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All German energy issues solved


Germany starting WW3 How poetic and vanilla of them


They are telling their people now to be economic in terms of heating in the winter. Well, if WW3 breaks out, heating won't be a problem any longer


It’ll actually be more of one Yes I know, 🤓


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter.


Good 'ol Mojave. Made me wish my mesquite trees when I was there


Based and it’s not called “nuclear summer” pulled


I know right! Thanks illuminati politicians and thanks Zelensky for solving all of these issues for the world.


I mean, it still will, but there will be much greater problems.


Does Olaf have any Austrian background?


I want to engage in orgy with Ukrainian and Russian divas before dying please help me


If a ww3 gets triggered cause of this only the Siberian chicks would be left of the two


Ahh yes churkas women with no teeth and a crocodile addiction






Based and gumjob prostitute pilled.


Better taking sino women than Siberian but seeing ww3 treding bet pooh the bear won’t be sitting idle and will definitely be part of that


Do you want aids because that’s how you get aids


Don't care, didn't ask + L + you're unflaired.


> Flair up for more respect :D *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 12378 / 65294 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Just turn their cities to glass before they decide to attack? Why didn't I think of that! Oh wait I did, in Civ6. Couldn't let Ghandi get the upper hand!


The year is 400, Gandhi is currently sieging your city with fucking tanks


I do this all the time in haha funny space warcrime game Stellaris, nothing like the smell of dirty burning xenos in the morning


I love stellaris, because it lets me live out every single power fantasy I have. I have gone back to previous saves and been disturbed by my own actions many a time.


Yeah just got the achievement xenophage for holding 5 different species as livestock


Truth never damages a cause that is just. Just so you know, the correct spelling is [Gandhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi).




Go sexually frustrate yourself with young women, Gonadhi




What that article is about is a misunderstanding, he later clarified in an interview with the BBC that he was talking about preemptive sanctions. To dissuade Russia from using weapons against Ukraine. I think we need to remember English isn’t his first language, he’s gonna say shit that’ll easily be misinterpreted.


And I sold Ghandi the Uranium you bastard messing with my money is like messing with my emotions


Motherfucker did you just call NATO libleft? 💀💀💀


He called "launch" libleft too lol


Gandhi = libleft Gandhi = nukes Libleft = launch bombs Gandhi would be Auth right if he lived today tho


Also was incredibly racist, but later "reformed" to just normally racist


Libleft is when something I don’t like


He's confused by colors.


They/Them army


Those nukes were built by non-binary pansexuals and will be launched by the first all lesbian squad ❤️


They/them army


I mean I get why Ukraine is acting this way as it would be in their interest, but shame on Westerners who listen to them lol. A first strike wouldn't remove Russia's retaliatory ability. We shouldn't end the world as we know it for Ukraine's sake.


What that article is about is a misunderstanding, he later clarified in an interview with the BBC that he was talking about preemptive sanctions. To dissuade Russia from using weapons against Ukraine. I think we need to remember English isn’t his first language, he’s gonna say shit that’ll easily be misinterpreted.


hey y’all have the comments already started my popcorn is still in the microwave in all seriousness though I recommend you read the original transcript bcs the screenshot OP used of ‘disclose.tv’ is being very inflammatory in how it’s reporting it


I think I lost 70% of my braincells reading this comment section. holy shit, people just believe a low quality highlighter screenshot. the Russia dick sucking is insane.


> the Russia dick sucking is insane. -Someone who probably calls anybody with takes like "Let's maybe not start WW3 over a corrupt third world nation that isn't any less authoritarian than Russia" a putin bootlicker or R*ssoid.


I'm not saying that we should start WW3, if Zelensky ever said that I wouldn't agree with him. I'm just saying that this comment section feels contrarian


Wanna guess how WWI started?


This is much more akin to the Crimean War than the buildup to WWI


Small conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia escalated to a full European war by larger allied nations swinging their dicks around? Looks an awful lot like the direction this is going.


8 months in? Before the first battle of WWI started it was already an irreversible slide towards global war. This is just Russia losing a war that involves the other side getting aid from outside nations.


Funny thing that none of those countries combined were worth having a world war over.


You're right that believing this at face value is stupid, but this is bigger than just this post. The attitude on this subreddit, and Reddit in general, is "RAH RAH RAH, WAR WITH RUSSIA IS GREAT!" They understand nothing about the geopolitical situation, why this war is happening, and they especially don't understand eastern european cultural mindsets.


Why is the war happening anyway? My goto answer for "Why is russia taking land?" is usually "Claim more warm water ports", and I'm usually right. I remember reading something about old Russian territory, something about 'de-nazifying' ukraine. but whys the reason this time?


Whatever Putin says about it is going to be propaganda. This war has been brewing for a very long time, and breaking it down isn't easy or quick, like the Media would have you believe. There are motivations behind it other than evil Russians thirsting for the blood of heroic, democratic Ukrainian freedom fighters. In my opinion the single biggest reason for this is that Russia is surrounded on all sides by military bases belonging to their biggest geopolitical rival, and Ukraine has been moving closer to NATO and the EU for a while now. This is unsurprisingly making Russia very nervous. Russia's invasion was an attempt to secure a quick and easy victory and grab land, but both sides miscalculated everything about the conflict. More pressingly, very few people on Reddit seem to understand how absolutely little of a shit eastern Europeans give about the laws and standards of war. Nothing is off the table, and this applies to both sides, by the way. If Putin has to use a tactical nuke in Ukraine, he will, and he'll wave it off by saying it's like the US bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WW2 - a necessary evil to force surrender and prevent the greater loss of life that a prolonged land war would bring.


Why do you think Ukraine has been getting closer to EU and NATO?


I think anything said about this is propaganda. I'm not even certain i believe most of the news outlets reporting on Russian movements, casualties, policies, or anything regarding their military or inner political struggles. The west is just trying to show Russia is weak and promote the "we're winning" mindset so we continue to support sending billions to a country nobody gave a thought to before this.


Hard to fake front collapses


It’s happening because Putin is a fascist asshat, and we frankly need to Denazify RUSSIA, except in the ACTUAL sense of making them a Democratic people, not the Genocide sense


Hopefully they finish your brain surgery soon, praying for your speedy recovery


> low quality highlighter screenshot You just described where tons of right wing boomers get probably 50%+ of their information. While (rightfully) questioning CNN's reporting on many things, they simultaneously accept random youtube guys named Don'tBelieveTheGobermint, facebook screenshots and chain letter type posts as fact without an ounce of critical thinking. It's like a right wing boomer cultural phenomenon that I can't really explain. And it's why, even though I'm sure Russia targets both right wing and left wing with their misinformation, the right wingers seem especially prone to gobbling up the bullshit Russia promotes through mouthpieces like RT and Tucker Carlson and "independent media".


"Come on bro! Just start WW3 bro! Seriously bro! Why won't you plunge all life on the planet into nuclear hellfire for me bro! Please bro!"


He's talking about pre-emptive sanctions. Both the post and the headline are deceptive.


And if the us does this it will put Putin as truth telling. But nukes are complex weapons that need precision charges that have to be maintained every year. The US spends millions each year to keep their nukes functional. If we look at the current state of Russias military, you can clearly see its under maintained, and on top of that its very easy not to maintain the nukes and keep the money. Russian oligarchs could get loads of money like that, and no one would know. So some could even argue less than half the russian nuke pile is obsolete and out of service. Just no one knows about it. Their nukes are about 30 years old and the neutron dispenser needs to be changed every 10 years max. So it could even be that russia has no nukes. Edit: added the second paragraph


It seems that Russia spends a lot of money on their strategic rocket forces and they are somewhat separate from the rest of the military, I wouldn't gamble that they see the same level of corruption as a standard army unit. Moscow can't keep an eye on every military base out in Siberia but they can make sure the nukes stationed near Moscow are getting taken care of properly.


Neither would I.


You really wanna take that risk? Besides even if they have 10 nukes ready, that's still 10 cities wiped from the face of the earth. Potentially hundreds of millions dead...


>Potentially hundreds of millions dead... So you're saying I might finally be able to order a PS5?


Based and fuckem pilled


But still yeah no pls do not nuke anything


I see you every where are you some kinda spy or cia of Europe 🇪🇺 because you know more about russian nukes then even Russians or anyone else , wait before you blast me of as putin cocksucker as you did earlier for many , it's just a question are your comments speculative opinions or informative deduction from on-site work like you have worked in some russian city or university years ago Or got some info from telegram sources ?


Have you ever heard of a full stop?


They don’t know which ones are defective that could perhaps change things if they send a nuke that does explode


Plus Russia has what… I5,000 nukes? Do we want to play eenie neenie minie mo on which ones don’t work


That is saying they have working delivery systems and the US have no countermeasures. Since nukes are so extremely complicated it is very easy to make them useless with lack of maintenance.


Thats exactly what they have https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/20/russia-tests-hypersonic-missile-that-could-be-ready-for-war-by-2022.html Its ready btw


It's ready like the T14 Armata It's ready like the SU-57 Felon It's ready like the RAF is ready to March to Kyiv in 3 days Imagine believing anything Russia says


Yeah and they also had one of the greatest militaries in the world allegedly. Word of advice, never trust anything the Russians say about their capabilities, they have never and will never be a proper military power, they haven't won a war without western help since the great northern war. They only know how to rattle their sabres.


Don’t trust what our governments say about those they perceive as their enemy either. “Tell the public russia is weak, war will be won surely and swiftly or they might not go for it”. Who would approve of war on the basis of the truth? Who wants a long dragged out war while both sides suffer and maybe your side even suffers more. Why support a war if victory is not a clear outcome? Have you any idea how propoganda works? Or do you believe our leaders don’t use propoganda, and give us all the information they have to give us the chance to form a well based opinion of our own?


US: “Russia is a formidable power!” Military Complex goes: “Brrrrrrrr” counting their money. It’s all smoke and mirrors on both sides.


Yeah absolutely


Yeah they were somehow able to interfere with our elections with Facebook ads and are stupid enough to bomb their own pipeline they had massive leverage over Germany.


Not really true with the soviets. Civil war Winter war (Lotta casualties but still won) Ww2 (81% of german's died on the eastern front and d-day happened by the time the germans were already losing badly)


See this is my one problem with this place. You don't want to do the funni. Just a tiny tiny nuclear war that too much to ask?


USA doesn't have anything like Iron dome but I highly doubt 10 nukes will hit target, that's part of the reason 1000s were made in the first place. Those 10 nukes would also have to be like super-sonic or something like that to reliably pass all counter defences, which I doubt Russia has outfitted them with.(or can even outfit with).


Every warhead from an ICBM is supersonic upon re-entry. Also, they often have multiple warheads in a single ICBM, called MIRV's, or Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicles. It is unlikely any country could stop hundreds of incoming warheads


The iron dome is only for short range missles. It would be completely ineffective against icbms.




You don't need fully functioning nukes to make dirty bombs.


“The us spends million each year to keep their nukes functional” I hate to break it to you buddy, but the government spending money on a project, doesn’t necessarily mean the project gets finished or even done right. Hell it doesn’t even mean the money reaches the project. Want an example? The public school system, healthcare system, War on poverty, war on drugs, war on violence (don’t know if its a real thing but I wouldn’t be surprised). Edit By the way have you seen the rocket tests russia successfully completed in 2018? https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/20/russia-tests-hypersonic-missile-that-could-be-ready-for-war-by-2022.html its a supersonic missile that can reach anywhere on the globe, can be shot from a ship, carry 14 nukes and wipe out france without anyone being able to intercept it.


Yes. But the warhead may not be functional. Missiles are easy to maintain. And I hardly imagine that the US Army, who provides that data and knows all of those risks, would not maintain these. Plus russia is much more corrupt than the US


Yes our defense plan is that we are hoping our enemies nukes don’t work great plan


Idk judning russian military just from the news..


No one can be that incompetent to not take proper care of the only reason you are considered superpower. Units in charge of nukes are supposed to be best of the best.


Hello my fellow Posadist


Are there actually people like this though? Like I seriously find it hard to believe that considering the previous generation lived through the Cold War, there would be this giant upheaval of people being like “let’s nuke Russia.” If there is, then people sadly don’t understand the consequences of being so callous regarding the situation.


>THIS is the real story: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-63173443 > >"In an interview with the BBC, President Zelensky denied having urged strikes on Russia, claiming that an earlier remark had been mistranslated.


"I don't want Putin to start a nuclear war so let's do it first!"


Yeah why let putin hog all the glory


There’s no glory in nuclear war


You should tell the global leaders that


Like they would carr


What that article is about is a misunderstanding, he later clarified in an interview with the BBC that he was talking about preemptive sanctions. To dissuade Russia from using weapons against Ukraine. I think we need to remember English isn’t his first language, he’s gonna say shit that’ll easily be misinterpreted.


Bruh this is not call of duty.


Even COD does a perfect imitation of a nuke by having the bomb kill the entire lobby (even if the side that calls gets the winning screen)


From the footage I’ve seen, it’s honestly not too far off. Right now it’s like Battlefield. By next year I predict they’ll be in the Fortnite stage.


So no joke, I played this out in a war game one (through grad school). It wasn’t Ukraine and Russia but Russia and Lithuania. Basically, long story short, NATO lodes Lithuania up with weapons and gear and support troops and other eastern bloc countries loaded up Lithuania with combat troops to fight the Russian invasion (in this scenario Russia had already annexed Ukraine, this was ~2017). The NATO team wanted to provide a limited response to avoid nuclear war, but when it became clear Russia might use nukes NATO decided to use conventional weapons in a preemptive strike to destroy or limit Russia’s ability to use nukes. It didn’t work. As soon as NATO launched their strikes Russia basically launched half of their nuclear arsenal, triggering a partial MAD scenario. Berlin, Paris, London, etc we’re wiped off the map within a half hour. Most of Russia was unscathed. The American team didn’t approve of the preemptive strike, they thought it was too aggressive, and once it initiated reached out to the Russian team to try to prevent a return nuclear strike. Their negotiations resulted in a truce between Russia and the U.S. The US did not launch nukes. Russia did not launch nukes at the U.S. The U.S. mainland was left unscathed. France and the UK managed to fire a couple off but to minimal effect, especially considering they are targeted military locations. Europe was obliterated. China took this chance to invade Taiwan and North Korea invaded the south. (This wasn’t done by players but was built into the games scenario if x and y happens then z happens). People need to get educated on what nuclear war means. Go back and watch some Cold War era movies on the topic. Read some books. There is nothing possible scarier and more devastating than nuclear war.


That’s not a terrible idea we could get rid of London and Paris at the same time?


No more Escargo or beans on toast? SIGN ME UP


Nuclear War, even a "limited one", means everyone who plays looses. Too many people forgot the fear that the Cold War generations lived with everyday, and won't understand that until its too late. "What a strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?"


oooh i play hearts of iron 4 too!!


do you remember the war game?


You’ll be glad to hear then that what that article is about is a misunderstanding, he later clarified in an interview with the BBC that he was talking about preemptive sanctions. To dissuade Russia from using weapons against Ukraine. I think we need to remember English isn’t his first language, he’s gonna say shit that’ll easily be misinterpreted.


Was this a online war game or an in school one?


In school, bunch of students came in from different schools and dude it over the course of a few weekends


God I wish I did this sort of thing in school, or could find online groups that would allow me to do this sort of thing


I miss it so much. I signed up for everyone I could.


This man is wilding out with this rhetoric. Our leaders are gonna talk their way into ww3 and we will pay for it just like in 1914.


Ukraine isn’t worth ww3 man but so is Serbia , so idk maybe this will lead to ww3


Aren't there supposed to be multiple parties on either side for it to qualify as a World War? Pretty sure Russia will be by themselves if they pick a fight with NATO.


The nomenclature doesn’t matter , all that matters is we all die in a nuclear explosion or nuclear winter


China itself is huge, what's stopping them from joining forces India's been aligned with Russia in the past as well, though our constitution outright denies any ability to join a compartment


If china join russia there's absolutely no chance india will join. India hate china just as much as they hate pakistan and they have been in border conflict at some point.


China will play only for China. that's why.


At this point between this and pushing Elon away I'm not sure that he really cares about his people. It seems to me that he cares more about being a celebrity and keeping his pride than being a wartime leader.


Well being a war leader helps Zelensky stay in power for long time look at FDR and George Bush. I but when his terms is up, he gonna refuse give up power.


“In order to stop WW3, we must start WW3!”


fuck you and your shitty highlighter memes. this isnt even funny. this subreddit has fell off so hard. wheres my wojak compasses?


Based and one joke pilled.


Why does it seem like this is taken out of favour to make Zelensky look as bad as possible…. Hmmmm I wonder….


that article is a misunderstanding, he later clarified in an interview with the BBC that he was talking about preemptive sanctions. To dissuade Russia from using weapons against Ukraine. I think we need to remember English isn’t his first language, he’s gonna say shit that’ll easily be misinterpreted.




Never thought I’d say this… but based lib left


Yknow we aren't all Emily's who want shit without orking for it


*perhaps I judged you too harshly*


I love having serious political opinions through a highlighter meme you guys are really pushing the status quo




Wait are “preemptive strikes” necessarily “nuclear strikes”?


THIS is the real story: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-63173443 "In an interview with the BBC, President Zelensky denied having urged strikes on Russia, claiming **that an earlier remark had been mistranslated**. "You must use preventive kicks," he said, referring to sanctions, "not attacks". In recent weeks, the Ukrainian army has recaptured large swathes of territory in a successful counter-offensive that has forced Russian troops to abandon long-held positions. In what Kyiv describes as Moscow's response to its defeats, President Vladimir Putin has incorporated four partially occupied regions of Ukraine."


Oh cool. Then Russia gets to say we started it when the nuclear war happens.


that article is a misunderstanding, he later clarified in an interview with the BBC that he was talking about preemptive sanctions. To dissuade Russia from using weapons against Ukraine. I think we need to remember English isn’t his first language, he’s gonna say shit that’ll easily be misinterpreted.


Prevent nuclear war by starting nuclear war, why didn't they just think of that in the cold war, duhh!


Think “pre-emptive non-military action”, not “pre-emptive nuclear attack”.


It’s about sanctions, he clarified it with the bbc


Romans be like


NATO in libleft, cringe


He’s gone MAD, I tell you. MAD!


Wait isn’t Ukraine winning ? Doesn’t he realise nukes are the reason we’re not going to war instead of the reason we are going to war . If you want to ensure world peace give everybody nukes for a very peaceful 20 minutes .


Russia is not winning, but neither Ukraine. Losses have been great for both sides but, in numbers, Russia wins. That’s why the key element is west support, if They stop sending equipment to Ukraine they are gonna lose the upper hand and then good luck trying to negotiate peace. Look I’m don’t like Russian as any normal human being (thanks to them I have a communist party in my country), but with a big economic crisis in the horizon idk if the west will keep sending enough resources to keep fighting, and they can’t send soldiers that’s the most important one.


Holy fucking shit what happened with PCM, this comment section is absolutelly insane, and what he said in this headline was about period before 24th of february to prevent the invasion from starting, read the fucking headline


Russian bots have found that they can spew rhetoric here by just claiming to be right center. Remember when Russia was the undisputed enemy of the free world? But now that the media has lied to people so much lately, some people wrongly assume everything they say is a lie; including the fact that Russia, and more specifically Putin, is 100 percent the bad guy.


The tweet timestamp at Oct 6 https://mobile.twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1578097733860065281


That fucker wants us all to die just like his country men and women Fuck zelensky man honestly fuck that corrupt piece of shit


What do you expect from a guy who positioned soldiers in residential areas, schools and hospitals so that Russia would maximize civilian casualties if they engaged with Ukrainian troops. Guy knows how to run a PR campaign though, that's for sure.


I mean that's just good strategy, he can point to those casualties later when asking for aid.


>Guy knows how to run a PR campaign though Exactly, its on the front page of Reddit all the time. "Putin bombs school claiming it was housing troops" and no one even questions whether Ukraine was or not.


Its just the new version of Palestein. Group A puts military assets in 'off limits' building, building gets bombed by group B. Group A cries foul. Morons all accept group A's claim without a second thought and claim that anyone who questions if group B bombed it for a reason instead of "lmao kill kids lol funsies!" they are sucking group B's dick.


If the US were being actively invaded to the point where foreign soldiers were on the street, would you leave your own house to shoot them to avoid being a "militant in a residential area"? No, obviously fucking not lol


The point is to be honest. Don't act like Putin bombed a school to murder kids. Make it clear that Ukraine actually had troops in there because it was the best place to put them during the invasion.


But wouldn't that mean he's also commiting war crimes?.


Yeah but is not like the media in the west is going to air that. We laugh at North Korea when we are exactly the same, just that we don't realize it in the same way the North Koreans don't realize they are brainwashed.


>when we are exactly the same Definatey not "exactly the same" but I get what u mean.


In a war there are no objective news. Every side is manipulating the truth so it fits their agenda. You would be a fool to believe one side completely


It’s almost like you need to be in city’s to defend them.


Yeah fuck him for having his country invaded, piece of shit should just let the russians fuck him like you wish they would you.


Defending your country is one thing. Asking for nuclear war is another.


Good thing he didn't and both the headline and this post are made up.


The hostility I see towards people saying that nuclear war is bad is fucking hilarious. "Hey guys, I don't want to risk nuclear war." "LOL YOOOO LOOK AT THIS PUSSY I BET YOU'RE A RUSSIAN BOT. YOU PROBABLY LOVE PUTIN'S DICK LOOOOOL BROOOOO"


This is not a real post


[ Removed by Reddit ]


He didn't meant nuclear


NATO Launch isn’t really a LibLeft thing.


Poland 🤝 Ukraine Wanting NATO to start a nuclear war


He’s taking a page out of Castro’s playbook.


Sounds like aggression with extra steps


too many colors


"I used the nuclear warfare to destroy the nuclear warfare."


Literally why is nato libleft…?


This guy is such a tool


Once a comedian always a comedian


Zelensky is a corrupt fuckwad, He's in the panama papers


Ukraine: "Pls daddy USA nuke Russia for us" Redditors: "YASSSSS SLAY KINGS! WW3, LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOO! BASED!"


Man fuck this place, I'm going back to NCD where I can shit post and we all agree Putin can get the dick...instead of sucking his dick.


True, there are a lot of Russian bootlickers here than I thought.


Are we seriously going to start WWIII over the most corrupt country in Europe?


Ukraine isn't even a real country. They're just a proxy state to allow Congress to embezzle tax money through.


Suddenly Elons proposal seems more and more reasonable.


But Russia would surely feel the effects of nuking Ukraine, right? Especially since Ukraine is on the populated side of Russia


Nuclear warheads aren't one size fits all. Tactical nuclear warheads are quite small, and low-yield nuclear warheads are certainly a thing. If Russia nuked Ukraine, it likely wouldn't be a very large warhead.. it would be a smaller warhead to 'send a message' without starting WW3. Hell, the US even considered using nuclear weapons in Iraq as bunker busters.


When talking about "tactical nukes", what size are we talking? Is that Davy Crocket-sized, or Fat Man-sized, or what?


When Chernobyl exploded, the prevailing winds carried the radiation away from Russia and in to Europe, and I think they would today. Putin implied that in his big nuking speech anyway.


Based winds. Even mother nature wants to kill Europeans.


Yeah but a nuclear reactor contains way more fissile material than a nuclear bomb. The ideal design goal of a non dirty nuke is to leave no fissile material after the detonation while a core meltdown is by definition a failure.


if biden presses the fucking button out of spite and shits and giggles then putin'd be completely justified to strike back and that'd be a problem


Think that man is more likely to trip and fall onto thay button than he is to press it. Nuclear deterrents exist for this exact reason. Everyone reminding each other that they can, while nobody actually doing anything


No tactical nukes are fairly small and city killing ones will probably only be used on Kiyv


God both sides are just delusional as fuck. It seems like at this point both selensky and Putin are just sitting in their bunkers in absolute Paranoia, sending their people to the death while wanting the others whole population to die out. I hate the modern world and that innocent people are just used as meat in a mestgrinder.


Ok so firstly, everyone get Russias dick out of your mouth. Ok now also realize Zelensky was talking about preemptive sanctions. That’s what he said and what he later clarified after Russian propaganda had a field day.