• By -


So much work for free, op. You are either a mod, or are born to be one.


I gave em far too much benefit of the doubt, yeah. Perhaps a short "go fuck yourself" next time is in order when their intents are clear.


I'm banned from UnpopularOpinion, because I said something and my post got auto-removed because the bot detected some keyword in it. It very obviously didn't break the rules or anything. When I messaged the mods about it, they were rude and dismissive, and wouldn't reinstate my post, so I basically just said "fuck you" and got myself banned. I don't really want to participate in a subreddit that has moderators like that anyways. Basically all of the mainstream subreddits have soy mods now, and their rules are the size of an old school computer manual. Like bro, you moderate a fucking subreddit, it's not that deep. Your rules don't need to be the size of the U.S. tax code.


You get banned on unpopular opinion for having an unpopular opinion


Basically they should have report and down vote buttons only.


Same here but because I called Covid the kung flu on a different sub in 2020


They should just get rid of the mod system, and have one unpaid intern moderate every subreddit on the entire website. Even if they're a shitty mod, they will only care so much and will only be able to see so many posts This would drastically improve the site


That position would be a hell of a revolving door. I’d say we’d need a new intern once every two days, and also to scrape the old ones brains off the keyboard before we bring in the new one.


Sounds like a violation of the "cruel and unusual punishment" clause in the Constitution. Better put the mod in international waters under some random country's flag and vessel registration to be safe.


Or cut costs by implementing a "Bring your own keyboard" rule and throw the brainy one out with the body.


Man I once made a reasonable and empathetic post on facebook that just happened to, at the very end, say the phrase "kung flu" and lost about 10 work colleagues as 'friends' because I was being racist or some shit. Unironically one of them called me an ignorant cracker. Very confusing times. I still stand by the fact that saying kung flu is funny.


it's pretty funny


Additionally the U.S. tax code has no business being the size of the U.S. tax code.


We should pass a new amendment that says, "The U.S. tax code legislation may not exceed 0 characters"


Based and fuck federal taxes-pilled


Should have just replied that the only people who are pro-abortion hate black people and link to the abortion stats by race haha.


Martyr - Drop a live grenade when killed


Tactical Nuke deployed lol


Does calling someone to go die not violet reddits tos?


It's pretty clear cut and I've reported the message, but would be very surprised if anything came of it.


Yeah, don't hope for it. From my short time here on Reddit, I've observed that this place has been overrun by radical leftists. I think this subreddit might be one of the rare places where somewhat civil discourse can take place. Otherwise, it's all just "obey what the radicals in the Democratic party have to say, or shut up and die". Pretty next level.


> this subreddit might be one of the rare places where somewhat civil discourse can take place That's why those radical leftists seethe at the thought of this existing, they have ruined the definitions of the word hate. They assume every right winger wants to genocide every non-white person od the planet, then they call those same right wing people bigots. How they miss the irony in their bigotry accusations is a mystery that will never be solved. Even ironic ultranationalism subs like the 2x4y group (most notably 2balkan4you) got banned because even they were the most obvious satire on reddit, they were hateful by some left wing extremist's definition




The saving grace is that birth rates of those types of leftists are declining and more people are waking up to their influence in education.


>birth rates of those types of leftists are declining Who could have guessed that their bullshit made up sexes can't reproduce? This decade will definitely be seen by the future generations as a disaster


based and think about the future pilled


Well back in 2012? (I think it was 2012 might be off a few years) they found that "the left" has 1.7 children and "the right" had 2.1. You can now imagine the numbers being worse now for "the left", so if we give it 20 more years simple math happens and you have severely more people in "the right"


just please provide a source to fend off the oranges


Yeah, sadly that's the current state of affairs. And let's be real, the same thing's on the far right-wing channels as well. People became way over-focused on being a part of a camp, instead of just accepting that different people think differently and that we can debate our differences like adults.


That is 100% accurate. There’s a few hold out still, but they get by being focused on something other than politics such as America’s the best or libertarian rather than liberal/conservative. My suggestion would be to outright avoid/blur out ANYTHING you think could get flagged by an auto mod like R374rd and avoid joking about ANYTHING that can be misconstrued as violence. doesn’t mean you can’t joke about violence, just make sure you censor certain words to obscure enough that they can’t justifiably do anything. That way the only thing they can go off is the context as they are so venomously adverse to do... make’em work for their evil censorship. The most important thing about philosophy and politics in my opinion is the individual and their thoughts and ideas... not every one is good mind you but they should have the right to air them out AND make light of it, cause it’s not a fucking life or death situation. One of the few subs that I’m fully comfortable in (though I am worried for the future). This sub as far as I can tell is one of the last bastions where you can speak candidly AND joke about politics and philosophy with people of other philosophies and ideologies... but one things for sure, is that we are all pretty well united in the philosophy of the meme... and that ALL of us are considered far right bigoted extremists according to the metrics of “contemporary” media...




>Side note, AHS went private. They've been catching hell because of this rule change. Really? I'm... actually happy about this. AHS deserves to be quarantined, but more in the way that the core at Chernobyl was encased in solid concrete with warning signs all around its perimeter.


Kinda sucks because it was my way to find new based subs


Did you report to admins rather than mods


Admins are on board.


Admins are worse than most mods. Left wing extremism is alive and well on this platform. The admin have some role to play in radicalizing people like the guy who showed up at Kavanaugh's trying to murder him.


Member when Reddit got caught with the Predditor Admin/Child Rape Supporter.


I bring it up all the time, only a matter a time before they perm us for even mentioning it. They want that memory holed.


member when reddit banned the list of the power mods and all the subs they "moderate."


Yeah if it's the sub I think it is, nothing will happen. That's one of the most openly toxic subs on the site, yet they don't get touched because the admins like them. Although, honestly it's probably for the best. It helps contain all the edgelords in one spot


Rules for thee, not for me.


You think reddit enforces it's rules fairly? Lmao if that were the case AHS would of been banned ages ago in 2019


Not if the person you're telling to go die is a Republican


Pretty much someone called me an asshole, but they were arguing in favor of not assuming gender; so admin said "this doesn't violate the tos". Fuck u spez.


Only if you're on the right, or hell, even just a reasonable person. And you don't even have to break that rule to get banned for it, if they don't want you on the website, they'll just ban you for, "hate speech," or, "threatening violence," even though you did no such thing. They usually do this when you don't support, "the current thing." The only people who are above the rules are the deranged alt-left, who regularly call for the murder of people, and support systems that are just as bad as Nazi-ism if not worse.


>The only people who are above the rules are the deranged alt-left, who regularly call for the murder of people, and support systems _that are just as bad as Nazi-ism if not worse._ May I present to you, _horseshoe theory_


Like a horseshoe that connected at the top and then grew a vertical stem like an apple with a leaf off to the left. Call it *Apple Theory.* That's where these 21st century leftists are headed. Using just their keyboard, they've partially succeeded at what Nazism and peak communism failed to do; gaining control over the western world.


Things will get worse before they get better, but I have confidence that their flawed ideology will fall by the wayside eventually. It's an ideology based on feelings/emotion, and lack of self control or responsibility. It is an ideology based on believing in convenient lies. The far left doesn't want to prosecute criminals, so crime rates will spike. They want to steal from those who work hard and give to those who are lazy, so productive members of society will be demotivated. They want to suppress freedom of speech for anyone who doesn't agree with the ideology, so those ideas will fester silently in the dark and explode with violent backlash. They want to affirm delusions and not get people the mental healthcare that they need, so the mentally ill will roam the streets. You can not run a society like that, any society ran like that is doomed to collapse, and in it's place new societies will be built. The old will serve as a warning until that knowledge fades through generations, and history is inevitably repeated or approximated in the future.


I agree 100%. I hope the collapse can be limited to their end of society and that it doesn't sink the ship for all of us, even though cultural Marxism is designed to do just that.


Not if you simply consider them to be less than a person. Which is fair because they don't agree with you. State of politics in 2022.


> The rightists generally oppose abortion on the grounds that life begins at birth You mean conception, right?


Yeah haha.


Nah, nah, that thing that is completely formed but isn't out yet? It better stop crying because it ain't alive yet.


“Shut up and get back in there you’re not alive til I say you are”


*baby comes out with a deformity* "Jeez, put it back in, it's obviously not done yet!"


I do love that the side that claims they want to improve mental health tells any opposition to die.


> Opposition People they think are mentally unhealthy die, percentage of people who "aren't" mentally unhealthy rise. Mental health improved. Kinda AuthCenter when you think about it, no?


Canadian government mindset


Meanwhile, in Canada...


I fuckin hate seeing the collapse of a beautiful experiment but it is quite funny seeing just how dumb people are.


We laugh despite our tears


Inb4 you are banned for 'mod-mail harassment'. Yes, it's a real thing.


I'm perma'd from unpopularopinion. I replied to a comment saying something like "you'd have to be pretty stupid to NOT have this opinion *link to scientific research supporting it" Got a 1 week ban, I replied genuinely asking what I did wrong, was told I was insulting other users, when asked who I insulted, it was changed to a permaban.


They didn’t reply, just banned you?


I mean, technically, there was a reply in the permaban message "modmail meltdown"


You did it, you became the unpopularopinion


Someone I know got banned from a sub he never posted in for being a member of another sub. The mod called him a far right extremist. He replied to the mod "eat my ass fascist" permaban from reddit.


Edit: Conception, not birth Context: A major sub has a thread on US republicans proposing a bill that would ban abortion nationwide past 15 weeks of gestation except in the cases of rape or medical emergency. One person writes: >The only reason to support a legal abortion ban is because you have religious beliefs that a woman's purpose is to serve as an incubator and you're in the wrong sub. And if you don't fight for us, the Christofascists will come for your rights next. I reply that they likely didn't read the article and that their portrayal of their opponents is disingenuous, using "religion bad" on reddit to make their case makes for a pretty weak case, and explained the typical US conservative viewpoints on abortion as I saw it. Proceed to get permabanned, and upon appealing, the mods go on an ego trip, calling me a bigot and stripper of women's rights merely for explaining the opposing viewpoint, eventually culminating with a demand for an essay on why opposing bodily autonomy is always bigoted with at least one example. My topic? Vaccine mandates. [The linked article](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3640849-graham-introduces-nationwide-15-week-abortion-ban-legislation/amp/) [The parent comment](https://preview.redd.it/h6qg92n5y3o91.png?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=80cf72593365c11190e4972134644aa9fb08c0ba) [The comment that got me banned](https://preview.redd.it/vkqhqyqzx3o91.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=e2e4d4693bfa4cccc37a1b4a58df311575dcdb1e) [The juicy modmail appeal process (warning: long)](https://i.redd.it/wvzduad6w4o91.png) [The essay](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a4uffoHBxQC6SDflr2hW4oWYq0mJdMu7T6GCDDi3Pu4/edit?usp=sharing) 😎 Alexa play Enemy by Imagine Dragons Sorry mods, I should've read the rules last time.


That is completely disgusting behavior for a moderator. That's exactly the type of behavior that is destroying my this site. You didn't violate any rules. You simply refused to join in with the hive mind. And on 97% of this site, that is now considered ban worthy. Lol @ the stupid ban appeal process, like its some type of honest evaluation of what transpired. These clowns just use that to try and make people jump through some hoops before they mouth off and maintain the ban. All they need to do is look at the comment or post, cross reference the site and sub rules, and go from there. I'm actually kind of surprised they were that dumb to be so openly biased. Usually its just a smart ass remark, but that idiot laid it right out there.


The point of those kinds of writing exercises are actually a known form of brainwashing. If you comply and write out the opinions they've told you to hold, your mind forms the connections, making it easier to retread them in the future. You'll see this in totalitarian societies where the prisoner has to repeatedly write things, even if they "know" it's not true, because for many people, they will subtly adopt portions of the beliefs they had to pretend to hold, incrementally sliding into a compromised mental state. Of course, you're supposed to start small and work your way up over time, not come right in with the hammer, but jannies aren't known for their interpersonal skills, even dark ones.


Kind of the vibe I got from that tbh. Felt like I was back in 1st grade in China reciting the words of glorious Chairman Mao. It's indoctrination, the same kind of thing they're trying to do in schools, and it's positively disgusting. Kids should be taught *how* to think, not *what* to think. If the how is clear, the what will come naturally.


Are you Chinese? Because this kind of essay writing is something Mao and the CCP did with their members **before** and after he took over China during his life.


Yeah, I immigrated in the middle of second grade. English had always been my worst subject (shoutout to Mr. Kalb for making AP Lit fun as hell tho), and - Oh, you mean the act of essay writing and not the style. Gotcha. Yeah, keeping a journal that the teacher checked on regularly was a normal part of the elementary school that I was in. It was considered a mundane part of the literature class, and I'm not sure if it was really any more than that, considering the kids definitely weren't harboring dissenting opinions against the Party. I'm in my 20s, not old enough to have firsthand experience of what went down during the Cultural Revolution.


Mao, at least his underlings, had this thing where they'd brainwash the new guys with the essay writing and writing everything "bad thought" you had against the party. Chiang Kai-shek was frustrated when the Civil War started again because the CCP was virtually spy proof due to how effective it was.


That's crazy, dude. Ya learn something new every day. Definitely reminiscent of the stuff in 1984.


>Kids should be taught *how* to think, not *what* to think Nail on the head my friend. Exactly the kind of parenting style I strive for every day.


They only have one goal with all this: Have you submit to the hivemind and think like everyone else does


The way they spoke down to me was completely dehumanizing. It's pretty clear what kind of libleft stereotype they fall into, and very ironic that in a position of the slightest power, they believe such behavior to be justified. Complain about cops abusing power on one hand, while begging people to lick their boots on the other. It's apparent what would happen to people they disagreed with if they were a cop.


They speak in such a condescending way. The”no reasonable person” thing is just ridiculous.


Yeah turns out proglodytes don't actually have a problem with oppression, they have a problem with not being the ones in power doing the oppressing.


This exactly. I'm pretty sure this covers the minds of 90% of the modern vocal left. They're just mad that they're not the ones in power.


Always has been. Anyone that thinks racism is the answer to racism is paving the road to hell with bad intentions. It shouldn't even be hard to call out.


Proglodytes fucking awesome lol


proglodytes. Yep, I'm going to be taking that one. And agreed, I sit slightly left-of-center in aggregate (at least by US standards), but whoo boy.


Its stuff like this that made me a Lib-Right. You give them an inch and they go a mile.


This idea that anyone who disagrees must be silenced is dangerous. And this site is getting horrible for that. Either reply, down vote it, ignore it, like who cares? But nope, they have to eliminate it. Control it. Questions are not allowed.


Yup, social media is getting worse and worse in this regard


I'm at the point where I consider this new digital landscape a group of nations, and those types are hardcore online nationalists in regards to their demands towards adherence to their way of thinking. Now we have to contend with a bunch of online nationalist socialists controlling sites like this.


They don't give a fudge about what you think, they just want you to kneel and kiss their ass.


The sub rules were quite lengthy too. I was honestly impressed how much went into all that, and only bothered to go through them because I hoped they were acting in good faith.


Lol, they wrote all those rules just to ignore them. They love wasting their own time.


They're lengthy cus they don't want you to read them and appeal


This particular appeal process was as biased, rigged and hilarious as a "witch" trial in the 1600s.


No oversight and no pitchforks so the rules mean nothing.


Rules on this site are 100% arbitrary. The moderators are gods here. Rather than enforce the rules, they're free to issue arbitrary bans at their discretion. And the Admins are fine with that. There are mods here running troll accounts, taking payments to shill for corporations, you name it.


“Follow the rules!”


I was about to say, this might be why my friends constantly peer pressure me to quit reddit and make fun of me for using it.


Holy fuck that modmail


The self masturbation by the mod is hilarious and the response to the essay is funny as shit. Also the sub name isn’t blocked in one of the responses there and it’s exactly the sub you’d expect


I saw the previous post before the mods took it down but yea its uh... yeah.


Yeah sometimes I wonder if those mods think they sound badass in their heads or in control or whatever else it is that drives them to do such stupid things, cause from everyone else’s point of view they look like losers.


Jannies gonna Jannie I guess. Its the only little modicum of power over another person they ever get after all.


People that power trip over moderating an Internet forum for no pay, probably lead pretty pathetic lives and use their moderation as a means to feel in control over *something*. That’s why the mod in this post is practically cooming all over themselves from power tripping over banning a user for a comment they don’t like. They feel like they have some form of authority and power, no matter how meaningless or minuscule, and it’s one of the very very few times they have that feeling so it’s like breaking a 6 month long dry spell.


Bruh, why is it always the terminally online nonbelievers that are cringe as fuck. Like god damn I don’t believe but I ain’t gonna sit there and be an asshole to people over it. Makes me want and to go and troll with some piecemeal argument about how we’re all going to hell for using Reddit or something.


Shit, I gotta remove that. Don't want the post to break PCM's rules again since PCM is actually cool


It’s okay. The comments on religion were enough to figure it out anyway. Especially since the censor only allows sub names of some length.


loooool How 'enlightened' of them.


Imagine that fuckwad mod thinking anyone with self respect would write an essay


Used to browse there years ago when I was very bored. Noped out of there after a while when I realised those people were just doing the exact same thing as they say they hate albeit in another name. The double standards over there is pretty bad (but unfortunately still not the worst of reddit).


Ah yes, the tolerant left


Shit reminds me of when Bethesda made people write them essays about cheating to get unbanned. This is hilarious


Average r/******* mod


Holy shit why would you even submit to this ideological commisar like questioning?


I wanted to believe they were acting in good faith, but as it turns out, they weren't. Pretty stereotypical subreddit mod drunk on power and believing themselves to be the end-all-be-all authority on morality.


"...acting in good faith..." Nah, they don't believe in faith, remember?


Damn, it was rigged from the start.


They’re just self assured idiots. You see them all over the place sadly. They just lack empathy for people who disagree with them and the truth of the matter is that it’s no real sweat off their back to ban you. So it doesn’t matter how stupid the rules are you either suck their dick or get banned. Debating with them is useless cause they’re uninterested in reason. It’s this kinda arrogance that alienates people to them and gives subreddits etc bad names. It’s a shame that there isn’t more consequences than that but ahh well. It’s the world we live in. Why legal systems/constitution etc exist in countries instead of a bunch of people up top who yes no everything. But the “legal system” of reddit etc just gets ignored cause like, what are you gonna do? Revolt? Best you could probably do is go full hacktivist but that takes a bit more skill than raising a pitchfork. And the people that do are at least 50% of the time idiots who were just being stupid.


I actually had a libleft boss like this. She was the head of a small academic department. One of the libs on the team reported me for some nonsense, but essentially just didn't like me because I was conservative. The boss brought me in on some trumped up charges, had me sign papers agreeing to their accusations and I even had to write an essay. I wrote a similarly tongue and cheek paper like yours, it basically said they were being ridiculous. I don't even think she read it because I never heard about it again. These authoritarian libs are really starting to disgust me. I hope you do find a way to stick it up that mod's ass even further and break it of. What a scumbag.


Surely “go fuck yourself and die” violates some sort of Reddit terms?


He should report the mod with the attached rule against threats, knowing it will do absolutely nothing, just to be annoying. If I can't get reddit to hold you accountable for violating their terms of service, I can at least give you the finger on my way out.


It's (D)ifferent.


Some animals are more equal than others.


You: "I never expressed any opinion of mine about abortion." Them: "What is that?? *Women aren't people*, you say?!


OP: some people say killing babies is immoral Mod: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Even after so many times, gorilla warfare still gets me.


That essay deserves a fucking medal


Dude you are seriously a champion. I wish I could come up with responses as well structured and watertight as your's. Any tips for building arguments like that? Also, those atheist cucks can go suck an egg


Hey, I appreciate the complement. I've been trying to debate more on reddit to challenge my own thoughts on certain topics, but I don't think my arguments are watertight, though you're very kind to say so. This sub and a youtuber with the channel [ShortFatOtaku](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVt7ujK-9TT9KByzL9g_2QQ) are what pushed me into the centrist camp, and previously I loosely believed myself to be liberal. SFO voices his thoughts on political matters far better than I, and I think it may be something you'd want to check out, *especially* if you don't agree with his views. The subject of the essay I wrote is inspired by the closing remarks of his video on Roe v. Wade. One piece of advice he made that really stuck to me is to welcome challenges to your beliefs. If your beliefs are correct, and your knowledge sufficient, it should be able to withstand any criticism. If it cannot, that means there is a hole in your beliefs that need to be addressed. Sometimes, you could be just plain wrong. It's important to be open to changing your mind whenever engaging in a debate, otherwise there is no point whatsoever. This is true for both parties.


Just watched one of his recent videos and I already love this guy. Thanks for the referral


After reading this, I think you might enjoy [HPMOR](https://www.hpmor.com/), or "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality." It's a little hard to summarize, but essentially it's a fanfiction of Harry Potter where Harry is intelligent and, more importantly, a "rationalist." There are a few parts in the book where Harry has to remind himself or others around him that if you "notice you are confused," then you need to question why you're confused and find which belief you have that needs to be updated. I heartily recommend it. I've reread the story three or four times now and consider it a stand-out piece of fiction for being both entertaining and thought-provoking \*without getting *too* preachy.) Harry and Quirrell in HPMOR are my favorite characters in fiction.


based SFO moment


After schizo-posting, now the new and improved schizo-modding. "- Stop being a bigot. - I was just describing their stance. - Stop being a bigot. - I don't actually agree with them ! - Stop arguing, you're being a bigot. - Appealing a ban is bigotry now ? - Alright, bigot, eat shit and die."


Now that you have given the essay, you should reply by blocking them.


Rules "lawyering" ends the appeal process? Wtf. So pointing out that you didn't violate the rules just cements your ban.


Your essay is Holy mother of based. You're a god walking among men.


Must be one of those 600lbs mods. The only time they can show they have some semblance of power is on reddit through their basements.


I wonder if that's a similar mod that banned me from some meme sub. The dude was condescending and didn't explain how to appeal a ban. Eventually he required me to write a pro-vaccine essay and admit my misinformation was killing people. My misinformation? That it was cool to hate on big pharma until the pandemic and Reddit decided to ride their dick. That boosters 3, 4+ are about people wanting to have the moral high ground more than actual virus protection. I never submitted an essay. Reddit mods can go fuck themselves with their power trips.


> My misinformation? That it was cool to hate on big pharma until the pandemic and Reddit decided to ride their dick. Specifically Reddit was told to ride their dick. Most progs don't have opinions, they have programming.


Based and he brought the receipts pilled


u/NotLunaris is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/NotLunaris/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Even the tiniest bit of power will turn idiots into beasts.


Holy based on that essay. Hot damn and +1 for being more spiteful and motivated than I could ever aspire to be.


Based. Turbo based


Bro that mod is beyond deranged holy fuck. It made me feel bad for the guy damn.


What a fucking loser that reddit mod is. Well, I mean, that is a prerequisite for the position.


I scrolled through your history to find out which sub that was and anyone doing the same will instantly realize you are arguing with the biggest neckbeards on the planet. I am 99% sure they don't actually care about women's rights. They are just doing it because religious people oppose that.


What is it with these pea brains thinking that the violinist argument is in any way valid?


Holy shit I would've just replied with "ok" after the ban message and that's it, while my man's here writing 500+ word essays for a ban that there's no way in hell he's getting unbanned from. The pinnacle of Chad centrists.


If it was on the same sub I think of, I got banned for just commenting W. No joke.


You have been banned from the assassin's Creed forums Reason: We


Nah for me it was atheist subreddit and they had an article saying Republicans wanted to ban abortion. So I just commented W. Instant ban.


I was referring to that time the assassin's Creed forums banned people just for saying "we" because people mocked them with the "we wuz kangz n shiet" meme


Holy mother of based


Absolute copenseethen by the mods, you're one lad for responding in such a civilised manner, I'd call them every non politically correct slur on the planet and go for a permanent Reddit ban.


> except in caes of rape or medical emergency They really are helping the "only want to fuck" narrative fighting this huh


15 weeks is pretty standard in Europe, these ameritards are so extreme.


Based I respect spending so much time on the appeal before burning the bridge with the essay.


Sorry to say, you truly looked pathetic at the 20 questions section. Why indulge in a petty tyrant's game if you knew from the start he wouldn't even try to understand your point? I may be a jannie myself here, but I've been banned from plenty of supposedly apolitical (leftist) subs for extremely tame reasons by extremely retarded moderators. It's never ever worth it. Only way to get back is to lie down and grovel, and I can tell you it is much easier to just make an alt.


I agree. Didn't want to take the nuclear option unless I was forced to, but the gall of demanding an essay with such a loaded prompt was the straw that broke the camel's back. Live and learn, I guess.


Report the jannie Can’t wait for reddwit to use him as a mope lol


The mods of that sub are definitely not acting in good faith. On that same post I got banned for this comment “While I agree a full abortion ban would be unpopular, I don’t think banning abortion after 15 weeks would be that unpopular with a lot of people. Most European countries limits abortion to less than 15 weeks (though some do have more exceptions than those in this bill) and they tend to have more left leaning population than the US.” I politely appealed and yep, I also got the “ No reasonable person could read those documents and still come away with the impression that posting anti-choice propaganda was acceptable. We encourage you to read the guide to composing an appeal one more time, and then write an appeal which meets the requirements.” and then of course a permanent ban when I said how I didn’t understand how my comment was propaganda lol.


Yikes, they're really just copy and pasting replies huh? I don't know how anyone could be so dense as to think that creating a walled garden free from dissention could result in anything positive in the end. Hell, the US was founded on the idea of dissention, and a damn good thing it was too. Ironically, that mod adopts far more of a holier-than-thou attitude than even people who consider themselves holy. Were a teacher to use that kind of attitude, they would be lambasted for how utterly inept they are at teaching anyone anything.


Yeah, it is ridiculous. Our comments didn’t violate any actual rules and weren't even actively arguing that abortion is wrong. They really don’t want anything disrupting their echo chamber .


u/spez What will your report to the California Attorney General include regarding potential actions to be taken against a mod that advocates a user commit suicide?


That essay you did was hilarious. Turning their own argument against them. “We support Bodily Autonomy” “No not like that!” Based Centrist. You get my upvote


God I hate this websife


Me too, which is why I only come on this sub, and combat footage


The problem with the abortion debate is not that the sides disagree on preserving people’s rights, it’s that the sides see it completely differently. We can all agree that killing a life is murder. When does a life begin? When it leaves the womb? When it could survive at a point in the pregnancy if the mom were to have a c-section? If the baby has a heartbeat? If the egg is fertilized? Seems like a matter of perspective. Wonder how we all are so drawn to one side or the other based on what our political party alignment has decided what is life or not.


When you actually poll people about abortion, the median have rather nuanced opinions on it that are between 24 and 0 weeks, and considers various exceptions. But parties in primaries keep going to the extreme.


This. But to make it worse, only one side understands this. Most pro-life activists understand the pro-choice arguments about bodily autonomy and self-determination but think that "don't murder" supersedes them, as the child also has those inherent rights. But most pro-choice activists think that pro-lifers are simply anti-woman, and do not allow that anyone could think that the fetus has humanity. I don't know if this is truly an issue of lower moral thinking, like 2D flatlander unable to conceive of depth, or if this is a defensive maneuver to avoid grappling with the moral implications of "If I'm wrong, I'm defending the murder of the innocent".


Most definitely 2d flatlander


Just remember people with an IQ of less than 85 which is one standard deviation from the mean will struggle with a conditional hypothetical such as "how would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast today?" They would simply respond by insisting they had breakfast and why are you saying they didn't. There's a reason we call them NPCs.


Report mod for code of conduct violation


"That life begins at birth" I'm sorry OP, but you played yourself via a simple typo /s


Coping and seething right now 😭


So does the bill ban abortion after 15 weeks? Or allow abortion up to 15 weeks and ban it after that? Because I like the first one, but I would whole heartedly support the second option with all my being


The former. It's a ceiling, not a floor.


That essay response, legendary. You're the hero we needed.


These "people" make me sick and ashamed of being Agnostic and pro choice. And while I do understand some Pro Lifers also seem to miss the point and think all pro choices just want to kill de baby, but pro choicers on average seem less charitable.


Most of the "Pro-choice" side are the lazy irresponsible grifters, like most of the leftist voting base. I watched them hijack Anti-natalism and turn it into a completely pro-abortion shithole. They'll pretend they're upholders of some noble morally superior cause like bodily autonomy and fling whatever bad faith strawman they can find at criticism like "ReLiGioUs FaSciSm" as if its the only criticism. In reality they don't give 2 shits about bodily autonomy or any other moral cause. They just want to ignore responsibility when it comes to sex, and treat abortion like its contraception. Its complete selfishness and narcissism. They're the same people that that wanted full on medical tyranny when it came to vaccination just so that they could feel safe and get free handouts from the government via stimmy packs - Bodily autonomy completely out the window. In short they're nothing more than hypocrites that will do a 180 on a whim as long as they benefit from it.


Most tolerant leftist powermod #LoveWins


Jannies be power tripping.




I saw this before with the sub name and that made it so much funnier.


That sub has always been a cesspool and is the main reason people don't identify as atheists anymore.


I fail to see how the left are incapable of understanding the pro-life argument. As even if it’s not something I can fully agree with, I can understand where they’re coming from from not wanting abortions.


As a pro-life, I still don’t quite understand the pro-choice movement. And I used to be pro-choice. Can someone please tell me all the reasons why someone would be pro-choice?


The mother's Freedom and circumstances have priority over the child in their belly, for me simple as that


A person values the mother over the unborn child. Pretty simple. You are the first AuthLeft I have seen espousing a “pro-life” position.


Protect them, they're rare!


Weirdly enough I see a few


I would have never said they didn’t exist, but I’ve never seen one till now. Kinda like Tiger Salamanders.


It was banned for some time under the Soviet Union. Got to make sure we have enough workers to support the state.


pro-life here but with some sympathy for the pro-choice stance. there's a few levels to it, i think 1. purely pragmatic: having a child is hard freaking work and not everyone wants to do it. perhaps they don't feel ready to be a parent. perhaps they're worried because they don't have the economic means to do it. perhaps they're worried how it'll affect their future career, etc. perhaps they're pregnant out of wedlock and don't want to deal with the shame 2. existential: being alive kind of sucks. some believe it would be cruel to force someone to exist. maybe the child has developed with significant mental or physical issues that would result in them having a reduced or bad quality of life. 3. sense of unfairness: the child is the product of rape. some may argue, it's not fair to the mother to have to carry and raise the child. especially if she doesn't have the financial, social, etc support for it 4. bodily autonomy: pregnancy makes heavy use of a woman's body, greatly affects her physically, emotionally, and mentally. some would say women should have the right to not go through that kind of thing. this is where the "i'm not an incubator!" argument comes from. 5. actual threat to the mother or child's life. this is the only pro-choice stance i agree with. if the pregnancy or birth process has a high chance of actually killing the mother, then have the abortion for the sake of preserving her life. no point in having two people die when we can save one. 6. the unborn child is already dead - literally lacking something like a brain, or heart, or spinal cord. points 1-4 have to deal with the "but it's a living thing, to kill it is murder" objection. i've noticed there's a couple philosophical points it comes down to: 1. it's only murder if it applies to someone who has the right to not be killed. we call this a 'person.' so the debate is, do the unborn have 'personhood,' and if so, what gives them personhood? how far along the development process do they become people with rights? if it's a person, then abortion is wrong; otherwise, it's permissible. 2. abortion is generally a self-defensive thing. defending one's economic status, future prospects, career, social standing, physical and mental health, etc. pro-life, meanwhile, is defense of the unborn child's life and right to not be killed. which life is more worthy of being defended and preserved? 3. assuming the unborn child is a person, to abort them would be killing an innocent human. what did it do to justify being killed? if some sort of reasonable guilt can be assigned, then abortion would be permissible.


Where are those christian folks who keep on screaming life begins at conception then? Like those against abortion all says that.


Abortion shouldn't be used as a contraceptive and also it should be easily available.


1. **Problem**: [people protesting against class oppression](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupy_Wall_Street). 2. **Solution**: side with both sides in controversial non-economic issues, while doing nothing about them or actively acting in a way that increases polarization and/or gives either side a false sense of progress, or a need to focus on a fight for lost rights. 3. **Result**: "yeah I'm a leftist activist", "Wdym working class? Sorry, gotta attend my blm acab lgbtq protest bc the police killed someone else for no fucking reason". Edit: feel free to copy this to own the bootlickers.


Reading that whole thread and essay and modmail made me viscerally angry. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a human being treat another human being so poorly for cooperating in full.


Did the mod actually sent 'go fuck yourself and die'? Report that shit to Reddit and he gets a site wide ban.