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at this point I'm convinced that it doesn't matter what he does or says he won't lose any votes. If you were willing to vote for him after 4 years of his presidency, nothing new that he does or says is going to change your mind. "I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters" might not have been true when he first said it, but it is definitely true now in fact he babbles incoherently in campaign rallies and scripted interviews and they still support him. If he shows up for the presidential debate and babbles more nonsense he will not lose any voters. I am no longer surprised by people supporting the biggest grifter in American history, I am just increasingly disappointed. the fact is that satire has been rendered ineffective against trump, because the reality is always at least as bad as any satire attempt.


Trump stood in the middle of 5th avenue and killed 1 million American civilians by mismanaging a pandemic and didn't lose a single voter. Do you think they care what he even says at this point? It's all gibberish, but it allows them to interpret his meaning to whatever twisted racists redneck backward bumpkin point of view they already have. The only thing we can do at this point is make sure the bastard gets voted out, along with all the other republicans that still support him.


Besides the supporters who died.


I'd say he kinda shot himself in the foot but that's more like just getting diabetes and letting it fall off on its own.


we should clarify, he didn't lose any of the survivors.


He lost some, but not enough.


Not enough, imho.


He *gained* votes - something like 10M *more* people voted for him in 2020 vs 2016. That is mind boggling to me.


A surprising number of "stop the steal" protestors that stormed the capitol on Jan 6th hadn't actually voted themselves and yet were convinced that he couldn't have lost. https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/01/us/capitol-rioters-non-voters-invs/index.html https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/536779-some-stop-the-steal-protesters-did-not-vote-in-2020-election-analysis/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/capitol-riot-election-vote-trump-b1795865.html


"no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public." -P.T. Barnum




The insidious power of social media convinced them dems are bad for them personally. edit: words


Yes. They knew what he was all about, and more people signed up for it. That's a motivator for me.


If former President Trump fully supported the fight against Covid. He would have won in 2020. His bungling of the pandemic cost him a second (third, and forth) term. It was the rally cry that pushed many moderates into supporting President Biden. So in my opinion, the Covid disaster helped save the United States.


At such a cost...


Worse than the Civil War. Which was staggering at the time.


Have three MAGA extended family members who refused vaccinations; they're gone ... one survived pancreatic cancer, came home from the hospital and died in three days. Vote Blue, top down, nationally, state, county, municipal, and judiciary. Reminder; the Nazi *Party* appointed Hitler Chancellor. It's the *party ....*


Dude was handed a free second term and botched it. His administration is partly responsible for how quickly the vaccine was able to be rolled out. If he had actually ridden that instead of going full anti-vaccine, I’m confident he would have won his second term easily. The merch sales from trump-branded masks alone would have probably solved his insolvency issues.


Could you imagine what it would be like right now if he did win? I couldn't fathom the mayhem.


Most of the world’s dictators was once voted in the beginning… after a while voting is no longer an option


Dictators gets voted in, they don't get voted out.


There is a choir group of Trump voters made up of brainwashed idiots and racists who will never leave him.  Some people have wrapped themselves up so tightly in Fox News type propaganda that nothing will get through to them.


It might however get people to go out and vote, who otherwise might not have.


He won't lose maga cult votes, but he can still lose potential undecideds.


That's the problem, if you're undecided at this point you haven't been paying attention and you can probably be easily swayed to vote for the guy promising to fix the messes that he himself caused and/or made worse.


If they're undecided despite all this then they are actually decided, they just have reasons in their life to not say they're voting for the stale Cheeto aloud


I can see why you think that it's hard to imagine that there are people out there that don't pay as close of attention as many of us here do. But there are actually a lot of people who actively choose to ignore the news because they just can't take it and they will start paying attention as they get closer to the election.


Honestly, I hope that's the case, I would much rather be surrounded by ostriches than... One of many analogies I can't think of for trump voters


Remember, many undecideds who don't read or watch news will see his babbling for the first time in years. They will see Biden and him speaking next to each other, live.


He won't lose any voters but he won't gain any either.


The question is why? Just because Biden is old? Well Trump is not that much younger so the entire argument is void. And in terms of Gaza well trump would have nuked the shit out of gaza i assume so in terms of genocide


Things always triggers me when it ruins my satire immersion.


He is the epitome of the pigeon on the chess board. Struts around, does/says nothing coherent or of consequence (or true), shits on the board and declares himself the winner.


As he struts around the shit covered board his followers are amazed at his 4-D chess shitting acumen, while trying to assess the meaning of his latest Q-droppings.


This is America. Guess what, the rest sit idle complaining and are too unhealthy and fat to do anything about it.


Or like on Reddit where low information types whine "why do we have to choose between two old guys?" With four months to go to save democracy, SMDH. Like they haven't been paying attention for the last 8 years. And like they damn sure never voted before. Your choice is a solid if boring tuna sandwich for lunch or a dogshit panini with vomit sauce. Choose wisely. If you don't vote tuna, don't complain about the dogshit you end up eating. Yes we know you wanted steak frites. Get over it. It's not an option.


and don't forget if you vote for the panini that is a permanent vote going forward, dogshit panini for eternity.


Trump at Rice University in 1960- " We chose not to go to the moon, because frankly, many people are saying that space is very big. VERY BIG. A guy with tears in his eyes last week came up to me and said, " Sir, it will be very hard to go to the moon. We know you can do it". The lazy Democrats will just ignore the "space sharks" that are trying to subvert our young people and the gay bars and transvestites from CHYYNNA. Look at that guy over there. Yeah, you! Does your shower flow like putt putt putt? The radical democrats want to take your coffee makers away, and replace them with Space lasers. No wonder everyone LOVES me!


Too coherent. 


They want to take your covfefe makers away!


They come to me … they walk up - it’s a beautiful thing - and these are fine people, they come to me and they all say it, they say: ‘Mr Trump how do you do it? I just don’t know how you do it” and they’re right — I do tremendous work … wonderful work. It’s just terrible where we are now, it’s an awful thing -he’s ruined it- I’m watching Sleepy Joe and you all see it, he’s destroying this nation. He stole the good work we did. And how about the tie? It’s no good when it drips— it’s not a good look, the water on the tie. Ties and magnets … the water stops both.


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You forgot "It's true folks, it's true" at the end


Also utter bullshit. If the war is still going if he wins, he'll cut off aid immediately. Day one, executive order #1. If he'd been President when it started, he'd have delivered Ukraine to Putin on a plate, gift wrapped and sealed with a kiss.


His first campaign was "America First" isolationism (that failed to understand soft power and helping fund a more stable world \*IS* "America First" also, but still...) and people expect us to believe he won't drop Ukraine? Ask the Kurds what trusting Trump gets you.


>Ask the Kurds what trusting Trump gets you. And all the other people who Trump has thrown under the bus over the years to save his own skin.


He is totally fucking SENILE - why won't his fans accept that fact?


Half of his supporters are senile too. The other half belong in a basket of deplorables.


Little does everyone know the “them” he was inferring to helping was Russia


The worst part is that it doesn't matter to anybody that will vote for him. Even if they are pro Ukraine.


You can have peace tomorrow...all you have to do is surrender. That's Trumps whole plan. To give up and wave a white flag.


I hope the DNC will run some real ads, like the Lincoln Project makes. They need to continually hammer him on things like this juxtaposed with his other answer about letting Putin do anything he wants in Ukraine.


100%, Putin has a team of elite hackers for the purpose of creating chaos in the 2024 Presidential election. Putin will try to interfere with this election like his life depends on it


But Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do." Mr Trump also in the same word salad appeared to date a battle at Fort McHenry to the American Revolution, when it unfolded decades later during the War of 1812.


I just looked this up because I love it so much and either I really am going deaf or he actually said *rand* the ramparts, because that's what it sounds like to me (I know every transcription says rammed, which is actually funnier but I’m seriously wondering about my hearing)


Why why why is this incompetent boob ahead in the polls? Why?


That’s the best foreign policy statement ever given by any President! And to think that Donald Trump is treated worse than Abraham Lincoln!


They're doing an amazing job on a war trump wants to cancel.


Someone fill me in on whether this is satire or real please? Not trying to be funny, I know everyone constantly jokes about not knowing anymore. But I actually want to know.


After he rambled on and on about sharks and being electrocuted for five solid minutes for no reason whatsoever, I'm inclined to believe that it's real. The man's mind is rapidly deteriorating and we're watching it happen on live TV.


This guy could rape a magas wife in front of him and their children and the whole family would still support him and vote for him.


44 year old jets, make sure you say that alot


They were using them during the Revolution. Don’t you remember !!




"Gabby Johnson is right!"


“Authentic frontier jibberish rarely heard in this day and age”. Except from Donald Trump.


"I was born here, and I was raised here. And dagnabbit I'ma gonna die here! And no sassa-frassin' fricker fracker is gonna \[unintelligible\]!"


Dude clearly confused Ukraine with Canada


And millions plan to vote for this ass clown. Sad


This traitorous turd has serious dementia


You could put a mic up to an actual asshole and get a more lucid statement.


President Snakeoil salesman... It's really a psychological case study in how to fleece rubes dry, there is a former con artist in chief and his marks make up half the voting population. Good luck with that America... no, seriously. Your messes have global impact so we all could use it.


Don't forget that while there isn't a chance in hell he's going to win the popular vote, he might win the electoral college because of the idiotic system we have that puts all of the power into a handful of people in a handful of states. Why doesn't the Democratic party have a policy that fixes the system so that we have something closer to real democracy instead of the parody that we have now?


“We need to contact elder care. Dad is declining fast.”


Oh so basically nothing


That's old. If you ask him now, he'll say Ukraine needs to give in to Russia.


Reminds me of the Monty Python skit, “How to rid the world of all known diseases.”


We should either have a presidential boxing match or spelling bee. That would do it for me. I think Jioe would kick Trump’s ass in both tbh


That CNN fact checker is going to have a rough go trying to fact check crazy.


god i wish sometimes that someone would make an AI video of trump literally eating shit. huge massive dumps


What he’s saying is we won’t give Ukraine F-16s which would be a pretty important tool for them


He's doing a great job prepping for debate questions.




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Ummmm 😳, why does my head hurt?


Trump is so unhinged and unpredictable I'd be nervous trying to invade Ukraine if I was Putin. When he was president folks were saying he'd probably get us into into WWWIII with someone like him, never knowing what he'd do. Under Biden I'd probably just do a minor incursion and then ramp things up slowly until I got my way.


By "them", he actually means Russia


...such as, the Iraq, and US Americans, such as, uh South Africa..


Actual answer: he would do nothing. Maybe he'd sell equipment (because our defense contractors would love that), but that's about the extent of it.


He’s a masterful multitasker. He managed to be completely incoherent while simultaneously utterly failing to answer the question. Absolutely incredible.


And then he contradicted himself a week later and said he would cancel funding. The statement above implies he would do something.


Imagine choosing this man as your leader


There's not a person on earth who listens to a Trump statement and weighs it before chosing to vote for him.


Even the most partisan journalist is going to have a follow up question on this, which paraphrased would be "Ok, but what did ANY of that actually mean?". Yes, I know that anyone who asked that question & then did NOT have a follow up is by definition NOT a journalist.


Calculated political gibberish. His mentioning the planes is taking a swipe at the F-16s being sent and hoping ppl latch onto that to debate. Then saying nothing else of substance.




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74 million


Well you’ve got to picture his hands going back and forth while speaking, making the power diamond shape in the middle. Then, and only then, will it all make sense.


Fucking moron. Anyone who supports him is also a fucking moron.


he's not the president. He's just gibberish.


Mr pull it out your ass is not doing it right. You're supposed to fake it enough that people can follow you. He's not even extrapolating on concepts. We had a communication assignment I chose Neutron bombs vs Nuclear bombs. I took all the info of it destroys the cells of people but not plants, and made it last 6 mins. By then end people were convinced that netron bombs were better thsn nuclear bombs.


The only saving grace is that he definitely didn’t gain any supporters since 2020. As a matter fact he’s lost a lot of middle of the road rational sane moderate independents we just can’t vote for a convicted felon


Wait. Which side is he on, again? And to have to ask that question is insane in itself.


Brilliant! It's also how Poland defeated the Nazis!


It looks like the OP did a good job tricking the readers who commented, pretending that's a recent quote. But context is important and that's from March 2022, a couple of weeks after the first incursion by Russian troops into Ukraine. Trump was very vague, yes, but the conflict was a couple of weeks old and few facts were publicly known.


When he said that quote is only relevant in that it shows his brains being mush isn't just something that started this year (which we already knew). The point is that it's absolute incoherent nonsense.


Oh so they both have dementia? Must be why the polls are neck and neck.


If you'd actually pay attention to Biden when he talks, he generally makes sense. Trump, on the other hand, rambles incoherently between times when he's bragging about how he's the best person ever and times he's whining like a child about how everything is so unfair for him.


Wanted to wait till after debate to reply to this.... And I'm so, so glad I did.🤣🤣😁


Are you fucking dense? Biden still made sense. Trump just lied the whole time.


>Trump just lied the whole time. That's already baked into the cake homie. Each man had one job. Trump's was to let Joe Biden speak. CNN took care of that for him by muting the mics. And Trump was the most behaved I've ever seen. Biden's job was to not look old. Objectively, how do you think he did?


I agree it was a disaster for Biden, but that doesn't change the fact that Trump lied the entire time and didn't even bother to answer half the questions. As bad as it was for Biden, he still made four times as many solid points as Trump.


Objectively there were a couple things Trump said that made me go "huh?" The comment about everybody wanting to end Roe v Wade when probably 40% at best wanted that was a real head scratcher. But again, at least as far as public perception goes Trump's job wasn't to tell the truth. It was to keep his temper. I kept thinking "man someone must have worked really hard to get Trump to just smile and nod when he's attacked like that!"


It was more than Roe v. Wade. There wasn't a single true thing he said.


Yes yes yes, but perhaps you could help me, I'm trying to find a news article showing where the Border patrol endorsed Biden for president. If I'm being honest, I'm not turning up much.


Can't find the article, so the only reasonable conclusion is that we should all vote for the lying, sex offending, felon fascist, right? Get the fuck out of here.