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Lightning, while I was never that close to it, is so badass. When I visited the Grand Canyon with my family, there was a horrible storm since it was right in the middle of the monsoon season. There were flash flood warnings, insane dust storms on the way, but the coolest thing was the lightning. Viewing the Grand Canyon as the sky crackled and rendered bolts of plasma was an electrifying experience to say the least.


Bro its been something here in the midwest, we had an eclipse, northern lights, and two 13 and 17 year cicada broods coincide. weve had storms with anticrepuscular rays and the peach trees didnt bloom. seen a few double rainbows and the longest lightning storm ive ever witnessed. crazy how nature do


And still the Midwest remains probably the safest weather region in America. The South has to deal with heatwaves and hurricanes; the West with earthquakes and wildfires; the Midwest (but not where I live) with tornados and major thunderstorms; but the region between Michigan and Central PA has almost nothing bad


yea, its pretty safe but its also kinda boring ya know. nothing I listed was really dangerous. Im in Missouri, youre in Ohio yea? All these rare phenomenon that happened this year were very cool reminder that nature is powerful and beautiful!


Weather transcends the compass because Earth doesn't give a shit about politics. Thunderstorms go Brrrr no matter what.


funnel clouds for me are on par with shelf clouds, two very phenomenal things I've seen!


also this is another certified weather community moment


>It looked like the moon was 3-D Flat Moon conspiracy just dropped /s


Yeah the glory and majesty of this divine world can get people acting up. storms are probably my favourite not inland storms where they've started to die down but costal storms that will cut off those coastlines and any small island just disappear, the sea reclaims the beach and moves to the cliffs. signs, benches, etc get ripped from their buried emplacements, becoming projectiles. extreme weather warnings are issued as the government starts implementing early disaster relief orders in-case the situation worsens. meanwhile me; "such a lovely brisk walk."


floods are madness. couple years ago i was on korfu right when a storm hit and everything flooded within hours and streets became rivers


Lighting is so cool. One of my best moments from childhood is me and the other kids from the neighbourhood watching a lighting storm in the clouds.