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You can't defame the dead, right?


Not with that attitude 😎


You're thinking of desecrate. You CAN desecrate the dead.








Why would I not state deliberate falsehoods about John Lennon?


Don't worry, his son fucking hates him anyways, so he won't sure you.


Funny how the one Yoko disinherited ended up having all the talent.


Just gotta say "I believe" before it then you're all good.


Do note this varies on country. In America, truth is a defense to any defamation case. In England, truth is not enough, which is why calling Prince Andrew a pedo may land you in hot water.


Truth and honest opinion are defences in the UK. Rhetorical hyperbole isn’t. In the US, I could openly call you a Nazi, and just say that it was rhetorical hyperbole when it gets to court. Because I’m from the UK, I’m going to have to be a little more careful, and say: in my honest opinion, you are a Nazi.


In Japan apparently defamation is anything that does harm to someone's reputation. Even if it's true they can sue you, if it makes them lose face


IIRC, isn't Project Veritas suing the NYT of defamation and using that exact same case as the legal precedent and basis for their argument? If it true, can you imagine the potential legal clusterfuck that could cause?




Oooh, see I knew about the attorney-client privilege thing (because of the FBI raid) but I didn't know that it excluded the part about NYT allegedly writing a defamatory article about James O'Keefe/PV. Or is that not true?




>If it true, can you imagine the potential legal clusterfuck that could cause? Almost none, these cases are used to bolster legal arguments thousands of times a day- there's also much more to a case than just the blurb that everyone takes away as a key. In the same vein that you can disprove evidence as not being substantial enough, you can state the evidence is of such magnitude that it far surpasses the requirement laid down in previous cases, and therefore that the case should be held in your favour.


How dare you defame Chavez, I find you guilty and fine you 1 billion Bolivars. You may submit your penalty by giving me half a Marlboro Red or whatever lint comes out of your pocket.


His reputation of being a violent felon and drug addict isn’t being harmed here.


You can't sue somebody for the defamation of a person who is already dead, no matter how closely related you are. it makes really clicky headline$ though and it takes a few days for people to realize that it is not going to happen.


In fairness, one can plan to sue anyone for any reason. Of course, most of the time you'll just get laughed out of the courtroom.


And you can actually get massive fines for filing faulty lawsuits


Wouldn’t the lawyer destroy their reputation in the court too?


Depends on how much you are paying them


Depends on how passionately they defend something clearly out of line


Lol like lawyers care about that.


I have the feeling that St fentanyl family is protected from that.


If they're fined, BLM is probably just gonna raise twice that amount to pay for it, honestly.


To pay for another multi million dollar mansion for patrisse Cullors to throw party’s in and fill with transgender strippers you mean.


What do you think the excess would be for?


It’s all excess. They didn’t give anything to Michael Brown’s family.


You'd need a real life Saul Goodman to argue a case like that and even slightly convince the jury, much less the judge, your query.


Or just a really corrupt judge (see: Alex Jones)


Alex Jones was sued for defaming parents and teachers, the living relatives. That would be like if Kanye defamed Mr. and Mrs. Floyd, and they sued him for defamation. Regardless of your opinion on the verdict, get the facts of the case right first.


More likely was their lawyer saying they should sue him. Even if the family loses, they'll still get their payday. If a lawyer ever suggests you take someone to court, just remember that their first interest is their own guaranteed paycheque.


Can people call me a pig fucker because I'm dead inside?


Odd request and sad reason, but sure... Whatever you want, pig fucker.


I would be 100% on your side if a man wasnt just successfully sued for $1,000,000,000 dollars for saying stupid stuff on the internet.


Its pretty easy to win a lawsuit against someone who gets a default judgement issued against them


Jones deserved that default judgement for not providing non-existent evidence to prove his guilt. /s It's easy to issue a default judgment if you have already decided someone is guilty. That's exactly what is *not* supposed to happen. Default judgements are supposed to be rare and only used where there is no engagement. Jones provided more discovery than pretty much any media defendant in history of ever.


He didn't even defend his case


He was too busy trying to keep the frogs straight.


I don't think the frogs are gay, that's just how the French are


Well, it was already a default judgement


That was about people who are alive though. That’s textbook defamation (though the damages awarded were absurd and obviously politically motivated). Edit: for those of you who don’t understand what defamation means, here is the Black’s Law Dictionary definition of defamation: [The taking from one’s reputation. The offense of injuring a person’s character, fame, or reputation by false and malicious statements. The term seems to be comprehensive of both libel and slander.](https://thelawdictionary.org/defamation/).


He never said their names which is not textbook defamation


Do you have to say their names for defamation?


No. Consider the recent case of Depp v Heard. In the article he was suing her over, his name never appeared. The point they made was "it's clear who she was talking about."


"He never said their names" He just talked about a very select few people of which their names are being plastered everywhere. Don't feign ignorance


This. A small enough group as to be readily identifiable through the alleged defamatory utterance.


> Don't feign ignorance That's the whole playbook though.


The standard isn't whether it's "stupid stuff" or whether it's on the Internet. In Jones's case it pretty clearly met all the elements for defamation and was also clearly a very egregious case. And it's noteworthy for how rare it is for someone to actually be liable for defamation, considering how often known figures spew clearly false conspiracy theories about people.


Random fact, Roy moore actually won a defamation lawsuit. "A federal jury awarded Republican Roy Moore $8.2 million in damages Friday after finding a Democratic-aligned super PAC defamed him in a TV ad recounting sexual misconduct accusations during his failed 2017 U.S. Senate bid in Alabama." https://www.npr.org/2022/08/13/1117365135/roy-moore-defamation-suit-award-super-pac


That's odd. The thing you saying being true is usually* a suitable defense from defamation. /*offer not valid in Quebec.


Apparently the problem was that they implied Moore solicited sex from teen girls at a mall when in reality he just asked them out. So it's not that much better morally, but it was misleading enough to win him the case.


That's a heck of a defense.


I never promised the dick, your honor.


Big "I could not have thrown that bomb" energy


Your honor, as you can see from my clients attraction sign, he was clearly and quite innocently attempting to find a boyfriend free girl.


Which must mean... The allegations weren't true after all, yet were presented as fact? Nah, couldn't be.


you mean alex jones? wasnt criminal harassment of victims family the major reason for that case?


That was the harm that gave them a case yes. Without harm, there isn’t a case. If Jones had gone and said the exact same things but nobody believed him, there would be no case. If all that happened was that all their cars got keyed one time then Jones would be on the hook for a bunch of paint jobs.


The ones doing the harassment weren't the ones sued.


By your own standards, you could be sued for your comment.


Eh, there’s nuance to it especially if you get a liberal judge. Just ask Alex Jones


But Alex jones slandered the parents, who are still alive.


While I believe he should be fined for what he did, I fail to see why such an unfathomably ridiculous amount of money is required.


At no point in law school did I learn anything that makes that damages award look legitimate. You can’t just sue for any amount you want to, the purpose of damages is to make the person as whole as possible. Alex could have murdered the kids himself and that kind of value wouldn’t have been calculated. It’s so preposterously high it actually does make the trial look fake.


Yeah by my recollection, SCOTUS has said that due process concerns get implicated when punitive damages are more than 9 times the compensatory damages award. I don't know what the actual breakdown is but at the extreme end of legality, $965M is approximately $95M in *compensatory damages* alone and the rest is punitive. For context, Johnny Depp (who has much more to lose in terms of his public reputation) received $10M compensatory and $5M in punitives. It just doesn't make sense. Jones ought to appeal.


They should have sued for 1 trillion to solve the dept problem. Heck, why not 995 trillion?


Considering the cost-benefit, he all but has to appeal.


Pretty much how I feel, only way you could ever justify it is if it was based on a percentage of net worth per but even then it gets iffy. Makes me torn because while he deserved a punishment that just seemed egregious.


Lib left based? The judge was so clearly biased it’s unbelievable that the verdict even went through.


I mean, with how much shit Alex was doing to pull that case through the mud, Id be pretty damn biased too. Ridiculous amount aside, he deserved to lose that case.


Everyone 🤝 Everyone: Alex Jones fucked his own case up more than anyone else


Yeah, the thing about court cases is that you're not supposed to be caught lying to the judge, which he did, especially since his lawyers gave the data of his entire phone.


You're also not supposed to be caught calling your judge Satan and jurors idiots on your show *during the case*


Feel like he did it fairly repeatedly but I might be thinking of different judges since there was the phone thing and the medically unable to leave house/show up to court excuse where the other lawyers played clips of him at the time at his studio which wasn't his house.


When you lie to your judge, call them Satan on the radio and go out of your way to be as disrespectful as possible basically trying to push the judge to do something that would result in a miss trial, yea you end up with a bias judge.


I agree wholeheartedly.


Its not. It was a extreme overbearing ruling. Your typically not suppose to go 20x the total net worth of the asshole in question. Now they have an excuse not to pay and a good way of getting a new trial.


The damages award should most definitely be appealed, at least. I commented this in more detail above but even Johnny Depp (who had far more to lose re: his reputation) got "only" $15M total in his defamation suit. SCOTUS has made clear that extreme damages awards implicate due process concerns and thus may be unconstitutional in and of themselves.


"So we've established my proposal is sound in principle and now we're just haggling over price"


Because right wing man bad. Duh.


Right wing man was pretty bad in my opinion this time I think


While 965 million is probably too much, the quantity of people he influenced people to harass is directly on him. Many of the families had to move once or multiple times because conspirators would go to their homes and give them death threats for faking their childrens lives and deaths. Including leading one of the parents to commit suicide. The entire time he was profiting from causing this harm to these families and that’s the part I have the hardest time on. While I believe in free speech, I also believe every penny he grifted are their expense should be in their pockets and not his. Jones’s complete lack of remorse for his actions, behaviors, and profiteering compounded his fines. His fraudulent attempts to hide his cash and assets didn’t help. Faked illness multiple times to avoid court (and still produce shows with guests the same days), and as a kicker he openly mocked his judge daily on his show and repeatedly made comments about her in attempts to goad her into bias and mistrial actions which she was able to avoid. The dude is a walking, talking, grift at the expense of others and I wish for one moment of clarity for him, that he could have realized his abilities to attract these followers could have been used for good, and not for evil. Free speech is always free. Monetized speech has consequences. If Jones shouted Sandy Hook conspiracies from the street corner and didn’t make a dime no one would have cared. But I think Jones is still getting off easy with only fines. Charles Manson was put away for life without ever killing anyone himself but influencing others to do so. Alex Jones influenced countless people to enact petty crimes and harassment of Sandy Hook parents and should be accountable for that due to the personal gains he got from harming others.


Did he ever actually call for his followers to commit crimes? Because if not, the implication is that we have to also blame all your favorite political figures for the political violence that gets carried out in their name too. The George Floyd riots are now the fault of CNN and every democrat who spread lies about unarmed black men being shot by police in disproportionally. Bernie is now at fault for the congressional baseball shooter. Biden is personally responsible for the BLM Wakeusha massacre. That blame game is not useful, because the blame *actually* lies with the people committing the crimes, not political figures spewing bad ideas that might motivate them. Personally, I've never watched Jone's show so I'm not sure what he's actually saying. But, unless he's telling people explicitly to go commit crimes then you can't reasonably lay the blame at his feet.


He killed them too, that's why he's fined that much.


Can confirm, I was the parents


He never mentioned their names except for one. He was sued by many


Why only get 2 millions when you can get x100 times more?


Alex Jones was ordered to pay $1 billion


It's starting to feel like Bosco from Sam & Max I want $100 trillion for this. The only reason I set my prices so high is because you guys keep paying it!


Oh hey a Sam and Max reference, nice


I love those guys


- Every college in the U.S.


Meanwhile Dick Cheney lied about Iraq, actually got people killed, over 1 million of them in fact, and isn't paying anything Even tho literally no one died, nor had their lives ruined, AJ gets told to pay a billion because he pissed the right people on unrelated issues. Why 1 billion rather than 1 trillion or 1 bajillion? No one knows but it's clear they are taking the piss


Why the fuck do they need so much money


The lawyers take most of it


To buy more fentanyl, of course


Shit's so good, it'll take your breath away


Gotta pay for that Adrenochrome somehow


Times are tough and those welfare checks don't go as far as they used to.


Because he was never going to provide a living for them.


[Notices post flair]


[George Floyd’s family considering lawsuit against Kanye West after fentanyl claim ](https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/17/entertainment/george-floyd-kanye-west/index.html) I'm not sure what you're trying to say, I'm not going to assume you aren't making fun of the flair, or maybe criticizing a jannie for putting it up or something.


Floyd's autopsy showed traces of fentanyl, any defamation case brought against Kanye for this will be dismissed


[Realizes that orange mods are literally spreading misinformation now]


\*notices post flair, but realizes that blindly believing flair is the same as blindly believing headlines* Here's the real article, with that exact same headline. Idk why the flair says it's fake. https://www.vulture.com/2022/10/kanye-west-george-floyd-drink-champs-lawsuit.html


Woulda been helpful had OP included the journal in the cropping


Is this really real?




I think you're the only one. Everyone else is too busy having their opinions about how left is when bad confirmed to stop and look.


Or they have already seen the article on other subreddits and don't trust flairs by orange mods? https://www.vulture.com/2022/10/kanye-west-george-floyd-drink-champs-lawsuit.html


Even after he gave Floyd’s daughter several mil for a college fund




honestly based af, abuse the system to get money off a billionaire. if given the opportunity i would take that


Easier to make a shitty Reddit then sell only the marketing assets to the loser Kanye.


yes, legal consequences for saying words will always be a good thing. nobody will ever abuse the system.


Huge corporations have been doing that since the beginning of time


Yep. Say angry review on your YouTube channel? Cease and desist letter


cease and desist? more like cringe and dipshit


Based and I laughed but disagree pilled


Definitely not Saudi Arabia... Definitely not countries with morality police... Oh, we have the self-proclaimed morality police on reddit? And we can't speak of them?


People say stuff like this as if libel hasn't been an exception to freedom of speech for as long as we've had freedom of speech. And it used to be more so - if I remember right, originally truth wasn't always even a defense to libel!


Yeah, dueling culture was pretty baller. Just demand satisfaction for a slanderous outburst.


Saying Floyd died because of drugs would never be libel cause it was true.


Why does authleft give a shit about this?


They got the short stick of the authoritarian/progressive part of this. 4 squares isn’t very realistic for politics 🤷


Based and fair enough pilled


u/greasetrout's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/greasetrout! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: [7 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/greasetrout/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


The amount of money this family has profited of this losers death is truly astounding. I'd happily swallow a lethal stash of fentanyl if it meant my parents, siblings, children, and my children's children were set for life like this.


The sad part is none of them cared about him until they could make money off his death. They only see dollar signs instead of a beloved family member.


That's because he was a convicted criminal who cared about nothing, until his family could make money off his death.




They’ll probably squander all the money and next generation will be back to normal


Ironically it will drive an answer to what actually contributed to his death vs. what was portrayed by the media.


I wish, but we are well beyond facts mattering.


We were well beyond that when Covington kids happened. Why did it take Floyd for people to realize this?


The Covington kids weren't as dramatic.


They won't file because they can't; there is no injured party to file the suit here. However it would have been interesting to see how it played out for that reason.


They won’t win at all. The autopsy shows he had enough fentanyl in his system to kill a horse.


And yet policeman was declared guilty of killing him


It's not even surprising that we are now at the point where objectively true facts like that George Floyd killed himself with a fentanyl overdose can be considered legally actionable slander.


I used to be on this side of thought. The coroner report does say that Chauvins hold exacerbated his death. There is the question of if Floyd would have died outside of the hold, but we will never know due to Chauvins actions. His sentence was pretty brutal though. Floys was highly combative throughout arrest.


> His sentence was pretty brutal though. Floys was highly combative throughout arrest. Chauvin unironically took one for the team because the judge and prosecutors both knew there would be riots throughout the whole country again if he didn’t get made an example out of.


This is not justice


They bent to the mob.


Mob rule is why we have a State Republic and not a full democracy.


It's mob justice. BLM made millions. A ridiculous amount of property was destroyed. They got an aisle in Target dedicated to Black businesses, and that's about it. "Buy our products because of the color of our skin, or you're racist"


Never has been


Justice is dead


And Rittenhouse? Have hope.


I have hope and that we'll only stay so lucky. Rittenhouse didn't have an activist judge. Remember that the mob had made threats to commit jury intimidation throughout the trial and tried to discredit the judge himself for happening to have "god bless the USA" as his ringtone


God, what a based man.


The prosecutor lied to the jury, fabricated evidence, withheld a critical witness by deliberately delaying his own trial, failed to share evidence, lied about failing to share evidence, tried to manipulate photoChad to change his testimony, claimed playing CoD showed intent to kill and kept the weapons charge up despite knowing the gun was legal (malicious prosecution). None of the major watchdogs or civil rights groups gave a shit about that. They were only furious that an innocent man "only" got punished with +80 days in jail and the massive trial of a broken system. The VP said it shows a need for more legal equity. The prosecutor is not in prison and even still allowed to practice.


I agree. We can only hope he gets a fair trial via appeal after the masses have moved on to caring about [current thing] instead. Maybe he should have been convicted of something, but I don’t think he had a fair trial.


Not to mention that multiple politicians literally participated in jury intimidation, including the current vice president. Saying there would be consequences if the right verdict isn't reached. And then you have the reporter from liberal news sites following the jurors and trying to ID them Those jurors made the wrong call, they knew they were making the wrong call, but I can't blame them. They would be killed otherwise.


Even the guy who gave the toxicology report said in his own words that if not for the cop and if he’d been home. He’d be dead from the overdose. They aren’t even trying hard with this one. They just needed a martyr.


>There is the question of if Floyd would have died outside of the hold,  The answer is yes. He was ten thousand percent fucked no matter if he was in the car, on the ground, or desperately trying to run (he would not have gotten far). Chauvin didn't meaningfully contribute to the death and could not even save him without knowing to administer narcan.


That’s probably not true. Watch this video. There’s a timestamp you should skip to. https://youtu.be/rl9clRYcUWk at 44:30 TLDR: Chauvin put his knee on Floyd’s neck. He kept it there 4 minutes and 30 seconds after Floyd stopped saying words. He kept it there 3 minutes and 50 seconds after Floyd stopped moving. Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd’s neck for 2 minutes and 31 seconds after his partner informed him that Floyd didn’t have a pulse.


Did you watch the full arrest video? Floyd was repeatedly saying that he couldn’t breathe far before Chauvin even got there. His lungs were shutting down because he was experiencing an opioid overdose. That’s why heroin and fentanyl are so deadly. An overdose targets your lungs because that’s where your opioid receptors are, and then you’re fucked. Chauvin should’ve gotten in criminal trouble for neglecting his obvious medical situation (on top of all his other misdoings as a cop in the past), but he was totally fucked unless someone was carrying narcan. I’m surprised at how many people haven’t seen the full video.


You're surprised people fall for rage bait and don't bother fully understanding something before forming an opinion? I envy your optimism


You mean the 2nd coroner they got because the first one didn’t play ball with their narrative? Those cops were scapegoated by the state


He was a loser but if someone’s ODing in fent why would he need to be restrained by a knee to the neck???


Because he has faked a medical emergency to be let out of the cop car to try to escape literally a minute earlier.


Grifters gonna grift


remember everyone celebrated when Alex Jones was tried for speculation


Multi-Billion-Dollar Corporations regularly issue SLAPP suits to bully competitors and into submission and silence whistleblowers: *I sleep* Some rich guy gets sued for being an asshat on Twitter: R E A L S H I T Seriously guys, using lawsuits to stifle free speech isn’t some new development invented by the woke left.


Just let the dead man be dead


I just fucking noticed the Authright wojak is shooting himself in the left temple with his right hand.


Kind of like Epstein? Nice catch fam!


Lmao nice.


Yay, political theater for profit


He went on a podcast and said he heard that he died from fentanyl in a Candice Owen's documentary. Hardly think they will get a single cent from him (defamation rules are really strict among other things, prooving that kanye knew it was a lie)


Alex Jones got sued for a billion for talking mean about dead kids. Adam Lanza got sued for 1.2 million for actually killing them. Words, 800 times meaner than mass murder.


But it wasnt about the money right


His death was the best thing to ever happen to that family


He was right though lol, this is one of the most blatant cases of public gaslighting in history, the coroner report from Hennepin county said that he died of a drug overdose of meth and fentanyl. In the bodycam footage he starts saying "I can't breathe" before the cop even touches him. Man, I am so fucking sick of how stupid the average person is, I honestly wish I was still an npc shitlib. It must be so much easier to just instantly believe whatever your TV tells you, because if I were to ever publicly point out these easily verifiable truths, I'd be publicly ostracized.


defamation lawsuits have always been a thing idk why you are trying to act like this is new


Weren't most people here cheering for Johnny during his defamation suit against Heard? The only difference here is that the defamed party is dead which likely means any lawsuit won't go anywhere


Another corrupt, greedy organization trying to get itself rich.


Why not go for billion? Don’t get me wrong, Kanye’s a biopolar asshole who says the dumbest shit possible. And if he said this none sense in person to most people would be equivalent to asking to catch hands, but suing him for 250 million for saying a junkie died of a drug overdose is laughable.


On what grounds?


[the truth is out](https://youtube.com/shorts/Fyh1-VPvVl4?feature=share)


George Floyd, I would have killed him myself.


Tbf that’s leftover pocket change for Kanye.


Kanye West needs a big break from social media


If they win Kanye can live in my basement. No rent just gotta say wild shit to me every so often.


George Floyd dying was the best thing to ever happen to Roxie Washington and their daughter. Crucify me for saying it.