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I’ve never thought of Charles as particularly based, and in fact I’ve mostly thought him cringe, but using a typewriter in 2022 AD is pretty based, and using a person to move it for you is also pretty based.


He’s basically Neville from Harry Potter.


How dare you slander Neville Longbottom.


That staff guy... get paid to do that... Imagine when leftist discover janitors...


Fun fact! During US Senator Strom Thurmond’s famous filibuster, an aid (staffer) was ordered to move Thurmond’s lemonade pitcher out of reach to prevent Thurmond from rehydrating Some guy was actually paid to make sure another guy can’t drink lemonade


That's just... wrong.


Hmm… yes now that I’m Re-reading the article: It was orange juice, and the staffer did it to keep him from using the restroom again


Cringe politician doesn’t know to use a catheter to freely pee in public.


Actually the Chicago Defender reported he did, in fact, wear something similar originally intended for truckers driving long distances and a staffer claimed he was using a catheter, however this wasn’t really confirmed and he did actually leave to use the restroom 1 time during his filibuster which discredits any such claims There was also the shit bucket in the supply closet that he did have but never used


Orange juice is a god Damm right.!


What was Senator Thurmond doing that he needed that hydration?


Filibustering. Remember how in Lord of the Flies the kids have a conch and the only person allowed to talk during meetings is whoever has the conch? Filibustering is when you take the conch and then don’t shut up. As long as you can keep talking, nobody can take the conch and all real discussion is halted until you finally stop


And what was he filibustering?


The civil rights act


No lemonade for him


Based and no-juice-for-you pilled


Based and I have the talking pillow-pilled


Also, it's not like he was asking them to move the objects two inches. They needed to be removed from the table and placed somewhere else entirely. He was already in the process of sitting down. It makes more sense for someone else to grab them and put them somewhere else so Charles can get right into whatever he was doing. Such a childish thing to be upset about.


What do you expect from the people that invented the concept of "micro agressions".


Cleaning an entire floor is not the same as moving a typewriter.


I meant that people get paid to do that kind of job. That staff member just did his job and Charles didnt spit on him or something for him to move the typewriter. These guys think that telling someone to do something is literally slavery just because a monarch ordered it.


Have to be honest I have felt indifferent to the monarchy, I just really wasn't for me to worry about. My GF on the other hand despises Charles over the cheating and divorce with Diana. There is so much hate she has said she would strangle him. So yeah lots of people have lots of different feelings about him. As long as you have a justifiable reason it's good enough for me.


Hating him for cheating makes sense. But this guy is making a big deal because he signaled for his staff member to move a typewriter off the desk rather than moving it himself.


I wasn’t *mad* per say but I definitely thought it was annoying and rolled my eyes. But then I thought about it and it’s literally just his nature. It’s like legitimately getting MAD because a dog pissed on the carpet.


They get paid to do this for him. It’s not like he’s ordering some random unwilling person around, their job is to stand around and move shit.


I get that, but I couldn't imagine not even looking someone in the eye and just motioning my hand in their general direction to signal that they should do what I want. Like when rich people don't acknowledge the waiters refilling their glasses: yeah, it's their job, but fuck me not even a thank you? It is a person who is doing something for you. Yes, they're being paid, but they're a person who is doing something for you first and foremost. Have some basic courtesy.


People in different levels of society operate under completely different rules. Rich people don’t know proper etiquette for addressing people like waiters and others in the service industry due to how removed they are from it, in the same way we wouldn’t know how to host a proper dinner party. Not making excuses for them, just trying to shine some light on where the issue arises from


The guy is 73, his mother literally died 3 days ago and he had to make a public appearance despite it, cut the guy some slack. Hell, it's not like he picked up the typewriter and threw it in his face with no regard to his health, he just had signaled them to move it.


I'm sorry, I'll cut the king of England some slack. Insert bewildered expression here. When my mom dies, I'm not gonna stop saying thank you to people. Basic courtesy. I expect every human to do this.


As I said, it's not like he picked up the typewriter, threw it in their face and than spat on their face, he just simply signaled for them to move it.


Yeah, and that's fucking rude.


I can assure you that the person working for the king (probably making hundreds of thousands of pounds a year) doesn’t care about moving a typewriter. You guys are the ones making a big deal about it.


he’s a fucking fossil i’m not sure if his joints would survive picking up that typewriter guys


Nah he'd be fine. He's got near-immortal genes in him remember


The year is 22XX. King Charles III of the England has declared war on Mars in order to eradicate the Xeno scum.


Yeah have you seen his hands? Shit probably hurts just to move a finger


Am I the only one who didn’t even think much of what happened here? To be fair I would have done the same thing in such a tense situation as that. Emotions are high


Lib-lefts are a bit sensitive.


Nah to be fair they're correct imagine needing another person to move a typewriter that sitting not even a foot in front of you. It's not like this man is disabled or something it's the simplest thing anyone can do.


Some dude has the easiest well paid in the world


Probably makes hundreds of thousands of pounds a year for just “Standing around and being helpful to the Royal family”. I’m sure he doesn’t care that he has to move a typewriter 2 feet for the King. The only one making a big deal are the folks here on Reddit and Twitter. Like, seriously… He’s 72 years old, his mother just died and he still needed to keep his composure for a public speech anyways, cut the guy a break.


On the other hand, imagine getting paid to do that


Highly likely that it's protocol, and he would be breaking some sort of rules (or script) if he were to move it himself.