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Part of me wishes they had gone through with the attempt, just to see what would have happened.


1) Prince starts a bar fight 2) Prince gets arrested and imprisoned 3) Prince spends jail time writing book about his struggles 4) ????? 5) Profit


Haha wait a minute


Uh oh


*erika begins to play* \O. \O. \O. \O. \O. \O.


\O O/




But did the Prince fail art school?


He did


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


They didn’t stop it, another mustache man is coming


Smh, didn't we beat this level already?


No, we nearly did but ended up losing. Still, we can at least learn from the past and try again.


Do they even have guns? When my uncle lived there it took 2 years to get permission and he had to store it at the gun club


Getting guns of the black market is not that hard, doubt they'd use legal weapons.


In Germany it actually is. The best you get on the black market are machine pistols and in most cases the seller just fucks you over and drops an empty package at some pickup place and keeps your money


based and seems to know a suspicious amount about black market arms dealing in germany-pilled.


3D printers and CNC machines sound like a better route.


Yeah but you don't get the guns in Germany. You just drive over to Czechia


U know from experience, right? 👀👀👀


Good thing Germans can't simply drive to another European country that's got a bigger black market for firearms.


Yes they did. Some legal and some illegal.


hard to do a coup when you are arrested. And a few years back some idiots tried to storm the bundestag, they failed pretty hard.


I think there was another guy who got arrested after a failed coup, some 90 years ago. Wonder what happened to him.


part of me wishes they had gone through with the attempt and succeeded. no, actually, *all of me*.


Europe could use a little shake-up. The Ukraine war isn't really doing it for me anymore.


The Berliner police would have turned around and arrested them all lol


As meme worthy as this is, how in the world would they have expected to be successful? Wouldn't the EU and NATO just roll in and reinstall the legitimate government?


Furthermore, there's a snowball's chance in hell that most Germans in 2022 would support the restoration of absolute monarchy


And even less of a random dude as monarch, having no relation to the Hohenzollers who last ruled Germany as Kaiser \~100 years ago, or Habsburgs who also have a claim.. No that is just random lesser noble dynasty #582...


The answer is clear. King Charles of the UK must be instated as Supreme Emperor and Holy Almightiest of Germany, Prussia, Saarland, and All Lost Germanic Colonies. All hail the Kaiser.


As descendants of the house of Hanover His Majesty King Charles has a very strong claim to the rule of Germany


Theres a lot of Hohenzollern who would be before him in line, but him already being a monarch definitively gives it a lot more legitimacy.


Currently, George Friedrich, Prince of Prussia is the theoretical heir to the German Kaiserreich. He is a Hohenzollern and great-great grandson of Kaiser Wilhelm II.


Don't the descend from Saxony not Hanover?


[No it is Hanover, the name of the royal house was Hanover from the reign of George I through Victoria and was changed under the reign of Edward vii to the house of Saxe Coburg Gotha](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Hanover)


In WWI, the leaders of the UK, Germany, and Russia were all cousins from the Hanover line (all decedents of Queen Victoria): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXmMT4sETu8


While this is a completely unrelated coincidence, the “saxony” that the Anglo-“Saxons” are from, was actually where Hannover is. “Old Saxony”, was basically the Northwestern quarter of modern Germany until the Frankish conquest. It then became “The Duchy of Saxony”, but this was dissolved in the late Middle Ages. The “Electorate of Saxony” is what became the modern day state of Saxony, and doesn’t have that much to do with “Old Saxony” besides sharing a name. This fun fact has nothing to do with the House of Hannover and their claim to the English throne though.


To be fair there is actually a somewhat big movement called Reichsbürger in Germany. But yeah, they already self-proclaimed 10+ "legitimate" kings of Germany, so they wouldn't have succeeded I guess


AFAIK the Reichsbürger are less committed monarchists and more using monarchism as an excuse for sovereign citizen bullshit though.


They were just going to tank the legitimacy hit of having a weak claim monarch


I mean they could just grab one of the English royals. I heard Prince Harry isn't doing much these days and he's actually well liked by the military rank and file


Well, since his wedding he kinda lost his standing in the eyes of the public.


It's been far too long since the German people were based enough to do such a thing.


Cucked Krauts


Does this come about as a result of being taught to be ashamed of your forebears and only being allowed to take pride in their country when they win a footy-match? If so, is Germany the poster-child for what the globalists want for America?


Which is good since monarchy is cringe.


As someone on the top of the chart I must disagree.




domineering airport depend squeeze air grandfather dull badge panicky fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not worth the risk to what we have now? The motherfucking Cheeto man or a demented old pedophile?


Yes, it is still way better than actual hereditary monarchy. Imagine getting crackhead-with-a-vlog as a follow up to senile idiot?


Sorry too left to be a monarchist you’ll need to have your auth-right id instead


Yea monarchy is stupid. Christian theocracy is based.


Based and Oliver Cromwell pilled


Monarchy is cringe unless I’m in charge.


I respect your wrong opinion.


The 2nd reich managed to unify germany and started off quite based. Public healthcare as a sick worker is a bad worker. Far better than belgium at the time, as a matter of fact no one was worse than Belgium's king at the time.


Classic lib take.


Less cringe than democracy.


most libertarian libright


Benevolent monarchism is a more realistic way to have a libertarian society than any sort of democracy.


Who gets to decide the monarch and who decides if they're benevolent?






Why not both? All hail the God-Emperor of Mankind!


I didn't say it was likely, I just said it's FAR more likely than installing a libertarian government via democracy. Edit: oh, also, me... I decide.


0.01% > 0.00% Its math my dudes


Technically infinitely more likely.


Technically 0.01% more likely


"It's me guys. You need to give me absolute power to make the classless lawless moneyless utopia. Trust me bros." -Lenin


>"It's me guys. You need to give me absolute power to make the classless lawless moneyless utopia. Trust me bros. >-Lenin" >-tacticalsauce_actual Except there would be both classes and money. And laws. No violating the NAP for one.


Half the earth believes 400 unarmed people stormed the Capitol building of the greatest military the world has ever seen, and had they achieved their goal of…something, then Trump would be the first dictator of the United States, and we’d be living under that now. They believe that almost happened.


Well, they openly claim that. I don't think they actually believe it. If you repeat a lie long enough and loud enough, it eventually becomes the truth. I have no doubt that in 100 years text books will tell how one hundred thousand nazis descended on the capital and the brave democrat party organized an underground resistance to defeat them in a month long campaign.


I think in 50 years no one will even remember it, the same way no one seems to remember the time in the 50s when Puerto Rican nationalists shot up Congress or all the government buildings bombed by the Weather Underground.


I'm old. WU literally blew up the capitol in the 80s. When people my age talk about J6 as a big deal, I laugh and ridicule them.


I remember the weather underground! They're operating under a new name, BLM. But yeah... pokitical violence has almost always been leftist in America, the great lie after they infested acadamia was that it is right wing lol.


Bruh that one guy had zip ties, and that’s all you need for a successful coup.


Half of Reddit is nowhere near half of earth. More educationed communities don't believe this.


Wrong. The most educated communities believe this. Leftists.


I should edit it to "better" educated communities then haha.


Can’t we all agree that the dumbest people on earth got conned into thinking that could change the vote if they could just walk around the capital menacingly. Look at the people who are getting arrested, these are such dumb people and we should only feel pity.


It was a protest until a guard opened the gate and let them onto the grounds


NATO can't intervene unless a country formally requests assistance the EU on the other hand would have a complaint letter ready to go by the end of the week


The government in exile would immediately request assistance.


I love the idea that 25 wackos could force the German government into exile.


They couldn't, which makes all of this much more suspicious.


Those 25 wackos were just the main conspiritors. They thought they would have the whole Reichsbürger movement behind them and all right-wing leaning police and military forces in Germany (which would calculate up to an impressive number). But yeah, they're morons for expecting that to work


not if they were all decapitated


Even in the old days leaders could still flee.




No, the german police would have sufficed


Because at least 10 of them were feds telling the rest they should totally do it


I'm not trusting claims about their motivations or what they were actually intending to do from the media. This feels exactly like the kind of thing that would get overblown and hyperbolic coverage from the regime.


Real talk tho this shit Glows hard


>Wouldn't the EU and NATO just roll in and reinstall the legitimate government? I think the EU and NATO would accept it. First, they don't have the authority to go after internal disputes, and second, if they did start weighing in on internal politics with an iron fist... everyone would leave the EU and NATO. That said... Yeah... I don't see what chance they had at taking over Germany with just two dozen dudes? Maybe they thought everyone's Nationalism would explode, and the people would rise up for their prince? Wouldn't be the first time Germans collectively decided to do something terribly stupid, because of nationalistic zeal.


The problem with your last paragraph is that this prince is known and hated by most of Germany. We all know the zeal your talking about but every time that came about the majority backed the zealot. This prince was a nothing burger, or possibly a plant by their own government


The EU wouldnt even need to bother this idiot wouldnt even stay in power for more than a minute


Oh what’s that? He’s not a Hohenzollern. Oh well I don’t really give a fuck then.




Technically, according to the imperial constitution, the emperor only has to be a high nobleman, not a Hohenzollern, so it doesn't matter.


Imagine supporting a bunch of Lutherans instead of the rightful Hapsburg dynasty. Unless you mean the Catholic branch of the hohen


Imagine simping for people whose chin could be used as a dildo.


Don't underestimate the power of the royal chin.






Did you know the house of Reuss named everyone Heinrich and every generation they started over from I because they had so many Heinrich’s. There’s like over a 100 of them from the original principality.


Would the real Heinrich Reuss please stand up


They only roll it over every century and every son is numbered in the order they are born regardless of where in the family tree they are. This has been the custom for 800 years. It is unfathomably based.


I could only imagine how epic the newspaper headlines would have been like if this really happened. ​ And how painful my boner would've been


Ngl as bad as it would've been for Germany, I love history and it would be such a geekout moment to read "Kaiser restored to power" in 2022


Yeah, but let’s be real. 2022 is almost over. Kaiser restored to power in 2023 is more realistic. Now the big question. Who had that on their Clown World Bingo Card?


HOI4 was a prophecy after all


Millenium Dawn was right all along


~ civilwar monarchist ger *unpause*


Bro if Tommykay has anything to do with it we're all fucked. I give it a year before he steamrolls 7B people with 20 bicycle divisions.


I was drinking the night before and reading this in the news after waking up I thought I drank myself back to late 1800s lmao


you did. please wake up, we miss you. this is our last attempt to reach you, please wake up. wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up


Bullshit. If this were a dream i'd be able to move things with my mind and be able to self-sustain on a tiny ass lawn farm and one solar panel.


Based and break-free-from-the-matrix pilled


I have to doubt the story. I mean, really? 25 people were going to overthrow the entire German government? doubt.


Beer Hall Putsch 2 Electric Boogaloo.


25 people arrested but there were others. Apparently there were small groups of them across Germany.


I read that they were a bunch of QAnon/ the german version of sovereign citizens. I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the people were Feds goading them on.


Arrested: 24 glowies and one very confused old man who was just trying to organise a seniors casino night


Imagine how tense a German seniors bingo night is


The shouting gets a little bit intense, and next thing you know, you wake up in Poland.


With the way our Verfassungsschutz "works", that might just well be the case :P


Or 24 police officers and a senile old man.


Biden was in the US yesterday.


Unless they are all high ranking Generals or government officials, it’s not a coup but just a DND campaign gone wild.


Unless it's from the Coup region in France, it's just sparkling insurrection


3,000 police were involved lol


In the raids, not the coup


I mashed X so hard i put a crater in the yard. My doubt is strong.


It was more then 50, although only 25 got arrested


Pffff… a government making up a coup conspiracy in order to arrest political dissidents? Never!


yeah, this is the most likely truth/conspiracy theory.


people LARPing Babylon Berlin hard


love that show


What a time to drop Beer Hall Putsch 2.


Not at all Beer Hall Putsch 2. Those were Nazis. Nazis were much, much worse.


well It's a failed german coup, let's call it a spin off rather than a sequel.


> He said monarchies worldwide including that of France had been overthrown due to the meddling of foreign powers which wanted to establish corporate structures in the pursuit of profit. The people had suffered as a result, he said. B…b…based???


don’t stutter, say it loud and proud. #BASED.


Just spreading the fact that this shit now dominates the news after one of Merkel's best imports murdered a girl and hospitalized another. In a town where another girl has been raped by three of these "Fachkräfte" previously.


Shhh, just mentioning it is racist and xenophobic. And you don‘t want to commit wrongthink, do you?


Add the fact that it was a knife attack and they were 13 and 14.


I didn’t even know Germany still *had* “royalty”


They don't, but they have decedents who prefer going by royal titles.


Descendants\*, though if they had actually gone through with the plan they likely would have been decedents also.


For lack of a better way to describe it, after ww1 much of the exiled royalty took their titles into exile with them. These titles then continued to be passed down along their lineage. It’s actually a pretty common thing among exiled royals in general


This isn\`t royalty. This dude is from one of the many noble families ( who have no power, noble families are last names ), he has no relation to the last Kaiser dynasty. The "Reuß" dynasty is pretty much random noble dynasty #729.. So you can imagine how utterly ridiculous this attempt is.


let me dream… please…


most royalty is technically german


The last king of Germany died just 26y ago, he was pretty famous too especially known for his music career. Edit: He was known as Rio I or for the jokesters as Sissy II.


Are you fucking kidding me? That would have been hilarious


Wait, so he wasn’t even a Hohenzollern? Only the blood of Der Alte Frtiz should ever don the Siegerkranz.


Yeah that's what's kinda sus about this story - he claimed to be a member of a royal family that is not even closely related to the Kaiser's lineage. [This](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_Antonia,_Duchess_of_Wellington) is probably the rightful heir. I had to do some digging, but this is the oldest surviving great-great-grandchild of Wilhelm.


No she isn\`t the heir ??? Why the hell did you even need to do some digging ? The woman is the daughter of the 4th son of the last Crown Prince... 3 other ( dead ) people and their MANY children are ahead in the lineage.... Perhaps you are confused about the succession law, the children of the first child come before the second child; This is how succession is and was handled in all monarchies... Though in any case she very far down the line of succession... As far as I counted atleast 35th. [Georg\_Friedrich,\_Prince\_of\_Prussia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Friedrich,_Prince_of_Prussia) That's the head of House Hohenzollern and the rightful heir, if Germany still acknowledged noble titles ( he also has 5 children ).


He WAS a member of the house Reuss-Köstritz, so not even younger (jüngere) or older (ältere) lineage (Linie) Reuss which were rulers in parts of Thuringia, but a sideline. But according to said family he disassociated from them a long time ago. The number in his name is a family tradition and does not mean he is the head of house or anything like that.


Wouldn't the heir be Georg Friedrich, the Prince of Prussia?


A woman could not be Kaiser.


He’s not Hohenzollern so I wouldn’t have liked it as much anyway


so close to greatness




I'm not sure what they thought was going to happen? Did they really think they would just storm in, proclaim this is a coup and everyone in the country would roll with it?


Happy cake day


The Reichs Hamburger mfs are so uncool that even regular neo-nazis think they're fucking stupid lol.


holy shit, this is unfathomably based


shame, that would have been nice


it’ll happen soon, my friend.


This would have made life worth it again


A PR disaster for actual monarchist in Germany


Democracy has proven to be an utter failure. Monarcy is also bad, but I'm not convinced as many insist that it is worse. Would you rather live in lichtenstein or germany? Maybe germany needs a king.


Another Prussian regency? This would be a return to principles in the middle of the modern era.


democracy hasnt proven to be a failure,and most sane people would argue its the best form of governance.I really don't understand how you can argue that democracy is tyranny of the majority and then argye for literal tyranny. Oddly enough this is only the second most auth take i've seen from a libright in this thread


Exactly lol. Some libs on here are so deathly afraid of tyranny of the majority they advocate for tyranny of the minority lol.


based and monarchy pilled


It really does seem that life in Imperial Germany wasn't so terrible. I mean, what were the real social problems? The Belle Époque really was the best time in European history. That's why I'm surprised [the wikipedia page for the coup attempt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Germany_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat_plot) is calling it a "terrorist plot." Monarchy is, by definition, the opposite of terrorism.


Terrorism, by definition, is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. So yes, it is terrorism. And Imperial Germany and the government they wanted to set up were two vastly different things.


I think what he was saying was that the word “terrorism” comes from an anti monarch named Robespierre during the French Revolution


But yes still terrorism


1. Here is a summary of the book "A Distant Mirror" which deals with the 14th century. It is a history book based on historical sources. It follows a well documented noble. The book discusses, neutrally, the happenings in 14th century with a focus on France. The book: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/180834/a-distant-mirror-by-barbara-w-tuchman/ A Summary (not neutral): http://falsemachine.blogspot.com/2017/09/a-bunch-of-fucking-idiots-barbara.html?m=1 2. Terrorism can be committed even by democratic existing legitimate states, it is just the use of terror for political strongarming.


The "kulturkampf" against poles and german catholics? The oppresive conditions of the proletariat? The imperialism? The belicism and competition between nations that would lead to WWI? The rampant antisemitism that would presagiate you know what? > Monarchy is, by definition, the opposite of terrorism. Lolwut


They’re just being pedantic. The term was coined in Revolutionary France by the Jacobins so according to their logic monarchies can’t commit terrorism because something something Robespierre.


>but I'm not convinced as many insist that it is worse. I recommend reading "A Distant Mirror". It is a look at the life of Enguerrand de Couchy and the 14th century in general. The book: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/180834/a-distant-mirror-by-barbara-w-tuchman/ He was chosen because of his relation to the King's of France and England (Multiple of them, they die and Couchy lives). It is super f**king depressing. Here is a summary: **Edit:** Here is a much better summary: The best summary I ever read. >"A Bunch of Fu**ing Idiots" by anon http://falsemachine.blogspot.com/2017/09/a-bunch-of-fucking-idiots-barbara.html?m=1


He isn't even a real prince. This is exactly the opposite of how we want monarchs and claimants to act.


Worry not fellas, we’ll overthrow the globohomo some other time.


I would fucking drink with joy til I could not stand anymore


I’m confused. They’re not a monarchy, so why tf are there still royals roaming around anyway?


The only actual requirement to be a noble or royal is to have the people recognize your status. There may be other requirements the people put on you, but that's the basis of it. That's why all these "not even the real king" shits can kick rocks, the real king is the one with his butt on the throne and his head on his neck


it’s just a title, unfortunately.


Would have been epic to see, shame it didn't pan out.


Someone please just succeed in your coup im tired of these half asses attempts


Can you imagine if all the monarchies and empires of the world were restored?