins


Enter the Wise Young Political Compromisers? That doesn't seem to exist. If you think it's bad now, just wait til these old buffoons are gone. MTG vs. AOC is a glimpse of the future.


Not quite. It's going to be Stacy Adams vs MTG. Look within yourself, you know it's going to be true. Hispanica are only useful on the national stage when it comes to the treatment of immigrants, once they're here they lose value as a hot topic voting group for either side.


Not necessarily any specific people. The electorate that responds to them, shapes them, and puts them there.


>The GOP should have been grooming a successor for Trump to steer their party back towards sanity, and the DNC should have been hyping Kennedy/Obama 2.0 back in 2016 the minute Trump got elected Exactly right. This is the end state of a pattern of hoarding power in the oldest generations without making any efforts to pass power on to the younger generation. The same criticisms have been made in a few other countries like Japan. At least in monarchies everyone would know that the crown prince would be mostly running shit by the end. Democracies sadly lack such sensible corrective measures, especially during elections.


Auth left? Complimenting monarchy? What's the world coming to!


It's hard to have a frank discussion if you can not concede points to people you disagree with. When you're right, you're right. Monarchies require a family and their political allies to maintain quality. Democracy requires the whole population to maintain quality. That's unstable as fuck on it's face. Democratic government is so fragile all you have to do is make young people feel disenfranchised, and in a generation, you're dealing with voters who act as if corruption and failure are acceptable or at least inevitable.


Monarchy has the advantage of people being "raised to rule" which means that, if they want to be a good king, they have to learn everything involved in governing their country, and become familiar with every group, from the poorest to the richest, in order to govern for their benefit. In democracies some fairly random individual can receive the highest powers in the land, just by winning a popularity contest (\*cough\* Obama, seriously, where did that guy come from?). They don't have the time, and in most cases the inclination, to actually know anything at all about the people they're governing, so often rule according to a bunch of stereotypes that they have of the citizenry. Think Obama, and his comments about flyover country clinging to their guns and Bibles. That is, of course, all Middle America is to the coastal elites who make up the Democrat Party. Something to "fly-over". Ironically enough, Trump has what is known as the "common touch", which comes from a life spent around builders, construction workers, service workers, etc. You know, the "lowest of the low" to the political left who claim to "love the working class". They love them only in the abstract, never as real people. Monarchy is great, when you have a good ruler, but its failings become obvious when you have a bad ruler. The strength of democracy isn't that anyone is "fit to rule". It's that, for the most part, nobody is. Its strength is that no individual can hold unlimited power for unlimited time. Monarchies beget dynasties, and, as we see in North Korea, an evil dynasty is horrible to live under. The American founding fathers established a system where the President had much of the power of a king, but his tenure was limited, while the Senate and the Judiciary acted like more conventional democratic governments. Of course with all of them subject to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which placed, at least in theory, hard limits on their power to oppress the citizenry. With the armed citizenry, hence the 2nd Amendment, and no standing army, placing the ultimate limit on the power of government. It's very hard to oppress a people when they have weaponry equal to that of an army. That's also why any restrictions on the ownership of weapons by citizens is unconstitutional.


Unfathomly based


We do have a Kennedy running. They just held him out of the primaries and the DNC is running hit pieces on him because he’s crazy enough to say things like, “we should look at research to see what we’re putting in our bodies.”


And he's crazy enough to say: "vaccines cause autism" and "wifi releases toxins in your brain"


The crazier thing is that people somehow think that we’ve reached some peak in technological progress where there can’t be any adverse side effects. For you to lump all vaccines together like there’s no difference between polio and Covid is disingenuous. And very few people know how WiFi works. I’m not saying he’s right, but just the closed mindedness of the left to anything that’s against mainstream discourse scares the shit outta me. Give me someone who may have some quirky personal beliefs who is capable of thinking for himself instead of Biden, who is a party automaton at best and at worst isn’t mentally capable of working the cash register at dollar general, much less being leader of the free world.


Man, those wifi signals are really getting to you. I hear you can wrap tinfoil around your head to block those dangerous radio waves. Good luck out there, it's scary!


Oh a passive aggressive internet leftist with no substance. The pidgeys of Reddit


I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks low power 5GHz waves produces any kind of effect on the body is misinformed or fucking stupid. And at this point he's probably had that explained so much to be considered "misinformed". That leaves absolute stupid.


I have no idea tbh. I like his positions and the fact he doesn’t have dementia. I do know he has pending lawsuits concerning it and Kennedy isn’t a frivolous person. He’d be sued left and right if he didn’t have anything to stand on


Have you tried the wifi enema yet?


I haven’t! What mental health disorder have you diagnosed yourself with to explain your lack of real world success?


I got penis bifurcation. Every time I piss it goes in two directions. That why I am a loser. That and the failures.


I mean, many years ago I started at a tech company which later blew up and became a tech giant blowing up my stock compensation making me an instant eight figure multi-millionaire that's only continued to grow - and I've continued to work at various big tech since then. I guess instead I could have been a dumbass on reddit that supports paid spoiler candidates that say literal stupid conspiracy theorist bullshit that anyone with room temperature IQ should be able to realize.


The lady doth protest too much, me thinks


Hey! I'm a software engineer and I don't really need any money but you want to give me some anyways?


Speaking of Reddit, I remember the good days where anti-vaxxers were rightfully derided and shunned. He doesn't even think the measles vaccine is safe. It's pretty disingenuous to say the only way to be an independent thinker is to go against established science.


That’s not true. He’s stated vaccines developed before 1989 are generally safe. It’s the newer ones that are money grabs with no health benefits. Remember when they pushed Covid vaccines on kids? When did I say, “the only way?” You lack nuance and I’d be shocked if you held an opinion outside of accepted mainstream opinion. But that’s most of the modern left


https://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-election-vaccines-8b7b8506aec638b26c30a42819d96036 >Perhaps the most well-known example of Kennedy’s anti-vaccine activism outside the U.S. was in 2019 on the Pacific island nation of Samoa. >That year, dozens of children died of measles. Many factors led to the wave of deaths, including medical mistakes and poor decisions by government authorities. But people involved in the response said Kennedy and the anti-vaccine activists he supported made things worse. >In June 2019, Kennedy and his wife, the actress Cheryl Hines, visited Samoa, a trip Kennedy later wrote was arranged by a local anti-vaccine influencer. >Vaccine rates had plummeted after two children died in 2018 from a measles vaccine that a nurse had incorrectly mixed with a muscle relaxant. The government suspended the vaccine program for months. By the time Kennedy arrived, health authorities were trying to get back on track. >Kennedy was treated as a distinguished guest and met with the prime minister and other officials. He also met with anti-vaccine activists, one of whom wrote on Instagram that the meeting was “profoundly monumental ... for this movement.” >A few months later, a measles epidemic broke out in Samoa, killing 83 people, mostly infants and children. >Helen Petousis-Harris, a vaccinologist from New Zealand who worked on the response, told AP that local and regional anti-vaccine activists took their cues from Kennedy. >“They amplified the fear and mistrust, which resulted in the amplification of the epidemic and an increased number of children dying. Children were being brought for care too late,” she said.


I read that whole article. Not once did it say he was against the measles vaccine. All it was is conjecture and anecdotes. It’s literally a hit piece. Don’t you think Fauci would sue Kennedy if he were wrong?


Dude, he's full on insane conspiracy theories lol


Oh nice, the smears are working!


I like some of what RFK jr says, and while I vehemently disagree with his stance on vaccines, I’ll probably vote for him because I can’t stand the other two options. However, he does assert the conspiracy that vaccines are directly linked to autism. Here is a link if you care to watch, better to own the reality of someone you claim to support than to deny easily verifiable evidence and look foolish. https://youtu.be/djd0UFieqfM?si=XFFbdqg6emQ7cU10


I agree he believes in conspiracy theories. I also believe what he says is routinely distorted so as to smear him. These are not in contradiction. I can't fathom how in 2024 there are people who *don't* believe in at least some conspiracy theories.


Oh god David Pakman 🤣


Yeah real smart independent thinker shit like "perhaps COVID was engineered to not kill Jews" All the conspiracy minded people need to realize that the only reason he's getting any traction is old people who would vote for Stalin's diarrhea if its last name was Kennedy.




Yep, I'm continuing to vote 3rd party. If I *HAD* to choose, I'd vote Trump. Not because I think he's better, but because I think he's *WORSE*. At this point, I think things needs to get worse before people finally had enough and demand real systemic changes. And Trump will make them worse. Accelerationism go BRRRRRRRR


You scare me.


Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things.


Based and the government are fucking idiots, voted in by fucking idiots pilled


By the regarded, of the regarded, for the regarded.


> The GOP should have been grooming a successor for Trump to steer their party back towards sanity, and the DNC should have been hyping Kennedy/Obama 2.0 back in 2016 the minute Trump got elected. Trump is what the GOP electorate wants at this point, there's no distinction between GOP politicians and GOP rank-and-file on that question. At least Dems have the excuse that it really is hard to ditch your president in the middle of his term, it's an unprecedented scenario in modern history. But ditching a guy who just lost should be easy! And I don't think it's surprising that RFK Jr isn't liked by most people on the Democratic side. His entire shtick is the "I used to like the Dems, they've changed" thing, so it's not surprising those are the people who like him, he doesn't even really try to talk about most issues that Dems care about!


America's current state is a living, breathing demonstration of how "actual" democracy can fail. These are our choices? We the American people decide that Trump and Biden are our qualified presidential candidates, the ones that should lead and represent the country? Regardless of the cause(s) of this happening, be it sheer voter stupidity/groupthink and deliberate efforts by both parties to shackle their votes to the *party* rather than the *policies*, it feels like an insult to even call what we have a "democracy". At this point why not just live under an authoritarian single party dictatorship like the CCP? At least dictatorships get shit done.


I am still in disbelief that Biden isn't stepping down. I voted for him partly because I just assumed he would. He was already in clear decline before his term started, I can't imagine what he'll look like in 4 years but it definitely won't be fit for any kind of office, let alone president. Democrats could have nominated any mildly charismatic human being under 60 and easily won this election. Now they're probably going to lose because for some unfathomable reason they chose to roll with a corpse in a suit.


>Any politician at the height of their power >Stepping down Lol.Lmao even. Biden will die in office if he's re-elected. Harris will take over, campaign for re-election and become Hillary part 2 when she will "surely be elected" and then defeated by a new Republican candidate the DNC didn't effectively campaign against because they're too busy sucking each other off talking about how much better their half of America is than the other half.


He will, just during his second term if he's elected again. What people don't fully realize is that a vote for Biden in 2024 is essentially a vote for his VP, and the DNC is perfectly fine with that being missed by voters because they know Kamala isn't popular. Edit: but also, imagine the fucking *irony* of the first female president only getting the position because it was handed off by a man.


People said this same shit 4 years ago…


Had Kamala been competent and better at pretending to be a human then it might have happened. Now they're stuck and all they can do is up Biden's dose, Weekend At Bernie's him more, and hope to run out the clock.


Time is a flat circle.


I will vote for literally anyone with believable plans to change the voting system to ranked choice voting.


People really trying to equate the mental regardedness of Trump vs Biden when one can do speech after speech/rally after rally and one can't even do 1 properly. The rest I agree.


Meteor 2028?




Reject Great Reset, embrace [full reformat!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PENT_hnyO-o&t=54s)




Trump talks the way proto-type A.I. used to.


Please make an age cap for the love of all that is holy.


Republicans won't put any bills forward without Trump's approval. If they did an age limit right now they'd set it at 80.


Bc they are lame. Getting some nice age limits in the presidency at least would be nice. Same with Congress. Dying in office is sus


I'm just saying it's not going to happen during a period where we have to rely on trumps approval. It won't happen until he's dead and gone


What does it take to get a president that isn’t an old moron…


not voting for them


I'm not missing an election, and I'll always vote for who I think is the lesser of 2 evils, since writing in or voting 3rd party (when that party already has no representation) won't do anything.


Democrats and Republicans had the choice to vote for someone else in the primaries but both didn't because they are afraid that doing so would result in them losing the election. A story as old as time.


We’ve tried nothing and we are all out of ideas!


Maybe voting for someone that is in his 30s or 40s instead of half-dead and disconnected to todays society already?


A direct quote from my grandpa before the 2020 election, "These guys are my age... I don't know that I'd say I'm sharp enough to run the country. Granted everyone is different, but I'd bet they probably shouldn't be either. At a certain age you just aren't as sharp as you use to be, and you need to be real sharp to run a country."


Based grandpa


“My dementia man is better than your dementia man! Cope and seethe!”


Truly the idiot's idea of a genius.


but but but!!!! biden delulu!@!!


inspiring speech (it’s inspiring me to throw my phone into a blender)


Only the Will it Blend dude can save you now.


At this point I'm only voting for trump to prove to the entrenched beaurucrats that all the meddling and law fare doesn't work, to prevent the moral hazard down the line 


If you changed your flair and swapped Trump for Biden, it would be equally as believable


Damn, I didn't know that Biden had ever been prosecuted for his corruption in Ukraine, his assault on Tara Reade, or him stacking classified documents in an unsecured building.


Tara Reade? The documented pathological liar that was accused of being a Russian asset that finally *defected* to Russia? Latter falls under DoJ rules barring prosecutions of sitting Presidents (which Trump benefitted from also) and the former is innuendo. That the GOP impeachment inquiry has been mothballed after a key witness was found out to be a liar is telling. If there was a smoking gun it would be the only thing Trump would be talking about.


If you think Tara is disqualified because of lies, none of which have been proven, then you should also think that the current harassment of Trump by Carol should be thrown out, because her lies have actually been proven to be lies, rather than twisting words by the DNC. She went to Russia because she was being harassed by Democrats in the States, and was denied protection by Democratic politicians. She probably should have moved to a red state rather than Russia, but I can't say I blame her.  Also, documents were found in biden's possession from the time when he was a fucking senator, not just his time as VP/President. He's still prosecutable for those crimes from when he was a senator, but he won't ever be charged because It's (D)ifferent.


stay in favor me boys!


Are you people on here blind or something?


I browse this forum in grayscale so I can respond according to how I really feel, and ignore the funny colors.


This is their best candidate? Sounds about right


This is why he doesn't want to debate anyone. He knows his brain is melting and he can't hide it.


There's something so entertaining about the meandering trump speech format. Sure, he's a moron, but at least he's funny


He's funny if you don't realize he'll be controlling the nukes. I don't care if my president is funny. I need them to be competent.  He's not.


He is funny. No argument there.


How this incoherent rambler gets conflated with the oratory prodigy that was Hitler is beyond me. Both are populists, both are sinful, but man they are just miles apart


Trying to read this shit: https://i.redd.it/wqtj0itpjhvc1.gif


Hope you’re happy Auth Left. There’s going to be a lot of upset 14 year olds who’s Friday morning you’ve just ruined.


As a non-American auth left, I do want to see him elected again. The entertainment value will be immeasurable.


Wall of text with yellow letters 0 border slight shadow is peak leftist meme holy fuck.


Yeah sure let's pretend Trump is just as bad as Biden


That's the dem campaign strategy.  Makes sense if you believe the rumors about replacing Biden on the ticket.


Trump thanks his campaign manager. Dems go on for weeks how Trump doesn't remember his wife's name


I know right. I mean Trumps obviously worse.


You're right, Trump is obviously worse


Exactly. Trump is *far* worse than Biden. Even at his peak, Trump was ~80IQ moron who inherited everything he owns. Trump spoke at an 8th grade level when he was in his 50s and 60s. Do you remember his first runs for president? The entire reason he's "popular" is because he's the king of white flyover victimhood. I mean I understand that Conservatives find low IQ endearing, but my god.


Trump inherited an economy that was running well and exited after passing bills pumping trillions into the economy directly and through the fed chair he nominated. Biden comes into office and the inflation balloons and suddenly it is his fault in totality.


Object permanence is hard for a lot of voters. They act like the present circumstance only be caused by the current President.




> did you ever notice that? He’s no longer in favor He fought for slavery


yeah that'll get you outta favor eventually, took about 150 years but that's okay me boys. that's okay.


I wonder if that’s why he’s no longer in favor. Let’s get a detective on the case.


He explicitly did not. He fought for his state. 


Hey guys, PCM centrist here. The civil war was actually about state's rights and Lee didn't really want slaves, so he's actually in fact a positive figure in history and also Trump is a genius for knowing that.


Which seceded so they could keep slaves


Dirt farmers were not dying in droves, just so a few rich folks could keep their slaves. Just like the poor wage slaves were not dying in droves just to free them. The North had been using the political power it had in congress, due to population, to tax and regulate the shit out of the south for decades. This is a gross oversimplification of the grievances that spanned several decades leading up to the war.


They were though *”Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition. [Applause.] This, our new Government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.“* -Jefferson Davis, president of the confederacy I’m sure taxes and regulations added fuel to the fire, but slavery was the main issue of the war


That was actually Alexander Stephens, VP of the CSA. But I'd argue this is the less damming quote from that speech when talking about weather the war was over slavery or not. Just one paragraph prior he said - "The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution African slavery as it exists amongst us the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution." He literally says "we seceded and are currently fighting over slavery".


I mean poor people dying in droves in wars for reasons that don’t benefit them is most wars in history. Like yes the north wanted to destroy the southern way of life, because the southern way of life was based on slavery. The north wanted to dominate the southern economy, because that economy relied on slavery. At the end of the day I think you can take southern politicians own words, the secessionists states own declarations of independence and the arguments given to confederate ambassadors to convince more states to leave the union as the reason why the south tried to leave.


>Dirt farmers were not dying droves, just so a few rich folks could keep their slaves. whether they knew it or not, they were doing exactly that.


Poor people dying for rich peoples agendas is every war that has ever been fought


Jesus Christ, it was about slavery. Fucking get over it. Were there other things around the periphery? Yes, but the cause of the war was fucking slavery. It why many of the "states rights" states wrote into their constitutions that you could not abolish it. The fucking Confederacy itself made it so that no state could outlaw it.


Yeah they died for white Supremacy such a better cause


If your nation is fighting an unjust war, it is your moral duty to seek exile, imprisonment, abstinence, or opposition. You don't get to say "I'm just doing my duty" while crushing the skulls of people fighting for the freedom of man. Nevermind being their General in Chief, ffs


My working hypothesis is that very few people actually care that \[guy they don't like\] is too old. It's an easy thing to reach for because you can't deny someone's age, but that's it. Exhibit A is all the people saying trump and Biden are too old and backing RFK Jr who's 70!


oh fuck is he 70?? ...he is! wow i didn't know RFK was that old. i guess relative to the other guys he's like a spring chicken.


Its mental shorthand. Remembering and saying "he's too old" is easier and quicker than saying "he can barely walk, can barely stand, can't remember his own middle name, etc"


"Well sometimes comrade when it's time to make memes we don't have soyjak, sometimes there is soyjak but no readable font color, and sometimes when it is time for wall of text there is no wall"


This is like a lot of Trump's statements. When you read them you have no fucking idea what he is talking about


God I wish he was just going for the governor of a state so we could all just sit back laugh instead of feeling sad


Lmao, if a Trump speech makes you feel sad, what does a Biden speech make you feel, despair? Hopelessness? Pity?


Yes, it makes me sad that the two “best”people we have to run this country are driveling old men


You act like they're similar... Biden destroyed Trump in their last debate.


wait what does a Trump speech make you feel??






Weird thing is, I don’t think it’s a problem of age. There have been many capable leaders throughout history without a whisper of non-silver hair. Gladstone for example (a 19th century British Prime Minister) was chopping trees in his sixties, and Disraeli (another Prime Minister) didn’t attain and hold his office until he was in his seventies. I just think the calibre of old people we have these days are a bit shit.


Trump does shit like this all the time, you can tell how triggered righties are by the lack of upvotes.


Whatever I heard he was a stable genius, many such cases.


Trumps dad died of dementia and now trump is showing signs. Poor guy can't even stay awake in his own criminal trial.


I don’t think it’s kind of Trump to rant about Gettysburg. Doesn’t he know Joe Biden lost two uncles fighting in that battle on either side?




How did Donald lose his mind before Joe?


Trump likes to ramble, but he at least speaks actual words and makes a point.


I don't know about the making a point part. He just talks in circles about nothing.