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Can we please have the 2024 election see both parties split in half so we can have Sanders v Biden v deSantis v Trump? That would be such a clusterfuck and I want to see it.


I say this a million times. If this is what it takes for more than two candidates I accept these terms. The two party system is destroying America


Whichever party split first is the end of that and the rule of the other party for a few decades lol


But what is Trump and Bernie split from Dems and Republicans and form the third part together?


Not happening.


Why not? That party would be very appealing. You have the nationalist trump side and the socialist Bernie si... Wait a second


National Socialist American Workers Party


Look out! Them NASAWs 'er comin'!


Ahhh yes. Like a combo of fascists and communists. Has any country ever tried that?


Oh no the 4th reich


Cheeseburger edition


Monke goose-step!


Both of them will back Ye for his presidential run, Trump as his VP and Bernie as his secretary of treasury


Bernie would take a MUCH smaller chunk of democrats with him than Trump would. This scenario would allow Democrats to dominate completely.


I never said split. But I haven’t had a single candidate I could vote for that represented my views at least a little. Obama McCain was maybe the closest but only if you still miss the mark by 20 feet. Obama Romney? Fuck them. Trump killary? HA. Trump Biden made me realize this whole taxation without representation thing is still happening and will continue to until a third party is introduced. If it splits and destroys a party well maybe that party was to weak to begin with.


it isnt just waiting for the introduction of a magical third party though, that obviously happened centuries ago, its a systemic problem; like a broken pinball machine, its physics & entropy; a third party vote under FPTP is effectively discarded. you fix that by changing FPTP, not magically willing it into being by playing chicken with your constituents discarded votes. people have to get involved locally to get rid of FPTP


"Decades"? C'mon man. Party splits have happened a number of times in the history of the US, and really only effect 1-2 elections before things get resolved. Much like gerrymandering, the impact of a party split tends to be massively exaggerated.




Ranked Choice voting baby.. it’s our best hope (with empirical data already evidently showing it weakening partisan polarization)


It reduces polarization but doesn't remove the two party system. Basically the candidates become more moderate.


It would have to be combined with some sort of proportional voting method for congressional votes in order to actually break the 2 party deadlock. Something like STV or MMP would mean that a party getting 10% of the votes would actually get somewhere around 10% of the seats in their area, completely breaking the spoiler effect. Personally, I'm a fan of score/range voting over RCV, but I'll take literally anything over FPTP at this point.


I'm all for it. The democrat and republican parties need to be shattered. We need a more diverse political system with viewpoints that don't fall into two narrow categories. Forget the whole left vs. right thing for a moment. When's the last time you, personally, felt represented in government? I'm about 40 and I never have. Not once in my entire life have I felt like my elected officials represented my interests. I think most people would say the same. That's a serious problem.


It’s setup to make damn sure that never happens after Ross Perot. They literally would rather see the other side of the same coin win than any third party.


What would you think of using PR in house elections? I reckon that could help in the legislature at least.


I'm against it. It would only dilute my vote and my perspective. I fear the tyranny of the majority as much as I fear the tyranny of any individual. What I really think is that a person from California or Texas should have zero say in the laws that govern me, aside from assuring a certain base level of liberty. I see no reason why someone 1000 miles away (or more) should have any right to tell me what I cannot do, how much I should pay in taxes, etc. Ultimately, I want decentralization. I want the federal government to be significantly weakened. I want county governments to be the biggest authority in my year to year life. If my county does something stupid I can march my ass down to the local government center and create a meaningful fuss. If the federal government does something stupid I'm shit out of luck. Even nationwide protests don't accomplish anything. We have no way of holding these cocksuckers accountable.


Based AF and that's-why-the-shitbags-in-power-want-even-more-centralization-pilled.




Exactly. We wouldn't be discussing things like ranked choice or FPTP, electoral college, etc ... if the federal government was weak as intended.


I never thought I'd agree with a leftist, but here we are.


How about agreeing with a friend?


Aye, I could do that


4 way split turned out great in 1860.




[The DNC rn](https://youtu.be/sVxJ016xb4Q)


While I hate Bernie's policies, I'd honestly take him over Biden. Despite all his populist support over the last few cycles, he's been screwed over by the party, largely, I feel, because they don't trust him to stick with the program. We saw how insane they went having a wildcard like Trump in power. At this point im all for whatever chaos breaks down the establishment quickest.


When you have a rightist that would support a left wing populist just to break the establishment, you know shit is going bad.


Jreg this shit and get Sanders + Trump to team up, then grab some popcorn.


Everyone is happy but pissed at the same time. Glorious.


*May chaos take the world*


Now that, a bernie+trump campaign, that's the real frenzied flame ending.


"What's the world without a little bit of chaos" Don't remember where I heard that, but I'm down for some chaotic fuckery to restore some faith in politics.


A team that would take America by storm


Combining Trump’s nationalism with Bernie’s socialism to make a NEW ideology called n— .


Based and break-the-simulation pilled


Is this a crossover episode?


It’s the combination no one asked for but the one we actually need


All of the reddit NPCs' brains would short circuit lol


Ill use the sociohomo to fight the globohomo


At the end of the day I just want a politician that gives a SINGLE FUCK about on-the-ground, hard working, trying to get by, normal fucking Americans.


That's the thing I love about Bernie: He's authentically trying to do what he thinks is best for the country and the people. It's the same thing I loved about Ron Paul (not Rand), despite their polar difference in ideologies. I will take someone honestly trying to do good whose methods I disagree with over a two faced politician telling me what I want to hear every single time.


Obligatory fuck Rand Paul Pretty much my take. Sanders & Ron Paul may disagree on the method of making the country better, but they both have made personal political sacrifices for what they deem is the greater good. They know how to play the game, but they are principled. They aren't absolute grifters like 90 percent of congress


Solid take. I am happy to debate the merits but these bad faith actors can gtfo


You can also gtfo until you flair up


ah shit, my bad


You can do something socialist and have it not be socialist, as long as you say, "No globo."




Remember most of what Trump supported were left wing ideas just 8 years ago.


Remember that prop 8 in CA *passed.*


>Proposition 8, known informally as Prop 8, was a California ballot proposition and a state constitutional amendment intended to ban same-sex marriage; it passed in the November 2008 California state elections and was later overturned in court. Did a democratic majority pass this? Given its Cali I'm guessing yes.


If I remember right it was actually the people of California that voted on it and not the law makers.


Black people in Cali came out to vote for Obama and they also voted for prop 8 while they were at it


According to PCM memes, all economics are rightwing except full blown communism…..


"Communism would be center-right in Europe"


He pretty much was 1996 Bill Clinton with a bad fake tan.


I think what Bernie has going most for him is you can like or not like his policies but almost everyone can agree that Bernie is one of the few politicians that actually fucking cares deeply about the country and fights for what he believes in. The guy has had the same message for like 50 years now.


Same here. Obviously I’d rather have DeSantis, but I’d take Bernie over whatever puppet the MSDNC throws at us next. At least Bernie think for himself.


> At least Bernie think for himself. explains why the dems did everything they could to ensure he didnt get nominated


2016 Bernie was screwed over and had some decent positions. 2020 Bernie was a sell out whore who adopted all the establishment positions after his book money got paid. Fuck 2024 Bernie.


Fucking based and fuck this shithole establishment we’re all reactionary accelerationists now pilled


People are quick to point out Bernie jumping onto things like "identity politics," but really I find that to be a minor issue when compared to his actual consistency in politics over decades. You can disagree with his political opinions of course. I agree with most of them - but disagree on some (like his stance on nuclear power). Regardless though of how you think about his politics, it's a fact that he's one of the most consistent and morally principled politicians we have - which honestly I think should count for a lot. I hope he runs. Unfortunately, he probably won't, and sadly the establishment really has shafted him twice now.


I looove Bernie, and I think the dnc really fucked up by screwing him over in 2016. But he's just *too fucking old* now. The chances of him dying within the next 6 years has to be pretty damn high. Why can't we get any solid candidates in their 40s or 50s instead of these doddering great-grandpas. If you wouldn't be hirable in a corporation for being too old, why is it ok for you to be responsible for one of the most influential countries in the world??


> But he's just too fucking old now He's only 1 year older than Biden. Of course, that's not a defense of Sanders anywhere near as much as it's an attack on Biden.


Biden is way too old as well. As is trump. Can we get someone under 70 pls


*under 60 please.


I think around 40 is the ideal sweet spot between maturity and intact mental faculties.


He could be become VERY useful if he gets Dementia before he runs for office.




Bro, as soon as I read the caption I *foresaw* this


Nothing personal against Bernie but my god can we get a president that’s not in his eighties? Fuck.


Dianne Feinstein will be 91 in 2024, mission accomplished?


Man if republicans thought democrats put in a corpse as POTUS with Biden… they’re about to get grandma that should be in a nursing home


She doesn't want to be president though


Nah she's happy being permanently re-elected in California despite having actual dementia


🙏🏼 please we are begging


Ye’s only 45


Now that would be a clusterfuck and would absolutely destroy America... But I never said I wasn't masochistic. Lets go, Ye.


Ron Desantis is only 44.


If this is what the dems have for 2024 then prepare for Biden running again.


By that time they'll have to puppeteer Joe, weekend at bernie's style


"By that time"??


Hey, he might not know where he’s going, but he’s still going there without help




We were placing bets that Biden would die of old age before his term ends but here we all are


He’ll be assassinated soon and it’ll be portrayed as natural causes and we’ll all get the lovely Kamala as our “first black female” president. Even though she’s probably the worst example of a human being.




“Joe, who’s your VP candidate?” “I don’t know, some black chick, I guess.”


He’ll be *83*


I'm against any 80 y/o being President.




Bernie is pretty in touch, albeit because of his progressivism before most other politicians. He also is pretty healthy, I think age can play a factor but it shouldn't be a deciding factor for whether or not someone is healthy.


I’m against any ~~80 y/o being~~ President.


If they are at or past the age where they can collect social security benefits besides disability, they should be barred from office. They no longer have a stake in the country, they are just going to die soon.


That policy has the awkward side effect of encouraging sitting congresspeople to raise the retirement age so they can run again. Maybe you're opposed to social security in general and like that idea, but if we're going to do the liberal republic thing we really want to try to avoid weird incentive structures for public officials entirely. Tie it to life expectancy (e.g. at least 10 years younger than average life expectancy). I don't really mind politicians having an incentive to bump that up.


Yeah life expectancy is a good go to, that's pretty much what the social security retirement ages are based off anyway though.


I'm OK with a 70 year old running. Not so much an 80 year old.


But we need old white men out of politics......unless it's that old white man


If it's minority points that count he's jewish


Maybe there’s someone older we could try?


Can't wait for that reddit pivot from "Joe Biden is too old, but Bernie Sanders who's a year older is A okay for.......reasons"


I think thats the problem with associating only age with health., joe biden is a mess and senile while bernie is pretty sane and healthy as fuck, the fact we even know about his heart attack is cool since Trump covered some of his hospital visits up and biden definitely is suffering a lot of health issues.


Based, transparency and principals, over perception and party. It's always funny when rightoids can't understand anything outside just discrimination.


That settles it. Biden will be running


I thought thay was settled that the moment they moved South Carolina to be the first state in the dem primary


I thought so too, but I’m just here for the lols


Wait, is that confirmed or was it just a proposal? If a solid red state determines who our candidates are from now on I'm going to lose it.


Yeehaw 🤠


If I remember right, and I might be wrong on this, they did confirm it but its only going to be for 2024. After that it should go back to Iowa or maybe theyll switch it around to other states. So most are interpretting it as the DNC clearing the field for Biden. Personally I think midwest states are the best for early primaries.


Personally I think they should all happen at once.


Solid blue states or swing states make the most sense. Solid red states like SC should be last on the list.




Ok cool, but what about someone 30-35 years younger?


I'll be honest: One the one hand, I don't think folks anywhere near his age range (looking at y'all, Biden and Trump) should be running for the highest elected position in the land. On the other hand, I genuinely like the guy, even voted for him in the primaries. Either way, my opinion doesn't matter, the DNC's just gonna cut the legs out from under him anyway like they orchestrated the past two cycles.


Exactly where I’m at with this


Agreed completely. Even further, Biden will run again, because no president would literally ever *not* run again.




I mean he did tho...


The guy will be 83. People nearly 20 years past retirement age should not be in charge of this country. Go fucking retire already.


At this point we are just shooting for a new record. First we had trump at 76, then Biden at 80, and now Bernie, who is one year older than him. Can't wait until that one lady who lived to 131 years becomes president


You could drop that down to 65 mate. Hold your party to the same standard or Jog On.


People retire when they think they can leave things in the hands of the younger generation. Bernie would be leaving things to the boomers and the shittiest Congress in recent history.


He looked around and figured Americans want the oldest most senile white guy available


Which is exactly why the DNC will decide, yet again, that "It's HER turn!" Because the DNC cannot help but snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Dear god that is a terrifying thought


Bernie was robbed. Every time. Fuck the party


I mean old yes very, senile not really. He still shoots hoops and can excite a crowd. Biden falls off bikes and his day one enemy have been stairs.


Yeah, Bernie isn't "senile" by any means. He's mentally about as fit as you could expect of someone that age, as well as physically active. On the other hand he could keel over at any moment given his age - but if we're gonna elect old fogeys, at least elect ones that are mentally competent.


More importantly, Biden fell completely apart in about 3 years. It’s what happens when you’re this old. Same for Trump. A senile President Trump would be a menace.


now i really want a candidate name dennis so we could have dennis the menace as president


President Dennis Kucinich, now!


A lot can happen healthwise in 2 years at his age, not to mention he'd be closer to 90 than eighty after 1 term.


You're right of course. He is too old - I really wish he wouldn't have to be the one running in 2024 because of his age. But, frankly, I would rather have a Bernie Sanders who could die at any moment as President, than basically any other politician right now. Because just him being President for a short while could do a lot. It would allow him to select a Vice President who hopefully isn't terrible to lead after him, if he does die. It would make a lot of people (myself included) a lot less apathetic about politics, and would make it almost certainly easier to get more politicians "like Bernie Sanders" into office in the future when the precedent is set that you don't need a "moderate Dem" or whatever to win. Even if he was useless, he would be less harmful to our country as President than our typical corrupt selections.


they are white only when criticizing other whites


Oy vey mr ye


Maybe we should have someone under 60 run for once


DeSantis be like


I question if either will be alive in 2024. Let's put the (D)ementia back in (D)emocrat




Man-made horrors beyond my comprehension


If Biden hadn’t openly admitted that he selected Kamala for her skin color+genitals combo, I’d be convinced he selected her as insurance against the party undermining him


He’s going to be a cuck again


That’s the point. He’s a fundraiser for the DNC. All the Bernie Bros contribute to his campaign, Bernie concedes and gives all his contributions to the DNC.


$27 match me!


I respect the utilitarian view he takes. But, It would be nice if he could RAKE concessions that corporatists would never go for that are actually popular with americans. "You need my Bernie bros to win. Here are ten policy positions. Give me 5 and we will campaign on them together. End drug war/legalization, prescription drug price reform, Medicare can negotiate costs w/ health care providers, ramp up the consumer financial protections bureau, Break out the anti-trust hammer, medicare for all, ect ..." All of which poll at 60% and above with the American people.




Bernie is so anti establishment that he spends his whole working life in government and endorses the Wallstreet and corporate backed candidate.


at least bernie has an entertaining voice


Based. This explains why the right keeps voting for reality TV personality instead of competence.


Hell only be 112 years old by then. That’s pretty young for the democrats.


pft, i wish it was only the democrats that elected geezers


Who you think gonna scam him during the primaries this time?


"As he pulled into his driveway, Bernie caught a glimpse of himself in his rear view mirror. With the light reflecting off the garage door. The wrinkles in his forehead cast long and dark shadows across his face. As he wrinkled his brow, the shadows danced across his face; the kind of ritualistic dance found only on the visage of a man whos known decades of frustration, strife, and dedication. Bernie smiled at himself and dark apperations gave way to the pale white glow from his cheeks. "Its almost over." He thought to himself. After decades of devotion, his time had finally arrived. The DNC primary debates were tomorrow and nobody could stand in his path. Biden and Harris had terrible approval rates, Tulsi had left the party, and Hillary was nothing but an after thought. Bernie knew this would finally be his chance to lead his country to new age. Taking one last moment to admire his countenance, he opened the door and shut the car off. His eyes broke from the mirror and he gathered his briefcase before stepping out into the crisp DC air. Bernie was no stranger to the cold. After spending his whole life in Vermont, the night chills no longer seemed to phase him. However, suddenly Bernie felt his veins run cold in a way that no Vermont winter had ever been able to. "Hello Bernard." Harked the voice of a woman as she emerged from the shadows. Her face contorted into a smile, an appearance of a warm sincerity with eyes that belied the true nature of the underlying frozen core. "I hope you aren't planning to come to the debate tomorrow. I know you haven't forgotten our conversation back in 2015." She snickered almost as if to mimic a goblin decoration that hadn't put away properly from the previous Halloween. "And who plans to stop me? You and I both know that I've given you everything I have. Theres nothing else you can take from me. Tomorrow will be my time." Proclaimed Bernie, exuding a confidence he hadn't seen in himself since marching at Selma as a young man. Her snickers turned into Banshee shrieks as her laugh grew. "Ha ha. Oh Bernard, were not coming for your career anymore." Her face flattened and the car's headlights clicked off. Bernie could now only see the cold green glow of her eyes. She stepped forward and the dark shapes on her face parted to let the shadow queen through. Her red lips popped into existence and cracked into a devious sneer. "We came for your legs this time." His hedges broke apart as a dark portal and two figures emerged. The tension grew as the voice of a man broke through the cold night air. "We told you to let it go Bernard. The people liked you and you gave them hope. Your problem wasn't in setting their hopes...it was trying to fulfill them. We can't let you win and you know that." "Who. Who are you?!" - cried Bernie. The two figures who had spoken laughed sadistically. The cracks in Bernie's tone betrayed his willful ignorance of the situation. He had known this moment would come. His eyes darted around the lawn viewing the scene before him. The two ring leaders laughing with the third creature remaining still, like a tiger ready to pounce on a moment's notice. The laughter suddenly ceased. "Get him CornPop".


Saying someone's Hillary without saying someone's Hillary


He’s scamming his supporters. It’s all staged to raise money for the DNC.


Problem is, Biden will almost certainly run in 2024 after the midterm victory. If he is still alive that is


Not a midterm victory, but i still doubt we'll see someone else.


Of course it was a victory, he lost the house by the tiniest of margins and didn't lose a single senate seat. It's the best midterm performance since at least 2002


Ah yes. The Cathedral throwing zoomers a fake bone so they keep voting democrat. You people are really pathetic. Its honestly quite sad.




And trump is definitely gonna go to prison!




I never really liked BS but honestly he couldn't do worse than the absolute clown show going on now.


never underestimate the power of a socialist to double down on stupidity


Run as independent pussy and you'd get my vote


I love Bernie but we really need some new blood. I'm so tired of these old as shit politicians.


The left's inability to not vote for an ancient white guy while also complaining that only ancient white men run the country


I didn't realize that Obama was an old white guy.


He had revitiligo


>The left's inability The American people's inability


Lol, facts but at least this guy isn't a creep.


Trump was also an old white guy


Not a Trump fan by any means, but generally the MAGA crowd isn’t preaching about getting old-white men out of politics like the Left does. …while then also proceeding to vote for old white men.




People forget Bernie can only offer suggestions. He's not going to turn everything into a communist state like the tinfoil hat people think. He'll make speeches about tax dodging rich people and how people need family time when they have kids. That's about it.


Indeed. Half the people talking about how bad it will be act like he'd be king, not president with either a split congress, or a tiny majority either way.


How many times will leftists fall for the Bernie Sanders scam? He's just a front to funnel all your resources into yet another corporate dem.


Listen I *HATE* that we have so many old and out of touch fossils running our government. But looking at the current stock of Democrats, who would be a better option for the country as a whole? Fucking Buttigieg? Kamala? Dwayne Johnson?


As much as I dislike his policies, I like that he is always consistent and at least seems to have the countries working class in mind. Even with that I’m not sure I’d want him president with how old he is.


"Bernie?" "Yeah?" "I don't think US economy could get any worse" "NONSENSE *pumps US economy/dollar with one of the most ridiculously big tax bills that he has no hope of paying* "


Proceeds to print money to fund new federal programs.


Weimar Republic 2.0


and what followed the Weimar Republic? Funny Mustache man!


What? Michael Jordan wasn't born until 1963. https://imgur.com/gallery/C9fgjGu




The problem is the math. That's what he'd say, but considering the most recent figures i could find had the US AGI at 11.6 trillion per year, the top 1% earned about 20% of that, and M4A would cost 2-3 Trillion per year by most estimates, you'd have to take 100 percent of earnings from the top 1% to even come close to paying for it. If the more dire estimates are right, then you'd need to take 100% of all earnings from the top 5% (which earn 31.5% of AGI). Or you could do really stupid things like trying to tax unrealized capital gains. Not sure on the math there but I can say that the downstream impacts of that would likely be too insane to contemplate. That would disincentivize investment and likely crunch retirements in a big way. Personally, I think there is lower hanging fruit out there in the medical industry that could improve things a great deal before we even talk about M4A. Right now we have a supply problem when it comes to doctors and nurses. There are inroads to be made in the right to repair space. We could do with more transparency in pricing. Mistakes/botched procedures needlessly kill 400,000 people a year. We have national security and supply chain concerns related to our parts sourcing for medical devices. Those are things that we could potentially improve with more targeted, less broad/sweeping policies and I think we could get closer to where we want to be with fewer unintended downstream consequences by doing so. So maybe do some of that first and then reassess where those improvements get us in terms of quality and cost before we take bigger steps?




The thing is, his insane tax the rich bill wouldn't even pay for most of his proposed government programs (John Stossel made a great video about US candidates spending bill). And this is IF the rich pay and don't just leave for some other nation(or avoid taxes, because no matter their political leanings, politicians write taxes with loopholes in mind). USA isn't invincible, if you push taxes hard enough they'll start trying to find a better country.