• By -


Ah, you should check the current Spanish government and their Decretos Ley. In 3 years they've made more than in the previous 40 years. And they have the utter balls to call the opposition fascist.


Their "Ministry of Equality" is the most sexist institution of the wrstern hemisphere, they don't even try to hide how Orwellian they are.


***Argentina's Ministry of Women shows up***


they arent western


Further west than Italy


Here we go again... Latinamerica is christian, speaks European languagues, inherited European institutions, and thus is western. You don't like it? Then blame it on Spain and Portugal for being bad parents.


Checks the world map hmm


Fair enough


Fascist has lost all meaning, they might as well be calling them meanie pantses


Oof. I have heard that in the past there have been another government, here in italy, that tried using decree laws outside of emergencies and something was done about it, but i was either too young or not born yet to know well


Over here in Canada we’ve had something similar used twice in a year by two different governments Notwithstanding clause from my provincial government because they won’t raise wages (literally about to make me full Authleft) and the emergencies act from Trudeau which is being looked into (literally almost made me go full libright)


That's whataboutism. He just missed what he said for your own sake.


Also broke the constitution twice (cause of lockdown), that were used with the wrong clause granting them way less strict parlament supervision and then took pride in it.




Come on, you're lying more than her. DPCM are indeed active instantly, but they have a validity of 60 days, after that if the parliament doesn't approve them they are no more valid. Also every government in the past years abuse of their use, it's not a new thing she invented.


And? It’s a shit move anyway, no matter if it lasts 10 seconds or 60 years.


I never said that she invented them. Sure, we'll still have to see how and how much the parliament will change it, but using a decree law for such a thing (which is not an emergency at all) is just stupid.


On the stupidity we can agree, but it's not a fascist thing like you tried to make it seems


Woman: *preforms normal act in government* Left: “How I can make her look evil?”


Those fucking misogynists will never stop 😭😭😭 this is a society


Most intellectually honest Leftist.


It's very normal to use emergency stuff for regular stuff and in a way that risks to make the state way more authoritarian for all other things


Sadly yes, it is a normal thing but I agree it shouldn't be.


Sounds like mommy didn't give you any of her milkies and sent you to time out instead. Sorry Mr. Pasta man better luck next time!


Orbán is proud of his padavan


Nah she's not nearly as dependent on EU money for Orban's liking, you ain't a real Hungarian unless your completely dependant on the thing you supposedly hate


>you ain't a real Hungarian unless your completely dependant on the thing you supposedly hate Average Hungolian grindset 😎 (I am one)


It's big brain time, you have more of their money, they have less.


By that she means raving? As in the techno-dance thing? Then it is based and fully support it. All these rave-goers should and must be locked up. They are a leech on society


yeah fuck off lmao


Not a fan of raves myself, I think they're dangerous. But the problem here is how the law is written. It's extremely generic (basically, any kind of meeting of 50+ people that could potentially cause trouble is forbidden), which means that even protests or occupations might lead to the organizers being put in jail for 6 years. If they wanted to target raves, they should have been clearer in the definition of "dangerous meetings".


So your concern is a theoretical (but not actual) abuse of the law which would be thrown out as unconstitutional by a court anyway? Pardon me for not giving a fuck.


My guy, this is the exact problem with the hate speech laws being put into effect across the globe. The language is so vague that it can and likely will be used in fucked up ways.


I just explained why people are concerned. I don't really think my comment deserved this level of passive-aggressiveness. You sound like you need a hug, or a punching bag. I think that writing such a law is mostly propaganda. But it's still worrying AND it's going to take away time from more pressing issues (like Life Without Parole). Our parliament is slow af and the constitutional court recently has proven to not exactly have our interests in mind.


Are you literally made of sugar, water, and gelatin? The pearl clutching is the only worrying part of this.




Nah, that's people who go there to have fun. The only problem is when they make too much noise and that they leave everything dirty, but that's all: it's not like raves are a public safety problem and most definitely, regardless of what one's view on raves is, it's not something about which to make a decree law.


We're not counting drug use and abuse, rapes, the raves being in illegal and often dangerous places. And did I say that the organization didn't pay a dime to the authorities to host the rave? OP is likely an Italian raver angry at the government who stopped his weekend of fun and drugs


Y'all are really arguing to make parties illegal across the pond? Jesus, literally 1984.


Glad I live in the states dude, all I can say


>drug use and abuse Based >rapes Yeah that one is a problem, but it's already illegal obviously. >the raves being in illegal and often dangerous places As long as it's only a danger to the ravers who gives a shit. Fair enough if their presence there poses a danger to other people not participating tho. >And did I say that the organization didn't pay a dime to the authorities to host the rave? Hyper fucking based.


What's the point of paying authorities if people go there to have fun and get drugs? I never even went to a rave. The thing is that noone ever cared about raves and now, suddenly, they are an emergency worthy of decree law. Was it made just for raves or to make it more difficult to organize protests?


>The thing is that noone ever cared about raves and now, suddenly, they are an emergency worthy of decree law To add some context for people outside of italy, just now there was a big news story of a huge rave in modena so the people in modena were pissed about it (which is understandable), and everyone in the government scrambled to strike the iron while it's hot and made it seem like a bigger problem than it is and then this decree was introduced. Now, i might be a noided conspiracy theory (of fucking course i am, just look at the flair) but a part of me is even thinking this was a staged thing planned to implement this decree unimpeded and set a precedent.


Considering they were the ones criticizing decrees during covid




But what about occupations for protests? And why not making a legislative decree instead of a decree law?




But the minimum is 3 years


You are the scum of the earth


Found the raver


She means the organization of more than 50 people getting into another person's property without authorization


If you want a rave, you should rent/own a place to have it. Trespassing, breaking into others property and etc. is already illegal, as it should be. Not to mention the potential fire hazard, risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and other scenarios that might occur when 50+ people break into a place they shouldn't be, to party.


Indeed. Why making a new felony for that? Raves are usually in abandoned places, it's not like they're a big problem. Like, they're a thing since the 80s, yet they've never been an object of big news in the past 20 years (cant tell about earlier, cuz i wasnt born yet).


Raves are problematic as there is no one to held accountable if something happens. Stampedes, use of generators in enclosed spaces such as grottos, bunkers or warehouses. If they break into a building, they might have to remove a lock on a door to gain access, meaning they likely also only have one exit in case of a fire or an emergency. Do we need a law to make this a new felony? Maybe, depends on current use of the law, wether it is effective or actually can be applied. If raves and protests on private property has become an increasing issue, you may need a law that better targets this. I haven't looked into the spesifics of this legislation, but I can absolutely see that it is possible that they need a law regarding this. The devil is in the details. I won't write this legislation off as something bad, until I know it's contents, or why there is/isn't a need for it. And this post obviously doesn't give me all the details to make an informed deciscion. But raves are dumb.


Precisely, the devil is in the details. If you look well at the post, you can see that i dont really care about raves: the main problems are that 1) it was done through a decree law 2) it might make it more difficult to organize protests, with the risk of getting up to 6 years of jail for the organizers of occupations


I dont know about you, but I would not want any stranger guy on my property. They have no right to enter and leave trash all around


The issue is that is not really said “on private property”, but more broadly anything that the gov considers the occupation of every place (ground or buildings) which could be dangerous to the public. So, if that passer, the gov could declare your manifestation illegal and you’d get 3-6 years of jail, which is enough to also opens to the ground to intercept your phone calls


What about occupation of schools and work places for protests?


They must be crushed with violence.


flair checks out


Jolly good then. You break the law, we break your bones. I meant... uhm... arrest you.


…wait, so you’re saying they didn’t ban raves, they just banned organizing a mob of people to trespass, litter on, and damage random people’s property? And you expect us to think this is a bad thing?


Random people property was already protected by law.


So they’re increasing punishment of people who organize activity that they know is illegal and is objectively harmful? Again, not seeing why we’re supposed to be upset that people are being punished for doing harmful things.


But it is not only gonna affect raves


Banning raves? Based.


It's not like they were allowed, earlier




This is in Italy right? Maybe I should have believed the leftists, just this once.


Oh wait a rave party isn't a political party 😎


Unfortunately the word “rave party” does no get mentioned anywhere, just any gathering of more than 50 people that occupies ground or buildings that could pose a threat against public safety. Now, imagine it used by your Leftist Government: you and your rightwing friends get like some trucks, like in Canada, or gather outside the parliament to protest or occupy a public office or block its access. With this law if the Leftist Gov wanted they could get you and your pals thrown for 3-6 years of jail cause your protest was considered of public concern.


Well said, I like the analogy. Will steal it .


I do not support any gatherings being outlawed.


Yep, this is in italy


d'aaaawww, is a teeny tiny minority of students not allowed to block the rest of the university from getting their education anymore.... boohoo. Go protest in a civilised manner without fucking over your classmates.


Ok then, explain how to protest without pissing off anyone and how it'd be of any effect


you believe a protest is only effective if you annoy people? what gives you the right to deprive your fellow students of their education?


What gives the power to the government to oppress the students? The police? Well, yeah. But one will still protest for one wants to send a message. And would the message be sent if noone is annoyed by it?


Plus, like, it's not like schools are the only place where one can want to protest... It's just an example. And 3 to 6 years of jail are still too much for the organization of such a thing


Avanti Giorgia!


Ma più meno che più


Such a hot right wing milf 🥵


Must have read the Trudeau handbook...


Why not Greco-Roman paganism


Because christianity is a real religion and not made-up LARPing.


Based and fuck new-age cringe-ass paganism pilled


u/datromaboo753's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/datromaboo753! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [3 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/datromaboo753/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Just calling it real won't make it real


It is a real religion. You can debate wether it is the true religion, but not if it is real. You can practice it perfectly fine and don't need to make up stuff by yourself because you have no idea how actual paganism was practiced.


Germanic paganism is a bit iffy, but we have plenty of sources detailing Greco-Roman paganism including worship changes throughout eras. Admittedly, we don't know everything but by your definition it would 100% be a real religion. Mostly because it was a real religion.


Emphasis on _was_.


Could you elaborate plz?


Why do most european nationalists/right wingers tend to be Christians? Why not indo european(what some call 'aryan') faiths? The gods their ancestors worshipped before the semitic cult took over


Well, most of the conservative population is christian, especially in the state of the church, Italy. If a conservative nationalist ends up on the government, such person most probably is christian, as its similars elected it. That said, the title wasnt a very main part of the post: i was just quoting her famous speech, which ended up being a clever and fun title, imo


I know. But why don't they start opposing a semitic religion that took over their continent? Strange.


The more fringe right wingers do start getting into that, but it starts being a vanishingly small group we are talking about. You haven’t met a hardcore pagan right winger not because they don’t exist, but just because there are so few of them.


How would that be beneficial? And how is Christianity being detrimental?


You'd be in touch with your roots in a way. Christianity is not an indo european religion. That's the point. It is also a universalizing religion. Dosent make sense when you mix that with racial collectivism.


But Christianity is our roots. We've been practicing it for 2 thousand years. That's exactly why conservatives are so fond of it.


Your actual roots is the roman empire, as is for everyone else in Europe. They have been larping as Rome until 100 years ago.


Equally true. However the discussion was about religions, not civilizations or cultures.


Are you a semite?


I don't know. I don't care. I am Italian so I assume not. The thing is, as OP mentioned, we really don't care that much about race or ethnicities.


Actually, as far as i know, the race battle isnt much of a thing here.


Agreed, it really is not




Pagan offshoots are rapidly gaining traction across Europe. But there is no centralised movement so they remain scattered and personal. But our new Abrahamic overlords have already been decided by elites flooding us with Islamic migrants.


Because Christianity is true and correct and we have no intention of burning in hell just to larp as ancient greeks?


How can u be so sure


Two thousand years of theology, miracles, and the Holy Spirit moving in my own life


Spirits. Right.


The Holy Spirit. God. Not your larping nonsense


'Your larping nonsense'. 'Holy spirit moves in my life'.


Yes, the Holy Spirit is real. Odin is a gay larp owned by Disney


the actual sanest auth out here


>the Holy Spirit moving in my own life Can you give examples?


The Holy Spirit came down upon me at 21 and I was reborn. Since I have lost over 130 pounds and broken 2 or 3 addictions. You shall know them by their fruits


Because nationalism rose when everybody was already Christian?


Most European countries were not even formed yet before people converted. Faith was a unifying factor. Also, larping is cringe and for liblefts.


because auth types likes the One Big Powerful who they can suck balls that is why they worship The State, The God, The Leader... polytheism has many gods and none is the one true special obedient people need a shepherd to guide the flock of sheeps


I’m preeeeeeety sure most polytheistic religions still have a head god…..you know like Zeus, Odin and so on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_of_the_gods


yeah but we don't care that much about him, he is usually a leadership without authority to use modern buzz words you find a fuck ton of temples and shrines dedicated to other gods... like the link you presented says Indra as the "main" god of hinduism but other gods like Vishnu and Lakshmana are as popular as Indra


Based and Italy pilled


Did you just change your flair, u/Borkerman? Last time I checked you were an **AuthRight** on 2022-11-3. How come now you are an **AuthLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 215 times, making you the fourth largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)




The bot fucking ***hates*** him


Google meloni-chan


"Un saluto a tutti i fan di Jojo" -Giorgia Meloni before she found out what Jojo is about


This is very important. I am watching it now, but, as i watch it, i notice that i should have commented it earlier https://youtu.be/GUWyDFvD6Xg It is a lawyer that explains well this decree law Youtube provides an automatic translation to english as subtitles (unless it got updated over night for some random reason and it disappeared like other cool features)


something something the boy who cried wolf something something


I don't know what the hell is a rave party, but based and they deserved it pilled


The problem is that this was a move done just to show the teeth, using an emergency measure for something that is not even remotely an emergency


Turns out when she said she wouldn't make repressive degrees she was using a deceiving technique called lying.


Which was already clear when, during her speach after the election, she said she likes the students who are gonna protest against her as that's democracy or something (i dont remember the explanation why, but she said she likes them), and in the mean time police was repressing a manifestation against her


Police always repressed violent leftist manifestations, also before her and hopefully after her.


But they werent violent


That's because you became pussies.


No way! A right-wing populist and neo-fascist is being a fascist?? I am shocked


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, she is inherently a right wing populist with neo fascist traits, this isn't crying wolf like people on Twitter do with any remotely conservative ideology, she praised Mussolini, is very authoritarian and her party/government coalition contains a lot of extremist that believes in fascism. The only thing I give her pass on is that atleast she's trying to moderate her party policies and doesn't support Putin like many braindead right wing populists who likes strongman dictatorships while living in 1st world democracy and enjoying its fruits.


When i posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/xt5tcm/well_see_time_to_decrease_the_relevance_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), i was told that this was the story of the one who called for the wolf




No, i argued that letting people vote on one singular representative with a lot of power isntead of representatives in a parliament is less democratic and can lead to a dictatorship




The way italy currently works, which is the one i like, means that representative do represent the people. If only one person is in big power, thst person doesn't represent everyone, but just a relatively big, but absolutely small part of the people (almost always less than half). With a parliament, the representantation of everyone counts. Does the government do dumb stuff? The parliament, which represents the people as a whole will take the government down,


The parliament represents the parties people voted for, not the people. They form the government.


They tell the President of the Republic (PoR for short, from now on), who they want as President of the Council (PoC for short, from now on), then the PoR most probably will pick that as PoC, then the PoC forms the government. The government tells the parliament what laws need to be done and the parliament, elected by the people, makes the laws. Does the government do dumb shit (according to the parliament)? Then the parliament removes the trust from the government and people go again to vote.


Which is still bettwr than one single person and they don't form the government


If you vote for a single person, you get a democratic majority decision on the direction a country should take. Which is what democracy is about.


If i vote a single person, that person only represents less than half the population. A parliament represents everyone


Everybody gangsta till Carl Schmitt pops up in the constitution


It's a joke, right?


Nope, that's what happened. Right after being put in charge of government. The parliament will have to convert it to law within 60 days, but untill then it's already effective, since it's an emergency measure (a decree law)


Mashallah! Meloni following the Indira Gandhi way


Ybh.... I get it for planes and schools. The protests shouldn't make the masses hate you EDIT : tbh*


What does YBH mean?




Oh, i see. Lemme reread that


Basically protests whose main target is people who aren't linked to the issue protested, especially if those are minors. Now there is a huge issue about how the state would do that, but there is a discussion to be had thought.


Literally 1933


It's sad that the 1984 bot doesnt work anymore


Ah yeah, I call it covid decree


Covid did be an emergency




Tell that to the full hospitals and the military trucks full of coffins


And the people dying in the queue for a Mcdonalds or just suddenly dying on the street XD Lockdowns didn't work, vaccines didn't stop the transmission, etc, everything the governments did brought no benefit, caged people in their homes and destroyed the global economy. Only a leftist would still be oblivious to what happened PS: and worst of all to you, you couldn't also have rave parties :(


Vaccines and lockdowns were very effective instead. They didnt eradicate COVID, but they made the situation way more handlable PS: one never could, but the new government just made this new thing to make some noise


*who would have possibly seen this coming*


Most of who voted against her, probably


Maybe those who voted Salveenee xD