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The most based one is still Nevada. They by law have to have a “none of these candidates” option and it tends to get at least 1% of the vote.


Guy who drives for hours through the Nevada desert in a blizzard just to vote "None of these suckers" in every race


Then gets called to jury duty because he registered to vote for "none of those suckers"


Based and “you all suck” pilled


[None of these suckers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIqeXSYc8nE)


The other states don't have an option like this when you're voting?


I just write in "Fuck You". They don't count it but it has the same symbolism.


If you can just write any shit then I guess it still counts


In Germany if you insult a candidate on your ballot (does not have to be a fu, crossing out would be enough), your ballot gets invalid. Happens ultra rarely at least in my neighborhood when I count votes.


In Brazil it's eletronic vote. If you don't wanna vote for any of the candidates, you can either just put a number that doesn't match for any party, or just click the button to leave you vote void, and in both cases the vote will not be considered valid. When they said that Nevada had to put a none if the above option, I thought in other states you didn't had any option similar to this


In some states, they use the libertarian party as the "void vote" option.


holy mother of god is that based


Ohio sure as shit doesn’t.


No. Only a few races here even have a write-in option.


That option makes me laugh so hard. Those poor bastards who just look at the ballot and think “Goddamn, politics blows.” If only things were less split and people could still understand that “the other side” isn’t a bunch of evil fascists or commie dictators but real people who just have a different view of what makes a place good.


Based and nuanced pilled


Damn, that's based af


Would be more based if, when "None of the above" wins, the seat goes empty. Or they send an honorary rock to represent them.


I could be wrong, but I think the last dictator of poland held an election where there was the option between himself and none of the above. None of the above won and he resigned (after asking the USSR to fake invade him so that he could pretend to fight them off and commit a coup) and poland pretty quickly held a multi-party election.


As a gerorgian, that’s what I would have picked this election


Yeah, i love rcv (random choice voting)


What's random about it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranked_voting


The part where i vote randomly


Based and eenie meenie miney moe pilled


How can one man be so based


AuthLeft is just confused by seeing more than one party running.


>Every state should have RCV... Based. >...and open primaries. How about no. Seems like a fantastic way to have smaller parties get fucked over by running the backup Republicrat candidate.


Primaries are the fucking problem. You have candidates who are incentivized to skew extremely hard right or left so they can win the primary, and they make huge sweeping promises during those primaries that they never are able to follow through with once they get to the general


I'm pretty sure there's no actual evidence in practice that open primaries lead to more moderate candidates. https://www.newamerica.org/political-reform/reports/what-we-know-about-congressional-primaries-and-congressional-primary-reform/can-primary-reform-change-who-votes-runs-and-wins/


>no actual evidence in practice that open primaries lead to more moderate candidates. I don't really care how moderate/extreme someone is, but more options would be nice. I mean I'm literally an anarchist (read: I like policies that increase individual agency, period) so there's a handful of variations on extremism that I'd be down to vote for.




Turncoat Murkowski used her power base to make the change... just so she could hang onto power. As much as I hate how it flipped the congressional seat, it is sweet how she is getting hung by her own petard.


I’m pretty sure she’ll make it through in the end, when enough of the Democratic voters have her in the second choice. I’m also not convinced it flipped the congressional seat, if people weren’t willing to put Palin as their second choice why would they come out for her at all!


Final Five voting is the way forward! The Nevada ballot measure for the same system as Alaska will likely also pass. If you would like to learn more, or find out how you can help restore competiton to our democracy please visit https://political-innovation.org/ !


ironically enough, Alaska’s voting system is the most democratic of any state


Oh I wish my state took on Alaska’s system, although what I really want is proportional representation over our current first past the post system.


In case any mods are wondering, yes this was made just for this sub and the colors are meant to match the quadrants (Walker AR, Warnock AC, and the Alaskans heavy AR).


Murkowski isn't even that right.. Maybe AC.


Yeah but that’s not as funny for a shitpost.


As long as Stacey Abrams didn’t win. All is right with the world.


And beto.


You had absolutely nothing to worry about, dude said hell yeah we're going to take your AR and then tried to run for politics in texas, had about as much chance as a snowball in hell


Looks like hells starting to freeze over since the snowball got 43.8%.


You could get Hitler to run on a major party ticket and he'd get 40% of the vote. Let's not pretend that low 40%'s matter.


Well he was pro choice, vegetarian, and anti animal abuse


You forgot name recognition. Add in the Autobahn and he's up to 45% before he even starts running!


Just promise to give everyone a volkswagen


How could I forget. He’s also still in the wax museum even after Kanye was removed for his comments, so you know he is liked. Jk


There's no such thing as bad publicity - Adolf Hitler


Yeah having an eating disorder doesn't help you in Texas either.


Nah he’s done in politics. Third political race he’s been in, all have been bad losses. Not to mention he’s had millions on millions on millions of dollars thrown at his campaign in a blind hope of turning Texas blue. Beto has absolutely no chance of ever having a career in politics. Time to just sit back and milk his sugar momma of a wife and stay rich off her family’s money


That’s a whipping.


How could she not win? You saw that video of everyone gushing over her at Target right??


Based and spite-based politics pilled


I truly think Abrams would turn Georgia into pro-Black identity politics hellscape.


Nah she lost cause she thinks black men are dumb enough to be gaslighted into voting against their own interests


I mean we do keep voting for failed democratic promises and policies so there’s that


You’re absolutely right we always fall for the lift all boys narrative when ours got a big ass hole in it.


Brother. We don’t even have a boat nor the skills to build a boat. But what we do have is dance moves and athletics. Surely that will help us float!


We need more black men in STEM and less dancing on TikTok


This may shock you reddit but there are jobs outside of IT. Why not push some of these black kids to vocational school


We all do


Oh thank god


Trump killed the wave


Unironically though Dude promoted some of the worst candidates in Mastriano, Dr. Oz, and Walker


Walker still could win, it seems more and more unlikely warnock breaks the 50% mark which means there will be a run off in December. Oliver has more than twice the votes that make up the difference, some might swing.


Walker probably will win in a runoff, but that still means that Brian Kemp’s huge win for governor wasn’t enough to drag Walker across the finish line. He WAY underperformed Georgia republicans, meaning that people voted for Kemp but not Walker on the same ballot.


I think a lot of it has to do with where the rest of the maps stands. If the dems are already at 50, what’s the logic behind going back to vote for Walker in a run off if you couldn’t stomach doing it the first time? It wouldn’t fundamentally change the balance of power in the Senate.


Georgia republican here, I hate Walker. The man is a lunatic with no morals or sense. I voted Oliver out of spite.


Good. Force the parties to bend the knee.


What's wrong with Mehmet btw?


Hes a TV doctor, a turk (/s), a snake oil salesman, and worst part of all hes a carpet bagger meaning hes not even from the state he says he wants to represent. I saw one comment that said hes spent more time in Turkey in the last 5 years than Pennsylvania


The worst part is, any generic white guy with no obvious issues could have mulched Fetterman, because he's an obvious shambling corpse. Running a guy with glaring flaws gave the media something to talk about besides the parasitic twin on Fetterman's neck. They swung for the fences when all they needed to win was a bunt.


Tbf this story is playing out across the midterms, the GOP is underperforming everywhere due to poor canidates propped up by MAGA republicans. Dem canidates arent anything to write home about, Biden had an approval rating below Trumps lowest, and inflation is on the rise. Yet somehow they couldnt take the Senate it seems, and they could barely seize the House if things play out the way things look. The GOP just threw this entire election into the trash. I wanna say hopefully this is the sign to republicans to purge out MAGA canidates if they want to win but I know that wont actually happen.


Trump also didn’t help. Every republican candidate was kind of forced to campaign with Trump because the republican party would be dead if trump tries to split the vote out of spite. The GOP ran a hail Mary with trump because their party was seen as spineless by their own constituent. They pulled moderates in 2016 who wanted a “non-politician” but turns out having presidents with no experience in law, history, or politics is not a great head of state. Except he’s still an Ideologue so republicans can’t back out now


Funnily enough if the roles were reversed and Oz was running as a Dem and the GOP was running a stroked out vegetable we would undoubtedly be subjected to nonstop media punditry about how "Islamaphobic" the American electorate is and how they're "not ready" to have a Muslim in the Senate.


My friend I think you mistakenly put a sarcasm symbol in your post


I think the main reason is that he is an out of state politician, while Fetterman comes from Pennsylvania. I guess being a TV celebrity isn't everything.


Better the regard you know


Fetterman is just the home grown potato


Policy wise, nothing. Personality wise he’s a TV doctor known for selling fake diet pills and being just about the least genuine person you can find. Basically every independent I had spoken to basically said something along the lines of, “who, Oz? The TV doctor?” People don’t want fake celebs, if the GOP had run just about any normal moderate candidate they would have won. I mean Jfc they were going up against a neosocialist vegetable, and honestly I can see why they chose the vegetable.


He’s from Jersey, not a real Pennsylvanian. Pennsylvanians hate people from nj.


Elitist out-of-touch Reality TV star with no government experience.


Doesn't have to be a roadblock. Arnold won California without even being born in the US


Arnold had been a resident of California for decades and was/is about as close the the literal embodiment of the American dream as a person can get. Oz is a carbetbagging grifter.


Arnold isn’t from America but loves the fuck out of it. Truly an all-time American


I'm am all-time American


But he's arnold, that's a big factor


Hey I've seen this one!


Yup. No wonder Trump chose him


He's a TV Con Man who didn't even live in the state.


He promted child gender transitions years ago, before it was fashionable


Dude massacred it, I hope this is the last straw to finally get the GOP to abandon him so we can get some decent Republican candidates again.


Even decent candidates like Desantis they’ll make him out to be an evil racist that hates gays


The difference is with desantis is that their accusations are going to look stupid because he’s a reasonable candidate for the most part. Trump is just a fucking lunatic


Before trump was a republican, the opinion was very different. The propaganda machine works wonders. Just remember this detail when De Santis starts running for president and the campaign against him starts.


The “DeSantis wants to throw LGBT in jail” rhetoric has been constant for the past 12 or so months.


Not only that but DeSantis doesn’t have a huge ego combined with thin skin that makes him an insufferable whiner like Trump.


> Trump is just a fucking lunatic That's the opinion you've formed after 4 year 95% negative news coverage and after the same treatment you're going to be saying the exact same thing about DeSantis and whoever is coming after him. "That DeSantis is a lunatic, glad we finally get some Common Sense(tm) here!"


My only issue with DeSantis is that I’m not confident that he’d be enough to forcefully take over power from the Neo-Con establishment who keeps spouting dumb policies from the 1980’s and are still stuck on Reagan.


He also is largely on board with a lot of the policies of that neocon establishment.


It’s we should populist policies based on the feels and the vibes. Basing policies on data that’s a no


That’s because he is the neo con establishment. I like desantis but Trump was a once in a lifetime candidate who wasn’t afraid to buck the norm. Desantis is a move back to politics as usual.


Not really. He isn’t as wild and unpredictable as Trump was, but he is also aware of the power of the culture war. Most republicans haven’t woken up to it yet and are still spewing tax cuts and fiscal responsibility. Which are of course important, but not if you’ve completely lost the culture.


Oh yeah that worked out so well for crist


Exactly. *Of course* dems will make the same arguments about DeSantis. The difference? Voters are far less likely to believe them because DeSantis (unlike Trump) doesn't practically prove them right every time he opens his fucking mouth.


Democrats have massively screwed the selves with the messaging here. By labeling every Republican as a maniacal racist who wants to eat gay people they’ve completely desensitized the electorate to that. Like you said, as long as your candidate doesn’t actively go out of his way to give them free ammo, it’s going to have zero effect. I mean a decade ago we had Joe Biden out there claiming that Mitt Romney wanted to put black people back in chains. Mitt fucking Romney for Christs sake.


They already are, and have been for the past 2 years


And it will be far harder to convince independent voters of that than it was for true nutcases like Walker, Oz, Mastriano et al. *Of course* the Dems will make the same arguments about DeSantis. Voters, however, will find them far less believable - that's what's important.


I want the old luv my country, 'ate Russia republicans back.


You mean neocons, warmongers? No I don't miss them and find their increased marginalizing incredibly satisfying. If they're so patriotic then why do they want billions to go to foreign countries?


Or they could let people like desantis and youngkin lead the party. You know, the guys who just won a "swing state" by almost 20 points and the guy who last year flipped a D+13 state while being massively openly conservative?


I agree with you that desantis and youngkin should be the party's future, Trump should be left in the party's past and anyone named Bush or Cheney or views not agitating for war as unpatriotic should be left in its distant past.


The problem is Trump won’t leave quietly, he’d rather flip the table and gift the DNC another 4 years of control.


Let him. Table needs to be fucking flipped.


I disagree. We must make America increase its defense budget to give Ukraine M1A2SEP3 tanks




Based and paint it black pilled


We could send them some old gen 1 Abrams, like the ones we sold to our middle eastern “Allie’s”


We could send them a Stacey Abrams. She is large and doesn't have much use here right now.


Idk if their supply lines could sustain her


Fuck this made me laugh way too much


Yes, but if one gets captured we accelerate Russian tank design by 50 years.


Are the gen 1’s that advanced? The tank is like 40 years old, I’d imagine Russia would have figured out 1980’s armor design by now if not that yeah maybe don’t send them.


Based. Make Republicans Channel Reagan Again.


Me too brother, me too.


The problem is they can’t do anything better than Trump. Prior to 2016 they had idiotic establishmentarian candidates who didn’t inspire any enthusiasm and were spineless when it came to actual “conservative” issues.


He is a pox on our house


That one party dictatorship red state is going to be tied for the most Democratic House delegation in the country (1 out of 1)


Based, Alaskans choose state over party pilled


Alaska politics are wack I remember a couple years back I looked and the state house had a minority party of republicans and the majority was a coalition of democrats, independents, libertarians and republicans. The republicans had enough seats to be a majority but a bunch joined the coalition for some reason.


Do men just not run in Alaska?


Yeah they run. From bears. While out hunting for nourishment.


They all died in the great Mushing incident at the last iditarod.


All I wanna know is when did it become impossible to count all the votes on election night. Like this is just a normal thing now


There’s not some 4D election fraud happening unlike some here like to claim and cope. Most votes have been counted and many elections have been called but Partisanship and overall things in politics are just increasingly competitive. The margin of victory used to be in the couple thousands even for competitive elections but now for many important swing elections its in the few hundreds even due to growing partisanship. So no surprise it recounts are demanded and the losing party tries to do everything to challenge results.


I mean my point is there's an election in Arizona with 66% reporting. Like how incompetent is our process


Take a wild guess about why counting suddenly became a very (D)ifficult task in swing states. All those ballots that appear at the last minute with the number barely needed to flip them are complicated to manage! ​ DeSantis took care of this shit and suddenly Florida went from a swing state to a +20% red.


Lol, the Republican controlled state legislatures in the Rust Belt voted against allowing ballots to be counted before polls close because it allows them to pull this. This doesn’t have to be a partisan issue, the GOP in Florida have made it possible to count votes early, which is why we get pretty close to full Returns on election night.


On the face of it I can see the tiniest bit of logic for not counting until night of, but at the very least election officials should be ripping open envelopes and organizing ballots ready to count immediately after the polls close.


damn the "red wave" isn't even over yet and the seething has already started


It's the Ree wave


A few questions , how are they cheating ? , if it’s so blatant how are they getting away with it because isn’t the Supreme Court republican biased? , also do you have any proof ? It’s easy to say that the other side is cheating when you don’t get the result you want .


It’s been a running thing for a while now to mysteriously “find” boxes full of absentee ballots that miraculously put democrats in the lead. Democrats are obsessed with making it possible to vote, such as allowing voting without an ID, mail in ballots, and ballot harvesting. These are all extremely insecure practices that most other countries would find insane. Liberal utopias like Iceland and New Zealand require a photo ID to vote. France and Iceland do not allow mail-in voting. Canada and Germany don’t allow electronic voting machines. **And ballot harvesting doesn’t exist outside of America.** The goal of a secure election should be to ensure that everyone who wants to vote gets the opportunity to vote, everyone who votes gets their votes counted, and nobody who doesn’t want to vote has someone else vote for them. Widespread use of absentee ballots and ballot harvesting means it’s possible to collect a lot of ballots from a certain geographic location and have a pretty good idea who is going to win in that area. If you know your candidate is gonna lose in that area, you can throw away all the ballots or even replace them with fake ballots for your candidate. I don’t think we’ve reached the point of generating fake ballots just yet, but we’ve certainly done everything we can to make it possible. IMO nationwide voter ID in conjunction with an easy-to-obtain free identification would be a huge step in the right direction. A database of votes tied to ballot numbers would be great too, I.e. you’d be able to look up your ballot number and verify that it was counted.


Im Canadian, to me it seems like it opens the door to cheating. Not saying they are, its just very odd. Ive voted for almost 3 decades now and have never witnessed these types of delays. And technology has drastically improved since then. The amount of voting machine errors in Arizona yesterday was something like 1 out of 5 was down. That creates a big backlog. Its like the quality control is nonexistent. The machines are also easily hackable. We all need to fortify our democratic process to help stomp out the lack of faith in the election results world wide. After Trump won they were peddling that Russia hacked the election. Now its whoever loses, red or blue, gets to say the election was stolen lol


I think it’s less “are they cheating” and more “we know cheating/voter fraud happens every election to some extent, so why make the door larger for them?” I don’t think any of the last elections have been “stolen” by cheating. Fraudulent votes 100% happen all the time though and as the parties get more divided, people jump super easily to “republicans won because Russia” or “democrats won because mail in fraud”


The issue is the voter fraud that does happen is like 20 people . We could spend a lot of effort and time to accomplish nothing .


Is it though? That’s just a guess because America doesn’t really have a proven chain of custody for ballots. I wouldn’t doubt that both trump lovers and trump haters probably added thousands of votes in either direction across the country because they believed their moral stance was more important than democratic integrity Imo all voting should be done in person, with pen and paper, hand counted under video surveillance. The only alternative would be digital voting with decentralized cryptography as the chain of custody, but crypto hasn’t exactly been put to good use so that’s just a “haha yeah wouldn’t that be cool” scenario rather than a real one.


>Imo all voting should be done in person, with pen and paper, hand counted under video surveillance. Like everyone in the worlds does, France even made it illegal to vote by mail altogether. But God forbade we imitate European electoral integrity, they are only a good example when it comes to immigrants it seems.


Basically "dude just trust me"


Incredible how Democrats even managed to mind control the Republican office holders in Georgia (Sen.), Ohio (3 House seats), Alaska (House), maybe even Montana (1 House seat), to allow them to steal elections there!


The sudden 30k dem ballots for GA


HUGE cope


I lived in anchorage, and people fucking hate the republican leadership here. But you take one step outside the bubble, and you see why they vote red


Outside the bubble?


The bubble of anchorage, I should say. The valley (Wasilla, north of anchorage) is suburban and decently red Edit:rural to suburban


Ahhh so classic city vs rural divide. Seems a bit like the reverse victor of the Chicago vs rural Illinois split.


I live in Wasilla. My favorite part of it is that it isn't Anchorage. I can't stand that town.


Based. I’m just lucky I found friends that were more interested in skiing than politics


100% clearest indicator Trump is scorched earth going into 2024. All of his candidates last night got their shit rocked. Being associated with him took what should have been a huge red win and turned it into very little gains. But it’s also becoming increasingly likely Boebart is voted out so there’s that and I can get behind it.


I don’t think he’s running in 2024 it’s gonna be someone we don’t even expect to win that’s gonna denounce trump and step over his dead body


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit's API changes made on July 1st, 2023. This killed third party apps, one of which I exclusively used. I will not be using the garbage official app.


If this *isn't* exactly what happens I will be fucking amazed. I think you've called it perfectly.


Bull moose time


I hate how likely this is.


Based and crystal ball pilled


!remindme 2 years


Would be fucking hilarious


No one is stepping over Trump's dead body unless he literally dies.


Virginity is cool. ***EXPLOSION*** (When it's your choice) AuthRight back me up here.


People are so consumed by sex that they believe it a personal failing to not be constantly having it lol (I’m agreeing with you)


I can't tell if you're backing me up or mocking me... what the hell AuthRight? I said back me up! (*Wakarimashita weebshit weebshit*)


Virginity is awesome when you’re bacteria


Enjoy the flames of hell sex fiend!


Lol, awesome.


Kelly Tshibaka is a hot I hope she wins


Least bitchless right-center


C’mon i ain’t no simp but


I’m a fan of milfs but [really dude?](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2021/06/18/us/18new-washington-briefing-trump/18new-washington-briefing-trump-mediumSquareAt3X.jpg) Definitely better than the average politician but no way I’m calling that hot lmao. Even using a [more flattering picture](https://i0.wp.com/mustreadalaska.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Kelly-Tshibaka-Head-Shot.jpg?fit=1474%2C1109&ssl=1) of her still leaves her looking kinda plastic.


She’s ‘office’ hot.


Well everyone has different taste you know


Hot by congress standards


Could we just acknowledge for a moment that one of them is literally called Chesbro?


And Kelly’s last name is pronounced “Chewbacca”


Do they have RCV in general elections or just primaries? Imagine all republicans chose the dem for their second choice and she wins with Rs having over 90% of the vote. That would absolutely be the funniest outcome of the night.


“Too many people voting for a party I don’t like is literally a dictatorship.” No, it’s democracy. People will vote for the party that aligns with their views.


It’s a joke dude, I literally flagged the post as satire.


It wasn’t necessarily directed at you but the people who say that unironically.


Ah so it's like Sweden, where the last time the ruling party changed Germany still had a Kaiser


Alaska is a weird one. As far as Governor/Lt. Governor and local elections go, they don’t really give a damn about the candidate’s party and never really have, it’s why they have adopted ranked choice voting instead of being too scared that it would cost them power. Shit they even had an independent candidate become Governor once, which is super rare in America. As far as the National scene goes, they started having elections in 1959 and they haven’t had a Democrat Senator since 1980. They actually just elected a Democrat to the house after not having one since 1972 though, but that’s because they really fucking hate her main opponent, Sarah Palin. And as far as the presidential elections go, they’ve voted Republican every time except for in 1963.


What is this red and blue text? The colors don’t make any sense


Wasn’t there a guy called Santa Clause running for something in Alaska


We need to ask how the hell John Fetterman “won”? People vote by the letter too much xD.


his opponent was dr oz


His opponent was a Muslim Brotherhood tv celebrity from Jersey? Just a thought.


Patricia Chesbro? More like Patricia *Soybro*


As an Alaskan, I have to stop you right there. Lisa Murkowski is not a republican. She is a swamp creature who gets by on leftist voters using her as a backup plan, and RCV was forced down our throats almost entirely to protect her Senate seat. We don't want her, we don't claim her, and we don't endorse her.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/yqdqte/the_virgin_competitive_swing_state_vs_the_chad/ivo7w1c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 I get you, it was just a satirical shitpost though so I embellished their similarities.


Wait, wait, wait, you're using trumps money printing against the next guy? Maybe you should be glad you didn't lose more. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/BOGMBASE