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How many Russians died trying to get to space? I know 126 were vaporized on a launch pad.


The N1 Rocket was the Soviets attempt at a moon rocket: It failed every time it was launched in massive fireballs Ever heard of the Nedelin catastrophe? Rocket explodes on pad, kills 300 The Venus lander lasted 50 minutes and laden with issues That animal in space died in space Most of these examples are probes that got there, turned on, and then stopped working Boots on the moon is far more effort and difficulty than a probe on the moon The US won the space race


True, the reds had us so fucking desperate we skipped 30 steps, took a hail Mary, and somehow succeeded. We won because a man on the moon was the stated goal before the race began. Also because our rival collapsed under it's own weight. We won, but damn the Soviet space program was impressive


It's called the space race, not the moon race.


"It's called National-Socialism, it's in the name" I'm not even slandering the USSR (right now), but that's what happened


Yeah, and the US won. You know how you can tell we won? Because we fucking said so. USA! USA! USA! USA!


Thats what the end goal was. You’re just seething because commies never crossed the finish line.


I'm not a communist, I'm a socialist. Also, it seems like the USSR did win the race to me because they got into space first.


Getting a man in space is relatively easy comparing to getting a man to walk on the moon, and get him back on earth. Thats fucking impressive especially considering we did it at a time were supercomputers doing all the math for us wasnt a thing.


Who said it wasn't impressive? If the first person to win a marathon does it in 3 hours and the next time someone does it in 2 hours, does that invalidate the attempt of the first guy, which was very clearly the first one to do it.


As someone that used to run, your times are triggering me.


Sorry, I know nothing about running lol. What are some more accurate times?


Just to put it in perspective only recently have they broken the sub 2 hour marathon, an achievement thought impossible by many for decades.


Ok, fixed it.




"lol who cares that your guy passed the finish line first, our guy was ahead for most of the race!" \-u


It is called the space race, not the moon race.


You haven't even won the "still exists" race


Guy's just salty that his glorious union fucking disintegrated.


With the endgame very obviously being the Moon


Yep, that's what was agreed, and why everyone stopped with space after that.


Drats, you’ve convinced me


This feels like commie seething to me.


They’re a leftist so yeah lol


Not all leftist are commies. Some of them are based.


Especially when there are so many things to select from when hating commies.


Nah I'm a libertarian market socialist not a communist.


So such thing like as a libertarian socialist friend. The two are mutually exclusive.


So workers owning companies and a non-oppressive government cannot exist together? Not all socialism is authoritarian like the USSR or China


>workers owning companies That's just worker co-ops, and can exist wherever. Look at Winco. >non-oppressive government This is an oxymoron, there is no such thing.


I don't think you would believe that if you lived in a democratic society.


A relatively non-oppressive government then.


Also, co-ops ARE socialist. They allow workers to own companies which is a socialist idea.


I thought this was supposed to be humorous but the OP is actually upset that America won 💀


US did win the space race. The USSR no longer exists, and the US space program is still alive and functional.


So if Usain Bolt dies after he wins a competition then he lost? The Roman Empire does not exist but it was one of the largest and greatest empires. Does this mean that it was not great at some point? Does the death of someone invalidate their achievements?


> Roman Empire does not exist but it was one of the largest and greatest empires. Does this mean that it was not great at some point? Idk if i should tell you this but, at no time, the USSR was great, so dont use that as example


Yes, but if we're talking about two competitors, the one who disappears is no longer in the race.


A good analogy I saw a while back is that the soviets tried to hit the milestones as fast as possible without focusing on the end goal while the us took a stepping stone approach to be more successful in the end goal rather than the milestones leading up to it.


Yeah, America kicks ass. We already know.


gigachad US as usual


Bruh this is cringe af. America kicked soviet ass fair and square.


It’s a **race**. A race isn’t measured by who gets to 50 meters, or the 75, or the 90, it’s who crosses the 100 meter mark first. The U.S did exactly that.


You make a good point but I counter by saying that walking on the moon is just more badass than the others


Funni colors are already included, eh?


And then we fucking put ten more people there 💪🇺🇸


I'm pretty sure that USA matched every feat of USSR (and pretty quickly) but the USSR has never landed cosmonauts on the moon. Also, OP is salty.


The USSR rushed through every milestone with literal garbage and wasted countless lives and millions of dollars in the process. The US went through slow and methodical. When it came time to do something that required an almost impossible level of skill to execute, only the USA had put in the work and effort beforehand to have the foundations to pull it off. The moon was the already accepted goal and the USA definitively won in that regard. Similar to the Cold War in general: the USSR had a missile gap in their favor and a more powerful army for much of the Cold War but in the end the USA prevailed. End of the day, only one nation and space program even still exist


‘After you saw the first one’? Can somebody pass the sauce?


Where funni colours?


My favorite was the cosmonaut that cursed the Soviet leadership for being incompetent as he burned up on re-entry. Sorry that we had health and safety and we made it further and still dominate the space industry. Maybe we would have been quicker had we been so ready to sacrifice our own people but unfortunately we had morals


Did the US send a manhole cover into space first


We should congratulate the USSR, oh wait it’s dead lmao. Get good commie


Does acknowledging fact make me a commie? I'm a libertarian market socialist.


The Soviets had America so far beat in the space race, that NASA had to call in the expertise of Stanley Kubrick and his filming skills to pull off the moon landing by the end of the decade.


But he was so picky and controlling of the film he had it shot on location


The US lost almost every battle, but won the war.


> Unflaired detected. Opinion rejected. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 12936 / 68260 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


It's called the space race, not the moon race. The USSR reached space first. The USSR, even if it was communist, won the space race. Your opinion on a certain country's policies does not change fact.


And USSR calls itself a republic if you will ignore everything else and just look at names


ok let me just call up the Soviet Union and tell them to contest the resu-oh wait the Soviet Union doesn’t EXIST


So if Usain Bolt dies after a race then all his accomplishments are invalid and never happened?


You're using the wrong comparison. This is like Usain Bolt being in the lead of a 100m sprint for the first 90 meters, before collapsing and losing, then trying to say that technically it was his win because he was in front longer. Commies lost, and I never get tired of hearing that.


It’s like that’s all you can say Lmao. Someone said it pretty straight, it was the goal, and the soviets collapsed before they could rebuttal (though, it was unlikely they would have at that stage tbh)


Btw Valentina Tereshkova is alive and feeling herself a little bit too comfortable in Putin's Russia


https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/y9ym1m/communism_more_like_dumbunism/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf A little bit of food for thought


A lot of salty Americans here


Too bad they're not in contention anymore


The Soviets were way ahead in the field of biology too. Google “Lysenkoism” to learn more /s


What does having the first woman in space have to do with a technological race


Was a funny meme then I checked the comments, poor OP built his identity on the commies getting a dog in space.


Nah, I just think that the space race was won by the USSR since they were the first into space. I don't even really like the USSR, seeing as it had Stalin.