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I feel like auth and lib left but mostly because lib left doesn’t understand what auth left is saying.


auth left is smarter than libleft


I feel that. I really feel that.


Stop Israeli genocide


If I were you I'd flair the fuck up rather quickly, the mob will be here in no time. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/CapillaryClinton) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


At least one of them reads literature


Libleft also reads "literature", but it's gonna be an edgy dystopian novel where the protagonist is a quiet but social teenager


My Hero Acedamia doesnt count as literature but nice try


Still good tho


Don't do my boys anarchists like that. They will read Proudhon and become anti-semitic




I thought I was the only one of us who thought the same


Auth left is very book smart, but absolutely stupid when it comes to common sense and nuance.


Aye ats true but we’ve better moral principles; we just are too annoying with them.


libleft moral principles all come crashing down when you actually interrogate them. Its very hard to do so, because they just call you a fascist or something. But in my experience libleft morality is completely irrational but they pretend to be the most rational




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Auth left has bigger ideas, but they're not necessarily smarter.


Yeah they are, because their ideas are logically consistent up to a certain point that is pretty damn far the main thesis. Rather than libleft, where you can just ask 3 questions to get them to logically contradict themselves.


Auth left has had rule and it wasn't pretty... but libleft did have the whole "pro palestine" so they're even


Libleft rule cant happen because of logical contradictions, authleft replaces those libleft contradictions with other more broader contradictions




My first thought, too; bootlickers and face-stompers.  LibLeft be like "Famine me harder, daddy! Cut that bread ration again!"


Mostly because many LibLefts are actually oranges


And most "lib"-lefts are not actually lib


>but mostly because lib left doesn’t understand what auth left is saying. otherwise they would've agree or hard disagree?


libleft is forever the useful idiot


It's pretty crazy how many lib-lefts I get along well with after the whole "gun control" debate gets ironed out. The reason for this is simple. Being FOR gun control means they aren't really lib-left. It's truly puzzling how many people claim to be liberal, socially and economically, but also want to control everyone and everything around them.






Where’s the rest of the quote? [For anyone curious.](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/communist-league/1850-ad1.htm)


"The destruction of the bourgeois democrats’ influence over the workers, and the enforcement of conditions which will compromise the rule of bourgeois democracy, which is for the moment inevitable, and make it as difficult as possible – these are the main points which the proletariat and therefore the League must keep in mind during and after the approaching uprising." https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/communist-league/1850-ad1.htm


Who are the ‘workers’? Marx was purposefully unclear in his texts and speeches as to who these people were. Police unions? Party members?


One who sells in his labour-power for a wage. Employee, wage-labourer etc. Not party members, just people. Average man.


Based Marx quote.


Happy cake day ancap


Thank you


Hell, take guns completely out of it. Assume all guns or even all weapons are just *gone*. Now all a criminal needs to be is physically fit and everyone weaker than him is a viable victim. You want to protect yourself, your stuff, or your family? Now you have to *beat someone's ass*. I barely have time to go to the range regularly. I'm not going to be able to take the time to *sculpt my body into peak warrior fitness* just to ensure my safety and I don't want to live in a world where thats the only answer.


This is kind of why I hate guns. I can take steps to be better prepared to respond to physical violence, and avoid situations where it's likely to occur. But if some asshole with a gun decides to randomly shoot up the place I'm in, I'm probably dead. The only guaranteed way to win a gunfight is to shoot first. I understand that this is precisely why gun enthusiasts like guns- they're the great equalizer that allows anyone to be able to wield violence. But it seems like the people most likely to use a gun are the least likely to have a good cause to do so, and I don't want to live in a world where committing mass murder is a trivialy easy task for even the weakest men.


Gun availability must go hand in hand with policing, so that only righteous uses of guns have long term viability. And the availability must be so widespread that the criminal has an active and reasonable fear they will be shot. The *vast* majority of shootings take place in gun free zones for a reason.


Or just, crazy concept, reduce the societal circumstances that cause people to commit crimes in the first place. This is where you lose most Europeans (aka. much further left usually) in these debates. Yes i know Europoor something something. Most people don't take the issue with owning guns, most of our Nations have had them longer than the US existed and theres cultures around them (Nordics great example). The problem is that you live in a society where it is a perfectly reasonable amd common thought to think, upon leaving the front door "Oh man i might get shot today". That's batshit insane for a civilized country to have such widespread violent crime issues (statistics per capita on this are awful for Europe Vs US, even compared to like London)


You see most gun violence in large cities, specifically among poorer groups. Wherein the majority of the crime is African American on African American homicide. Families where one family member is absent are also more likely to have children that grow up to be criminals. Lyndon B Johnson’s great society plan caused an increase of both divorced and poor families. What we need to fix isn’t the issue of guns, it’s a issue of the economy and family values.


Yeah, lol. Leftists who want strong government are typically in auth. Left, it’s weird when Lib. Lefts claim to be Libertarian, but want a very strong government.


"We need an extremely powerful and over reaching government to have all the power needed to enforce draconic laws so that we can be free." - lib left is literally cattle


More like lambs, led to the slaughter.


Ever hear of centrism?


Feel like auth and lib on right or left axis side get along better than lib or auth of opposing right/left axis. Authright and libright can do business together. Authleft and libleft can cooperate. Authright and authleft want to destroy each other and libright and libleft have trouble connecting on a personal level.


In Spain its the lefts. im not sure how things are in America.


Its the rights


We're the insurgent party, can't afford to discriminate amongst ourselves


Well then it'd be about the wrongs.


I don't think the left got along well in 1936-1937 but I guess things have changed, good job


Auth-Left wants to oppress the majority (rich and poor) in favor of the minority (nepotism govt. bloaters). Lib-Left wants to oppress the minority (just rich) in favor of the majority (the weak have moral superiority). Auth-Right wants to oppress the minority (criminals and deviants) in favor of the majority (to preserve society). Purple Lib-Right wants to oppress the majority (taxpayers) in favor of the minority (corporate bailouts). Yellow Lib-Right wants to be left the hell alone. Orange Left-Center leaves no one the hell alone. Radical Centrist can’t make friends on the left. Neutral Centrist doesn’t care and doesn’t vote. Auth-Center is against depravity, but usurps God with big government (ultimately failing their goals). Lib-Center condones depravity and rejects power. Right-Center wants long term freedom at the cost of temporary safety (no mask mandates, PCA, etc.) Finally if you’re unflaired, you just want to watch the world burn. So I would say that Auth-Left and Lib-Left are best friends until AL shoots LL in the back of the head immediately after “La Revolúcion”.


Marxists exist too, we don't want to oppress the majority


But the implementation of your ideology literally prescribes that


How does the dictatorship of the majority prescribe it


Marxism will literally tear down the institutions that Western society was built on and you don’t think that will harm the majority of people?


You don't have to tear down the institutions as soon as you seize power. Collectivization can't be done instantly.


Bruh tearing them down at ANY point is bad


No? When the workers are ready for it, private property can be eliminated, commodity production can be abolished once and for all. As classes fade away, there will be no need for the workers' dictatorship. And once socialism is the status quo, communism can be achieved.


Well have fun in the gulags then my guy


Why do we have gulags in socialism lmao


Lib Right and Auth Right. I say that because I'm Lib Right but I agree with Auth Right on everything until they start doing things.


Auth unity and superiority. Death is preferred over any association with y*llow/p_rple.


I'm not uniting with capitalists


Don't think so. Auth Right is basically status quo, every other quadrant wants change, Auth Right holds everyone back. The amount of damage Auth Right have made to young socialists movements is immeasurable . Auth Left is better off aligning with AnCap in abolishment of boursuia state.


Libright is easily the worst quadrant


Well that isn’t a surprising sentence coming from an authoritarian… https://preview.redd.it/p8hx1e1epxwc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=225eb135be2688f07319bac292bf123d8451736f


Your opinion is wrong


No u https://preview.redd.it/t3gv59rgmxwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9248a705f085306c74163339c5cd4ec6d76a68c7


I recently saw a meme where you were drawn as an incel and I was drawn as a chad so that’s pretty definitive proof that my opinion is right


Oh yeah? Well i made a meme with you as soy jojack and me as the based and redpilled groyper


You are sad.




Unironically the most idiotic ideology ever "conceived" (I use this term generously, since it implies that y*llows have the facilities to think)


I love that auths think their brand of authority is the best and all others suck. And then when an auth gets into power they’re like “no not this way!”


I don’t have to agree with all other auths because as fun as it is for us all to label ourselves with le funny colors and debate, in the real world there are actually more than 10 different schools of thought


That’s my point. If an auth that’s in control has a different school of thought than you, say they want to kill all minorities in a given area, now if you are a minority you don’t want the auth in power. You want a different one from your school of thought instead. “Auth is only good if it’s my auth” is standard.


I think LibLeft tends to think emotionally from a social perspective while AuthRight often thinks emotionally from a religious perspective. AuthLeft is cold and calculatedly pro-government, LibRight is cold and calculatedly power to the people. Therefore, I think AuthRight and LibLeft disagree on more issues, but get together based on their more primal decision making.


This is gonna sound crazy, but I honestly think diagonally think the most alike and are just hung up on the wording


Nah, authleft and libright think very differently but we both claim to be smarter than everyone (were smarter than everyone)


But they both are raging femboys


Nah that's libleft and authright.


Ah ye, mb


This is why I’m homophobic


Hey, they don't send hundreds of paragraphs while debating how the means of production should work. Are we smarter or are we just nerds, or does being a nerd make us smarter than them? We atleast actually read.


libright read as well


Yeah, I implied that. It is only us who do that, while trying to understand a small part of our ideology.


oh fuck sorry I dont read thats why I thought "we" meant only authleft


All auths think they are smarter than everyone.  Intense Dunning Kreuger effect is a prerequisite for inhabiting the northern hemisphere of the compass.


Sorry, libright is more than auth


Idk if you can really apply that logic to authleft and libright


Taken to the limit, they want the same thing, just have vastly different means to getting there


Money vs socialized dictatorship?


Stateless, moneyless, classless


This is not at all what libright wants... Not even the extreme of libright I mean the only thing extreme librights and communists share in common are no state and... and nothing else. ...and most ancaps arent even utilitarian


Authleft and libright both want to tear down the system and replace it with something else, they disagree on what that something is Libleft and Authright think the main problem with the system is that it has too many rich white males or [REDACTED]s This is massively oversimplifying, of course


A lib would think we still think Jews control everything


That’s ridiculous, Jews only control what hasn’t been bought out by the Chinese /s


Auth right and lib right. Mainly because I’m a centrist who leans somewhat lib right and we agree on most things but also because a lot of right wingers are willing to discuss and accept different opinions rather than turning arguments into a screaming match. I have had my worse experiences debating lib-lefts , auth-lefts and watermelons. Now I might be biased , but that’s just my personal experience so sue me.


i ship authright and libleft


We're shipping fucking quadrants now?




"You should read the bible once, b-baka!"




It really does depend on the situation. I would say Auth Left and Lib Left. They have the same basic principles. Workers rights, Marxism, both hate the rich and say they are oppressors. They disagree on how much force should be put into it. On the Other hand Auth Right and Lib Right ideologies can fit well. Especially since many Auth Rights believe in Capitalism. However when you get to the Ancaps and Extreme radical Auth Rights is where you start to see conflict.


[You sure](https://www.marxist.com/marx-versus-bakunin-part-one.htm)?


Lib right and center get along pretty nicely


Lib Right and Lib Left.


Centrists. If you are a liar about your flair, it's auth-right.


I’d say I get along with many moderate Authrights (*Rightist unity intensives*)


Did you just change your flair, u/Great_Disgrace? Last time I checked you were a **Chad LibRight** on 2023-9-12. How come now you are a **LibRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? No chad rules forever, friend. We salute a fallen chad and welcome a new one. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Great_Disgrace) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


My flair nooooooo https://i.redd.it/l4nc09e6eywc1.gif


I want nothing to do with you Not in a rude way


I don't know. I mean, personally I have to say lib-right. I hate the left, like genuinely. And the other libs are some of the most based people I've ever met. LIB UNITY! RAHHHHHH!


authright and libright get along fucking awesome. We all agree on the same shit, its just that authright is concerned that people who want to destroy freedom will have the freedom to do so, and as a result will ruin everything by raising taxes to obscene levels, importing 20M+ foreigners that WE pay for, censoring speech, sexualizing kids, you know... just the stuff we have going on now.


Auth and Lib rights


In real life I've usually had more success converting Republicans to Libertarianism than I have had converting Democrats. On social issues, it's easier to make someone more tolerant of minorities and LGBTQ than it is to make someone supportive of 2A rights when they already have a hate boner against guns and anyone who owns them. On the economic axis, moderates from the right are usually the most educated, compared to anyone from the left or extremists from the right which fall to horseshoe effect (MAGA folk really like protectionism for some reason). All of this is to say: Libright with Authright in most cases, and Libright with green libleft as long as nobody brings up guns.


Auth-right chuds and lib-left Emilys can get along because of their shared level of stupidity.


Me fr https://preview.redd.it/doamfjw2aywc1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fecdf088bcc1be5f4283ab352a6400f8b62e3e0


Billions must die.


I see colors but no funni  I think Emily and Sergey get along best


auth left and lib left because auth left knows how and what to say to use lib left as useful idiots


When have we ever used libleft as useful tools? We just kicked their ass every moment we could get


Libleft and purple are the kissing cousins of the compass


Libright loves milking libleft.


Libright loves milking libleft.


Auth left and lib right. Lol


AuthRight and LibRight because AuthRight doesn't know many of AuthRight's problems are generated by LibRights and the blame falls on LibLefts


I don't get along with any, not even half of my own.




Libright and sex offenders


Authright and librights because it's all "free speech" until someone says "from the river to the sea"


Either both rights or both lefts


I feel like Auth Right Lib Right have a very symbiotic relationship. Auth Right's leaders are all LibR in disguise and AuthR submits to to LibR direction. 


You’ll be surprised how often us Authcenters and Liblefts agree on stuff. It’s scary we basically want the same things but we just have drastically different ways of achieving them.


libcenter with rightcenter i think


Two wacky convergences : * AuthCenter and LibRight : both believes in an almighty state ; just in a different way. * AuthRight and LibLeft : both wants to normalize racism.


By far the auth right and the lib right. Also both authoritarians are friends


Lib Unity


Definitely auth left and lib left


Libright and Authright On average


The right, definitely the right