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“the list of US crimes against the Iranian people” BOOK OF GRUDGES BOOK OF GRUDGES BOOK OF GRUDGES BOOK OF GRUDGES


Do you think Iranians will try and kill us if we make short or height based jokes or puns at them?


Iran is literally the man yelling at clouds meme, though, in their defense we probably do have a drone in said clouds.


Their fault for trying to cling to stone age beleifs in the modern era.


true and based


next psychological warfare campaign: send constant dwarf memes over to the iranians via social media and watch as they send their shitty drones over again. we can then nuke them and steal the oil


based and iranian dwarfpilled


They *are* shorter than Americans, and way shorter than the Dutch who are the champs of our wider civilization.




me: ctrl-f "book of grudges" good.


That's a grudgeon


They should start with Grudge #1: Islam ruining their once-great civilization




Lmao, we're oppressors because a theocracy is more concerned about women wearing hijabs than making air flight parts


I dont know the details yet but I would assume it was a kobe type situation where the pilots did not transfer to the correct form of instrument based flying in low vision, or maybe they just sucked at it.


Disorientation has gotten many pilots (and passengers) killed over the years.


seriously, and this is an example of dogma over knowledge of the different layers of safety systems (that should be in place at multiple levels if they’re good). for example, if they did transfer to the correct form of instrument, was the pilot properly trained on how to use it once triggered or implemented? was there a protocol for regular safety inspection before flights happen? did the pilot get enough sleep the night before? also, where was russia to provide them with aircraft? they seem to be doing just fine tl;dr “it’s a skill issue”, take the L and responsibility for yourself


Another thing to consider: get-there-itis. Was the pilot in a hurry, due to the VIPs on board, the weather, the time, etc? A whole Youtube playlist on [VFR into IMC](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmZXwtLoBH8wIdylFg5woKHQF3WeKeHc-) [Visual Flight Rules into Instrument meteorological conditions].


"Where was Russia to provide them with aircraft?" Shooting their own aircraft out of the sky in the most piss-baby attempt at a mutiny in the history of the world.


>where was russia to provide them with aircraft? they seem to be doing just fine their fighters keep falling out of the sky within russian borders.. not so fine


Genuinely surprised that so many people are okay travelling by helicopter even when there's been numerous incidents involving rich/famous people ending up dead. Who you'd think would be having the best of the best. It just seems like one of those things where it can go very wrong, very fast and you have no chance. Not that you're going to be doing much better in a plane if things go to that level of wrong. It's probably just a me thing rather than based in actual stats but I know I'd be very wary of it. But I'm also not travelling like that all the time where it's been fine all the other times.


I mean, it's a fucking helicopter. The whole thing is held together by one big ass nut and a prayer, and they're probably the single most temperamental vehicle in general use by humans anyway.


A lot of people don't know how friggin expensive it is to properly maintain aircraft. Lots of poorer countries/areas skimp on that kind of stuff, with obvious consequences. It's a cultural problem too. In the USA (military), if the engineers don't think something can be safely flown you need someone pretty high up to override their decision. The only time I've seen it done in my career required a general and he eventually backed down. Who wants to throw away a career as a general for something so stupid?


Also the specific model of chopper was the Bell 212, which is essentially a civilian Huey which Iran purchased back under the Shah. If it’s one of those then it might be just a simple case of material fatigue


Exactly, plus helicopters are insanely dangerous even if they are perfectly maintained


They always feel very 'delicate' when I hear about them in the news. Like oh something was ever so slightly off and that means the whole thing just falls out of the sky or goes wrong. Honestly it's pretty terrifying. Obviously we only hear about the cases where it goes wrong but I don't want to fly in something that's that finnicky AND can go wrong if the pilot fucks up in one of the many ways it seems like it can go wrong. Feels like flying in one could be the last mistake you'd ever make.


Well, the nut that holds the rotor assembly in place is commonly called the "Jesus-nut", because if that comes loose, he's the next person you're seeing.


Well that is pretty terrifying and confirms my desire to stay far away from helicopters.


My Dad spent 20 years in the New Zealand Air Force as an aircraft engineer, about half in a helicopter squadron, then another 20 years in civilian aviation, including a company that rebuilt JetRangers. He could, and did, rebuild helicopters from nothing more than some spars and the identification plate. Flying helicopters is tricky, because they're intrinsically unstable. If you lose visibility, i.e. you can't reference yourself relative to the Earth, then you're probably dead. One of the helicopters he worked on was used for heli-harvesting logs in the West Coast forest. Normally they used steel cables for lifting, but this company were trialing carbon fiber because it was less than half the weight. However the jaws came free from a log when under load, and the elastic reaction threw the cable up through the main rotor. That went about as well as you might expect.


That's pretty cool. Amazing what some people can do tbh. Yeah I can see why flying one would be hard there. Anything can go wrong very quickly if anything happens. Fog rolls in unexpectedly? You could be in real trouble.


Yes. They don't automatically go straight ahead like a fixed wing. You're flying them all the time.


Relax, I put some loctite on that, it'll be fine.


>A lot of people don't know how friggin expensive it is to properly maintain aircraft. For reference for those wondering, a single 18x3 inch pipe fitting can be $3,000.


They're using their oil money on oppressing their people, funding terrorism and developing a nuclear program. If they wanted to they could have their own domestic industry making parts


First sentence had me thinking you were talking about the US hah


\*approved to aviation standards.


People don't understand that it's not 'magic'. You're lifting and slamming tens of thousands of pounds of metal onto the ground each time. There's only so much it can withstand and it requires maintenance


Based, skill-issue-pilled, and anti-theocracy-pilled Common despot L


To be fair, most of the smartest Iranians have left the country


Headline: “Why women’s hair being visible is more problematic than you think”


Women yearn for the aviation and space faring industry! The farther away from them the better! Just watch Hidden Figures.


Hey let’s squander the potential of half our population.


"Its your fault for not giving us your property"


Never thought Iran would go commie, but here it is.  


Why didiran simply not buy parts from China; are they stupid?


"commie for thee, theocracy for me"


it’s literally GENoCIDE


Sounds a lot like modern democrats. To quote King of the Hill: Hippie: can you give me some money? Hank Hill: *makes face* No. Hippie: …fascist.


God Bless KOTH


I for one am pretty happy they're gone.


From what I have read, the specific model of helicopter that he was riding had parts supplied to it by Boeing. So it turns out Boeing is better at assassinating people than CIA


Bell Textron is pretty much completely separate from boeing except for a few projects outside of the Bell 212


Also the helicopter was most likely first made in the 70s.


I have bad news about Marine One…


Look, the recent budget cuts hit the CIA hard so they had to outsource okay.


How do you know the CIA wasn't behind the death of the Iranian president? Because he's fucking dead, isn't he?


Boeing excels at killing people. They made a whole version of the 737 just to do it!


Hey fuck you America, you're the Great Satan! But gib us airplane parts pwease


Gib culture has been successfully exported worldwide , truly a cultural victory.




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I mean, the excuse works for Cuba 🤷‍♂️


>Fly during shit weather around mountains. >Fucking US did this. Iranians coping and seething,


Not even Iranians, a bunch of morons from the West who stan authoritarian shitholes purely because “America Bad”.


Boot lickers gonna lick


So the sanctions worked then.


I blame DEI.


It's only DEI's problem if planes crash in the United States or Western Europe.


I blame white adjacency.


"Not selling us parts is literally murder!!1!"


>refuse to give high tech things that can be used to kill, blow up, or other military actions to a corrupt theocratic terrorist authoritarian state >said authoritarian state would start WW3 on a whim if ~~the chief asshole~~ ~~the ayatollah~~ “Allah” wills it >aircraft breaks down and important terror leader dies >ITS YOUR FAULT YOU DIDNT ~~LET US IMPOSE SHARIA THEOCRACY~~ uhhh BUY MILITARY EQUIPMENT Fuck Iran? Fuck Iran.


Looks like the sanctions worked


Stupid worthless capitalistic west. Always building things that are decades ahead of our capabilities, incredibly useful, and 10 times safer than anything we can make domestically. It’s not our fault we can’t make things that pass Aerospace engineering and safety requirements. In conclusion the capitalists are shown to be weak and wrong they are to scared to sell us the needed equipment because they know we would whoop them if we did.


It’s like saying “ yah well if you taught me how to pay pool and spent years showing me how to hit it correctly I would beat you so bad… but you won’t because you are scared and know that… lol embarrassing man I take back saying Isreal losing the propaganda war because this is regarded




We live rent free in so many countries minds


If they really are a theocracy, they'll get the message. God is American, after all.


Holy moly, based


USA sending a Boeing plane to the next president


America isn’t the only aviation manufacturer. I’m sure Russia and China and even India make helicopters.


Whatever risks you take getting in an American made helicopter are probably multiplied by at least 100 when you get in a Chinese made one.


Now I'm kind of horrified at the idea of somewhere mixing and matching different helicopter parts. Doesn't matter if they don't fit, it's cheaper.


I had something to do with the death of a theocratic murderer who killed women for not acting the way he wanted, other religions for not praying the way he wanted, and political rivals for not following him like he wanted? That's great!


Let me get this straight, Iranians are blaming the US for not providing the supply chain of parts needed to maintain their old fleet of US made helicopters even though they could have gotten new VIP helicopters from Russia or China w/ a proper supply chain of parts. Have either lost their head of government to a helicopter crash in, umm, forever?  Oh yea, and said helicopter went down in grayout fog conditions. Meaning it probably has nothing to do with a mechanical breakdown.  Iranians are incompetent and it got the man who might have been the future Ayatollah killed. Bravo.  


It’s always Americas fault somehow because we’re the big bad guy regardless of reason or even possible connection.This isn’t the first time we’ve been accused of doing something nonsensical and it won’t be the last.


Honestly, we should learn from them. In Iran, everything bad is the USA/Israel's falt. In the West, we blame ourselves for everything and even make up more bad things to blame ourselves more.


The cock of freedom is beginning to get erect


Maybe don't fly your president in a helicopter you know needs replacement parts?


Omg this can't be happening lmfao "Our enemy would not sell us cool stuff, making them...the enemy!!!"


Hope the mountain is OK and wishing the helicopter a speedy recovery


I didn’t anticipate the possibility of US college students demanding their university stops working with Boeing while also demanding Boeing to supply Iran with military parts for this election year


former bell employee here: we're specifically told to be careful of phishing and social engineering attacks from Iran. specifically in not sending schematics and redirecting shipments of spare parts.


I heard it was the mossad agent Eli Kopter who did it.


Iran is able to build a nuclear reactor from spit and clay but not able to keep a metal whirly-durly in the air?


I saw a headline on twitter (which I am not sure if it's true or not) talking about a former Iranian minister blaming Saddam Hussain (former president of Iraq who was executed in december of 2006) for the helicopter crash, which I like to pretend that the article and his claim are real because it is very funny.


How to admit that you allowed your president to fly in an aircraft unfit for service or that you lack the technical ability to know it was unfit in the first place.




"Remember all politics are local." "Eh, bite me." "What, he's gotta say something to his hardliners." "He didn't want to try 'My son is dying and these guys maybe know a way to fix him' or 'Maybe if our citizens weren't quite so busy cursing the infidels, they could ***build a damn medical school***!'"


Give us back our F-14s and we’ll think about it.


Why wasn't he flying in an Iranian-made helicopter? Is Iran not capable of making helicopters? Why was he flying in an unmaintained helicopter? Is Iran incompetent and unable to maintain a helicopter?


I wish the US would just RT this with "L + Ratio". It would be possibly be the most based thing a government has done in 100 years.


There are two types of people blaming the USA and Israel for the crash: Complete lunatics, and people who are actually somewhat smart but have not been informed of the actual conditions of the crash (assuming it was a modern helicopter on a regular flight, unaware of how old it was and the severe weather it faced)


Haha your secondary leadership got sent to hell


Unironically skill issue


Eh, i doubt it's maintenance problem. Dickhead flies into mountainous area under bad weather with a visibility of a few meters, did he expect to leave unscatched?


Iran: too broke to make or buy parts that will stop their president from dying Also Iran "let's go to war with Israel!"


Considering I expected them to go full on “it’s the US and the Jews! They shot it down!”, I consider this a win


What corruption and govt mismanagement does to a country


Do other countries not build helicopters?


I thought authright was that weezer album holy shit my mind is cooked


As an Iranian myself I'm just happy they gave us the rest of the week off😂


Sorry that after decades of sanctions you couldn't reverse engineer the helicopters you had or develop a domestic helicopter industry


Yeah, we did it. What are you gonna do about it, bitches? Cry some more. Iran sucks.


How big a boy are ya Iran?


Literal Book of Grudges


Its our fault for making fog


Maybe if you can’t maintain your helicopter don’t put the head of government in it. Just a thought


Pretty comical lmao.


This was a west wing episode


Alrighty fellas, if you say say so. Put it on the tab


Idk I think it’s at least a bit on them. It’s like buying from Gigabyte right as all their PSUs were blowing up. I know Boeing doesn’t make helicopters but…


Economics warfare gets a whole new meaning.


Kinda embarrassing that supply chain is such an issue in your “modern” country that even your #2 guy couldn’t afford a working helicopter.




Looking at the title and the meme, i can only say you are not supposed to be on the internet yet, kiddo.




Lmfao! Look at the weak cowardly country! They lost their president over sanctions! (That’s how they look now)


Trust me Iran you don't want any Boeing parts.


"I'll fuckin do it again."


So when their attacks against the west fail because their tech is shit, its the west's fault too. lmao


Womp womp, don't fly in 45 year old helicopters in horrible weather


Gona cry? Gona piss your pants? Maybe shit and cum?


Oh Iran…


OH NO... Anyway.gif


then do something about it Iran (they won't lol)


When an Iranian woman tells her husband he has a small dick, it's added to the list of US crimes against the Iranian regime. Then she's stoned to death.


Waaah waaah waaaah.


Death of a guy who handed over 5000 death sentences in 5 minute trials sure is a devastating loss for the populace rip(iss) bozo


Peak Iran right here.


I wish it was, but Theocracies are one of the most inept types of government.


TIL Iran has a Book of Grudges


So we forgetting the 2k20 missile attack on the passenger plane?






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I liked when we made their enrichment centerfuges explode by creating malware that infected every computer in the world.


This is like that victims of communist org that even counts Nazis as victims


"He was worse than a monster, may god curse me for saying it hebwas an *unflaired*"


Bruh the US literally killed its own president... MULTIPLE TIMES. you think they would shy from something like killing a foreign president... which they already did multiple times


I’m assuming you buy into some variant of a Kennedy assassination conspiracy, but what other President do you think we killed? There’s only 3 other US presidents who got assassinated, and those are pretty open and shut cases. Are you suggesting the confederate sympathizer, the schizophrenic, and/or the anarchist were just fall guys for a pre-CIA deep state?