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I think the whole not being a Pennsylvanian thing really hurt Oz


The price of crudite is insane! (Dr oz trying to relate to his constituents )


Also Dr. Oz: “Abortion should be between a woman, her doctor, and local political leaders.”




Also the fact that "Dr." Oz uses his diploma to sell snake oil.




When you put it like that…




The Phoenix rises DLC.


This guy EU4s


why are pennsylvanian so islamophobic bros sadpepehands......


When the guys screaming about racism nonstop overwhelmingly vote for the white guy that ran an innocent & unarmed black man down with a shotgun over the Muslim doctor. Hmm 🤔


GOP has been moving towards embracing Muslims for a while now, with Trump’s muslim ban being a temporary setback. GOP realizing how Muslims have the same exact values as they do on virtually all relevant issues. Meanwhile Dems have stopped accusing people of Islamophobia in recent years and are becoming more consistent in understanding that Islam is just as bad as Christianity. It’s actually progress on both sides because both parties are becoming more consistent with their ideologies. Also Fetterman having a gun and running outside when he thought he heard gunshots probably helped him in PA, especially with crime being more salient. Not sure why the GOP thought it was a good idea to run with this ‘scandal’.


Your point is true but I think calling it a Muslim ban is disingenuous. He banned entry from certain countries who had the highest rate of violent crime and terrorism. It was a statistical choice. The fact they were all Muslim was…just statistics, not a Muslim ban…especially considering it banned everyone from those countries, Christian’s, Muslims, everyone


Retroactive repurposing to survive legal challenges. He said he wanted a Muslim ban in 2015


Pretty sure statistically Saudi Arabia doing 9/11 puts in the S-tier elite of terrorism. Wonder why they weren't banned??? Real brain buster on that one, considering it was a really honest statistical analysis lol lmao


Trump himself was the one who, word-for-word, said he wanted “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States”. Not even immigrating, but entering. Just because his admin decided to exempt Saudis (lol) doesn’t mean this isn’t what he said and what his supporters voted for in 2016.


Whoa! Stop with the facts, we're trying to retroactively justify a racist policy. Facts are just going to get you down-voted.


I mean Trump called it a Muslim ban and and called for a complete and total shut down of Muslims entering the USA. When it got translated into law and had to face legal scrutiny then it had to be modified to withstand legal challenges, but that didn’t change the messaging impact. Also no, it wasn’t in any way a statistical choice. It was purely political. Saudi Arabia was totally exempt, simply because MBS is allies with trump. By contrast iran hasn’t had even a tiny fraction of the number of terrorists exported and it got a ban.


The only reason Muslim voters aren't a hardcore Republican voting bloc yet is because of the 9/11 shitshow setting back that progress 20 years. They were an increasingly accepted part of society... until they suddenly weren't. The tragedy + ensuing wars alienated Republican voters and politicians from Muslims, and vice versa. It's a victory when people understand who their friends are in a nation, and rationally vote for their beliefs in a democracy, no matter how silly those beliefs are. Out of the Republican Party's many weaknesses, I think their tendency to alienate brown people who actually believe the same things they do is the worst. Socially conservative immigrants are the future of the Republican party - if the party has a future at all!


500 years😁


This race should have literally been so easy and Oz still managed to poop himself ☠️


I mean it didn't help that Doug Mastriano is an actual nut job.


With each day I'm more and more convinced that Qanon and the Great Steal are psy-ops by the American surveillance state or someone else who want a controlled opposition, like Wall Street or China.


Or, people are just dumb


But my side smart and good and your side dumb and bad




Did you just change your flair, u/spotdemo4? Last time I checked you were a **PurpleLibRight** on 2020-6-24. How come now you are a **LibLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Yeah yeah, I know. In your ideal leftist commune everyone loves each other and no one insults anybody. Guess what? Welcome to the real world. What are you gonna do? Cancel me on twitter? [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Late to the party. Wherever I look nowadays, whenever there is a new grass-root movement, I only see psy- and red flag-ops. It is all astroturfed and arranged controlled opposition.




The entire fucking country should be red right now yet they managed to pick some of the stupidest fuckers on the planet. The GOP might win the house and/or Senate (I’m thinking red house and tied/barely blue senate), but that’s pathetic compared to how heavily it was stacked in their favor.


Our leaders and dropping an easy W. Name a better duo.


It's almost as if both parties do that on purpose.


Democrats and missing an open goal name a better duo. Oh, hold on a minute... Is this opposite day?


Dump trump. His “leadership” and endorsements aren’t worth the paper they’re not printed on. The “head of the party” attacked Desantis the week of midterms and *celebrated* the Colorado results because the republican candidate said he wouldn’t support trump for president. This was a goddamn gimme shot of a midterm, and he botched it.


Seriously who do they think they are, the Democrats?




fuckin galaxy brain shit man. some leftwing Bannon or miller is laughing like a maniac over this


This was so easy for them. Inflation, gas prices up, food prices up, energy prices up, stock prices down (specifically 401ks down for the average person), etc. Seriously, every Republican candidate could have done a basic copy+paste campaign that basically matched that Tweet that went viral "Look at who has been in charge for two years. Then, look at your bills. Next, look at your retirement. Then, head out to your voting location, but stop to fill up your gas tank on the way. Now, remember again who has been in charge for the past 2 years and cast your vote." Just fucking hammer the economy over and over and over. When the Democrats try to divert to abortion, school shootings, or whatever, just act like they said nothing or call them out and stubbornly stay on the economy with "My opponent wants to talk abortion while you can't afford groceries or gas. Not me. I know what matters to you." Now, whether that is on Biden or COVID or Russia or corporate greed or whatever, it really doesn't matter. For the average voter, when the economy is this bad, all you have to do is point at the incumbent and ask "You really want more of this?" and the average voter will say "Nah. Fuck that." But of course, the Republicans have that pesky habit of letting Democrats dictate the conversation. If Democrats want to talk abortion, Republicans talk abortion. If Democrats want to talk gun control, Republicans talk gun control. In reality, best thing Republicans could have done is say "We're talking economy 24/7. You talk about whatever you want. We'll ignore you and keep talking economy 24/7." I'm not even Republican. I'm just dumbfounded and frustrated watching someone snatch defeat from the jaws of victory like this. Republicans are like the Ferrari of American politics. I'm not a Ferrari fan either, but there is just something aggravating about watching them get everything they need to win it all and then make insane mistake after insane mistake to blow it.


Looks like the Dems funding the far right is paying off after all


This is absolutely the story of last night. Take a look at Georgia. Kemp absolutely destroyed Abrams but Walker is barely losing to Warnock. It’s the difference between a solid and a dog shit candidate. The whole states should have been a W for R’s but they fumbled it when they picked Herschel Walker.


I truly believe that the Dobbs decision was why Democrats managed to hold on somewhat. The biggest surprise to me was how Ron Johnson somehow got reelected in Wisconsin.


Surely this was a clear case of Islamophobia - the economically insecure white supremacists have won again 😔


Liberals hid the stroke-induced cyborg and stopped him from participating in debates until after a million people have already voted. Now Pennsylvania will be represented by a guy who’s in a slightly better shape than Stephen Hawking.


Stephen Hawking was still able to form coherent sentences.


I dont think this is the own you think it is


Maybe nominating a TV doctor was a bad idea. Literally any other coherent human would have walked away with it. Sometimes we have to learn things the hard way.


TV doctor isn't the problem, him being a modern day snake oil salesman is


I couldn't stand Oz *before* he ran. I'm so glad he lost.


Yep, agreed. Guy's a fucking idiot.


Definition of a RINO


And yet Trump endorsed him


Are you suggesting Trump represents Republican values?


Whatever the Republican party's values once were, they have since become the party of Trump. Perhaps they'll move away from him now since his endorsed candidates are doing poorly, but that's far from certain


I just hate the fact that republicans and democrats weren’t always this different. Now everyone is on the farthest side of the field and everyone fucking sucks


For real. Why can’t we just bring Richard Nixon back? 😔


Trump endorsed him, and the Oz turned his back on him. That made him look even worse. He was a bad pick anyway though.


What exactly is a Republican then?


Hold on some people are still working on the woman thing


He is?


Trump the TV personality won. The TV doctor part wasn't the problem


The funny thing is that dr oz was a brilliant surgeon then just said fuck it and married a crystal woman


Dr. Oz literally tries selling products he knows don’t work to make money on the grift. Guy is a corrupt politician before even being elected.


So you're saying he lost even though he was super-qualified.


He has literally spent more time in Turkey than in Pennsylvania in the last 5 years.


Ken Jeong is also a TV doctor. It would have been a much different race if he was running.


Ken Jeong is too smart to run for office.


They literally found a brain damaged Democrat, and he ended up beating Oz. That says a lot about Oz.


I think that he was doing quite well until his camp started mocking Fetterman over his stroke. It's one thing of an asshat like Trump mocks someone for a medical problem, but it's a whole other level of gross for a doctor to do it. All Oz had to do was approach Fetterman's competence from a medical standpoint of concern and he could have easily kept bringing it up without coming off as an asshole


\> Claims to hate Socialism \> gets publically owned


Top fuckin kek


Based Also, lol


Fuck all pseduo professionals and personalities


Is democracy no longer under threat


Not until next election cycle


The next election will be the most important in history.


Until the one after that




I dont know about shaken or stirred but definitely stroked at least.


Hew may dare ne you te nu me? - John Fetterman At last democracy restored


Downright presidential.


I mean based on the past two probably lol


The key to democracy is pig Welsh


Well it makes sense, the dems could have ran a prokaryotic organism and still have won against oz. Its like if Andrew Wakefield ran for govenor


I don’t see a prokaryote winning but maybe a Eukaryote.


we need to push for more akaryocyte representation in our local governments


If the options are between a vegetable and a snake oil salesman, at least vegetables are good for you


Sounds like something a snake oil salesman would say "Vegetables are good for you"


Democrats had an excuse in nominating a poor candidate, his health problems weren't publicly known when he won the primary. But why the fuck did Republicans nominate Oz? He's just an incompetent TV celebrity grifter and an assh - actually never mind.


Because the republican party has a problem nominating trump endorsed meme candidates.


Unironically this. I voted for McCormick instead of Oz in the Republican Primaries. Iirc, the difference was less than 2 percent between them two. If Trump hadn't endorsed Oz, or better yet, if people didn't give a shit about Trump's endorsement, this race might have been a republican win Good job GOP, ya played yerself. Enjoy Fetterman.


Because MAGA or bust was thought to be a winning strategy. I think the whole country sighed a bit tonight watching all these Trump-backed candidates get shat upon from great heights. I mean fucking *Boebert* had a 97% chance of winning ffs


Because the other guy would have gotten beat down like Shapiro beat down mastriano


They could have also found a regular seeming guy, with a sweater vest, in the Bill Burr nice Dad voice "hey guys, I'm folksy and like to have beers with people, what about taxes huh? Yeah, don't like those taxes, but I do really like football and man, those people in the big cities, I don't know about them" Instead it's all either "WE NEED THE TREE OF LIBERTY TO BE WATERED WITH THE BLOOD OF OUR ENEMIES SO WE CAN HAVE A NEW BIRTH OF TRUMP I MEAN FREEDOM" or "for only $39.95, this supplement will burn all your fat and make your neighbors hot wife start flirting with you"


[If only someone like that had run in the primary](https://www.pennlive.com/resizer/fxnSOKwUAo798fG09lOmz3C4KPY=/800x0/smart/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/advancelocal/3O67VTHMGVFPPJFWMHV5LI4SYY.JPG)


FYI: Democratic Party’s official policy is to meddle in Republican primaries in order to try and elect the shiftiest candidates possible, in hopes that they’ll be easier to beat. They’ve been doing it since 2013. Fun fact: this is what led to Trump and Cruz being the two Republican front runners in 2015, because the DNC knew that Hillary was so shitty that she’d get historically blown out by any other candidates.


So wait, a mentally unwell Democrat who cannot speak coherently just won his election against a celerity Republican who craves attention? Seems familiar.


I love celerity. It goods good in salad.


No, you're thinking of celery. Celerity is the amount of money you get paid each year.


Maybe republicans should have less horrible candidates. I hate the dems too - I actively hate both parties. But this is somewhat reminiscent of the "[They took our jobs!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=toL1tXrLA1c)" idea: Why are lazy, uneducated criminals taking your jobs? Similarly, why is a "mentally unwell Democrat who cannot speak coherently" winning an election? How hilariously bad was the public perception of the alternative?


Bro can't even speak and he won, if this ain't a wake up call of Republicans to get better candidates and kick schizo Trump faction endorsed candidates then idk what is.


Yeah, that's gotta be a cold shower - much like Trump winning in 2016 was for the dems.


>Why are lazy, uneducated criminals taking your jobs? That's kinda not it. Work in construction with me, and you'll see quickly how many Latinos are replacing white carpenters. It's mostly due to a lack of tradesmen. But I've seen people wowed my Latinos work, and specifically hire only them. Either way, it's not good. I love my coworkers, but you can't deny that it's bad to have government bids funneled to Latinos who send money out of the country. Instead of hiring and training folks from the disaffected areas we're working, lol. We had el salvadorans traveling from out of state, 2-5hr away, just to do the work. Barely anyone at one of my last jobs was not only a natural citizen, but from the region. So that money which is supposed to boost the economy wasn't even put into the economies where it was needed.


God the candidates Trump endorsed lost. If there is a more better reason to him to not run.


Between him insulting DeSantis and his candidates losing, I'm thinking Trump is done after this


I’ve been done with him


He just blew all his remaining political capital and made the Republicans not take the senate and looking to have a slim house majority mostly because Desantis carried Florida for them. Desantis is the clear choice after last night.


I agree. This election all but confirmed my support for Desantis moving forward. However, depending on who runs for the democrats I will have to vote for Trump if Desantis doesn’t run, which sucks. The Republican Party needs a hard reality check after realizing it’s totally split in half.


Lol don't underestimate the stupidity of the republican party. I predict Trump will get nominated in 2024 and lose again and I bet you 10$ republicans won't learn their lesson.... again.


He's not getting nominated because pretty much all of the heavy hitters in the Republican party do not like the guy, or will not like the guy after this election, especially because he said he would air out DeSantis' dirty laundry if he ran for president.


The thing is, every bigwig in the GOP also hated Trump in 2016. It will eventually come down to the primary voters.


This guy's correct. There's no chance in hell Trump bows out gracefully and he's got enough of a cult to turn the primary to a blood bath. "Stolen election" rhetoric works just as well in a primary as in a general. The GOPs choice is either nominate Trump, the man who could not beat Joe Biden, or nominate someone else and have Trump be a poison pill telling his %13-17 of the electorate to stay home rather than participate in fraudulent elections. Y'all best get ready for Kamala 2024.


>Y'all best get ready for Kamala 2024. Fuck, who had Kamala vs Trump 2024 on their bingo card Fucking Hadron Collider


I’m tellin y’all, they shoulda never shot that dang gorilla


Thats why we should al give them a surprise and vote for Kanye


> Flair up now or I'll be sad :( *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 13494 / 71316 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Didn't all of the heavy hitters not like the guy in 2016? That turned out well.


But the in Republican Party, the party has little say in the nominee. If trump runs, and his supporters vote him as nominee, the party can’t stop it…


He can try again in 2028.


Something really disruptive would have to happen for him to win the nomination. Everyone in the RNC and plenty of Republican voters would rather run someone like DeSantis instead of running Trump again; Republicans supported him during his presidency to keep the party unified, now all bets are off. The people he endorsed didn't win. If he doesn't have the support to win lower level elections, why are you so sure he has any chance in the Primary or for the Presidency? It shows that all his controversy, his wild accusations and erratic behaviour, and being out of the presidency has drastically reduced his influence.


If they do that then it's a guaranteed Dems win in 2024 and that's mean possible Kamala presidency which is extremely fucked lmao. Hopefully old Joey survives to stop Kamala or Republicans get their head out of their asses and don't nominate Trump.


I wouldn't be surprised if Biden decides to run for reelection Kamala gets replaced on the ticket.


And Florida was like the only state to heavily swing republican. Maaaaajor win for desantis


I sure hope so, and I voted for him twice.


The Republican party is done with him, but I'd say that there's a 50% chance he goes 3rd party in 2024. Only 50% because there's not an insignificant chance that the cholesterol gets to him first


This is the real story of this election. The Republican will likely take the House, and maybe the Senate, but there was no wave and Trump actively hindered the candidates he supported. This is the best mid-term performance for an incumbent party since *2002.*


Pretty wild since the president is extremely unpopular and the economy is on fire. This should be a big wake up call for the GOP.


Every recent election should have been a wake-up call to either party if they actually cared about anything other than blowing smoke up peoples asses and lining their pockets


This is true


Trump losing should've been the wake up call. He just needs to fade into obscurity already. The other problem with them waking up is the fact that a good number of them don't think they've lost.


They will never wake up at this point, most will cope that's it was stolen and the Trump faction of the GOP will gain more power instead of fading out. If they want to have an hope of 2024 then they need someone else.


The GOP can't do shit about trump, he holds onto too much of their voter base. It's a solid 20-30% of the base and making him too upset is a massive risk. Even if him winning 2016 was unexpected, he's still ending up as the hindrance the democrats wanted him to be when they supported his republican nomination. Even if the reality is that hes not actually the devil he's made out to be, he has too massive of an ego to be able to properly fix his image nor bow out.


Yeah it's a huge problem. I don't think it's really fair but the stigma attached to Trump is unshakable. Even against Biden after a miserable four years I'm not very confident he can survive the massive energy pump he would give to his opponents. The smart thing to do for him would be to bow out gracefully, endorse DeSantis, and instead run for governor of Florida or something and enjoy his legacy. Instead I could see his ego causing him to completely destroy the GoP. Time will tell.


He was always the favorite. I don't mocking or not mocking him would've helped so much as Dr. Oz was just a poor candidate for that state. The stress and pressure of the office may do Fetterman in, though.




Stress and pressure? I think they're going to give him a vote of no confidence on his first day and just pick a replacement.


He's on the record saying that he will do whatever they tell him to, including stepping down.


Well he was going to do whatever they told him before the stroke so it's no surprise. The Dems have been grooming Fetterman for this for years


Well, I dunno about Day 1 but that may happen a few weeks/months in.


He is actually brain damaged. Lol wtf


I can say that this is probably one of the worst senate races, in terms of candidates that has ever been run in the United States. You have a choice between an incoherent stroke victim and a literal Snake Oil Salesman.


I love my home state, but this was a great metaphor for Pennsylvania.


Most polls had Oz winning pretty easily that I saw, but I hate the guy so I hope this makes him super butthurt. Dude got beat by a mumble mouth where the only intelligible statement that came out of him was from that Kuato on his neck talking 'bout "Quaid...start the reactor!".


There were a few polls that had Oz winning but most still had Fetterman up a few.


A couple I saw had Oz up like 54-46...not even close. I feel like betting on polls is probably an existing industry since it's so volatile, and I find it interesting that any time I look at polls they are only maybe as accurate as the weatherman. Now all the sudden I genuinely have to care about the House because I've talked a decent amount of shit to this one dude who has been DNC sweep for like a month lol.


https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2022/senate/pa/pennsylvania_senate_oz_vs_fetterman-7695.html#polls Appears we are both kinda right. Last couple polls were mostly Oz up but historically Fetterman was leading a good deal through October


I think this all came down to Fetterman refusing to debate until after early voting had started, and by the time the debate happened there'd been a million votes already cast. I don't know much about the guy, but he was awful in the debate and a dude coming off a stroke with that giant tumor on his neck... I genuinely hope that guy has good policies and can withstand the strenuous requirements of being a Senator while he recovers from his stroke and stuff. I'm enjoying that Oz lost, but I feel kinda concerned Fetterman might keel over in the next 4 years considering his condition...who takes over in a situation like that? An impromptu election or something?


Apparently the governor appoints a replacement until a special election can occur or to complete the term. Not sure what decides which happens maybe how long it’ll be? Maybe the state?


>I genuinely hope that guy has good policies and can withstand the strenuous requirements of being a Senator while he recovers from his stroke and stuff. Seeing as most politicians end up with grey hair and massive eye bags after a few terms, I doubt this term will do anything but kill him.


TIL that Dr Oz became a politician


Most educated libcenter


He lives in the woods, he murdered a teenager to steal his phone and comment on this


Never underestimate Republicans abilities to lose a race.


Wait a minute he won?


Oh for fuck sake...


I think you guys can blame the blue quadrant bois for this one If the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade never happens the red wave 100% comes Despite what one might think from browsing PCM most people aren't hardcore social conservatives


I was actually thinking about this shortly after it happened. The timing of it is pretty odd. They probably could’ve waited to do that.


I argued that the court made it at the worst possible time for Republicans when it was overturned and it now shows, they could have waited but hastily doing it and dying on the abortion hill did not paid out. I said it when Roe was overturned but people just were clueless on this sub.


This sub thinks that the average voter cares about "opposing degeneracy" or stuff like that


It makes me even more convinced it was leaked by a right winger so the news had a longer time to leave voters’ minds before the election


God can we stop nominating the two worst possible options in every scenario. Also can Trump go away, he's not helping his side anymore. He had his moment, now he's just pulling a Hillary


>God can we stop nominating the two worst possible options in every scenario. No.


Based and reality pilled


hilarious. can't wait for fetterman to start giving Biden legit competition for most mumbly/mentaly-nonfunctional politician in the us


Oh no! Libleft is gonna be double annoying for months




Very proud that my state's two candidates in this race were a mentally handicapped Neanderthal, who can't string together a coherent sentence and whose wife pushed him to keep running, and a snake oil salesmen who doesn't even live in my state and couldn't get an endorsement from a woman who shilled his products for years. I'm so glad that our politician system provided me with the privilege of voting for either a blue turd or a red turd.


It's over. Lost to a brain molten fossil who is still living in 1980s in his head in 2020, lost a senate seat to a stroke patient who can barely string two words together in a debate. Dems can run an actual donkey and still win. How do you recover from this blackpill


“Hello, goodnight” - John Fetterman


I sympathize for John for having a stroke but that’s actually hilarious


Well to be fair Republicans ran freaking Dr. Oz


Two thirds of Pennsylvania Republicans wanted to die when that clown won the primary. But hey, we nominate shitty candidates we win stupid prizes. This one's on us.


And we'll continue nominating literal meme candidates and still wonder why we keep losing. Problem with republicans is they refuse to learn their lesson and instead will spout bullshit as to why they lost instead of just realizing it's because they nominate fucking morons.


Mostly cause Dems are playing 5d chess by supporting far right and radical candidates in the primary elections with ads so that they win, by doing this when the general election comes and voters are more moderate than the primary, Dems run against more radical and weaker candidates. Don't know how effective this is but it looks like it's working so far. https://www.npr.org/2022/06/20/1106256047/why-democrats-are-paying-for-ads-supporting-republican-primary-candidates


Fetterman refused to debate until well after early voting had begun, and by the time they debated there had been over a million ballots cast already. In no way am I saying that they all voted Fetterman and would all change their vote, but it would be interesting if we could somehow know how they'd have voted had they waited til after the debate. Smart tactic by Fetterman and his team to wait I'd say.


You know if a Republican had pulled that shit, Dems would NOT let it go,


Why can't republicans run someone who would be better than a donkey?


I think it's the nature of politics. The job sucks, most sane and rational people don't want to do it. But because there's power attached to it, the job attracts all kinds of degenerates who absolutely have no business running for office.




Dr Oz running against fetterman was the republican equivalent Hillary running against trump.


Vegtable Vs not a real doctor. What have American politics become?


Oz is (was) an actual heart surgeon who was heralded as " the most accomplished 35-year-old cardiothoracic surgeon [in 1995] in the country." by the New York Times of all places for most of the 90s and 00's. People sort of forget that.


I did not know he actually was a good surgeon. I just thought he was a generic tv doctor


No, Oz is a legitimate doctor who lost his way to tv fame. Which is a shame, because I watched his debate and he at least did a good job articulating his viewpoints and policies, even if I didn’t agree with all of them.


The GOP was way too confident this election. Everyone I know was anticipating a red wave. I still voted, but i'm sure some others did not. The whole voter fraud thing has gone a bit too far, and the rhetoric in general by GOP politicians has scared off the normies. If I were the puppetmaster behind the GOP, I would: * Soften our stance on abortion * Support federally legalized weed (not even democrats have done this yet) * Dial down the voter fraud accusations, but still raise concerns, and just have election reform be another selling point of the GOP. This narrative is too loud right now, and Democrats are using that against the GOP. The average normie just believes what they see on the news * Unpopular opinion, but emphasize DeSantis more, since I think he might be more popular than Trump.


In 6 months, his wife will take the seat. Which was the plan all along.


good, Fetterman will continue to create content for us


Soon may the Fetterman come To bring us democrat memes and fun One day when the stroking is done We'll take our votes and go.


In our defense, we didn't think people were dumb enough to actually vote for the guy with brain damage.


Uncle fester with a goiter


Meanwhile DeSantis casually beats his opponent by nearly 20% when he barely won his first term 4 years ago... Yeah, I hope DeSantis runs in 2024


The state of political discourse must be pretty bad if you would rather vote for the candidate whose brain is decomposing inside their head.


Let’s see if you guys still support fetterman after his first term. Good luck to voters of Pennsylvania.


You mean I'm not supposed to enjoy the six more years of gaffes we're going to get out of this guy. Yes I'm big sad


I really hope Biden loses in 2024, somehow manages to not die or go 100% senile before 2028, and runs for president again with Fetterman as his VP candidate.


Be like that scene from Rick and mortality where summer turns into an inside out giant and Beth turns into one to help her.


In case anyone wants to read the article [https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/john-fetterman-wins-pennsylvania-senate-election-2022-midterms-n1300375](https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/john-fetterman-wins-pennsylvania-senate-election-2022-midterms-n1300375)


Democrats voting for a disabled person who will vote party lines. Hey I’ve seen this one before


"he is not fit to serve" = mocking